The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Highlighting anything and everything. Be it a match you’re proud of or feel needs note, or a character you think is in need of focus.
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The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

This thread will function as a LAW calendar, featuring a different LAW wrestler (or team) each month with facts and details about them, as well as a brief RP conversation detailing the photoshoot and interview involved with each entry. Featured wrestlers are picked randomly each month from a list of those interested. PM me if you would like your character to be added to the running!

January: The British Bunnies
February: Katherine Hart
March: Elm Ederne
April: April Starling
May: Rise Kujikawa
June: Silver
July: Arma-Gil-O
August: Skylar Jones
September: Harmonia Edelstein
October: Clara Gaster
November: Natalia Dominique
December: Kyoko Akan

January: Jenny Rodouko
February: Thea Asters
March: Christina Morgenstern
April: Cheryl Williams
May: Sparkling Idol Barbara
June: Danger Double Tatsumis
July: Angelina Tarrant
August: Origa Xenia
September: Natasha Loclear
October: Moonrock
November: Maya Jones
December: Yozakura Fukuda

As I did not have enough entries to do a calendar for this year, the in-universe explanation is that LAW did not release a calendar in 2023 to focus on promoting LAW Apex instead.

January: Reina Izara
February: Alix Jacques
March: Yumie Hayashi
April: Louise Belair
May: Anna Sigrid
June: Hazel Nielsen
July: Allison Ford
August: Miranda Tomi
September: Isafold Hjalmarsdottir
Last edited by CaptainL on Sun Feb 16, 2025 9:56 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
The stage was set in the LAW offices, as shooting had begun for the first edition of the Ladies of LAW calendar - and to ring in what would hopefully become a long-running tradition, the photographers and reporters of LAW Magazine had brought in not just one participant, but two. The two-sister tag team of Chelsea and Molly Forster, the British Bunnies, had agreed to the shoot - and now they stood in front of a backdrop depicting clear summer skies over an idyllic beach, with photographers setting up their cameras all around them. In keeping with the scene, they were dressed in color-coordinated bikinis, Chelsea’s black with blue stripes and Molly’s red with yellow. And, as typical of the two sisters, Molly was the more enthusiastic of the two.

She turned to Chelsea with a grin on her face, patting her on the shoulder while she leaned in against her side. ”I can’t believe it, we’re gonna be the first!”

”Eh, dun go droppin’ out of school, Moll,” Chelsea replied. Ye can’t juss go off gettin’ people ter look at ye prancin’ around in ye smalls forever, like. I mean, you’ve done a fair job o’ dat already…”

”Are you just jealous I got a job before you?” She giggled, playfully elbowing Chelsea’s side.

”Ay am not! An’ this ‘cosplay’ thin’ isn’t even a job anyway!”

”They still paid me for it!”


Given the two girls were arguing in English, most of the photographers had no idea what they were saying - let alone with Chelsea’s impenetrable accent. They looked at each other baffled, unsure what to say or do. Just as confused was LAW Magazine interviewer Takeda Ryoshi, who heard the conversation as he proceeded down the hall to the studio. He did, however, stop in his tracks as he saw the two slender yet toned bikini-clad blondes in front of him. Takeda had interviewed Chelsea before (through Molly’s interpretation, leaving her looking much nicer than she really was) for the magazine, but he’d never seen them like...this. ”...O-Oh.”

Molly recognized him, one way or another. She looked over at him, hopping up and waving her hand in the air. Effortlessly and naturally, her speech switched over to fluent Japanese. ”Oh! Ryoshi-san! Nice to see you again, how have you been?”

Takeda was unprepared to be met with such enthusiasm from his subjects; he didn’t expect Molly to have remembered him, especially when she was only there as a translator and not the subject of the interview. But he’d underestimated how happy Molly was to be a part of LAW, as well as how much she took the opportunity to strengthen her role in the company in stride. ”I...uh, I’ve been fine, thanks...I guess.”

Molly giggled, causing Chelsea to roll her eyes. ”It’s juss ‘is job, y’know.”

”I can still be nice! Alright, shall we begin?”

A director stood up from the back of the rows of crew members. ”Yeah, let’s get started. Chelsea, Molly, into position, like we’ve talked about. Lights, over there.”

Molly was quick to relay that to her sister, and they were soon in place for the shoot. Both girls were side by side, bent over forward at the waist to lean in toward the camera. Chelsea turned her head to the side with a smirk, placing one hand behind her head while she threw the other around Molly’s shoulder. Reflecting her more upbeat personality, Molly flashed the brightest grin she could, while one arm was wrapped around Chelsea’s waist to pull her in closer and her other arm shot up a peace sign. Soon after, the camera flashes started to go off.

”Good! Good. Real cute, Molly, hold that. Hey, Ryoshi, you getting this?”

”What? Oh-!” It was at that point that Takeda cleared his throat and wiped his glasses. He had been staring off vacuously toward the Forster sisters, and in the process he had forgotten he was supposed to be here to ask them a few questions to accompany their picture. Stepping in closer, he took out a pad and paper, turning to Molly. ”I know I asked your sister a lot last time…”

”Yep yep!”

”So, just to review what we can use here. Chelsea wanted to go into music before landing a career on the indie wrestling scene when she couldn’t get a job? And you were a professional cosplayer before she decided to train you?”

”That’s right!” Molly nodded to him.

”I also know that you mentioned being in Japan as an exchange student. You’d be closing in on the end of your school year by now, right? Do you plan on staying?”

”Originally, I was probably going back to England. But I love it here so much, and I’ve met so many friends...not to mention how much fun I’ve had here in LAW, and how much I feel my career can grow from here, I’d like to stay in Japan as long as I can. I’ve been looking into colleges in Tokyo, and if worst comes to worst I’m sure we could use the LAW dorms.”

”So, can you ask Chelsea about her hopes for the future?”

Molly turned to her sister, relaying the question in English. Soon after, Chelsea responded. ”Wha’, it’s not obvious, like? Wanna teach all deez bunch’a divvies a thin’ er two about ‘ow we play! I wanna crush a few ‘eads, and if I come away wi’ some shiny belt by de end o’ it, all de better!”

”She wants to prove that she’s a capable competitor, and to maybe win a championship,” Molly replied in Japanese.

”And you, Molly?”

”Well, I’m just happy to be here, so I want to keep that up!”

”Chelsea, I know you said that you considered your match against the Carnival Girls at We Are LAW 2020 the highlight of your career. Would you still say that?”

”Quite! I mean, not much ‘as changed. I ‘avent ‘ad too many matches since...probably because everyone’s too afraid a’ me, like!”

”She does,” Molly answered. ”We haven’t had a lot of matches since then, but it’s still a highlight anyway. It’s one for me, too! But if I had to pick my favorite moment, it would probably be Chelsea’s first match against Shaina Nakoto that kicked off the feud. She...went hard on her, I’ll admit. Maybe too hard. But when the other Carnival Girls showed up at the end, that was when I got to reveal that I was more than just a manager, and to show my true skills to the world. That was something I won’t forget! I mean, a lot of people booed us, but...still, it was something, right?”

”All right. Well, that should just about wrap things up. One last question, for the both of you. Can you each tell us one interesting fact about yourself?”

”I’m a big fan of anime, and I have been since I was young,” Molly said. ”I still try to keep up with every new release.” She looked over at Chelsea, and that was when a thought brewed in her head. She was about to relay the question to her again - but that was when Molly realized that since she was communicating in a language Chelsea didn’t speak, she could hide from her in plain sight. ”Actually...don’t tell Chelsea I said this. But her biggest frustration is how I’ve been more successful in life than her even though I’m younger. I was the first to get a job, and even now, I’m more popular in LAW. I’ve heard her gripe about that, but she doesn’t want anyone to know.” She added that with a wink at Takeda - one that made the interviewer gulp as his heart skipped a beat.

”Wha’s this about, Molly?” Chelsea added, turning back to her sister with a stink eye.

”Ohh, nothing. It’s nothing.”

”Hm. Wha’ever.”

”In any case, that concludes our shoot. Thanks for agreeing to make it out here today.”

”No problem!” Molly shot up a peace sign. ”And good luck!”
  • Age: 23
  • Height: 5’6
  • Weight: 116 lbs.
  • Finishing Move: Slingshot Meteora
  • Career Highlight: Facing the Carnival Girls at We Are LAW 2020
  • Career Aspirations: To prove herself capable, and to hold a championship at some point.
  • Secretly struggles with feelings of inadequacy being less popular than her sister.
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
As the photo studio was cleared, and the photographers got into place to set things up for the next shoot, Takeda Ryoshi rubbed his head. His thoughts still hadn't left his meeting with the British Bunnies, and he needed to grab a glass of icewater from the catering table to recenter himself, as well as cleanse his throat in preparation for the next interview he'd conduct. After he straightened himself, he reconvened with the lead photographer. "Alright, who do we have next?"

"Kat Hart, Mr. Ryoshi."

"Huh? The...the tag champion? She' this too?"

"She volunteered for it when your boss sent out the call, sir. She was actually one of the first."

"A-Ah, well..!" At this, Takeda had to go back for more water, if only to occupy his thoughts. His plan wouldn't end up working very well, considering this would leave him alone with his thoughts - and all he could think about was to be in the presence of Kat Hart herself! Her presence in the wrestling world was something that made him feel small - not to mention her physique and figure, which were both making Takeda feel light-headed at the thought of. Still, he had to be ready for when she arrived...
Having just finished posing for the cameras, Kat had stepped off the set with the lightest coat of perspiration accentuating every curve and muscle on her frame. Taking pictures with her belt and in and getting creative with the poses certainly helped her work up a light sweat. The harsh rays from the lighting equipment and the form-fitting slingkini certainly didn't help the tag champ keep a low profile, not that she ever tried to. Every head in the vicinity her way from the moment she had shown up to the photoshoot till the moment she had set foot off stage to meet interviewer Takeda Ryoshi.

The masked woman would casually walk to the man with a bit of a strut in her step and her championship belt over her shoulder.

"Mr. Ryoshi, right? Pleased to meet you! The agent told me you'd be interviewing me pretty much right after the photoshoot so I figured we just jump right into it. I generally try to be casual and personable with everyone that works for this company, from caterers to custodians. I hope you don't mind if I'm a little loose and candid with you." Kat would say as she reached for the man's hand and walked over a few steps to the nearest set of chairs. She'd sit down and pat the seat next to her in the hopes that Takeda would do the same.

As soon as Kat entered the studio, there was only one thing that crossed Takeda's mind. And that thought could be summed up with the word "wow." From the moment she stepped in, he had turned to her with rapt attention. A blush rose to his cheeks, and his glasses began to slip down his nose, but he couldn't be bothered to push them back into place. He was, after all, enthralled by the sight before him! He had never imagined, ever since he had signed up for the staff of LAW Magazine, that he would ever be this close to a star as big as Kat Hart. Let alone while she was...wearing so little.

Takeda was in such a daze that much of the photoshoot went by without him noticing, and he didn't realize how much time had passed until one of his coworkers bumped him on the shoulder. "Hey...Takeda? You okay?"

"Oh-! Oh, I...yeah, I'm fine." Takeda fixed his glasses and cleared his throat, looking up to see that the photoshoot had already ended. Had he really lost track of the time? But it was then he realized that not only was Kat stepping down from the stage...she was coming straight toward him! The blood rose in his face, and his heart thumped in his chest. What was he going to do now? He had to act professional about it. He was sent here as an interviewer, and he needed to do his job well. He just hoped that he hadn't already made himself look like a fool - or at least that Kat hadn't noticed. "Yeah, let's...sit down, shall we?"

Takeda sat down as indicated, flipping to a new page of his notepad and clearing his throat again. "Yes, it's...well, we really do appreciate your commitment to being open and available to us here at LAW, Ms. Hart. I understand that your fans are very important to you. Since this is going out to them, the fans-" Takeda almost felt jealous saying that, "is there anything in particular you would like them to know? This is your chance to tell them whatever you'd like. How you feel about them, what you want to know. That."

Takeda's more than whelmed state did not escape the notice of his co-workers, nor did it escape the eyes of Katherine. But a veteran like her knew that she ought not to call attention to it. Not while the man was working and doing what he could to bring a big scoop back to his editorial board and the press.

No, she'd try an help him push past it. At the very least, the legendary luchadora would do what she could to help. She led him to a seat and she gave the man the few seconds he needed to compose himself.

"Take your time, hun." Kat said as Ryoshi flipped through his notes.

Kat got comfortable. She reclined only slightly, but kept her back straight. She bore the posture and air of someone deserving of her name, her notoriety, her belt. She listened carefully as Ryoshi posed his question.

"Let's see, anything I'd like the fans to know? That's a good, fair, open ended question. You've probably been doing this interview thing for a while, haven't you, Takeda?" Kat would ask him rhetorically with a wink. She'd lean forwards to offer a proper answer.

"Well first off, I want to thank the fans for supporting us as a company and us wrestlers to make things like this LAW Calendar possible! I believe you heard that I was one of the first to step up to participate. I find photoshoots like this empowering and I doing what I can to put myself at the front and center to represent this company and to be the face of LAW and my generation of wrestlers. I think all the women participating are doing something really cool and I look forward to continuing to do what I can to put this company on the map and to inspire more women to be fans of pro wrestling and to get into the business of becoming pro wrestlers, themselves. I want people to enjoy wrestling. And I want to inspire my competition to enjoy this sport and to continue pushing themselves, myself, and everyone to be the best they can be." Kat would finish up by nodding. She'd lift her index finger to motion that she had more to add.

"I hope you don't mind if I hijack your question real quick so that I can add just a little bit more. See, I've been at this a long time I've been wrestling at LAW a long time. I've gotten the 'Chatty Kathy' remark more than a few times. I don't mind, it's totally deserved but there is something I should point out."

"See, I've cut a ton of promos. More than a lot of women with my tenure. Anyone that's been closely following my career already knows about everything I just told you. From the fact that myself and the SWAT Cats are out to elevate these tag titles and our tag division by issuing open challenges and having our tag teams rise to the occasion, to the fact that myself and my tag partners Tracy and Aurora are working overtime with these events, the photoshoots, the autograph signings, the interviews, the new lines of merch, all because we want to continue being model champions and connect with the fans in every way possible. And that's on top of the time we spend training to stay at the top of our game."

"But I'd be doing you and the fans a disservice if I didn't tell you something in this interview that I haven't mentioned to the fans or in promos or at functions and events. So here's something that I'll share with you that I want the fans to know. Something that I haven't announced yet." Kat would adjust her slingkini. She was vigilant about her gesturing not accidentally causing a wardrobe malfunction.

"I, Katherine Hart, The Super Kitty, am fully dedicated to taking tag team wrestling at LAW to the next level. But one day, it'll be time to step into other divisions outside the tag division. We've all seen the promo package of all different kinds of LAW women and wrestlers talk about how they're gonna stake their claim to be the inaugural LAW World Openweight Champion. I had a promo in there, myself. But my ultimate goal is to go even beyond that. I'm going to prove to LAW and the world that I can cement an unshakeable legacy at this company. I'm going to become one of the all time greats and etch my name in history because The Super Kitty is officially announcing that she's going to become LAW's first Grand Slam Champion. That's right, I'm going to climb all the mountaintops. We started the tag division and we'll be aiming for the others. Someday I'm going to chase the heavyweight title, the world titles and whatever other belt I need to complete the quartet and go down in history as a Grand Slam Champ. Someone with a legacy that both fans and wrestlers alike can be proud of and follow." Kat would finish, while patting her belt, seemingly content to have gotten all that off her chest.

"So, Ryoshi. Any further questions?"

"T-Thanks," Takeda muttered curtly to Kat as he settled into his seat, taking out a pen and touching it to the clean page. He cleared his throat again, trying to focus himself, then looked back at Kat out of the corner of his eye, blushed hard again, and let his gaze linger. Anxiously, he tapped the tip of his pencil to the paper a few times. She was being awfully friendly with him, he thought to, he had to focus! He had an interview to conduct, and the company needed information they could use to accompany Kat's entry! Part of him wondered if anyone would be looking at that when it was placed beside her photo...but he still had a job to do!

"Ah, that's a really selfless endeavor from you, Ms. Hart," Takeda eventually continued as he cleared his throat again. He jotted down some notes on his pad; it certainly didn't hurt that the act of it was keeping his thoughts off of other matters. Just as he was about to ask the next question, however, Kat spoke up again, and his pencil hung in the air as he balanced it between his fingers, waiting on her word. His eyes went wide as she continued - and he bit down on his tongue as she fiddled with her swimsuit. As tempted as he was to stare, she was about to drop a bomb. And if he missed that, his superiors wouldn't be pleased.

Turning back to his notes, he wrote down what Kat had to say. "The...Grand Slam Champion! Impressive! That would be a big moment in history for LAW - but from the sounds of it, that's something you've got no qualms about doing! Now, we've talked about your aspirations for your career going forward, but what about looking back? What would you say was your favorite match in LAW so far? And which of your opponents was the biggest challenge?"

Some wrestlers might have grown cross with how easily Ryoshi became distracted. But Kat was sympathetic. She knew that interviewing fit female wrestlers in their prime, just after a calendar photoshoot couldn't have been easy for any man. Hart had hoped that her pension for carrying conversation would lend itself to making things easier for Ryoshi. She nodded as Ryoshi responded and flipped through his notes and jotted the Cliffs Notes of her response down. With her usual confident smile still beaming, she kept her back straight and her chest puffed out as she sat up on her chair, waiting to see if Ryoshi had more to say. And thankfully, he did!

Kat nodded contemplatively when she heard the man speak of looking towards the past. She'd recline and exhale deeply through her puckered lips. Not out of frustration or anything, but because something had just dawned on her. Kat would bring her free hand behind her head, her nearly naked breast was now on full view, unobscured by her arm. She looked up as she pondered Ryoshi's words.

"Yet another....very good question..."

"The way I've always gone about my career was to look ahead. Always forward. Never back. By planning my next move, digging deep, and working towards it, I could always produce results. For myself, for the fans, my colleagues. I really don't take much time to just reminisce. At least not casually, and not often. So really, I appreciate you asking, Ryoshi!." Kat would bring her hand from behind her head to her chin as she thought this through.

