The Ladies of LAW Calendar

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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

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The Interview
This month, the Ladies of LAW Calendar would put the spotlight on one of the newer names on the LAW roster, but one who had certainly made a strong showing. Even if she was still young, Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen had quite the buzz around her. Not only had she established herself as a dominant name on the indie scene, she also had a proud legacy to her name - and she had the look to stand out from other women on the roster. After all, who else in LAW made their entrance to the ring wearing a bearskin cloak? Needless to say, there were plenty of eyes on her since she had come to LAW. And Takeda Ryoshi, quick on the draw as ever, had been eager to feature her for the calendar, trying to stay ahead of the curve with who LAW fans everywhere were most interested in seeing recognized! He almost wasn't expecting her to be as eager as she was in putting herself forward for the interview, being as new to the promotion as she was. But he could certainly appreciate her willingness to work with him - and he was curious to see what was on the mind of one of LAW's newest hopefuls.

It had seemed like Hazel had been making quite the splash in LAW with just two matches under her belt. Big enough of a splash to land her an interview with the caveat she would be doing a bikini photo shoot at the same time. Hazel wasn't much for lewd stuff but it couldn't hurt to show off her more than impressive body outside the ring and if anything she was kind of excited to see that LAW and the fans were this interested in her. Leaving her dressing room she had a towel wrapped around her, underneath that towel was a green bikini that she was saving for the camera.

Approaching the camera area Hazel soon found a pair of chairs and a table between them. Surely this must have been the spot, two plus two equaled four after all. Taking her seat Hazel got comfortable, leaving back and crossing her legs waiting to be told what to do or for the interviewer to make themselves known.

Takeda spun around to face Hazel as soon as she entered the room - and from the moment she did, his eyes went wide. Even wrapped in a towel, her robust, well-muscled physique couldn't be denied, and it had his attention decidedly caught! She definitely had a presence that followed her wherever she went - one that was as compelling as it was intimidating. He was keenly aware she could crush his head if she so wanted, and he wasn't all that sure if that was such a bad thing. When confronted with it, Takeda could see why she had attained the reputation she had!

Still, he cleared his throat, taking a step forward to greet Hazel. "Ah, uh...good afternoon, Miss Neilsen. I'm glad you could make it to the interview today. My name's Takeda Ryoshi, and I'll be conducting the interview. It's somewhat of a...uh, a passion project of mine, you see."

Unknown to Hazel and luckily or unluckily for Takeda he wouldn't be getting his head crushed unless he stepped in the ring or tried anything funny with the Highlander. Hazel was more the type to fight in the ring and ruing but she wasn't above fighting outside of it she needed, this would not be one of those times though.

Hearing someone clear their throat Hazel glanced in the general direction and saw someone stepping forward and then introducing themselves as the interviewer. "Passion Project? Well I guess it's good to have a hobby Mr. Ryoshi" Hazel responded jokingly in her Scottish accent. "So how did you want to do this? I've never really done modeling before let alone while doing an interview" Hazel added waiting for the man's instructions.

"Oh, uh, don't worry one bit about it-!" Takeda chuckled nervously, flashing Hazel a smile - at least, he hoped that it read as a smile, as nervous as he was - when she expressed her uncertainty. "I understand that it's new to you, but, uh...take it from me, you seem like you'd take to it well-!" He winked a little to her, hoping that wasn't too forward. But Hazel did have an alluringly curvaceous frame that wasn't the least bit marred by her well-developed muscles, and it was a look that set her apart from many others he had featured in the calendar. There was some truth to his statement. He just also happened to be horny.

"Just take your position over there, and strike a couple of poses. Do what feels natural. Go for what you think would look good in a splash page. Something that speaks to your personality...and, uh, shows off your best side." A few cameramen rolled their eyes at his typical antics, but nevertheless gestured Hazel over to the stage, turning the lights and the setup toward her.

Hazel flashed Takeda a small smirk seeing the man's smile. Maybe Hazel would take to modeling like she had wrestling, only time would tell but there was only one way to find out.

Hearing the man explain what she needed to do Hazel turned her head studying the stage and the cameramen. Getting up from her seat, Hazel removed her towel revealing her bikini to everyone in the room before setting it down on the backrest of the chair. Walking over to the stage Hazel stood in front of the bikini raising her right leg slightly before putting her hand on her thigh trying to remember poses she had seen on the covers of magazines that she could use during the photoshoot. "So when did you want to do the interview part?" Hazel asked shifting her pose to a simple hand on her hip.

Oh. Even when she was wrapped in her towel, Takeda could make out the contours of Hazel's well-muscled physique. But when she dropped it to reveal her bikini-clad form to the world, everything was on full display - and it was magnificent! Takeda let out an audible gulp, standing up stiffly and taking a step back as his eyes wandered up and down Hazel's form with rapt attention. And, even if she was new to all of this, she still seemed to take well to the role, settling into a couple of poses as though it were perfectly natural!

