Sisters of All Styles (S.A.S.)

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Sisters of All Styles (S.A.S.)

Unread post by Vc0m »

Tag Team Name: Sisters of All Styles (S.A.S)
Other names: Sisters of All Schools, Gaster Sisters.
Theme Song: Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Members: GASTER (Clara Gaster), Alice Gaster
Alignment: Tweener (GASTER plays a villainess in the ring, but never does anything heelish…her sister on the other hand…)
Profiles: GASTER
Tag Strategy: Since Alice can take more, she usually starts the match to feel the opposing team out, likely using some underhanded tactics in the process. If possible, Alice can use some of her technical skill to work over 1 or several limbs on a member of a team, something that Clara can exploit once she enters the ring.
Finishers: End of the Universe - Rainmaker Elbow (Alice) + Destino (Clara) combo
Cyanide - Toxic (Alice) + Ankle Lock (Clara) Combo
The Edge of the Multiverse - Superkick (Clara) + Shining Wizard (Alice) to a kneeling opponent.

Art by MetaDoodles
Backstory: Alice had told Clara ahead of time she would be joining a few organizations in Japan, to which the Shadow Lord was elated. Although Clara suggested living together in one house, Alice opted to live separately, yet not too far from her sister.

From there, the duo started doing tag team spars in local gyms to refine their tag team game and figure out good combinations with their moves. Although still training, the 2 believe they are ready to take on LAW’s tag division.
Last edited by Vc0m on Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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