"My favorite matches? My biggest challenges? I've wrestled women of all shapes and sizes at this company. If I had to say what my biggest challenge is, I'd have to say it's the target on my back that's only grown bigger the longer I've wrestled here. What I mean is, from the moment I signed with LAW, everyone expected me to do great things. I was being called a prospective future champion from day 1. And I don't mean that as a 'suffering from success', 'woe is me' self pity party. I mean that I had women gunning for me literally from day 1. I've been attacked in the ring, like any other wrestler. But I've also been attacked, jumped, and ambushed backstage, in the locker room, in the parking lot, in the gym, at the laundromat a few blocks down, even in My. Own. Home." Kat would lean forward. She spoke a bit more seriously.

"And I've generally not been the one standing tall. When I've been stabbed in the back or swung at from behind. If it didn't bother me, I'd joke about it. I'd probably be a terrible Lawless Champion. Everyone and their mother wants a piece of me. I try to be genuine with everyone. But somehow it's earned me just as many enemies as it has allies. And the fact that I can't seem to go a month without a woman who's making a name for herself trying to go for my throat, even if meant jumping me in the locker room for street cred at LAW? I find that to be my biggest challenge."

Her smile would return to her face moments after she let that last blurb sit out there. Kat would attempt to transition to the other part of Takeda's question.

"As for my favorite match? I don't mean to punk out and avoid giving you a straight answer. But it really is hard to pick just one. I've enjoyed lots of matches and rivalries. Even some of the arduous one. Even against some ladies who've outright tried to steal matches from me. I can respect women like Dana Ashford and Natasha Rostovik as long as they don't cross certain lines. If I had to write out a list of my favorite matches, it would have to include my match against Ducky Williams, she's got a spark in her. There's really something to her rise to popularity at LAW. That list would include my matches against The Imperial Russian Empire. One of LAW's earliest tag team rivalries. They're character, the both of them. Natasha and Valentina. But I think in their own sort of whacky, cartoony way, they mean well. Even if they're bent on bending the rules. I've enjoyed my matches with Alaina Sanders. We have a rivalry going on. We're one and one. You won't find wrestlers as tough and strong as her. If you ask me, she's every bit the bodybuilder that she is a wrestler. I've given up trying to go toe to toe with her in power. I won't outmuscle her, but I can certainly outwrestle her. And I proved that in my second match against Alaina. Wrestling Silvers Abreau is always fun. Ah there I go being all indecisive when it comes to the sentimental things and memories, hehehe! It really is hard for me to choose just one, heheheh." Kat would giggle genuinely. Despite her difficulty with answering, she very much did seem to be enjoying the interview!

Takeda blushed a little harder as he heard Kat compliment him on his questions. He didn't see himself as being exactly the pinnacle of journalists, and he was just asking the kinds of questions because he thought that his employers would appreciate them. Really, it was to Kat's credit that she was able to put forth such in-depth and insightful responses. As he waited on her response, he looked back at her, his eyes briefly resting on her curves and causing his cheeks to flare up hotter and brighter. It was a moment later, as Kat began to speak, that he realized he needed to get to work, and he frantically began scribbling down everything he could hear from her that he felt was relevant. She had a lot to say, after all, and he needed to be there to catch it.

As he jotted down notes, Takeda occasionally nodded, mentioning the odd "alright" or "yeah" to confirm what he was hearing. He paused for a moment as he heard Kat thank him, and something stirred in the pit of his stomach, enough to make his penmanship waver to the point where the note he was writing would prove indecipherable. Kat Hart, the one and only Super Kitty...was really speaking to him personally. That alone meant something.

But as she went on to discuss the hardships she'd faced in LAW, he stopped to consider what he was hearing. He had always seen Kat as a top competitor in her division and beyond, and as someone who wouldn't have anything to fear. Yet, now he saw that she had to fight her way to the top, against all kinds of competition and without a break - and she'd still come out on top. That...was something he had to admire.

"Thank you very much, Ms. Hart. Yeah, we'll definitely have a lot to talk about there...but your dedication really shows. It's no wonder so many people, in LAW and beyond, look up to you. You've shown yourself to be a true inspirational figure we can all count on, and for that...I at LAW Magazine salute you." He grinned, writing down similar notes as she continued to list her favorite opponents. Once he had gotten that down, Takeda looked back up. "Well, we've talked about Kat Hart, the wrestler. If you don't mind...I'd like to know a little more about Kat Hart, the person. In your spare time, what's something you enjoy doing? Or just any fact about you you'd like to share?"

True to her word, the busty, beautiful, talented luchadora had gone out of her way to make a connection here. Most wrestlers would regard paparazzi, journalist, and other wrestling news workers as simple news outlets. A platform to get their message out there. A tool to push their reputation and their image. A means to an end. Yet as Kat sat with Ryoshi and waxed poetic about her memories in the ring and in the business, she had done so in a way that showed her love for the business and the people in it. She had done so in a way that showed that she cared about Ryoshi's efforts in showing up and conducting this interview just as much as she cared about the details of this Q&A becoming public for the fans.

Kat had made wholehearted attempts to give Ryoshi material he could use that would impress the higher ups and the fans. And in doing so, The Super Kitty was able to get across to the man what it was about her that earned her the "Super" moniker. Why her signature mask and valiant personality earned her legions of fans throughout her storied career. How her signature mask, in-ring talents and technical ability, along with her toned, defined curvaceous frame helped round her out as the complete package for a wrestler that was poised to succeed. And how it didn't seem to go to her head, but rather the opposite! Kat sought to inspire others to express their love of the sport in whatever way they knew how. It was all coming together in this interview. And Ryoshi's reaction, his grin and his genuine praise, was all a testament to that!

The man's salute had Kat grinning from ear to ear. She'd place a hand on his shoulder and answer him.

"That means everything to me. To hear that praise you, from fans, from others who strive to give back to pro wrestling and to LAW. Really, Takeda. Thank you." Hart would say as she made she contact with the interviewer to bring her point home.

"You've earned props from me, as well! You're interviewing all the ladies that LAW's got lined up for this photoshoot, right? I have to imagine that this is a workload in it's own right. And that not everyone is this cooperative or insightful. So if it helps you and if it impressed the bigwigs back at the office, I'm happy to help just by being myself!" Kat would told her head to the side slightly and grin with her teeth on display and her eyes closed. She'd lean back in her chair in preparation for the next question.

"Let's see, facts about me? You wanna get to know Kat Hart the person, not just Kat Hart the wrestler. I appreciate how you phrased that. You can imagine how many wrestlers are out to unmask me and how many folks want to know what The Super Kitty is like beneath the mask...." Kat would close her eyes and bring her index finger to under her chin as she thought this one through.

"Well here's a fun one! I think if you follow me really closely, you might know this one already. But if you've only seen me at LAW, you likely wouldn't know this but...." Kat would lean forwards. She'd curl her fingers to beckon Ryoshi to to come closer. Kat looked left and right to make sure no one was listening in. For a moment, she forgot how much the poor guy struggled around bodacious and attractive women. She'd curl her hand around his ear to whisper to him. Her blonde hair would brush against the side of his face as she let him in on a secret.

" a sucker for most snack. My favorites are Oreos." Kat would lean back and snicker a bit before she continued.

"I once had a grueling match at the place I was working at before LAW. Falls count anywhere, started backstage. My opponent- my goodness, this woman literally came in with a referee following her and she struck me from behind to start the match. And what was I doing? I was in front of a vending machine, buying a pack of oreos." Kat said while she looked into the distance and nodded as she recalled this bittersweet memory.

"I already put the money in and everything..... fun match, it was haha. Aside from that, I do like to work out, just in general. I dabble in basketball and rugby. I looooove eating out at different food places. Tracy gets on me all the time for there never having leftovers to take home when I take my galpals out for some food." She finished, seemingly assuming a more casual and chill attitude than the larger than life aura that she was giving off with her response to the previous question.

With how much Kat had been revealing in her interview, indeed, many of the crew members on hand were wondering what they'd do with all this information. Takeda was trying to get as much down as he could, but his...proclivities were an open secret at LAW Magazine, and no one would have been surprised if he was too distracted to take note of one thing or another. Some of the other photographers had started taking notes as well, and the camera crew whispered to one another about if they'd be able to film some of this and use it as a DVD extra or the like. Either way, this was proving to be an enlightening discussion.

Takeda certainly didn't mind that he had so much to work with. Even he hadn't expected to learn this much about Kat. He also certainly didn't mind how close the luchadora was willing to be to him - and as she leaned in and placed a hand on his shoulder, Takeda went tense, his muscles locking up as the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and his face went red. A few crew members rolled their eyes, as though they had seen this many times before and weren't surprised by it at all. But Takeda had only ever dreamed of being so up close and personal with Kat Hart...especially as she beckoned him to lean even closer, and whispered in his ear.

His skin trembled as her hair brushed his cheek, and his heart thumped in his chest so hard he could practically hear it. As entertaining as Kat's story would have been, he was far more focused on the feelings welling up inside him from the pit of his stomach, the feelings that left his head hazy.

It was only a moment later that Takeda realized that his two points of pride were directly at odds with one another, and that he needed to focus on what Kat was telling him rather than where he had found himself! He gulped, sitting up straighter as he tried to shake the cobwebs out of his head, but by that point Kat was already halfway through her story. Frantic, Takeda jotted down a hasty line in his notepad. "Your opponent, uh...hit you with a vending machine?" he muttered, then cleared his throat. "No, never mind. I'll...message you later just to make sure I had that right. Anyway...t-thank you, Ms. Hart. Truly, you've been a pleasure to have, and you've given us more than enough to do you justice in our feature. Unless you have anything else to add, I think that about does it for me..."

Indeed the notes from this interview as well as the candid shots from cameras and the crew on the set would make for a great segment in a DVD or a documentary style video on LAW backstage or maybe even in a biopic for Kat someday. Kat's name held weight at LAW and within the world of pro wrestling in general. Meeting her and learning just how endearing and open she could be with fans, interviewers, and folks backstage always seemed to surprise the people. Katherine loved that. She loved feeling like people could connect with her despite her accomplishments and notoriety. She was a wrestler of the people, a woman of the people, and the ability to sit and be open with people like Takeda helped people feel like they could aspire to achieve their dreams in the world of pro wrestling. Finding out just how down to earth Kat Hart was, in her mind, how she could be seen as an everywoman, as someone that everyone could hope to be like. To some, this demeanor from Kat gave the opposite impression, leading many to believe she was larger than life - a ray of excellence and hope in an arduous and niche sport.

"Heheh, no problem at all! I'm sure the cameras got most of the audio but you can always message me to ask for any finer details, Ryoshi!" Kat would laugh off the matter. She knew exactly what was going on. How Takeda's heart must have been aflutter. Kat would pat Ryoshi on the back. She'd stand up and bend over to bring her head eye-level with him. Her title belt hung off her shoulder. Her massive orbs bounced for just a split second before her thin slingkini began to hold them in place. Kat winked at Ryoshi.

"I know this job isn't easy on you. But I think you're doing great work. Keep it up, okay? Let me know whenever you need a new scoop." Kat would say this as a supportive gesture to Takeda. She'd rise up and stretch her back and roll her shoulders before she took off to leave the set.

"You take care now, Ryoshi!" Hart would say, raising her index and middle fingers to wave. The Super Kitty seemed happy to have participated in the LAW Magazine photoshoot and the follow-up interview. It seemed she had found yet another supporter and friend backstage in Takeda Ryoshi.

"R-Right...right! You've been a big help, thank you!" The blush hadn't left Takeda's face even after he straightened himself from his seat, watching Kat make her way out of the studio. His gaze, indeed, lingered on the Super Kitty's ample curves, and his thoughts came in a haze; he didn't notice what one of the photographers tried to say to him about who they'd be calling in next. But as much as he'd been expecting to be lost in taking in all there was to see about Kat, there was one thing that stood out at the forefront of his mind - the person she was. He'd signed up to this thinking he could use the experience to build his resume, give some insight into LAW's featured talent, and, yes, to get close to some gorgeous women, but for this particular interview, there was more at play here. If there was one thing to take away from this meeting, it was that Takeda truly knew who he was dealing with. Kat Hart wasn't just a pretty face, nor was she just a talented wrestler. Kat's status went far beyond that. She was an icon, as determined to prove herself as someone the fans could depend on as much as she would prove herself as one of the Tag Team Champions. Takeda was left thinking of that as he looked down at his hastily-written notes, and he smiled wider. He could say now he truly appreciated all there was to know about Kat Hart.

February 2021: Katherine Hart

  • Age: 28
  • Height: 5’8
  • Weight: 175 lbs.
  • Finishing Move: Queen of Harts
  • Career Highlight: Living up to her projected success and becoming Tag Team Champion despite the adversity she faced along the way.
  • Career Aspirations: To become LAW's first Grand Slam Champion.
  • Once had an opponent attack her while she was getting Oreos from a vending machine.
Last edited by CaptainL on Thu Apr 18, 2024 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
An air of tension had come over the LAW Magazine studio. It had only been a day since their ill-fated attempt to get a shot of Ava Rose and Satomi Mii together for the Ladies of LAW Calendar had ended in a brawl, leaving the March entry to be hastily rescheduled. The camera crew set up their equipment around a backdrop, some of them grumbling with frustration that they had to set everything up twice, while others were placing bets on who would have won the fight, especially with rumors of the two girls being put up against each other at the next pay-per-view event.

Chief among those present were two of the most established names behind LAW Magazine - reporter Nanako Sen and interviewer Takeda Ryoshi. The former had overseen the project; the latter was conducting interviews with each of the women involved to obtain the sort of information their fans would be most curious about. Right now, however, Nana was pacing back and forth, as Takeda stood off to the side, his notepad in hand.

”You...did hear back from Elm, right?” Takeda asked.

”She called back to confirm this morning,” came Nana’s reply. ”I thought I already told you that...but, then again, you probably weren’t listening.”

”H-Hey, now-!” Takeda looked back over at her. ”I do my job here just fine!” He glanced over at the door, awaiting the arrival of his next interviewee.

Elm deciding to show up and making a grand entrance as always... shows up fifteen minutes and kicking the studio door down with her foot to announce her arrival. "I'm here everyone now who ready to take photos of the baddest Milf in LAW..." stomping her foot on the broken door and placing her hand on her shapely hip posing already for everyone to see, before stepping off the door and into the room.

"So who gonna be talking to yours truly? I even out on my sexy night club outfit for everyone" Elm yells out wearing tight blue short shorts, blue sandals and black crop top showing off her figure. Looking at the two people standing in front of her looking down at them, a big grin on her face seeing how they look "so Your going to be doing the interview?"

"Gah-!" Takeda had the good fortune to look back over at the door at the very minute it opened - and when it opened, it did so explosively, taking the interviewer off guard! He slipped and fell off his feet, rubbing his head as he shook himself on the floor, but a moment later he turned his attention back toward Elm - only to be stricken this time not by the force of her entrance, but by her curvy yet toned frame, her tight outfit doing little to hide the contours of her body! "O-Oh, man..." he muttered, his face flushing a bright red as he fiddled anxiously with his glasses. It took him a moment to remember where he was before he cleared his throat and got back to his feet. "Er, right. Let's get started, then..."

Nana's response showed more composure, but her face still lit up with a wide, bright smile as she stepped closer to Elm. "Ah, you look lovely as ever, my dear!" She gestured toward the backdrop, with the cameras set up all around it. "Don't mind Ryoshi-san, he's...well, he has his habits! But please, do take your position and give us your best pose! Put forth the face you want to show the world!"

Takeda cleared his throat as he stepped up by Nana's side. "I'm going to take things from here, thanks..." he said. He looked up at Elm as she was striking a pose - only for the sight to make him blush harder. "Ah, um..." He flipped to a clean page in his notebook, tapping his pen to the surface. "First of all, Mrs. Ederne...I understand that you've never been one to interact with the press much. Any reason for that? And any reason you agreed to this particular opportunity?"

Elm laughs at the two and their funny antics more so to Takeda then Nana who seems all business no play compared to Takeda business and play. "Like what you see don't ya huh big boy... it hard to look this nice with this figure." Flexing her arm again in front of the man face.

Following the instructions given to her by Nana getting into position and turns showing off her firm thick rear, in her tight shorts and muscles by flexing her arms for them to see. A big confident look on her face before being asked to answer Takeda question. " well I really had a lot of bad run ins with the media when I was first starting our my career... lot of stuff in the closest hush hush. But with this I decided that everyone should be able to see how good I look" letting out a loud laugh and smacking Takeda on the back with her hand.

"U-Uhh..." There was no question now that Elm knew what she was doing. Takeda certainly saw that - in fact, he had quite a view in front of him! He blushed harder as Elm flexed her muscles and struck a pose, taking in the sight. "Well, we can definitely see you have an...uh, an impressive physique," Takeda noted. He looked down at his notepad, where he would have checked what he was to ask next, only to realize that in a daze he had just been doodling circles absentmindedly on the paper. Looking back up, he shut the book, turning his attention back to Elm.

At least, he tried to keep his attention on Elm - and one would think that someone like Takeda wouldn't have any trouble keeping his eyes on her. But he had gotten so lost in the moment that he didn't see it coming as Elm's hand smacked his back, causing a jolt of surprise to run through his body. Takeda jumped up, rubbing at his back. "Gah-! So, then, uh..." He paused a moment to think of something good to say. "So, on that note of starting your career. What do you think of your time in LAW? Anything you would describe as a personal highlight? A match or an accomplishment you value in particular?"

Elm frowns a bit hearing that qurstion... thinking over her time at LAW and what she done so far which hasn't been much to some compared to others. "Well if you count losing to Alaina as something big of value.." she says in a annoyed tone still smarting from that loss, which she clearly thinks she could have won.

