Today’s fight was unique enough that a new fighter was debuting, but it was a hardcore match too! The basic weapons, sticks, tables, chairs lay strewn across the ring, already leaning towards a dangerous match.. but it wasn’t all. Not even close. Outside of the ring, barbed wire, lighters, explosives, metal pipes.. more dangerous items were located. One could say anyone who agreed to these conditions was crazy..!!
.. and they wouldn’t be wrong. One certainly was.
Seras had a slight sigh on her lips as she heard the cheers of the crowd. Her cigarette hung loosely from her lips, slight puffs of smoke escaping her mouth. The blonde slipped her boots on, making sure her fishnets were tight and ready. She nodded to herself, a slight grin on her face..
.. a hardcore match? Bring it ON, was running through her mind. She stomped her heel against the ground, before hearing her music play, a wild grin appearing on her face, prepared to make a timeless debut!
She crashed through the backstage, kicking open the door with a loud entrance, a cheer erupting as people saw her! She wasn’t afraid, fear didn’t exist in her dictionary.. not usually. She raced forwards, clambering the ropes and spreading out her arms with a wide grin, her palms by either side, her sights set on her opponents corner where they would soon appear..!