A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

Unread post by Aeri »

The crowd was going absolutely berserk today. Howls and cheers could be heard throughout the hallways, the stomping of feet. The crowd was thirsting for blood.. and no wonder to anyone if they saw the conditions for today.

Today’s fight was unique enough that a new fighter was debuting, but it was a hardcore match too! The basic weapons, sticks, tables, chairs lay strewn across the ring, already leaning towards a dangerous match.. but it wasn’t all. Not even close. Outside of the ring, barbed wire, lighters, explosives, metal pipes.. more dangerous items were located. One could say anyone who agreed to these conditions was crazy..!!

.. and they wouldn’t be wrong. One certainly was.

Seras had a slight sigh on her lips as she heard the cheers of the crowd. Her cigarette hung loosely from her lips, slight puffs of smoke escaping her mouth. The blonde slipped her boots on, making sure her fishnets were tight and ready. She nodded to herself, a slight grin on her face..

.. a hardcore match? Bring it ON, was running through her mind. She stomped her heel against the ground, before hearing her music play, a wild grin appearing on her face, prepared to make a timeless debut!

She crashed through the backstage, kicking open the door with a loud entrance, a cheer erupting as people saw her! She wasn’t afraid, fear didn’t exist in her dictionary.. not usually. She raced forwards, clambering the ropes and spreading out her arms with a wide grin, her palms by either side, her sights set on her opponents corner where they would soon appear..!
Last edited by Aeri on Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

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Another day, another bloodbath for Alice to enter.

She was surprised that LAW management was allowing her to go into more hardcore matches. Recently, a lightweight hardcore match did incredibly well, and they were wondering if Alice wanted to do more of them, since she was a solid draw for those. Specifically in this case, they wanted her to fight against a new LAW arrival, for which Alice agreed.

Still, it felt off because she hadn't won any hardcore matches since she came back. This had to be rectified as soon as possible. She felt bad to ruin a lady's debut tonight, but needs must.

She arrived confidently walking to her theme tune, carrying her Kendo Stick in her hand, raising it upwards as the crowd cheered for her. She carefully navigated around the weapons outside the ring, before rolling inside. One last raise up of her kendo stick before pointing it towards her opponent would finish the entrance off.

"You shouldn't have worn that...", Alice would mention in a cheeky manner: "This suit isn't going to survive this night"

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Re: A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

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“I know..”

She sighed, almost dramatically. She had a lit cigarette in her mouth, and while usually LAW wouldn’t allow or promote cigarettes, she said it was part of her aesthetic. So they allowed it. Taking a slight puff, she dropped it down and grinded it underneath her foot, a slight smile on her face. She kicked off her shoes then, staring at Alice and her kendo stick..

“It’s gonna be real hard to wash off your blood later..”

A slight smile spread across her face. Alice didn’t look like much, but then again so did she. She gazed at her foe, a smile stretching across her face, as she spread her arms.

“Ready to have some fun, Alice?”
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Re: A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

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Alice wasn't a fan of smoking in the ring...less so stamping it into the ring canvas. Some wrestlers would've destroyed this woman on the spot for this act alone...but Alice took a more relaxed approach to respecting wrestling and wrestlers. Namely if they fought like their lives depended on it, it was fine. She smirked at Seras mentioning that it will be her blood on the suit...while Alice felt it was going to be more of a mix.

She nodded towards Seras asking her if she was ready as the referee (who likely wasn't worried about Alice already holding a weapon) called for the bell.


Alice decided to rush in, taking the newbie by surprise, trying to drive her kendo stick into their stomach as the first move of the match!

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Re: A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

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Seras wasn’t a very hands on fighter. Which is to say, she preferred her legs. The blonde brawler placed her hands to her waist, looking her foe up and down.

Judging by her body figure, she didn’t seem that tough, but who knew? She could be pretty vicious. The ref asked if she was ready, which caused her to nod and then the bell rang through! Alice shot forwards with no hesitation, thrusting the stick like a lance to drive it into her stomach! But.. upon seeing Alice move, Seras’s eyes widened, her planning on side stepping.. but too late. It struck the side of her waist, causing her to wince in pain.. but.. she’d latch her gloved hands to the stick, gripping it tight.

“Little shit..”

She muttered to herself, as Seras gave the stick a sharp tug to drag Alice close and bring her right in striking range, lashing out with a swift kick aimed at Alice’s waist!
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Re: A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

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Alice smirked as her stick found it's way to strike at Seras's side, causing a good bit of damage on the woman...though not enough, since she was able to easily retaliate, grasping at Alice's kendo stick!

Before she could let go, Seras would pull her forward, and nail a hard boot into her stomach, doubling the smaller woman over!

"Grrrgh!!!", she grunted out, trying to keep herself upright...

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Re: A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

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Having driven a hard enough blow to Alice’s gut, she’d take a step back and admire her handiwork, looking at the doubled over female in front of her. However she had no mercy for her at the moment, it was a hardcore match and Alice had to bear with the fruits for what she had asked for.. and Seras was prepared to deliver.

Stepping forwards, she’d drive her knee into her foes’s bowed forehead to stun her and hopefully get her back to a properly standing position! And then she’d strike fast and hard, lashing out and lifting up her leg to slam right into her opponents face from the side, planning on dropping Alice with this blow!
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Re: A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

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"MGH!", Alice cried out as Seras's knee knocked into her forehead, the world swimming in front of Alice's eyes as she stepped away...

...but barely managing to see Seras moving forward, quickly covering her head against a potential strike...which proved fruitful, as the kick hit her on the arm instead of her temple!

As Seras tried to pull her leg back, the Pale Rider would try a kick of her own, trying to hit Seras's standing leg to knock the woman off her foot!

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Re: A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

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Slipping forwards, Seras tried to practically take off Alice’s head with this deadly blow. However.. she’d shake her head, glaring at her..

Alice had blocked! The impact landed but didn’t affect her as much as she’d hope. The blonde bombshell was in a precarious position, trying to regain balance.. but then she’d be kicked in the leg, slammed down into her back with a THUD!!

“T-tch.. sneaky little..!
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Re: A Bloody Debut. Seras Quinoa v Alice Gaster

Unread post by Vc0m »

With Seras taken down, the plan in Pale Rider's head was to soften her up a bit more before she brought out her weapons. Alice turned away from her rival to head quickly towards the ropes. Jumping on top of the second one, she would jump off as she aimed her body directly at Seras, trying to take her rival down with a Springboard Moonsault!

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