Giving Takeda a look leaning closer to the man even giving him a small show due to her crop top being so short her cleavage is showing in front of his face. "Naughty boys like you should be punished for making me think of past losses you know... but it fine for now.." giving him a small wink and smacking the man on the rear end just for fun. "Anything else you would like to ask me, or would you prefer more poses"

"Ah, well..." Takeda jotted down some more notes in his book. "Mrs. Sanders is a well-respected veteran of the ring. I'm sure many would consider it an honor just to share the ring with her...ahh?" In the middle of their conversation, Elm came closer to the reporter, and given the differences in size between the two of them, her chest was practically level with his face - something that made him blush harder. With how closely the fabric of Elm's top hugged her curves, he could see straight down her cleavage. And of course, Elm didn't make it any easier in how she went on to tease him about it...

Takeda's whole face went red, his glasses fogging up with rapid breaths as he looked back at Elm. Somehow, the thought of being punished by her...didn't sound all that bad. ", actually, please do go on-" It was then that he caught himself, and he straightened his back, clearing his throat. "I mean...anyway. Never mind that. I understand that you've had to balance wrestling with raising a does that work for you?"

Elm frowns at the mention of Miss Sanders again but decides to play it cool since Takeda is being very respectful, but him being easy to tease makes it worth while when mentioning her. "Well I wouldn't know to be honest you see I was young when I had my daughter... So I wanted to give her a life that I knew at the time wouldn't been able to give her." Her hands tightening at recalling this memory turning around so that the reporter doesn't see the sad angry look on her face.

"Anyway that what happened and my story.. and in my world it is not a honor or anything stepping in the ring with her." Elm tells the reporter, deciding to tease him again for bringing up bad memories "Miss Nana could I do this for a pose" She ask reaching down and picking Takeda up over her head for a military press hold.

"I see..." Takeda looked between his pad of paper and at Elm, and his strokes against the notepad grew slower. He thought over the words he had heard from her, and his thoughts slowed. This was more serious than he had expected to hear from Elm, and he couldn't help but be touched by it. Deep in his chest, he felt a warm sensation take hold, and when he next addressed Elm, his voice was soft and measured, in stark contrast to his flustered stammering from earlier. "That's very noble of you. You did everything you could for your daughter...I'm sure that she'd be thankful to have someone like you in her life."

He looked back up at Elm with a smile - only for the heavyweight's next move to take him by surprise. "Wait, what-!? HEY-!" he shouted, suddenly finding himself suspended six feet off the ground! The color drained from his face and he let out a scream; it felt like at any moment he could be thrown to certain doom! His body locked up in fear, trembling nervously as he stared in stunned silence - and Nana laughed, clapping her hands for Elm's display! "Yes, that's perfect!" she said, signaling to the cameras to start shooting. "Hold that, we'll use that for our page! Ahh, a marvelous display of strength! It shows your power in the heavyweight division!"

"That right it does pure power here in these babies of mines" Elm laughs able to even press Takeda above her head for Nana to get good photos of. Slowly starting to let herself loose and enjoy the photo shoot minus that one question, but she is enjoying herself and Takeda... well she has her eye on him now...

Slowly lowering the poor reporter down to the floor, in the most flirty and teasing way possible. By making him slide down her firm busty body face first before resting her arm on his head. "Is there anything else hmm or do you wanna be my little test dummy while I do more poses for the camera."

Takeda was trembling, frozen in place as Elm hoisted him into the air. If she dropped him now, he knew it was going to hurt - and it was a long way down, too. Something in him wanted to scream, but he was too afraid to, and he could only let out a few hoarse gasps. The camera crew was beginning to laugh and jeer at him, and a few were snapping photos of their own. Never in his life had he imagined that his job would come to this. Worse yet, Nana wasn't stopping it - in fact, she was laughing too!

But just then, he began to sink lower, slipping down along Elm's body. As he slowly went down, he could feel every inch of her - her toned muscles, her ample curves, and her soft, heaving breasts, and if he wasn't already blushing from the spectacle Elm had made of him, he was definitely blushing now! Eventually he came to the ground below her, crumpled in a stammering heap as his face glowed a vivid red. His heart was pounding in his chest with excitement. Takeda was a journalist, and he held himself to some standards of integrity. He'd never admit it...but he wanted to do that again.

Nana chuckled, leaning in closer to Elm with a sly grin on her face. She was having perhaps too much fun at her coworker's expense, but it was making for the perfect shot - and it amused her more than it should have. Besides, having been rubbed up so closely against a woman like Elm, she couldn't exactly blame him for reacting the way he did. "I don't know if you'll get much more out of him right now," Nana said. "But please, do go on and do what you will with him. In the meantime, there's a question I'd like to ask you, Ms. Ederne, do you have any further aspirations for your future in LAW?"

Elm nods eagerly at being told she can do anything with Takeda. Leaning down sticking her rear out for a sexy pose again, making sure her breasts are hanging right in front of his face. "Well you hear that... your going to be my training dummy while I do these photos..." Giving the man a small wink, wrapping her arms around the back of his head, before pressing him face first into her cleavage.

Standing straight up... literally lifting Takeda off his feet keeping a strong hold on his head. "So my aspirations is to win the openweight and heavyweight belt.", saying that with pride in her voice. "But I want to enjoy my time in the company that is my biggest goal of all..." before letting Takeda go before he passes out due to the lack of air.

If Takeda thought that he was lucky to be this up close and personal with Elm had nothing on now! He was still light-headed and dizzy from where he had been lifted over the heavyweight's head, not to mention having slid down along her body slowly and tightly enough to feel all the hills and valleys of her form against his skin. As such, he didn't see it coming as Elm lifted him again - and shoved him face-first into her chest!

A few laughs and wolf-whistles went out from the camera crew, and flashes went off from many a camera, seeking to get a good view of the action. Takeda's face was pressed up into the crevices of Elm's chest, and he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, both from the stifling embrace of the breast smother, and from the excitement rising in his body at such an experience! He never expected Elm to be quite so forward...but he didn't mind it either!

Nana, meanwhile, tapped her pen to her pad of paper as she wrote down Elm's response. "Thank you, thank you! It's my pleasure to, Ms. Ederne, we should have just about everything we need. I'd just like to ask one last question...can you tell us one thing about yourself you would like your fans to know?" Meanwhile, as Takeda was released from her grasp, he sank back on his knees, his head spinning. He stared off into space, barely able to form a coherent thought after what he'd experienced.

Nodding to herself thinking over what she is going to say to answer that last question, debating on saying something really cool... but worried it might come off super lame... "umm I really don't know what to say.." She says in a more quiet tone, her head turned to the side as her cheeks turn red blushing in embarrassment in front of everyone. Twiddling her fingers still thinking before snaapoing her finger.

"I want my fans to know that I will be on top soon. Nobody is going to stop the Mastodon again ever... till I'm champion, till then thanks for all your support...", taking a deep breath after saying that even doing a small bow as well. "That ... fine right were good ya.."

"Oh, don't worry, Ms. Ederne," Nanako said with a pleasant smile. "There's no pressure here, it's all in the interests of making sure we have the sort of information in our calendar that our fans will want to know. It can be anything at all." She took a step back, giving Elm some space to compose her thoughts.

Nana could tell that she was having a hard time thinking of something. Despite all the bravado and confidence she had shown over the rest of this interview, from how she talked to how she dressed and carried herself, Elm was now showing a uniquely vulnerable side of her, one that Nana hadn't seen from her before. She adjusted her glasses, looking down the bridge of her nose. She wouldn't publish any of this, or publicize what she had seen, but at the same time she couldn't help but feel a sense of giddiness overtake her. To Nana, this was a unique opportunity to see the real woman behind the Mastodon, the side that no fan would ever see. This was a rare privilege, and one she wouldn't forget any time soon.

Elm's response was nevertheless one that seemed more in keeping with her proud and boastful image. Nana nodded to her, recording her response in her notes. "So I see! A fine response if I've ever heard one, yes indeed! I'll make sure it's recounted to the letter! Until then..." She took a short bow toward Elm. "Yes, I think that should conclude things! Thanks as always for your participation, it truly does make things that much easier. It's been a pleasure to deal with you. Right, Takeda?" She turned to her coworker, who was lying in a heap on the ground, blubbering incoherently. As Nana nudged him with her foot, however, he sprung back to his feet. "R-Right! Right...well, yeah! Thanks again for all your help, heh..."

Elm takes a deep breath before giving both reporters a big smile and grin, actually enjoying herself during the interview and photo shoot. Walking up to both of them and in one quick motion grabs both of them in her arms hugging them tightly, giving them a extra squeeze for good measure. "...No thank you it was fun to do and I had a blast doing it, thank you both for giving me a chance for this..."

Before leaving Elm turns around grabbing Takeda by the arm "as for you... I be seeing you later... give me a call alright" placing her number in his pocket, before giving him a deep kiss on the lips with a added bit of tongue. "See you later" with a smug look on her face and switching her hips from side to side as she leaves.

"Ah-!" Nana chuckled a little as she felt Elm's tight embrace, blushing softly. But as much as she might have been surprised by the Mastodon's sudden show of kindness, she was still handling the matter better than Takeda - who, feeling his body pressed against the soft, firm side of Elm's body, immediately began trembling, his face going red as he mumbled incoherently. "Oh, uh, uh...ah...thank you..." Meanwhile, the photographers moved in closer, bringing the cameras up next to the action. Seeing Elm arm in arm with their interviewers would make for the perfect shot!

After Elm broke the hug, however, she would give Takeda far more than he had bargained for! He was still looking off into the distance with his head in a haze, with no idea of what was about to happen to him. The thought of being so close to Elm hadn't left him yet - but it would soon be replaced by one of a connection even stronger and even more passionate. Elm, it seemed, had caught on to him - and she pulled him in close, planting a kiss firmly on his mouth! All the color seemed to drain away from Takeda's face in that moment. He could hardly believe this was really happening - but he wasn't complaining, either!

As Elm let him go, Takeda's legs gave out from under him, and he slipped to sit on the ground, his head spinning. The last few moments had been a blur for him, and he still couldn't believe what had happened. All he could do was watch through unblinking eyes as Elm turned and walked off through the door, on her way.

"Well, now," Nana said, clapping her hands. "She was certainly a welcome guest, wasn't she? I'm glad she could be of help to us...and as for you, Takeda, it looks like you've got a date~"

"...I do?"

March 2021: Elm Ederne

  • Age: 32
  • Height: 6'5
  • Weight: 215 lbs.
  • Finishing Move: Ice Prison (Modified Cattle Mutilation)
  • Career Highlight: Facing Alaina Sanders in the ring.
  • Career Aspirations: To win the LAW Heavyweight and World Openweight Championships, and to enjoy her time in the company.
  • "I will be on top soon. Nobody is going to stop the Mastodon again, ever...'till I'm champion. 'till then, thanks for all your support."
Last edited by CaptainL on Wed Apr 28, 2021 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
"All right, all right..." Takeda Ryoshi walked back into the room, where LAW photographers were already getting set up before a backdrop in preparation for their next photoshoot. After the trouble they had with the March shoot, he was well aware that he'd have to be prepared for the unexpected, and that was a thought that lingered in the back of his mind as he took his place, flipping to a clean page in his notebook. At least this time, he thought to himself, it would be a solo shoot, one where - he hoped - there was less chance for tempers to flare and everything to go horribly wrong. "So...who are we bringing in again?" he asked, turning to a nearby photographer.

"April," came the response - something that made Takeda adjust his glasses, muttering to himself.

"Yes, yes, I know it's April, but I mean, who's the wrestler we're spotlighting this time?"

"No, no," the photographer said with a laugh. "I mean, it's April. April Starling. Nana saw she had signed up, and when putting things together she decided that it would be funny to have April in April, so..."

"...Right." Takeda cleared his throat, looking off. "I...I knew that." His words were aimed more at easing his own doubts than proving anything to the staff - but nevertheless, he soon smiled at the thought of being in the same room with April Starling herself. Although a relatively new signee, she had been making waves in LAW with her in-ring skills as well as the daring mystique of her background in international espionage - and of course, her looks were nothing to scoff at either. Everything about her sounded like she would make the perfect model for the Ladies of LAW calendar, which would highlight her talents as well as give the curious fans more information on just who she was. He looked up with a smile, eagerly awaiting her entrance on the scene.

Maybe it was because of her background in espionage, but Takeda didn't even realize that April was right behind him as she placed a hand on his shoulder, curving around to his side as the Violet haired, violet eyed beauty was clad in her orange two piece bikini, complete with a large black hoodie tied around her waist and also wearing calf high orange wrestling boots with black laces as she kept her arm hooked around his shoulder as her other hand held a long black cigarette holder with a currently unlit cigarette in it. "I apologize if I kept you waiting Mr. Takeda sir, are we ready to begin?" she asked as she greeted him with a friendly smile.

Takeda went back to jotting down a few notes on his pad of paper, completely unaware of what was going on behind him. He didn't realize April had snuck up to him right under his nose, up until he felt her hand resting against his shoulder. But feeling her touch, he let out a yelp, jumping up off his feet in shock. "GAH-!" he cried out - just before turning around to the source of the sensation to see April just behind him, and leaning against his side with her arm around his shoulder. At once, Takeda's heart quickened in his chest, a blush rising to his face, and he began to stammer, his gaze flitting about the room. "A-Ah, er, well..." He never thought that he'd get quite this close to a woman as elusive as April Starling, feeling the weight of her body against his - yet he couldn't say he could complain about it either.

Eventually clearing his throat, he turned back to her. "O-Oh, no, it''s no problem at all, Ms. Starling. I'd...honestly welcome your company a little while longer, but we do have photos to shoot. If you don't mind, why don't you head over to the stage and give us a few poses?"

Another thought lingered in his head all the same, and after a few more seconds of thought he spoke up. Given April's history, he figured it would be prudent to make sure everything he was doing was above board - and, hopefully, wouldn't cause an international incident. "Oh, another thing, Ms. Starling...if you don't mind me asking. I do thank you for agreeing to this interview...if, uh, anything you say compromises security, I won't print it, alright?"

"For you darling, absolutely." She said as she slid her hand off of his shoulder to then run through his hair as she strutted away from him heading over to the stage. She reached down and behind her to pull out her lighter from her hoodie pocket as she brought her cigarette holder to her lips, bringing up her fancy lighter that just needed a push of the button to activate as she lit the end of her cigarette, taking a slow drag before pulling the holder from her lips and exhaling the smoke elegantly into the air as she put away her lighter. She then listened to Takeda talking about security and she couldn't help but to giggle. "I doubt it would come down to that, but thank you love." She mentioned with a smile. She then went to work, striking some sexy and seductive poses while keeping her cigarette holder as a prop for the photo shoot, wanting to do her best to make sure that when people get this LAW calendar that people would love to stare at her month.

"I..." To say that Takeda was speechless was putting it lightly. As April ran her hand through his hair, talking to him so sweetly, it was enough to send a shiver through his spine. He'd been getting quite close to a lot of the wrestlers he interviewed over his time working with LAW Magazine - some would call him lucky for it, and he largely would agree. But he never quite got used to it. The thought of him being this close to April Starling was still something he could hardly believe, and his heart thumped in his chest, a dreamy sensation taking hold of his head. In person she was every bit as glamorous and as striking as her reputation spoke of, and he could already see she would be a perfect choice for the calendar.

Nevertheless, he wasn't just here to gawk. He had to do business! Clearing his throat, Takeda straightened himself as April proceeded to the stage, where the cameras began flashing, eagerly capturing every position she took. "Right, anyway..." he began, looking between her and his notes, though as he looked back up his gaze lingered on April for a little while longer before he resolved to focus on work, and his gaze was conspicuously pointed down at the pad of paper in his hand. "I suppose I should begin...Ms. Starling, I have to ask, what led you to pursue wrestling?"

As she was posing she managed to look over to catch Takeda gazing at her a little longer then normal. She brought her holder to her lips to take a drag from it before pulling it from her lips, she stared into his eyes as a smile formed as she exhaled the smoke in an elegant fashion as she maintained her smile as she stared at him with inviting eyes. "Well darling, I have lived quite the adventurous lifestyle and having retired from that sort of thing, I found myself rather bored rather quickly. I needed to maintain some form of adventure and excitement to my life, so I figured, why not? It was surprisingly not that difficult a transition since some of my training already made me used to some of the submission maneuvers and take downs." She mentioned while still going into some poses. Bending forward to rest a hand on her hip as she gave the camera people and Takeda a better view of her cleavage while she posed.

Takeda's body tingled with every word that fell from April's lips. He knew that she had to have been doing this for years - with how she talked, how she walked, and how she held herself, her mannerisms were well-practiced, as though every action was a calculated move at seduction. Given the nature of her prior career, he wasn't surprised by this. It no doubt would have served her well - but was she doing this on purpose? Or did she simply have a natural talent that she took advantage of? Either way, it was most definitely working on Takeda - not that he was a particularly hard person to seduce.

Jotting down more notes, he began to move closer. He looked into April's eyes, transfixed by her gaze; he could hardly look away. Even when her answer to his question seemed so simple and mundane, she had a way of making it fascinating. He wanted to know more, to ask her about what sorts of adventures she had had up to this point, but he stopped himself - he sincerely doubted he'd be allowed to talk about that, and he certainly didn't need any international investigations into LAW Magazine. was a romantic thought, to have gone all over the world, living a life of excitement. What he wouldn't have given to be there with her...already, he was letting his mind wander at the thought of it.

"Ah, very well..." Takeda continued. "So...since coming to LAW, is there anything you would name as a highlight of your career? I know you're still a relatively recent signee, but..." He cleared his throat, making a sound that sounded more like a gulp. "...Well, you've...definitely made an impact..."

"Ha! If by making an impact you mean a negative one." She joked as she shrugged a little, "Honestly, I haven't had much luck and my only win was against a very distracted opponent. Still, I'm not here to become a champion or anything of that nature. Honestly, my bigger goal is to just someday become a C.E.O." She mentioned as she tapped her cigarette holder to make some of the ash fall to the ground before taking another slow drag from her holder and then exhaling the smoke after she removed said holder from her lips.

"That's not to say I haven't had some good matches though. There have been some close battles, I would say I really enjoyed my match against that mean cutie Valentina Diaz and I came real close to defeating Countess Sia Von Karnstein, who got very lucky if I must say." She then giggled, "I would dare say from an audience viewpoint, any match with me trapped in a nice tight bearhug is probably a highlight." She then winked at Takeda, "Speaking of darling, I am curious on how strong of an embrace you can give, would you be willing to satisfy my curiosity after our business has concluded?" She teased, though she was also being serious as she ran a hand through her long violet hair.

"A...CEO?" Takeda blinked a few times, fiddling with his glasses. He had to admit, out of everything he'd expect to hear from April...that wasn't one of them. Compared to the life of adventure she'd led up to this point, such a career seemed so mundane, he had difficulty imagining her sitting behind a desk. But perhaps that was the reason for it all. After leading such a life, perhaps what she really yearned was some time to live in peace. After all, she'd certainly seen everything else imaginable. "That' interesting choice, Ms. Starling..."

He continued to nod along with the matches April described, taking note of what she said. "I see...well, then, I'm sure you have plenty of room to grow. I'm sure a woman of your...talents has some potential yet." He was a bit surprised to hear of her luck so far; he felt that the training April had as a secret agent would prove useful in the ring. Seeing April blow smoke past him, Takeda stood staring for a moment, a shiver going down his spine. A moment later, though, he cleared his throat, reminding himself of where he was. "A-And least you can take your losses in stride, which is something a lot of wrestlers could learn from. Besides...I can, uh, tell that a lot of fans would enjoy the sight indeed." He figured that he could get away with saying that, given how April had raised the topic to begin with, but he couldn't deny that the thought of April Starling trapped in a bear hug was a thought that he found curiously appealing...

Which meant that when April offered for Takeda to try his luck with putting her in a firm squeeze, showing her how tightly he could grasp her, it caught his attention all the more. "What..?" The reporter looked up from his notes, for a moment freezing as he stared back blankly at April. He could hardly believe he'd just heard what he thought he'd heard - but there was no denying it. "I...uh...well, I can..try..." He could just imagine it - his arms around April, her body pressed close to hers, the head radiating between the two of them...

"Takeda! Come on, are you going to ask the next question?"

"Ah, right-!" Realizing he had drifted off again, Takeda cleared his throat before flipping to a clean page in his notes. "Okay, uh...while you're still wrestling in LAW, do you have any aspirations? Anything you really want to do before you leave?"

April smiled at Takeda's encouragement about room to grow and blushed a little. "Oh my, how inspiring, I may end up requesting that you be my personal manager." She then took one last drag from her cigarette holder, pulling it from her lips and exhaling the smoke away from Takeda as she pulled the cigarette out of her holder, dropping it on the ground and smothering it out under her calf high boot as she then put the holder away in one of the pockets of the hoodie tied around her waist. "I believe you, it's not like I'm losing because I don't know what I'm doing, for in all honesty, I am currently holding myself back. I would much rather be known for being a safe wrestler to work with as oppose to being one that shows off their strengths. With the field work I used to do and the training behind it, I could easily snap someone's neck or any limb for that matter if I wasn't indeed careful."

She then heard him agree to give her a bearhug and she genuinely grinned with excitement. "Excellent love, I can hardly wait, you better not back down, for I know where you live." She threatened, but in a non-serious manner as she stuck her tongue out playfully at him as she winked. She realized she had a few more poses to go, so she thought she would go with a working out theme for the next few sets of poses. She showed off some lovely stretches, ones that would for sure get his attention as she smiled at him with a slight blush when she caught him staring. "What a lovely question, one I believe is almost too early for me to answer to be honest, for I don't plan on going anywhere for a while. I'm loving this new course of adventure I am taking. I would love to see LAW expand a bit more, you know, branch into making movies for example. If they did, I wouldn't mind playing in a role or two. I would also love to be involved in some charity work as well. We have some great people in the business and there's plenty of people out there that could use our help, you know?"

"Personal-! Me-?!" Takeda gulped at the prospect of managing April Starling; the very thought of it was an intimidating one. On one hand, the fact that a woman as esteemed and as glamorous as she was would want him by her side was a tantalizing proposition indeed, and one that he would have envied had he known anyone else in such a position. Thinking about it made his heart race in his chest, almost too quickly for him to control. But, thinking on it more, he was reluctant to admit that he didn't know if such a thing would be possible. "I'm truly flattered by the thought, Ms. Starling, but I don't know if that would be possible at this time. With my work as a reporter, I...don't know if I could spare the time..." He hugged his notepad a little closer to his chest as he spoke. He didn't want to look rude, but he did let out a small sigh of relief. Takeda, for all his lustiness, was someone who struggled with the shame of how he came across in public. Being around April day in and day out, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to handle the pressure.

Of course, as alluring and exotic as April's appeal was, Takeda was soon reminded of the dangers of letting his guard down. As April mentioned how she knew where he lived, the reporter gulped, a shiver going down his spine. His body stiffened, and even when April reminded him that she was only joking, he remained on edge, his gaze flitting back and forth nervously. "R-Right. Well..." He watched in silence as April ran through another few poses, anxiously tapping his pen to the pad of paper as he tried to find the words - and as April looked back with a blush, his own would grow hotter and brighter, causing him to glance away. Still, he was intrigued by her response about wanting to see LAW expand its operations. It wasn't like anything he'd seen proposed or discussed before, but she did offer a good point.

"Very interesting, Ms. Starling," he said. "I don't know if that's anything we have in the cards right now, but I'd wager we certainly have the popularity to do so. Our expansion into the social media scene has been a great success so far in allowing our fans to connect with their favorite wrestlers and follow the news of what's going on in the league, and LAW Magazine has been a hit as well. I can only imagine we'd have more room to grow - and I do have to say, I'm sure you could do a very good job in a film role. As for your concerns about charity work, I find that very noble. That, not to mention your concerns about wanting to wrestle safely, says a lot about your good moral character - perhaps something, uh, certain wrestlers could take heed of." He stopped for a moment, trying to think of the right thing to say next, before he remembered his routine. "One last question, Ms. Starling. We've learned quite a bit about you...before we let you go, is there anything else you'd like to share with the world?"

"Oh you can't just let me go yet darling, not until I escape what I would believe to be that wonderful embrace of yours." She teased as she finished posing, strutting her way back over towards the reporter she admired. "As for anything I'd like to share, I can't give away all my secrets in a first interview. I have to leave the viewers wanting more don't I? To that I say, keep your eyes on me, you never know what just might be in store, but I assure you, you should be quite entertained." To which as she was talking she twisted around behind Takeda with a smirk on her face, sliding her hands to his shoulders as she began to slowly massage him, trying to ease up some of his tension.

"I..." With a gulp, Takeda went silent, but he faced April and nodded his head regardless. "L-Lovely...well, uh..." Anxiously fiddling with his glasses, he looked up toward April with a gulp, his face flushing hotter as he locked eyes with her. "We're...very grateful to have you here in our studio today, Ms. Starling...the shoot has been a great success, and I'm sure many of our fans will love hearing what you've had to say. I know that...I, for one, am definitely interested in seeing more about where your time in LAW goes..."

April's words from earlier were still echoing in Takeda's mind. Evidently, she was serious about the offer to bear hug her, if she was bringing it up again! Takeda didn't even know where he'd start with this - but it certainly wasn't anythng he was averse to. He could just hope that it wouldn't disappoint April; after all her experiences in the ring and out, she had surely been met with many a hold, more deadly and more expertly performed than anything someon of his caliber could be capable of. He doubted he could measure up.

But before he could even say anything about that, April circled behind him, rubbing at his shoulders. He blinked a few times, confused, but he couldn't deny that he enjoyed the feeling. A good shoulder massage never failed to lift the spirits after a long day, and one from April Starling was something else entirely. But after a moment, Takeda glanced back over at April from over his shoulder. "Ah, Miss offense, but I can't really bear hug you like this..."

"Oh my, aren't we eager to begin? No worries darling, I was just trying to make you feel more at ease." She mentioned as she finished his shoulder massage, circling back around in front of him as she stared into his eyes, she ran her hands through her hair before she smiled as she opened her arms up high, ready to wrap them gently around his neck as soon as he had the lock he desired upon her body.

Takeda bit his lip at the sounds of April's sweet words, which seemed to run a chill down his spine. He looked off nervously over his shoulder, toward where some of the photographers giggled, and others waved as though offering high-fives, though Takeda was obviously too engrossed in his meeting face-to-face with April to return anything. Instead, he gulped, looking back up to her. "Well...thank you. That's, uh, very kind..."

Stepping closer, he looked back up at her eyes, meeting the shimmering violet pools that caused him to freeze then and there. He was left gazing up at April, his eyes running over the curves and contours of her body, and he found himself unable to turn away. Feeling as though in a trance, he leaned in and wrapped his arms around her waist. Feeling the warmth, and the soft, smooth surface of her skin, Takeda shuddered. He was transfixed merely by the thought of standing this close to April!

But he needed to follow through; her request had been made. He let his arms run around her body, drifting lower to rest over her hips before he reminded himself to hold them at the right height. Then, he bit his lip and squeezed down as hard as he could, pulling her close to his chest. Here goes nothing, he thought...

April let out a soft moan as she was pulled tight into Takeda and squeezed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him close, cradling the side of his face to her breasts as she grunted out. "Oooo, not bad Takeda, keep this up and II might submit just yet." She complimented as she allowed him to maintain the hug as long as he felt like keeping it up. She gave a slow sway to her hips from side to side as if trying to wiggle free of his embrace, but intentionally to no avail.

Takeda knew that whatever he was getting into would be...well, enticing, certainly, but awkward all the same. He knew that being selected personally by April to perform such an honor showed that he had her trust and esteem, and the very thought of that made his heart quicken in his chest. How long had she known him? Did he really have a chance of gaining her favor? All of that sent his heart aflutter, as he pushed in closer to her body. But even though Takeda was well aware that the two of them would end up body to body against each other, and even though he knew what he would think when they could at last feel each others' forms, he could never have guessed that it would all turn out so...intimate.

"M-MMF..!?" The reporter's words were muffled into April's soft, full breast, his cheeks flushing hot and red. He could feel every inch of her skin, and the winding of her arms around the back of his neck, cupping his head and drawing him closer. He was getting quite excited about this, and his heart quickened in his chest - with how close April was pushed against him, he was sure she could feel it. Perhaps even other things, he was ashamed to think about; at least she'd understand that such a reaction could only be inevitable. At least, he hoped she would.

He nodded his head, hearing April's teasing words, and resolved himself to meet her demands. He was no professional wrestler, but more than anything, he wanted to impress her! Drawing in a breath, Takeda squeezed his arms even tighter around April's waist, joining his hands behind her back. He arched his back, pressing his chest against hers, as he tried to meet her with as much power as he could manage! "H-How's that, Ms. Starling-?"

"Nhhh, oh my, I'm in actual trouble against "The Tiger" Takeda." She nicknamed him as she let out a surprise gasp as he arched back and pulled her off of her feet, she shifted her knees up to tuck against his hips as she leaned forward as her arched back. Moans continue to sang out beautifully with each squeeze as also bit her lower lip in a cute manner with a blush as she could feel his...excitement on more then one level. "I'm definitely happy to have met you as well love." she replied back with an amused giggle, she then turned her face, giving him a big smooch on the cheek as she then playfully tapped out on Takeda's shoulder. "Nhhh, I yield darling, I'm no match for "The Tiger" of interviewers."

The photographers gathered around, eagerly snapping pictures of the scene unfolding before them. A few laughed, getting wrapped up in April's act, while others began pumping fists in the air, chanting "Tiger! Tiger!" In most of such circumstances Takeda would have been embarrassed, but he barely gave what was happening any thought when there were other things that were taking up far more of his mind right now - namely, the fact that he was this close to April Starling, feeling all the warmth radiating off her body as he pressed against her. Every little twist and motion she made, he could feel. Every moan she made reached his ears. It felt more intimate, in that moment, than anything he could recall dealing with before.

Eventually, April finally made her move - planting a kiss directly on Takeda's cheek. A vivid blush came to his face, as he stumbled back, letting up his hold on her. Instantly, his speech gave way to mindless stammering as he looked nervously back and forth. "I...I...I uh..." But with April signalling her submission, the photographers all sent up cheers and applause - for Takeda's "victory" over his "opponent," and in issuing congratulations to him for how lucky he was.

Collecting himself, Takeda set April down. He straightened his suit, adjusted his glasses, and held himself straighter as he cleared his throat. "Anyway, thank you...thank you very much, Ms. Starling. I can't emphasize enough how much, has been, uh...appreciated."

"It was my pleasure darling, but if you really would like to thank me, you know, you could always ask me out for a cup of coffee, or a few drinks, whichever you prefer." She said with a smile, confirming her interest in Takeda to be genuine and not just an act as she cupped his cheek and then giving it a polite pat as she then looked around at the crew. "Thank you all for allowing me the opportunity to be part of this shoot and interview. I am honored and this was absolutely a lot of fun. If that was all, I really need to go back to preparing for my next match." She asked politely and out of curiosity as she looked around in case she was needed for anything else.

"You'd...really want?" Takeda scratched his head. For a moment, he thought about what he was hearing from April, and then a wide grin broke over his face. It almost seemed too good to be true, but there was no other way to take it. He'd figured that April was just fooling around, and there was no way he actually stood a chance with a woman like her. But...he could tell from the conviction in her voice that she was serious. She might have had to lie and hide her true identity for her previous career...but this was real. He was sure of it. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but...

The camera crew were quick to voice their approval of April as well, breaking out into applause. After all, she had put on quite a show in their studio, one they wouldn't be forgetting any time soon. And perhaps the most amazed of all was Takeda himself. He stepped closer to April, but a warm smile crossed his face as he did. "No, I understand. I didn't want to ask too much of your time. You're free to go now...but the two of us meeting some time sounds lovely. If you don't mind giving me your number so I can let you know?"

"Of course dear, let's trade phones." April mentioned as she pulled her phone out from her hoodie pocket. She then unlocked it with a finger scan and went to contacts. If Takeda was glancing over at her phone, he would see the sad fact that April didn't have too many contacts, with about 20 names, besides Tina Kelley, another wrestler, about three fourths of her contacts were listed as butlers and maids and there were a few unknowns. She entered Takeda's name as Tiger with a heart emoji beside it before handing him her phone and taking his to enter in her number. "There we go, I do look forward to hearing from you soon." She mentioned as she traded phones back.

Sure enough, Takeda did look over at April's phone as he was getting his own set up for her. He knew that it was rude - and more importantly, that it stood a nonzero chance of breaching international security - but he couldn't deny that he was curious. When he was dealing with someone of such mystique, who spoke of such a life of adventure, it was hard not to believe her phone contacts wouldn't be just as fascinating. Who would be there? Politicians, celebrities, members of secret socieities he could never imagine even existing?

What Takeda did see of the screen, however, told him none of those things. In fact, April's contact list was...remarkably ordinary, all things considered. He was a little disappointed, but then again, he supposed she wouldn't leave that sort of information just lying around anyway. Soon, she passed him her phone - and his cheeks flushed hotter as she saw her nickname for him listed at the top. Takeda gulped, but nonetheless put in his number, handing her phone back as she was finished putting her number into his (the contact he had, more conventionally, listed simply as "April Starling," and alongside few other names that weren't either family members or work associates). Then, he straightened his jacket, standing up straighter. "Of course. As do I."

April smirked at him as he stood taller and straightened his jacket, glad to see that little extra bit of confidence build in him as she put away her phone. "Excellent, on that note, I must part now. I bid you and your crew adieu, tata for now." She mentioned as she blew Takeda a kiss and waved farewell to the rest of the staff as she strutted her way out of the studio.

April 2021: April Starling

  • Age: 28
  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 140 lbs.
  • Finishing Move: Elegance Strike (Meteora)
  • Career Highlight: Facing Countess Sia von Karnstein in a close match.
  • Career Aspirations: Being involved in movies or charity work.
  • Was a secret agent prior to going into wrestling - "I needed to maintain some form of adventure and excitement to my life, so I figured, why not?"
Last edited by CaptainL on Thu Apr 18, 2024 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
In the LAW offices, the stage was set for another entry in the Ladies of LAW calendar, as photographers set up their cameras and lights around a backdrop. The director, sitting in a seat and watching the action, was guiding the crew into the proper positions, while just beside him sat Takeda Ryoshi, LAW Magazine's long-suffering interviewer, who flipped to a clean page in his notebook, getting ready to discuss matters with the latest volunteer for the project.

The thoughts from the previous month's shoot hadn't quite left his head, and he blushed, a dreamy feeling coming over him as he thought back on his conversation with April Starling, one that got quite...intimate. He still had her name in his phone; he thought to himself that he'd have to send her a message some time after this. All this time, he hadn't been able to work up the courage to message her. But how was one supposed to bring the topic up to a former international secret agent?

Opposite him today would be someone no less famous, if though more conventional means. Rise Kujikawa had topped the charts in her career as a pop idol, and when she went looking for new routes when her star began to fade, she had jumped straight to LAW. It was a decision that baffled many, but Rise soon showed herself to be...well, not really anything you would call spectacular in the ring, unless you meant in losing. While she might not have been good, she was, at least, popular - and when she'd heard about the calendar, she had jumped on board. Now that her name had come up, it was time for Rise to make her appearance. All Takeda was left doing was waiting on her to arrive...

Not long after that thought Takeda would hear a set of light approaching footsteps as one Rise Kujikawa, more popularly known as Risette, would make her appearance. For the photoshoot she would abandon her cutesy idol look for a more mature-looking black bikini while letting her thick brown hair flow free instead of being tied up like usual. The idol looked around until she spotted Takeda, upon which she would saunter on over to him "Hey there, you're Takeda-San, right?"

"A-Ah..!" Hearing the noise coming from behind, Takeda would soon jump to his feet, spinning back around to face Rise - and soon, he would stop in his tracks, as his eyes landed on her standing before him in a flattering swimsuit. There he went silent, the blush rising to his cheeks. In truth, he hadn't expected her to go with such a different look for this shoot. He knew of her idol career, and he figured that she'd want to play up her cheerful, happy-go-lucky image, but it seemed she wanted to show a different side of herself for this shoot - mature, confident, and assured of herself. Perhaps it was the shock of seeing her in such a way that made it stand out all the more - but to Takeda, it was a side of her that was even more exciting than he'd ever seen from Risette before. Even if she was stepping outside her comfort zone, she nailed it.

Clearing his throat, he straightened his back, gesturing to where the backdrop was set. "Yes...yes, that's me. A pleasure to have you here, Rise...Risette? Is there any way you'd like me to call you? Anyway..." Takeda adjusted his glasses, keeping himself focused. "Head over there, and give me your best poses, if you will."

As Rise approached the man she noticed that he seemed pretty startled by the sound of her approach, and when he turned around and laid eyes on her he seemed to be utterly gobsmacked by the sight of her and her new look. This would put a smile on the girl's face as she seemed to enjoy the attention, she was an idol after all and it was literally her job to be adored "Do I look good?" she asked rhetorically, given that she could already tell how much he liked her look from his expression. The man would then greet her before stumbling slightly over what he should call her "Rise will be fine" she explained patiently.

Once they were done exchanging greetings Rise would walk over to the spot Takeda had pointed out and would start to strut her stuff. She had been asked to give some of her best poses, and as a professional entertainer she more than intended to deliver. First she would stare into the camera with her body language wide open and giving a playful smile as she let the viewers soak in the sight of her body. Then she would go for a different approach, turning her back to the camera before looking back over her shoulder with a bashful look of longing on her face, shyly gazing at the camera while also conveniently giving a great view of her round bikini-clad rear.

She would strike several more poses like those, each one sitting somewhere between those two extremes of bold and confident against shy and longing. But each one would have one thing in common, she somehow managed to look both cute and sexy for each pose in a way only a seasoned idol could.

Takeda was having a hard time finding the right words to respond to Rise's question, his mouth hanging open as he stammered incoherently. But in the end, it hadn't really mattered - it wasn't hard to figure out what his thoughts were. "Rise...right. Alright, then." Takeda led the idol over to where she would take her place for her photoshoot, then stepped back and held his pad of paper at the ready. He cleared his throat, trying to calm his nerves enough for when he would need them - he was supposed to be conducting an interview, after all, and it would be hard to do that if he wasn't focused.

...Although, one way or another, Takeda would find his attention diverted anyway, as Rise began striking a few poses, each one punctuated by the flashing and snapping of cameras. It was no surprise that she could settle so naturally into each position; she was, after all, a former idol, and she'd no doubt have plenty of practice when it came to presenting herself on stage and for the camera. But Takeda was used to her playing up her cutsier, girlier side, and while her body language displayed plenty of cues from that, he was seeing a whole new side of her, her hair down and her form on full display in the alluring black swimsuit she wore. Whether it was the novelty, the look itself, or both, he found himself all the more drawn in. He felt the blush rise to his cheeks as he looked on, a lump forming in his throat.

As a few other shots finished, Takeda at last took in a breath, looking down at his pad of paper long enough to clear his mind. It would be somewhat less than ideal to conduct an interview with his gaze averted as much as he could get away with, but it beat blundering awkwardly through everything. "Alright,, I'd like to ask a few questions to get to know you more, and so that our fans might as well. First of all, I'm sure this is something you get a lot, but I'm still curious. What inspired you to make the jump from singing to wrestling?"

Once she had finished flashing all of her poses for the camera Rise would allow herself to relax, taking a bottle of water from a worker and walking over to sit opposite Takeda. As she sat down she noticed that the man was staring intently at his notebook, based on his earlier actions he was likely doing this to stop himself from being distracted by her body. Though Rise appreciated the thought she didn't really mind if he looked, she certainly wasn't shy about showing off as he would see by the photo's she'd taken, plus she didn't really like the idea of having a whole interview with someone that wasn't looking at her "No need to be shy, look up!"

Right off the bat Takeda would ask quite a big question, enough to take the idol off guard. She had thought they'd start off with something light or generic, but straight away Takeda had asked her why she had gone from singing to wrestling "Hehe, good question. Well to be perfectly honest it was because my singing career was in a bit of a rut and I was looking for a new direction. So since I've always loved wrestling and I started hearing people raving about how great LAW is I decided to give it a go! Sorry if you were hoping for something a little more complex than that, but it was quite a simple reason."

Takeda was in the process of trying to take notes, scribbling down the question he had just asked in the name of recording the exchange. However, he stopped in the middle of his writing to hear Rise give the invitation to look up at her. At once, the reporter's face flushed. For starters, it was embarrassing that his attempts to look inconspicuous were actually being noticed, despite his best attempts to the contrary. But looking up meant...looking on at Rise in all her glory. He gulped, a lump forming in his throat, but he slowly looked back up at her - his eyes running over every inch of her form, up her legs and along her sides, resting on her chest for an admittedly longer period of time before coming to her face. Still blushing vividly, he gave an anxious chuckle. "Ah,'re really sure it...won't be a problem? Ah, sorry, Ms. Rise, but you look...especially stunning!" Takeda stopped and cleared his throat, hoping that wasn't too blatant. Despite his best attempts to defuse the situation, he felt it was only getting worse.

Nevertheless, he would record her answer in his notes. While it wasn't exactly the most exotic of responses, it would still do - and Takeda, for all his sinful thoughts, was still a journalist. He wanted to give fans the truth, more than he wanted to dress things up to make it more interesting. "Well, then, I'm glad to hear you found your way here! I'm, uh...I'm sure plenty of people are glad to see you've made it," he added with a nervous chuckle, biting his lip and hoping that wouldn't be too intrusive a comment. Then, looking between Rise and his notepad, he began to formulate his next question - one that he hoped would be well-received. He was aware that Rise didn't have the most impressive record in LAW, and he didn't want to be insensitive, but he was curious. "So, Ms. all due respects, what do you think of your performance in LAW so far?"

Rise gave a light giggle as Takeda looked up at her and told her she looked 'especially stunning' "Why thank you!" she said, enjoying the attention. While it probably wasn't necessary for his eyes to linger at her chest for so long the man was finally looking Rise in the eyes, eventually, and that was a win for the idol. What would be less of a win was the question Takeda asked next; asking about her performance in LAW.

The next thing Takeda would notice, assuming his eyes weren't wandering too much, was Rise's dazzling white smile instantly faltering. It seemed like that question certainly hit her where it hurts, and who could blame her after all the devastating, and often quite humiliating, losses she had taken in the span of her LAW career. Even so she still had to answer the question "Well... I'm certainly not the most capable fighter on the roster that's for sure... but in regards to my 'performance' I've been doing fantastically" she declared with a joyful tone to her rather confusing words.

With a somewhat forced smile planted back onto her face Rise would elaborate "All of my matches sell really well and get tons of views! Even my biggest haters can't deny that I draw a crowd!" she explained, putting a positive twist on her rather negative experiences at LAW. Of course one could question why it was that fans would gather to watch a match where they knew Rise would lose, but Rise either neglected to mention such a thing or was refusing to do so on purpose "Alright, I'm ready for the next question!" Rise said, with a tone that made it clear that she was done talking about this subject.

Takeda had indeed focused on Rise's face; she had the stunning looks she would have needed to get far in her idol career, and he couldn't help but be captivated by them. Which meant that when the smile dropped from her face, Takeda noticed it - and almost instantly, he felt a pang of guilt come in. The girl's face had looked so bright and eager a moment ago, and now, it seemed, he had ruined the mood just by getting ahead of himself and saying the wrong thing. Was this a sensitive subject for her? After all, her career, impactful and memorable as it might have been, was far from spectacular...

He listened cautiously as Rise went on to elaborate her point, taking notes and hoping that he wouldn't have negatively impacted his rapport with her. He could tell she was doing her best to make the most out of the situation, and he could commend her for showing that much resilience - but at the same time, Takeda could notice the cracks forming behind the facade Rise tried to put up. He couldn't help but wonder if, deep down, she wished for something greater, but he didn't want to press the issue. And he could tell that she didn't either.

"Well, thank you, Rise," Takeda continued with an nod. "I'm glad to know you can, er...make the most of your publicity, anyway." A pause ensued as he considered what to say next, and as the moments passed he chewed nervously on his lip, knowing all too well that the awkward silence could only bring Rise more discomfort. Deciding it would be best not to dig too deeply into Rise's history in LAW, he instead saw fit to turn to the future. "For my next question, I have to ask - do you have any aspirations for where you want to go next in your LAW career?"

With the topic of conversation moving on to something that is less of a sore point for the idol Rise's record-selling smile found its way back onto her face, though it was hard to keep it on during the awkward silence that ensued as Takeda decided what next he wanted to ask Rise. Eventually though Takeda would ask her if she had any future aspirations for her LAW career, a question that made Rise's smile widen slightly "I was hoping you'd ask me that!" she beamed.

Rise would take a chug of her water before answering "So I uh... don't have the BEST win record in the world necessarily, but I have actually managed to pick up a win or two you know! And it made me realise that even if I take some bumps and bruises along the way, wrestling can make me feel pretty good. But all the losses I've taken made me realise that I can't actually do well if I don't have time to train my wrestling skills, and between being a wrestler and being an idol I don't actually have the time to do any of that."

Rise hesitated slightly as the next words formed in her mouth, gulping nervously as she prepared to take a big step forward "So I'm gonna quit being an idol to focus on training to become a better wrestler! I know I'm not gonna get good overnight, but I'm gonna put in the hours until my star shines the brightest!" Rise would declare, glad to have finally gotten all that off of her chest. The girl would let out a long sigh and take another swig of water, preparing for the follow up questions Takeda would no doubt want to give.

As soon as Takeda changed the subject, Rise's move seemed to perk up almost immediately. It brought some relief to the interviewer, who let out a contented sigh; he even smiled a little bit himself, looking back in her direction. That was the Rise he knew, and he was glad to know she was in good spirits. "Then, by all means, go on!" he said with a nod, giving her the floor.

Takeda took some notes as Rise spoke, nodding along with her words. It all seemed understandable enough - she wanted to do better in her career. That was reasonable; he would expect most wrestlers to agree in that regard. And he could certainly see how Rise's unique predicament, having to balance her two careers as both a wrestler and an idol, could make things difficult.

However, he didn't see her next proclamation coming - and when it reached his ears, Takeda gasped, jolting to his feet. "You're...sure-!?" He understood that Rise's idol career was important to her, and he hadn't anticipated her being so ready to drop it. He could tell, too, that he was uneasy about the proposition herself, needing to collect herself before and after saying the words. However, he wasn't one to judge her - if she had made this decision, it meant that she had made a decision about what in her career was really important to her. It was clear she had put a lot of thought into this, and he wasn't going to try and sway her decisions. What he was curious about was how this would impact other things.

"Well...I mean, it's your decision, Rise! And I'm sure you'll do fine with whatever you choose to pursue. I must ask, though, how do you suppose your fans will react to such a decision?"

While Rise had known that her announcement would likely come as quite a shock to those who followed her career she was still startled when Takeda shot to his feet in his surprise "Wah!?!" Soon though he would settle down and look to ask a new question in response to the bombshell she had dropped; how she thought her fans were going to react. That was certainly a good question, given how popular an idol Rise was.

"Well to be honest... not well hahaha! Or at least I don't think quite a few of my long time fans will. Quite a vocal portion of my fanbase kinda hated that I became a wrestler, so they won't be happy that I'm choosing wrestling over my singing career. I think this is the right decision though, or at least I hope it will be, and even if I lose fans over this I'm sure the fans I have left will continue to support me no matter what!"

Rise would top off her answer with a dazzling smile, a smile that showed the girl's bottomless optimism even in the face of constant failure.

Takeda didn't know what to think when Rise mentioned she was hesitant about the reception she was expecting to get from her career choices, and he bit his lip with a nod. "Ah, well..." On one hand, he could understand the concerns. Idol culture was no stranger to its scandals and controversies. He also knew how much Rise's fans meant to her - a fact that she had cited in the past, as well as which had gotten her into trouble. He had a hard time believing that she would make a decision that could let them down lightly. But, in the end, Rise was her own person - and she knew what she wanted to do. If she had everything figured out, Takeda could only voice his support!

"Well, when you do, you can expect me to be one of those fans cheering you on!" he added with a smile - one that, honest as it might have been, paled in comparison to Rise's own. The girl knew that she was making a controversial decision, but she was willing to do it anyway, because she had faith in herself. That was something Takeda could only admire.

"All right, there's just one last question I'd like to ask," Takeda said, looking back at his notepad. "I'm sure it's something you get asked a lot, but is there one thing in particular, before we go, that you'd like your fans to know?"

When Takeda assured Rise that he would cheer her on in the future the girl seemed quite surprised to hear that at first, but then she would return his gesture with a warm smile and a slight giggle "Thank you, I'm glad to hear it! Hehehe."

The man would then ask his final question; namely if there was anything she wanted her fans to know "Yeah I do actually! I just want them to know that there's gonna be a lot of changes coming soon, but I'm gonna persevere, and you should be expecting great things!" she declared, pumping her fists energetically even though she wasn't addressing her fans directly, just Takeda and a few scattered staff members.

Takeda returned a smile to Rise that was just as warm. He wasn't even looking at her body any more - though he could still appreciate the fact that she had the looks to turn heads. In the course of this interview, he had come to see Rise not just as an idol, but as a person, one with hopes and aspirations. Aspirations that were inspiring her to go further beyond her career, branching out into wrestling full-time. Even when she wasn't sure where it would land her, she was still out to chase her dreams, and he could only look on at such conviction with admiration.

After writing down some notes in his pad, he looked up at Rise with a grin. "Thank you very much for coming to the studio today, Rise. And I truly do wish you luck. I'm excited to see what will come next for you in your career!" At the same time, he felt a blush come to his cheeks at saying it. Never did he think he would ever be saying such words to Rise Kujikawa herself.

Rise would nod along as Takeda thanked her for her time and wished her luck in her future career, the latter statement once more putting a smile on Rise's face "Thank you very much!" Although Rise had just come here to do the photo-shoot and give her announcement Takeda's encouragement had made Rise feel at least a little less anxious about her decision, something that left the idol feeling quite thankful to the man.

As the interview came to an end Rise would stand up and gesture for Takeda to do so, if he did Rise would step forward and go to give the man a hug. As far as Rise could tell the man seemed to be a fan of hers, even if only for her looks, so this should be a nice gesture for the man.

Finishing with his notes, Takeda got up from his seat, facing Rise with a smile on his face. He knew she was heading into a big shakeup in her career, and she was facing uncertain territory in committing to be a full-time wrestler - especially when she wasn't sure how it'd be received by her fans, who had always meant a lot to her. But he could tell it was what she wanted to do, and he could only praise her decisions to follow her dreams. It was then that it hit Takeda - Rise had shown up to this photoshoot with a more mature, serious image for herself, quite unlike what she'd made a name for herself with on stage. He hadn't put two and two together up until this point, but suddenly it all made sense. Was Rise using this as an opportunity to try out the new her?

Of course, Takeda was quickly shaken out of his thoughts a moment later - as Rise pulled him into a hug. Suddenly, he felt the firm pressure of her arms around his sides and the softness of her chest pressing against his, and his face flushed red, his heart beating faster with excitement. "A-Ahh..?" he said, looking down at Rise. He hadn't expected such a gesture - but he couldn't say he minded it, either. Clearing his throat, he continued. "T-Thanks, Rise. I really do wish you the best..."

Rise smiled as she wrapped Takeda up in a hug, literally feeling his heart beating faster given that her chest was touching his. If Rise recalled correctly Takeda had gotten the chance to hug his last interviewee too, although in a far different context to the hug he was receiving now. Rise would hold him for a few more seconds before letting go, seeing that his face was understandably quite flushed. After all; it wasn't every day that you got hugged by an idol, or rather a former idol.

Rise would give the man one last dazzling smile as Takeda thanked her and wished her the best "Thanks a bunch Takeda-san! And thank you again for the interview!" she said, with a bow. The girl would then give the man a wave before leaving to get changed, she had a busy schedule so unfortunately she couldn't overstay her welcome.

May 2021: Rise Kujikawa

  • Age: 19
  • Height: 5'1
  • Weight: 90 lbs.
  • Signature Move: Spotlight (Hip Attack)
  • Career Highlight: Drawing a crowd in all her matches.
  • Career Aspirations: Quitting her idol career to pursue wrestling full-time.
  • "There's gonna be a lot of changes coming soon, but I'm gonna persevere, and you should be expecting great things!"
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
A/N: @Devilish53 has elected to do this interview in script form

"What have you thought of your time in LAW so far?"

"Hmm. Well, I've enjoyed it, naturally! I had a real slow start - going after the heavyweight tournament and failing at the qualifier and what-not - but I'd like to think I've definitely picked up the pace. I've had alot of fun with my bedroom crown, and I got a neat tag going now too!"

"Is that so? What do you feel about your partner, then?"

"Karen? Ohhh. Well, she has her ways. And people are entitled to think how they want, you know? But we're good friends, and I like her. I hope people don't see it as her using me or me taking pity on her. It's not like that!"

"I have to admit, the two of you don't have a lot in common. I hardly expected things between the two of you to be so easy-going, but sometimes you can't predict people! Of your LAW career, is there one match or accomplishment in particular you're especially proud of?"

"I'd say my bedroom crown as a whole! I feel very accomplished there! I know that it doesn't count officially, and anyone can just go out and say they are a champion of whatever, but I've done a lot of defenses with people coming at me. I take that as my crown being popular! And super-in-demand! Heh!"

"And your matches certainly deliver on that, heh..! You've definitely proven yourself to be a fan favorite, for...well, a number of reasons. And I can hardly argue with that. Do you have any major plans for what you want to accomplish next in your career?"

"Well, to be honest, I think it's time to move on from my crown! Like I said I've had tons of fun and I by no means intend to just give it up, but maybe I should...well...retire it? Or something? I need to put more focus on my stuff with Karen, alongside going for the real championships!"

"So, would you say that the Tag Team Championships are in your future?"

"I'd like to think so! It depends really. We have a long way to go!"

"Well, if all goes well, and you keep your mind set to it, perhaps we'll see Silver Star holding the belts some time soon! All right, that covers pretty much everything I had to ask. Before we go, is there anything else you would like to tell us?"

"I don't think there's anything I could say. I should have thought of something before hand, hehe!"

"Well...any other fact about you you think the fans might like to know?"

"Well...My real name is Lara! Haha! People and fans, I guess, are so used to calling me Silver, I only really hear my own name when I phone my mom. Not that I'm complaining!"

"I...wasn't actually aware of that. Anyway..! Thank you for having us talk to you today, Silver. Or, Lara, or however you'd like me to refer to you. Best of luck to you and Karen both!"

July 2021: Silver

  • Age: 20
  • Height: 5'10
  • Weight: 215 lbs.
  • Signature Move: Silver Hold (Bear Hug)
  • Career Highlight: Holding the Bedroom Crown.
  • Career Aspirations: Pursuing the Tag Team Championships with Karen Starring.
  • Her real name is Lara.
Last edited by CaptainL on Tue Aug 03, 2021 2:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
In the LAW office's studios, Takeda Ryoshi sat in a folding chair, checking his watch. Occasionally, his gaze drifted over to the door across from him, leading out into the hall, but one way or another his attention always returned to the time. The next entrant in the Ladies of LAW Calendar was due to show up at any minute, and he was sure she would have some insights to give.

It had been a bit of a last-minute decision; the LAW Magazine committee had needed to adjust their plans when the woman they had in mind for July couldn't make it. But luckily for them, they had an easy answer when it came to who to fall back on. Even though her career in LAW had been a short one compared to many others, Gil had still proven she was a favorite with the fans, who were clamoring to see more from her. She might not have looked the part of a peak athlete, given her dainty frame and cheerful demeanor, but whether it was her eager can-do attitude, her surprising endurance, or just the size of her posterior, she had quickly caught on with LAW's faithful, and her star was on the rise.

Not only that, but she was quite vocal in her outreach toward the community, with her active social media presence, and she had voiced her appreciation of the calendar, and other efforts from LAW Magazine, before - even writing an article of her own. It seemed like if there was ever a natural fit for the calendar, Gil was it.

She'd been eager to accept the offer when he had put it out to her, and now, the day had come for her interview and photoshoot. Now, it was only a matter of when she'd walk through the door...

Since Gil had first joined L.A.W, she had greatly appreciated the media side of things, she adored the magazine, and all the articles that came with it, lists, and review alike! There was so much to be explored, and it showed her that the world of L.A.W, is much bigger than she originally thought.

Gil walked briskly down the halls, trying to find the place she was meant to be, she was never great with directions, as a matter of fact, she was sure she had been walking in circles for the past 10 minutes...

She peeked in on every door, if only for a second, seeing everyone hard at work! Suddenly, she skidded on the heels of her sneakers, she had finally found the room! She slowed her pace and walked in, flashing a bright smile to the man. "So sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my way here...!" Gil chuckled, reaching her hand out toward him.

She was dressed in a sweater and a skirt, not really according to the currant weather. She was rarely seen in casual attire by anyone involved in L.A.W, if she was ever doing anything in L.A.W, it was training, or having a match, or maybe writing an article about butts from the comfort of her own home...!

And at last, Gil came through the door! It happened so quickly that Takeda didn't have much time to prepare, but he soon jumped to his feet, facing her with a short bow. "Ah, welcome-! No, no, it's all right...what matters is that you're here!" Despite all the time she'd taken, Takeda hadn't thought much about what he'd want to say to her, and he had to improvise.

He smiled, looking the girl up and down. Compared to the entrances some of the other women he'd interviewed for the calendar had made, Gil's was downright sedate - the modest way she dressed, and how she had come through the door without much fanfare, hardly seemed like she was here for a photoshoot. But, at the same time, it did call to the down-to-earth girl-next-door personality that had endeared so many to Gil. Takeda had to admit he was somewhat disappointed that Gil had shown up in her everyday clothes over something skimpier, but he reminded himself that he was a journalist first and a pervert second. He had to face this matter with integrity.

Clearing his throat, he turned to the stage. "Are you ready? By all means, make yourself at home, and we'll get started with the shoot."

Gil chuckled at the man's nervousness, if Gil had to shoot a guess his way, she'd say he was new to this, or maybe who was just naturally nervous, either way, it was setting up to be a fun day for her!

Gil could read his face and tone fairly well, despite her usually being pretty clueless and unaware of her surroundings, and especially when he told her that the shoot was now, rather than later, she squatted down onto the floor, unzipping and reaching into her bag, quickly, and carelessly, ruffling through her belongings she kept on her, which seemed to be more than any person would ever need at any given moment.

"Really... Really sorry...!" Gil threw a few familiar, and unfamiliar articles of attire to the side of her. "...I had no idea the shoot was now, I thought we were doing the two things separately...!" Gil took another minute or two, apologizing every 10 seconds or so, before lifting up to her feet, presenting a few outfits to Takeda.

"Okay, so, I have a few different ones on me, so whichever ones you like!" Gil spread the clothes neatly on the floor, showing her main, goat-like attire, another one, which looked like it paid homage to cats, heavily...! And a final one, that kept her typical goat theme, but a little more risqué...!

"It's okay, really-!" Takeda took a step back, raising his hands and allowing Gil her space. He could see now that she had gone into this meeting just as unprepared as he himself was, and he understood fully the nervousness that came with having to rush to make ends meet. After all, he'd been there many a time. "We have all day, you can take as long as you like..." He nodded his head to Gil, wanting to make sure that she was at home and comfortable.

That being said, he wasn't prepared for her to reveal not one, but three outfits she had brought along for the shoot! Takeda fiddled with his glasses as he took a step back, looking down at what Gil had laid out in front of him. Usually, the subjects of his interviews had come dressed for the occasion already, but Gil had gone a step beyond. Not just that, she had given him the opportunity to pick out what she would wear - something Takeda hadn't run into in his career. How was he supposed to approach a situation like that?

Takeda tapped his chin, looking over at the three outfits. His gaze occasionally returned to Gil, considering how each one would flatter her figure and how she would look in it. The cat-themed outfit certainly fit her honorary membership with the SWAT Kats, something that was the subject of much conversation as of late. But he couldn't help but blush a little harder at the thought of her wearing a more revealing version of her typical goat theme.

"You're...really sure you want me to pick?" he said. "Hm...we could always take a few photos in each of these, and we'll pick which one would fit the best once we compare them side by side, if that's alright with you." His gaze did settle on the third outfit, however. "Though, I am curious..." he continued, in a softer voice.

Gil always had to come prepared, given her experience with L.A.W outside of the ring, there was always a shot she'd need these outfits, you never know when you're going to need to impress the SWAT Kats, or when Peach and Daisy are going to pull you into their own smother training session again...!

Gil could never turn down trying on all three, she loved dressing up for her matches, it was a huge part of the fun for her, but she could tell what piqued Takeda's interest, his eyes seemed set on that third outfit, and if that wasn't enough, his muttering was!

"Oh, this one? I haven't shown it to anyone yet, but I think it's a good one for special events, it's a tiny bit more revealing than my others, but I still like it...!" Gil giggled, collecting the pieces to the outfit. "...And it just screams Smother Champion, don't you think?" Gil chuckled again. "If you like it, we could totally do this one...! I mean, what better way to show off my newest look than by way of the L.A.W Calendar, right?" Gil shined a smile towards the obviously on edge Takeda, clutching all the pieces to her new attire to her chest.

Takeda had seen Gil in many a match, and he knew what the girl was renowned for. After all, it was hard to miss it, considering how much she boasted of it and used it to her advantage in the ring! All the same, though, he didn't want to be rude and bring it up unprompted, lest his lustful thoughts turn her away from him - and besides, he was too embarrassed about his own impulses to admit to them. He had elected to stay quiet for now and let Gil decide as he would...but it seemed that he was being a little less conspicuous than he had intended.

"W-Wait, what..?" He blushed hard, his eyes going wide as he pulled back and pushed his glasses back onto his face. At first, he went tense with the worries that Gil had heard him, and that she'd be offended. But to his surprise, she was, if anything, accommodating of the idea! Takeda blinked a few times, listening to Gil explain her rationale. It was true that if she intended to use the outfit in her matches, particularly at special events, having it showcased in such an occasion would help to build hype. And he also had to nod in agreement when she mentioned that it fit her aspirations of becoming Smother Champion, something she'd discussed quite extensively before! "'re right, it does!" he said, his eyes wandering to the small bikini bottom and imagining how well the girl's bountiful behind would fill it out.

Already, he could feel his heart beating faster, just thinking about what Gil would look like in it. And the opportunity was right before him. "In that case...uh, why don't you go get changed and meet me back here?" The camera crew moved in a screen, going to give Gil some privacy if she desired it.

"Sure thing, Mr. Takeda, I'll be back in a jiffy...!" With that, Gil disappeared out the door. It was a relatively simple costume, so it only took a few short minutes, maybe 5 or so, before she turned the corner back into the room, now wearing the more revealing outfit that Takeda was close to drooling over.

"It look's good, doesn't it?" Gil smiled, walking further into the room. She took the side of her bottoms, stretching them out, before letting them snap back into place. "...And these bottoms are really, really, elastic, too! It's perfect...!" Gil seemed just as excited to show off her newest attire as Takeda was to see it!

"So, the photoshoot first, right?" Gil tilted her head to the side, stepping closer to the cameraman, but not taking her eyes off of Takeda. "Just give me the position, and I'll give it all I got...!" Gil spoke to both the camera crew, and Takeda, whichever wanted to take charge of the shoot.

"...Oh." As soon as Gil walked out from behind the screen, Takeda realized that his mental image of how Gil's new outfit would flatter her curves wasn't an accurate one - it didn't do the sight justice! Seeing the girl now, with her skimpy bottoms clinging tightly to her hips and outlining the contours of her rear; her slim, toned legs on full was enough to make his eyes go wide as he took in a gulp. If this was what he could expect from Gil during her interview and photoshoot - perhaps even in her matches to come - he was in for some exciting times indeed!

When Gil asked him how it looked, his response still came out as a nervous and stammered one, as he fiddled with his tie. "Y-Yeah! Uh...yeah!" Takeda said with a nod. "You look great! And I'm sure it's going well for the shoot, heh..." His thoughts still preoccupied, Takeda found himself at a loss for words. The photographers and crew looked at him, waiting on a response, for an awkwardly long time before he remembered what it was he still needed to do.

"Ah, right-!" Takeda cleared his throat, gesturing to the stage. "Yes, why don't you head over here...maybe, uh, a pose that shows off your...well, you know..." His face was growing redder as he spoke, afraid to offend Gil - but given the girl's career, it wasn't hard to surmise what he meant. "Uh, I mean that it'd fit, given your style! You know, your best side, and all...heh..." He grinned anxiously. "That sounded terrible, I know..."

Poor Takeda, his embarrassment was clear to see, by the camera crew, and Gil, and no matter how much he struggled to find the words, no one spoke up for him, just eyes piercing into him. Gil's eyes were not ones that judged, however, she stood, with her hands on her hips, and with a smile spread across her face, letting him take his time, after all, she had nowhere else to be, and this was sure to be the highlight of her week!

Once her finally got his message out, Gil couldn't help but let out a giggle. "Of course, you have to give the people what they want, and if that's my butt, then that's what we'll give them!...!" Gil was clearly less shy about this, even though it was her body. "...And it's alight, I know what you mean...!" Gil tried to make the situation a little less awkward for Takeda, even if it fell flat on it's face.

And just like that, Gil got to work, striking pose, after pose, after pose...! She made sure to get a few front shots in before turning her back to the camera crew, poking her face over her shoulder, her hips thrusted out slightly. The bottoms seemed like they barely fit, but maybe that's why they were so elastic. They really hugged Gil's body, tight! The fabric really highlighted her backside, the wedged just slightly enough to not be considered a wedgie, but enough for it to be clearly visible!

At least she was accepting of the plan, Takeda thought to himself, as he watched with a growing blush across his face as he nervously shuffled his feet. "Y-Yeah, that's...that's my thoughts exactly!" he said, nodding his head. He still chuckled nervously, but she had done the work of putting his impurer thoughts into words for him, and everything was on the table. All he had to do now was attend to the shoot.

And what a shoot it was! Despite the more innocent image that radiated from her, Gil seemed to be perfectly accustomed to taking a more daring position for the cameras. Takeda was at first taken by surprise by her willingness, but as he cleared her throat and gave her the space, he came to appreciate how well she took to it! His eyes wandered across the scene, taking in each position Gil took. He should be glad to have had the camera crew there to direct her, he thought - were it not for them, he was sure he wouldn't have been able to give good advice; his eyes were be fixed exclusively on one point in particular!

The cameras flashed, capturing each pose Gil struck, and at last, Takeda clapped his hands together, feeling satisfied with what they'd accomplished. "O-Okay, then..." he said, approaching Gil, though he kept his attention on her rear end, something that caused him to nearly trip over a cord as he wasn't watching where he was going. Soon, though, he caught himself, and clared his throat as he raised his notepad. "I...think that will do for the shoot. Now, onto our questions..." He idly tapped his pencil on the paper, stalling for time as he began to formulate his words. "So, Gil, how do you feel about your LAW career up to this point?"

Gil wasn't all that shy when it came to the cameras, being in the ring meant being surrounded by them, after all! And given her fighting style, she was pretty accustomed to doing things that teeter-tottered on being a tad more sensual, but if she was seen strolling down the street, one would never guess that this is what she got up to on a daily basis.

It was brief enough, but it left Gil feeling more than satisfied, she was excited for everyone to see her newest attire, and more than that, she couldn't wait to kick some butt in it! Gil picked at her bottom, which had wedged itself up a tad from her constant shifting into new positions, especially the ones that really took focus on her backside...!

"Careful...!" Gil instinctively put her hands in-front of her as Takeda stumbled over the cable, luckily, he was able to catch himself. "Right, ask away, Mr. Takeda...!" Gil smiled, putting her hands on her hips, posing like superhero. The question was a pretty simple one, but Gil took a second before she opened her mouth to speak. "...It's been a blast! I haven't made too many enemies, I haven't gotten hurt like I've seen some other girls get, so I think it's been pretty good!" Gil relaxed her shoulders, her smile becoming softer. "And, you know, I've made plenty of friends, smothered plenty of people, so I can't complain at all...!"

The fact that Gil's bottoms were adjusting to the motion of her hips was not lost on Takeda. His gaze began to drift lower, taking in the sight as more and more of her cheek rose from behind the fabric. He stood transfixed by the promise of seeing more of her the longer he looked at her, up until she fixed her attire. For a moment, Takeda stood silent, wondering to himself if he had done anything to offend Gil. But he soon cleared his throat, continuing with his interview.

He chuckled as he saw the enthusiasm Gil had in striking a confident pose before him. It was rather endearing - and seeing the sort of energy she brought to everything she did, Takeda had no reason to doubt why she had grown to be as popular as she had! It came across all the same in how eagerly she reflected on her career, and he took careful note of everything she said.

"I see, I see! That's good...honestly, given the fact that your, uh, record in LAW hasn't been the best, it's good to see that you're still able to take it in stride." He bit his lip, unsure if Gil was going to take offense to that insinuation, but still continued. "Out of all the matches you've participated in, or all the moments in your career, is there anything you think stands out as a highlight?

Gil really wasn't one to become offended or upset by anything, either because she didn't care, or just because it flew right over her head, and moved on to the next thing before it could really set in.

Every few moments Gil would adjust her bottoms, they were made to fit tight, and small across her lower-half, she'd have to get used to it, but it wasn't a flaw, per-say, it was more like a feature, I mean, what was more humiliating than getting smothered by someone wearing something so small that it was almost bare!

"Yeah... My record hasn't been great, but my matches have been! I like to think I've put up a good fight in all of them, so, even if my record says one thing, my performances say another, you know?" Gil chuckled, she didn't want to let her less than desirable numbers do her in, she knew she was much better than they reflected.

"Out of all my matches... Well, I don't mean to brag, but I beat the top contender for the Losers Championship, so in a way, that makes me a champion, right?" Gil laughed, reflecting on her dominating victory she had over Ossi Shamar. "...But, I think I did really, really, good against Dani in my debut... Oh, oh! Also, I totally did a number on Sachiko, even though I lost..." Gil taps her chin. "...Also, I did a great job against Miss Rose, even though she's a champion! I caught her really good in my Marshmallow Press!" Gil leaned in, cupping her hand by the side of her mouth, as if sharing some secret. "Sorry, that wasn't really one match, was it...?" Gil giggled, it was obvious she was proud of all her matches, even her loses and less than favorable, humiliating moments.

Takeda noted that, win or lose, Gil still managed to derive enjoyment from her matches all the same. He couldn't help but smirk to himself. It was a spirit that was perhaps rare among LAW's roster, but perhaps it shouldn't have been. Even when she lost her matches, Gil still managed to come away from each one with a feeling of success and fulfilment, and she looked back at them as worth taking pride in. It was that, perhaps, that made her spirit so enduring, even against the greatest of challenges. She was willing to take everything in stride, and she wouldn't get bogged down in feelings of inadequacy.

"Ah! Well, those definitely do give us plenty of material to work with," Takeda continued, taking note of what the girl told him. "As someone who's had the pleasure of seeing many of those moments, I can't argue any of your choices. Believe me when I say it, I enjoyed watching them as much as you enjoyed being a part of them! Don't feel bad about it, really!" He cleared his throat, flipping to a new page to begin his next question. "Now, I have to ask...going off of that, do you have any aspirations toward what you want to accomplish in the future? Well, given what you've discussed online, I feel like I already know the answer to this one..."

Gil giggled, she knew just how clear she had been on her goals, almost since the very beginning of her L.A.W career, all the way from a simple tweet all the way to full on advocation. "...That championship will exist one day, I'm sure! But I don't just want some belt, even though that would be nice...! I want to smother some of the greats, you know? I have plenty to go around, and more signatures to create! Miss Rose has something special in store for her, and Wicke Skyes, and Ducky Williams, I've always looked up to Ducky, even before joining L.A.W, oh, and Karen Starring too! Maybe that's morbid curiosity though, I have to know if her butt really does smell bad...!" She laughed out that last part. Gil thought over her goals for second before continuing.

"Being the Smother Champion means having the best smothers, not just getting lucky, so I have to be really on top of my game in smother matches, and even outside of those...! If I can land a good couple of smothers in a match, I can call it a victory! But then there is also the Middleweight Belt, and the Openweight Belt, I want those too! And more than anything, I want to have some fun matches, anything new and exciting has my attention!" Gil finished her answer off with a smile, puffing her chest out as she took in a deep breath, she almost forgot to breath after finishing!

Takeda didn't even need to say anything. He knew what was on Gil's mind, and so did she - and she barely needed any prompting to bring up the idea of the Smother Championship, something that she had dreamed up and that she wanted to compete for! He listened along to all the names she listed off, nodding his head to each. Certainly, Gil had high aspirations when it came to the future of her career, and no shortage of ambition. He wasn't sure how well she would be able to measure up to the opponents she had in mind, but it was clear that she was committed to her goals. Was that desire going to propel her to victory?

"You definitely have some big plans, that's for sure!" Takeda said with a laugh. "But you still keep an open mind, and you're focused on enjoying yourself above all else. That's probably smart - I'm sure it's what fuels that positivity in you." He paused for a moment before continuing. "I can't help but realize, though, that all the opponents you've named have had very successful careers in LAW, and the reputations to match. Do you think that you'll ever be on their level?"

He didn't want to sound like he doubted her. In fact, Takeda wasn't sure whether or not he should voice these concerns at all. But Gil had been very easy-going and receptive up to this point, and he felt he could take that risk. Although her eager attitude was adorable, he didn't know if it would help her get anywhere in her training. She needed to be committed to improving and doing her best if she wanted to challenge the best in the League, and could she do that if she was just here to have fun?

Gil knew there were doubts around her ability to make it big, at least as far as skill went, her popularity and fan-base size was already admirable, but most questioning came in around her all-around skills in the ring, mostly, her ability to finish a match. "I think so, at least... I hope so...!" Gil chirped. "...I think it's hard to measure up skill, I could definitely do much better, but I want to do it my way, you know?" Gil took a brief pause before continuing on, looking up at the ceiling.

"Oh, for example...!" Gil sucked in a chest full of air before spitting out her thoughts. "...In my match against Liger, I wasn't lacking in terms of ability, or whatever, I got tired! So rather than changing the way I fight, I want to build my endurance, I want to be able to exhaust my opponents, not just with smothers, but with speed and evasions, I want to tire them out before dominating them!" Gil's grin grew wider, almost in a sadistic-like manner, though it was almost more like mocking a sadistic look than a genuine one. "And of course, I'd still be in tip-top shape, but that's just the perfect match, not all of them will be so pristine, so maybe I'll be tired myself, but they'll be even more so, and I'll be sitting pretty...!"

Even when Takeda was afraid that his question was going to step on some toes, Gil still had the same positive outlook on life as ever. The reporter smiled to himself, letting out a short sigh of relief. He had to admit, Gil was quickly becoming one of his favorite people to interview. Many wrestlers were all too defensive, or even belligerent, when it came to personal questions, but Gil was open to everything, no matter what his questions touched on. It was a breath of fresh air, and one he was thankful for. Of course, she also had her own particular charms...

"It sounds like you have a plan," Takeda noted, writing down Gil's thoughts in his notepad. "That's good! It always helps to know how you want to achieve your goals. And from the sounds of it, it's a pretty solid one, too. I should wish you luck!" After a nod, Takeda looked back up at Gil again. "One last thing, before we wrap it up. Are there any other facts about you you'd like people to know?"

"Mhm, mhm." Gil nodded her head up and down, this had been a blast so far, she knew there was a reason she loved to media side of L.A.W! It was all the fun of L.A.W, without the risk of getting beaten!

The final question came in, and it took Gil a second to the think over her answer... Anything at all, huh? There was plenty to say, but what should she say? "Hmm... Oh, I got it!" I'm going to be the first ever person in L.A.W to hold three different belts at the same time, and the my butt is like no other, no one can out smother the Smother Princess...!" Gil decided to gloat a little, unable to stifle laughter as she did. "I think that's it though, oh, and just that I'm willing to take on anyone, I won't back down from a fight, no matter what...!"

Takeda had seen a lot of things in his career. Being an interviewer in the wrestling business, he saw colorful personalities on a near-daily basis, and he ended up getting well acquainted with them through how closely he worked with them. This, though...this was a daring prospect coming from Gil!

"Three different belts, huh! Well!" He leaned back, his eyes growing wider. It wasn't the idea itself that amazed him, so much as the fact that it was coming from Gil. When Kat Hart had discussed her hopes of becoming LAW's first Grand Slam Champion, she at least seemed like someone who stood a good chance of achieving the goal, as a well-established name in the business with plenty of experience behind her belt, and the talent to prove it. Gil, on the other hand, was a rookie who was still coming into her own. Her record was hardly impressive. And yet...Takeda didn't find the idea comical, even when she cracked up. He didn't doubt her at all. He had seen that Gil never backed down from anything - it had come across in how she talked, and how she refused to shrink away from even the greatest of challenges. If she let that sort of determination carry her, Takeda was sure that it could help her achieve even what seemed impossible.

At last, he flipped his notepad closed. "Alright, Miss Gil...that should wrap it up for all we had planned for today. As of luck out there. If you do manage to get all those belts together, I'll be cheering you on with it!"

What a blast! Gil wiped her hands from the imaginary dust of a hard-days work before resting them back onto her hips. "Thanks a million...!" Gil squatted down to pick up her bag with her casual attire in it. "...I'll be sure to make it happen, I can't have my fans being disappointed in me...!" Gil giggled, throwing her bag over her should and rising up to her feet, taking a few steps in the direction of the open door-way. "Oh, and thanks for having me, it was nice to be here...!" And with that, Gil turned and walked out the door-way, picking her bottoms out from her butt again. "I think these are too small..." She muttered to herself before her voice trailed down the hallway.

July 2021: Arma-Gil-O

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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
When it came to conducting interviews for the Ladies of LAW Calendar, Takeda Ryoshi had a job he could be happy with. How could he not? He got to hang around beautiful women in swimwear on a monthly basis, many of whom showed little concern over getting up close and personal with him - whether that was out of genuine affection, or if they merely found messing with him amusing, Takeda didn't care. It was still a position that many would have envied!

But for today's interview, for the first time in this job, Takeda couldn't help but feel a little bit intimidated. Skylar Jones was a woman who was quickly rising in popularity, coming to be a perennial feature on LAW cards. It made sense that management would want her highlighted. At the same time, though, Skylar's reputation as a troublemaker had been well established. She was known to antagonize her coworkers and rivals, and despite her carefree disposition, she could get downright ruthless when she felt wronged. When Skylar walked through the door...Takeda had no idea what to expect.

Still, the people wanted to know what went on in her head. He looked back toward the door of the studio set up for the shoot, waiting for when the brunette would arrive.

Skylar stretched, walking through the hallway in her blue bikini. She'd just gotten done posing for pictures at a nearby beach. She wasn't a model by any means, but she had the basics down: Look sexy for the camera. Being the experienced seductress she was, Sky was able to take several photos that would be sure to leave calendar pages stuck together.

Now, she'd been called in for an interview. She was pretty excited about it, honestly. She'd started as a simple delinquent who chose wrestling out of her few available career choices, and now she was on her way to becoming one of the best wrestlers the world had ever seen. She opened the door, and greeted the man inside. "Ayo!"

"Gah-!" Takeda had been waiting for Skylar, but her entrance still caught him by surprise anyway. The moment she came through the door, he jumped into the air with a yelp. Already, things were off to a good start. But he would elect to act as though it had never happened, in the name of professional integrity. Quickly collecting himself, Takeda whipped around to focus on the girl who was now standing across from him - and he soon saw that she was already getting in the spirit of things, having shown up still in her bikini. One thing was for sure, Skylar was certainly...forward. He couldn't say he was surprised, given what he knew about her.

Straightening his back, Takeda focused on Sky, taking the extra effort to make sure he maintained eye contact and that his gaze didn't drift too low. "Thank you for taking the time to come here, Miss Jones," he said. "Er...I see you're ready, so allow yourself to get comfortable..."

Skylar chuckled as she saw Takeda's startled reaction to her entrance. Damn near jumped out of his seat. "Heh, sure thing." She smiled, plopping down on the chair across from the interviewer, placing her hands behind her head and getting comfy.

Takeda had to admit, a part of him wished that he could have been present for when Skylar was actually having her photos taken. Even now, he could see that her body was hard to take one's eyes off of. He couldn't question how the girl had managed to make such a name for herself as a seductress when she had a figure like hers, and a mind to use it to her advantage. Still, the decision made sense. It was August, which meant it was the height of summer, and a beach photoshoot was only in keeping with the season. Besides, it meant he wouldn't have to spend quite as much time around a woman who one of his coworkers had dubbed among the most unstable in LAW. He would admit, though, he was looking forward to seeing the photos later...

Flipping to a blank page of his notes, Takeda cleared his throat. " that that's out of the way, Miss Jones, I'd like to ask a few questions. I'm sure that plenty of us out there are interested in getting to know more about you, myself included!" Takeda straightened his tie, hoping that didn't come across as too desperate. "So, first things first, what do you make of your time in LAW so far?"

Skylar smiled and nodded, hearing Tekada's question. "Well, honestly it's been the high point of my career. Biggest stadiums I've ever been in. Hell of a lot more high profile than the indie promotions I used to wrestle for." She said. "I'll admit, I kinda had a bad start, but trust me, I'm gonna be makin' a come back soon enough!"

Takeda nodded along with Skylar's comments, making note of them. "I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying your time - and certainly, the fans have taken a liking to you as well. I understand this is the most high-profile attention you've seen in your wrestling career, and you've shown no trouble adjusting. Zooming in a little, is there anything about your time in LAW that stands out as something you're especially proud of?"

Skylar took a moment to think about Takeda's next question. She'd certainly had a lot of good moments, but which was the best? "Hmm, I'd have to say my victory over Fenrir. Showed everyone not to fuck with me." She said, still bitter about what the Butt Punisher had done to Newbie Nuo. Though, she took satisfaction knowing she spent around 7 months in the hospital for it.

With another nod, Takeda thought back to the match Skylar had had against Fenrir - one that had proved one of her most brutal and ruthless. Just thinking back on the savage beating she had unleashed on her foe was enough to make the reporter wince a little. It had been that match that cemented in the minds of many just who Skylar Jones was, what she was capable of, and what she was willing to do - something that made her both one of LAW's most popular wrestlers, and one of its most feared.

"Well, uh...that's as good a choice as any, Miss Jones. Certainly it's nothing any of us would forget any time soon. Looking to the future, now, is there anything you have on your to-do list for LAW?"

"Hmm, well..." Sky thought for a moment. "I definitely wanna win some kinda belt. Middlewieght, LAWLESS, Hentai, maybe even the World Championship. Mark my words, I'm gonna have held a belt by the time my career is done!"

"And, honestly? I know it sounds like the standard interviewer response, but you'd be a natural fit for any of them." Takeda had to chuckle a little at that. He meant it, as cliche as it was. Skylar was a versatile wrestler, being able to thrive in both lewd and brutal matches, and demonstrating the fighting spirit to hold her own in the ring against any foe. What's more, she had endeared herself to the crowd in the process, albeit inspiring more contempt in some fans than others given her provocative actions. The looks, the talent, the hype; she had everything a champion-in-the-making could ask for. Takeda had no doubts that Skylar was going places, and that her career was only just beginning. He knew, deep down, that this wouldn't be the last time they met.

"Well, Miss Jones," he said, "unless there's anything else you'd like to say to our readers, I think we're just about done for the day." His eyes lingered on the bikini-clad brunette with a sigh; deep down, on some level he wished he could spend more time hanging around her without a care, if only just to admire her looks. He had a feeling she knew, too, how captivated he was by her, and if anything this just encouragd her more. Still, he cleared his throat. "We'd just like to ask if you have anything else about yourself you might want to share?"

Skylar grinned at Takeda's response, flattered. "Heh, thanks." She said. At the interviewer's next question, a grin spread across her face. "Well, I guess I should say something to help the fans... Ahem, follow your dreams, don't give up, don't do any drugs harder than pot, and if a police officer tells you to get on the ground, fucking do it. Tasers hurt like a bitch, man."

Noticing Takeda's gaze toward her body, Skylar tilted her head, wearing a seductive grin, just to tease the guy. He was kinda cute...

Takeda's gaze lingered a little on Skylar, for a few reasons, as she related her message for the fans. He had to admit, it...wasn't what he had expected. He didn't know what he expected, and, in retrospect, he really should have seen this coming. But it was still an insight into how Skylar thought, and he was sure the fans would appreciate seeing it.

"I'll, uh...well, I'll run it by our editor-in-chief," he said, fiddling with his glasses again as he closed his notebook. Then, he looked up again, seeing where Skylar was looking - right at him, in fact, with a glimmer of hunger in her eyes. Takeda blushed harder, and he bit at his lip. What was she thinking about right now? He had to admit he was curious...

"U-Uh..." he stammered, the words dying in his mouth before they could be given form. "Are you...all right there, Miss Jones?"

"Oh, yeah." Skylar chuckled, using her typical seductive voice as she got out of her seat, stretching a bit. "Well, thanks for the interview. Hope ya like the pics I posed for!" She teased, waving as she opened the door, giving Takeda one last wink before leaving.

"...Right..." Even when Skylar brushed off any concerns he might have raised, Takeda still felt like Skylar was hiding something from him. That wink, the sway in her step, and the husky tone she had taken with her all told him that she knew what she was doing. It left a tingling sensation running down his spine, as well as in other places. He was sure that she had picked up on that, and that that was exactly why she was doing it. It couldn't be something more serious, she was well out of his league. Yet, he was okay with the prospect of being teased by him, too...

"Ah, well-!" he at least said, clearing his throat as he collected himself. He looked around, noting where the crew members were now staring blankly back at him, as though waiting for direction. It hit him then that he'd trailed off again and let himself get lost in his thoughts; by now, the cameramen weren't even surprised. They'd frankly be more surprised if he didn't.

", where were we?"

August 2021: Skylar Jones

  • Age: 19
  • Height: 5'9
  • Weight: 162 lbs.
  • Finishing Move: Liontamer
  • Career Highlight: Sending a message by defeating Fenrir in the ring.
  • Career Aspirations: To hold a championship by the end of her career.
  • "Follow your dreams, don't give up, don't do any drugs harder than pot, and if a police officer tells you to get on the ground, fucking do it. Tasers hurt like a bitch, man."
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
LAW had no shortage of beautiful women, that much was for sure. The Ladies of LAW Calendar wasn't something that would be going on were it not for that fact. Not only did many of the roster's finest have the looks and charms to match their in-ring talents, a fair number of them had pasts in the modelling world - and one shining example among them was none other than Harmonia Edelstein. The stunning blonde stood as the shining star of the Austrian Eagles, and it was thanks to her that the faction had enjoyed no shortage of popularity. It was only fitting that she would apply for a place in the calendar - and Takeda Ryoshi, LAW Magazine's resident interviewer, had her high on the list of people he was looking forward to talking to. Those dreams were about to be realized.

Now, he was seated in the studio, watching the door and waiting for Harmonia to make her arrival on the scene. He was eager to getting a look into the thoughts of one of LAW's rising stars - and the opportunity to see a woman like her posing for the shoot, up close and personal, wasn't a bad one either...

Harmonia Edelstein was no unknown outside the wrestling circle as she was a world famous top model before entering the ring and realizing that wrestling was her life.
The blonde never failed to impress as she entered in her new outfit that debuted at her feud ending PPV Match against her former rival turned friend Amirah Prince.
Wearing a gorgeous golden dress that shimmered in the light thanks to Swarovski Crystals woven into it, the sexy blonde bombshell entered the room, wearing big sunglasses and a bigger smile as she approached Takeda.
She smiled and bowed slightly.
"Hello Takeda-san. I am very honored for you having me here."
Harmonia of course was'nt as flattered as she appeared to be as she was an absolute pro in this kind of things, starting from Austrian TV to international one.
So she knew exactly how to handle these kind of things and took a seat next to the reporter.

Takeda knew what he was dealing with when he'd scheduled this interview. And yet, when Harmonia walked through the door, he still was taken aback by the sight of her. This was a woman who could command attention anywhere, but even seeing her on the TV screen didn't prepare him for being witness to her beauty in the flesh! The glittering lights that lined her dress caught his eye, but it didn't stop his gaze from wandering up Harmonia's body, his eyes getting lost in each curve and contour of her legs, hips, and chest. Even the sunglasses she wore did little to conceal the radiance of her face, especially when her bright smile greeted the reporter.

"It's, ah...lovely to have you here, too, Miss Edelstein," Takeda said as he rose from his seat, his stance somewhat shaky, given his thoughts were elsewhere. "You look even more lovely in person, I should add-!" A moment after he said that, he cleared his throat. "Ah, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself..."

As it became clear that Harmonia wanted to take a seat, Takeda sat back down and straightened himself in his chair. He took out his notepad and flipped to a blank page, looking back up at her. "We thank you for volunteering for the calendar. If you don't mind us getting started off with the shoot, feel free to get up there and strike a pose or two..."

Harmonia smiled and put her sunglasses away.
Her deep, blue eyes just rounded up the picture of sexy perfection that Harmonia was. but then again, if you took a closer look on the ex-model you would notice that under that smooth white skin and delicate looking body was more than the eye could see as Harmonia flexed her arm in front of Takedas eyes, sporting an impressive biceps for a model.
"Oh you mean like this?"
She giggled at his expression and stood up.
"But of course Mr. Takeda..."
She went over and in front of the cameras.
"Do you want me in my dress or...",she said naivly, obviously enjoying to tease the reporter.

Takeda's gaze followed the sparkling blue of Harmonia's eyes, but he was soon drawn to the stance she took as she flexed her bicep - and the tone she displayed was enough to make Takeda raise an eyebrow. Watching her from a distance, her figure hardly registered as anything beyond the lithe build of a model, but now that he saw her up close, he could see that she had the strength to back herself up in the ring, too. If she was really that strong, he had no doubt that her successes in the ring were well deserved.

Then, Harmonia got up and took her place at the stage, while Takeda watched from his seat. He folded his hands in his lap, waiting to see how Harmonia would approach the shoot. Given her modelling experience, he had no doubts that she would feel right at home here. But, before she began, she asked a question that gave Takeda pause. His eyes went wide, and he raised a hand to his brow to stabilize his glasses. Or..?

A blush began to spread over the reporter's cheeks. He figured that Harmonia was asking if she should put on something more risque for her shoot, but the way in which she raised the question was enough to make his heart beat faster in his chest. She knew what she was doing, that much was clear - and it was working on him, too. He was curious as to what the blonde had in mind, but, at the same time, he had no idea how he was going to answer that! How could one respond to a question like that from a woman so gorgeous? For that matter, how could he expect to handle seeing Harmonia's body in all its glory before his eyes? All he could manage was a clearing of his throat, followed by a few stammered words as he looked up at Harmonia.

"Or...o-or what? Erm...whatever you think would look best, Miss Edelstein..."

Harmoni chuckled as she saw Takeda getting red around his nose. She was'nt into men but that does'nt meant she could'nt find them cute, and he was cute as he stammered around to find words.
She wondered how a man whos job was it to interview pretty girls nearly every week could be so shy.
"Oh well then...Takeda-san..."
She turned her back to him, her shapely butt, that brought some of the sexiest stinkfaces of the league to her opponents was in direct sight as she wiggled it teasingly.
"Would you please open my zipper?",she smiled pointing on the top of her back.

When he was finally done with it , blonde took the dress from the floor and handed it to one of the assistants that were standing around.
Underneath she wore a golden bikini that left nothing to the imagination.
"Thank you Takeda-san.",she chirped and blew him a kiss before she started to pose and it was obvious that Harmonia knew the camera.

Takeda had been expecting Harmonia to slip out of her dress herself. If not here (not that he would complain if she did), certainly some place more private. What he hadn't been anticipating was for her to ask him to unzip her. For that matter, he wasn't expecting her to turn around and position her rear end just milimeters from his face! With a gulp, Takeda reeled back, his eyes going wide as he saw how shapely her behind was. He thought back to her stinkfaces, and he realized now that having his face pinned down underneath that didn't seem so bad...

Takeda didn't know how much time passed before he mustered the courage to do as Harmonia asked, but eventually, he stood up straighter and nodded his head. "Ah, right, right, Miss Edelstein..." With that, he reached for her zipper and slowly worked it down. His hand trembled as he did so, and he bit at his lip. Was he really doing this? Was he really undoing the zipper of Harmonia Edelstein herself? Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to end up here! With every inch he worked the zipper down, the faster his heart quickened in his chest, wondering what might be lying beneath. And when Harmonia's dress at last dropped to the floor...he wasn't disappointed.

"O-Oh...oh my," Takeda said, stammering softly to himself as he saw Harmonia in her bikini, her perfectly sculpted figure on full display. And, as she took her stance against the backdrop, she was quick to fall into old habits, striking a few well-practiced poses for the cameras. The crew eagerly snapped photos, catching the model from different angles. Takeda found himself in the middle of it all - and he found himself rooted in place, unble to do anything more than stare! To take his eyes off Harmonia felt...well, he couldn't resist her!

The blonde bombshell smiled into the cameras and was acting like a pro. The studio was her world before she entered the ring.
Seeing Takeda blushing and totally mesmerized she knew that nothing but stammering would exit his mouth by now so she decided to start the interview herself while she posed.
"Do you like what you see Takeda-san?",she said and chuckled at his reaction.
"Of course you do. Don't get me wrong this is'nt arrogance on my side but just what I have witnessed countless of times.",she said while striking another pose.

"Growing up on the austrian countryside you get taught to be humble and down to the ground, believe me. And we get taught that we have to do our jobs, whatever it be, without complaining. We are related to the germans so we like hard work and being correct...well not as correct as our big brothers in the north of course. We are much more relaxed and open. Anyway, thanks to my upbringing I don't have any weird attitudes or scandals on my hand. It is a job. I come in, do my best and get to the next job. Always professional. Even if my gig is'nt fun or worth the while. And believe me I have done everything...First i modeled, than I had appearences at Austrian and German TV, I participated in Celebrity Gameshows, stuck in a Team with pervy old actors who oggled my butt the whole time, I acted in small roles in TV Productions, I even recorded a Single...that did'nt went so well as I am a terrible singer,please don't ask me for an would regret it. Well, you could say I tried almost everything before the cameras and then came wrestling...",she said, striking another pose.
"Takeda-san, please close your mouth before you start drooling.",she mentioned with a wink.

"I...I really do-" Takeda began, but he was quickly cut off before he could finish. Harmonia had already answered what was on his mind, and it came as no surprise to anyone. A few snickers went around the room among the crew, which only caused Takeda's cheeks to glow a hotter, brighter red, as he stammered out his response nervously. "I...well, I mean,'re not...wrong," he eventually said, conceding to Harmonia's point.

Before Takeda could follow along with what Harmonia was saying, the blonde had already launched into a recap of where her life had taken her leading up to her signing with LAW. As he realized where things were going, he shook the cobwebs out of his head and straightened his back, frantically jotting down notes in his book in the hopes of catching anything relevant before the conversation had already moved on far from where he had lagged behind. Occasionally, he nodded his head to Harmonia, more for the token effort of showing he was paying attention, or trying to, than anything else.

What did make him look up, however, was when Harmonia again addressed him by name. "Huh..?" he said, glancing up at her, where he realized that he'd been standing there mouth agape the whole time - and, indeed, a thin strand of saliva was running down from his lip. Quickly coming back to his senses, he wiped his mouth clear, not without a blush. Then, adjusting his glasses, he looked back at the Austrian, recentering himself in preparation for the next question.

"Er...uh, thank you, Miss Edelstein. Truly, it's a big help that you would be so willing to volunteer your story. You've already made a big impact in LAW in the time you've been here, and I do have to ask. Out of everything that's happened in your LAW career thus far, what would you say was the highlight for you?"

The Blonde smiled as she did more poses, knowing how to show her "assets" to the camera.
"Did you know that I have some experience behind the camera? I was always intrested how things work and oh...right to the point, huh? Well the people are here for LAW and LAW I will give them...",she said while pressing her nice boobs between her arms right into the direction of the reporter.
"That would defintly be my feud with Amirah Prince the Jade Queen. That was something...there was rivalry right from the spot. But I beat her every time but it was close! Bitch is really tough!",she giggled.
"Sorry, usually I don't talk like that but it was a real bitter feud...the first time I lost technically because it was a Tag Match and my Partner was pinned but I managed to put Amirah into our finisher outside the ring and made her go to sleep...which immediatly was followed by a little private match in a fancy hotel suite I call my own...believe me Takeda-san, you would have loved it and then well our feuddeciding match at the PPV in LA...I had a new outfit, a new theme, I was all ready to show what I was capable of and after a hard battle I put Amirah into a new finisher I developed by adding a leg spread to a lion tamer...I still need a name for it. Do you have any suggestions, Takeda-san?",she smiled delightedly and moved closer to the blushing reporter.

Harmonia had a way of playing to the cameras. It was hardly a surprise, given her years of experience in the modelling field, but none could deny that she was a natural at it. Every step she took seemed to guide her into a new pose as gracefully as if it came to her just as naturally as breathing. And Takeda was entranced the whole way through, leaning in closer to the blonde as his eyes fixated on her body. It was the photographers' job to capture each stance and position she took, but Takeda was perhaps the most engaged of all of them; he didn't even want to blink, lest he miss a second of the spectacle!

Harmonia would then address his question, recounting her personal career highlight - in her case, it was her long-running feud with Amirah Prince. "Ah...that's a good choice," Takeda began, only to find that he barely knew the half of it! His eyes widened as he looked back up at Harmonia, listening intently to each detail of her story. In particular, he lingered on the thought of this private match between them - Harmonia and Amirah were both as beautiful as they were passionate, and their feud had proven they had plenty of passion between the two of them. How he wised he could've been a fly on the wall for that, to see how it would've come out...

Of course, he was sure it couldn't compare to the excitement of their cage match at Fight The LAW. As soon as Harmonia had mentioned it, Takeda nodded his head with growing intrigue. He remembered watching each second of that match closely, eager at every turn to see what the next moment would bring. He remembered how radiant Harmonia had looked in her sparkling gold bikini, and how triumphant she had seemed when she forced her rival to submit. He looked up at her with a blush, a smile creeping wider across his face at the memories that played back in his head.
"For...a name? Hm..." Takeda tapped his chin in thought. "Maybe something to do with eagles? Given the whole Austrian Eagles thing, and how you've cemented yourself as the shining star of the faction, it might seem, I hope Sia won't take offense to me saying that," he added as soon as he realized the dangers of what he'd said. Then, clearing his throat, he went on to the next question.

"Already, that's a respectable showing. But I imagine you still have more to show all of us in the days to come. Is there anything you know you want to accomplish in your LAW career that you haven't yet?"

Harmonia chuckled again as she saw him, he was completly entranced by her beauty and she liked it.
"Earth toTakeda-san?",she joked as he began to talk about a name.
"Eagles huh? I think I have an idea! Thanks Takeda-san!",she smiled and suddenly hugged him, her breasts pressing against the reporter as she kissed his cheek before pressing his head against her soft breasts while talking.
"What I want to less than the peak Takeda-san. I want to prove to everybody who we are and who I am. We are strong,we are determined, we are the eagles! Our goal is to get every belt at least once! Well we are lacking someone in the heavyweight division but this will soon follow. For now tell our dear fans that Harmonia Edelstein is not just beautiful bur a force to be reckoned with and who is chasing after titles!",she cheered, all the while pressing Takeda to her breasts.
"Oh sorry Takeda-san! I hope I have'nt angered was just the heat of the moment...oh and I have something for you you can show to the fans, I think this photograph of Amirahs and my first encounter really has something don't you think?


"Huh-? Oh-!" Realizing that Harmonia was calling to him, Takeda shook himself back to reality. He quickly looked back at the Austrian, noting that she was thanking him for giving advice in what to name her move. That brought a smile to his face, and a blush to his cheeks. Was Harmonia Edelstein herself really praising him? He never thought a day like this would come!

But if he was blushing already, he was about to feel even more flustered in a moment - when the blonde pulled him into a tight embrace, in the process drawing Takeda's head right in between her breasts! "MMFF-!" he groaned, his voice muffled into the soft flesh of her bosom as he twisted and turned, but never made much headway in drawing himself out. Not that he particularly cared. If he was to suffocate...doing so right between Harmonia's breasts wouldn't be a bad way to go.

In fact, his head was afloat with lusty thoughts the whole while - so that when Harmonia at last drew back, Takeda - panting, red in the face, and adjusting his glasses - realized that he had lost track of everything she said in the process. At once he went tense, shaken back to reality. His job had been to interview Harmonia Edelstein for the calendar, and there were a number of questions he asked every entrant. But he had lost this one! Takeda bit his lip and stammered, unsure how to proceed. What was he going to say? That he couldn't do his job, on account of having his face shoved in between a model's breasts? Would anyone even believe that?

It seemed Takeda's plight wasn't lost on the photographers, as one of them soon leaned over, tapping him on the shoulder. "Don't worry," he whispered in his ear, "I got what she said. I'll tell you after." Takeda nodded to him - though he wasn't sure whether to be relieved, or embarrassed that he was that obvious.

Either way, Harmonia soon handed him a photograph, and he looked it over, his eyes going wide at the sight. Harmonia's beauty was on display even when she had her rival contorted in a brutal hold - and Amirah didn't look half bad in it either, her breasts shoved toward the camera, her thinly-clad body locked down...

"Oh, my..." Takeda cleared his throat again before looking up at Harmonia. "Er, uh, yes, thank you, Miss Edelstein...I'm sure we'll be able to do something with this, perhaps in the magazine. I'm sure plenty of fans would be quite happy to see it..."

Harmonia gave him a big smile and kissed his forehead.
"Well, I think we have pictures for a whole magazine itself. ",she said and grabbed for a robe she brought with her which she pulled around her.
"Is there anything more you want to know Takeda-san? I gladly spend more time with you.",she smiled as she sat down and threw one leg over the other.
Clearly she toyed with him but as said, even if she was'nt into men it was cute how he reacted so she played the game a little more.

"I, uh...wouldn't doubt that at all, Miss Edelstein..." Takeda's face lit up red as he felt Harmonia lean in and kiss his forehead, and the mere thought of it caused him to go silent for a moment, his body trembling as he searched around his thoughts to pull up the right words to say. Of course, he was still struggling - Harmonia was a beautiful woman; even the robe she slung on to preserve her modesty only served to heighten the undeniable air elegance that radiated from her, as though anything she wore looked perfect on her. And now, she had given the offer for Takeda to use her photos as he wished. Why, he could have a different Harmonia photo for every issue! No, no, he reminded himself as he shook his head, he still needed to be reasonable. Still, it was a compelling thought...

What brought Takeda out of his thoughts, however, was what Harmonia offered next, answering his question with one of her own. "Huh..?" He glanced up, blinking a few times. He hadn't expected this response, but he soon realized it was practically a dream come true for any reporter. Here, he had free access to a woman as radiant, stunning, and uniquely fascinating as Harmonia was, and he could ask her anything he wished. Anything that could possibly have gone on in a life that was as intriguing as hers no doubt was was open to him now. He surely wouldn't waste an opportunity like that!

"Well," Takeda at least said, after clearing his throat, "I'm sure your modeling career must have been quite, uh...interesting. Any good stories from there?"

Harmonia smiled as he took a seat next to him.
"The modeling world? Oh its a madhouse and I don't miss it. You see when a bitch calls you names in the modelworld there is nothing you can do but be cool about it but here if some cunt gets an attitude I can kick her ass and this, believe me, was a very refreshing experience Takeda-San. Since I arrived here I made friends and foes but I love my foes even more because there I did'nt need to hold back.",she grinned and winked at him.
"So lets say the model world is'nt quite intresting. Yeah you travel a lot, make a lot of money and meet intresting people but believe me,except for the money you get accostumed to that lifestyle very fast and it gets tedious and boring...everyone just gives a damn about your looks. Here too but at least here they admire my strength and technique too so I feel truly appreciated. What do you say Takeda?"
Her perfectly pedicured bare foot, with a golden ring around the ankle touched the pants of the reporter as she looked at him.

"Hm...I see." Takeda took a moment to think about what Harmonia had to say. He realized, thinking over her words, that he didn't know much of anything when it came to the modeling world - but it had still been one that always conjured images of glamor and luxury to him. Models, he thought, just had to look pretty for the cameras, and were rewarded with money, fame, and admiration. It seemed like the simplest job in the world. Hearing it straight from Harmonia's mouth, though, he began to see how modeling life had its challenges, too - the schedule, the daily grind, and having to keep ones' composure day in and day out, lest their image - which was what their whole career rested on - be put in check. Hearing things from Harmonia now, Takeda could see where the passion that led her to take to the ring and carried her through her matches came from. It was here that she felt free. With so many repressed thoughts and stifled feelings, he was beginning to realize why so many wrestlers had modeling pasts.

After putting down some notes on the pad of paper in his lap, he looked back up at the blonde. "Thank you, Miss Edelstein. That's definitely an interesting perspective, and I'm sure we can make something work out of it. Unless you have anything else to add, I..."

He looked down as Harmonia's foot bumped against his side - the two of them now even closer than they had ever been since this interview had begun - and his heart quickened. Their bodies were actually touching! Takeda had never expected to end up anywhere like this, and he was. "Is...everything alright, Miss...uh..?"

Harmonia smiled a sly grin and took a sip of the water that was prepared for them.
"Everythings fine Takeda-san. I am ready for you uh-I mean your next question.",she chuckled

A brief pause ensued, as Takeda considered Harmonia's response. He admitted he was still curious as to what might be on her mind - but then, there was something romantic about it, as well. That he had the opportunity to interview a woman who was not only beautiful, but had an exotic mystery about her, was something few could boast of.

"Ah, well..." Takeda looked down at his notepad, looking over what he'd already asked. He glanced longingly back up at the blonde, and his gaze lingered; if he could, he wished he could spend all of his time at her side. Yet, it wasn't to be. Both he and Harmonia had other obligations, and in the end, he couldn't think of any more excuses to give her. "As I was saying, that's all we had to ask you today. Unless there's anything else on your mind, I can see you off..."

Harmonia smiled.
"I had a good time, thank you Takeda-san.",she said and got up to bow in respect.
"Despite what others told me about you, I find you really charming. I hope your wife appreciates that.",she said and with a graceful swing of her robe she went by leaving Takeda only with her scent.

"It's no trouble, really." Takeda returned the bow to Harmonia, but when he looked back up, his gaze lingered on her a little while longer - and his smile, however much it might have played across a blushing face, was still a warm and welcoming one. After it all, despite how much he had been entranced by the Austrian's good looks, he had come to know her better as a person, too. He could see her passion and her enthusiasm for the sport, and it was something he could only praise - and he was sure it could take her to new heights from here. When that happened, Takeda knew he'd be around to see it.

"People, uh...told you about me..?" He paused for a moment, wondering what was going around about him. But he soon cleared his throat, putting the thought out of his head. Harmonia had nothing but kind words for him, and they could walk away from each other with nothing more than mutual respect.

"But...thank you! Thank you for your kind words...and thank you for everything." Takeda looked up at Harmonia with a smile as she passed. He didn't even have the heart to tell her that he wasn't actually married. He didn't want to ruin this moment.

September 2021: Harmonia Edelstein

  • Age: 23
  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 126 lbs.
  • Finishing Move: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Bodyscissor + Sleeperhold Combo)
  • Career Highlight: Debuting a new finisher against Amirah Price at Fight the LAW.
  • Career Aspirations: To have the Austrian Eagles hold every title in LAW.
  • Compared to the drama of the modelling world, she "feels truly appreciated" here.
Last edited by CaptainL on Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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