He could stand and watch this all day...but of course, there was still an interview to be had here! Takeda straightened his tie, taking a step closer. "Er, I'm going to start right now, if you don't mind," he muttered. "For starters, I wanted to ask...I know you're fairly new to the company, out of everything you've done in LAW, what would you say ranks as a highlight?"

"Go ahead" Hazel said picking up on Takeda's muttering as she shifted her pose and made a peace sign with her right hand. Hearing the man's question Hazel let out a hum, there wasn't much to really answer with though her debut match was a big thing.

"Well. That would likely be my debut match where I faced Tina, she's tough, but a lot of the time that is nowhere near enough to win in any premotion" Hazel replied.

Hazel said it so matter-of-factly, it was like she took her own accomplishments for granted. He supposed that could only be a testament to her success, if she'd grown so used to it - and if that was the case, he surely had a lot more to look forward to. "I mean, Tina's really no slouch," Takeda said. "She's the inaugural Middleweight Champion, after all! So if you could go toe to toe with her, it's somewhat of a statement."

"Moving on from that, though...what's next for you? What's one goal you want to make sure you accomplish here in LAW?"

Hazel lowered herself into a seated position, extending her legs and leaning back on her arms for another pose as Takeda asked his next question. "Hmmmm well I don't know what my booking is looking like at the moment but I guess the goal is the LAW heavyweight title and, after that, the openweight" she replied revealing her ambitions.

"I see you've got your sights at the top. Makes sense - you definitely strike me as someone who strives for success," Takeda noted with a nod. "I'm sure it'll be a tough competition, though. You'd have to go through both Alaina Sanders and Astrid Arvidsson, both of whom are some of the strongest and most renowned heavyweights in LAW. What are your feelings on that, if I may ask?"

If Takeda was good at one thing it was stating the obvious. Didn't most wrestlers strive for success? Why would someone overly competitive like Hazel be any different. Hearing Takeda's question Hazel shrugged. "Astrid had a nice career to look forward to if she stays healthy and in the shape she's in, she might want to avoid pushing herself too hard though, she might make herself an easy target for any would be challengers" Hazel responded with a small smile. "Alaina on the other hand. She's a veteran, who paved the way for people like me... that being said I wouldn't hold back against her in the slightest, I fight to win, and I'd love to show her the best this next generation has to offer" Hazel added beaming with confidence

Now, this was interesting. Takeda might've had a long-running problem of thinking with the wrong head, but even he could see an opportunity in front of him. He was still a journalist at the end of the day, and he knew that eye-catching headlines were what moved papers. And Hazel, a newcomer to LAW, had just issued a challenge to Alaina Sanders, who was not only a champion, but one of the promotion's longest-running and most beloved stars. It was a provocative statement indeed, and one that spoke to Hazel's confidence - something she was showing in spades! If he promoted this, he thought to himself, it would surely stir up no small amount of discussion. And that could work in their mutual interests, if it meant it got more people talking about Hazel! He made a note of that - he'd have to get that quote in there somewhere.

"A bold statement indeed," he said, "but coming from someone like you...well, I have no doubts that you could well deliver." He smiled to Hazel before continuing. "Well, I'm almost done with the interview, but before I let you there anything else you'd like to share about yourself?"

Hazel shrugged off Takeda's compliment. "I do just want to emphasize I have nothing but respect for Alaina. Just saying if she wants a match, I'm not too hard to find. Same goes for anybody else" Hazel said with a small smile before moving onto Takeda's final question. "Well I don't know what to say? You want an Autobiography or something?" She said joking. "Well if thats the case, I'm from Scotland, I have two brothers, my mother teaches history.... I'm just kidding ya. I really don't know what else I could say unprompted" She said clearly lightening up a bit towards the end of the interview before giving the camera one last pose by raising her arms and flexing.

"Well, you know," Takeda said with a shrug of his shoulders, "this whole thing is what we're doing for the fans. And I just figured that the fans would enjoy learning a little more about their favorite wrestlers. Something that makes them a little more...relatable. Down to earth, you know?" It seemed that Hazel would rather let her actions in the ring speak for themselves, and Takeda couldn't exactly fault her for such a goal. But she did give him some interesting points to latch onto, points that he quickly scribbled down some notes to.

"Actually," he said, raising his eyebrow, "that does make me curious! What do your brothers do? Are they also wrestlers? Your fans would surely be interested to know if they had any matches worth watching. And your family could only benefit from the attention, I'm sure!"

It seemed Hazel's previous statement mentioning her family reignited the interview and added to Takeda's intrigue. "Well yes.., all of us wrestle" Hazel said while walking back over to the chair and grabbing her robe, "Our dad taught all three of us" Hazel began to explain as she put on her robe and sat down. "Callum and Alex are still back home working on the indies. I just lucked out and got into a bigger premotion first" the Scotswoman said with a small smile. "Honestly I'm surprised Callum didn't get picked out before me after one match we had... almost beat me... almost" Hazel said acknowledging that she is the best out of her siblings but her brother is a close second, if not even an equal.

"Oh, so you do!" Hearing Hazel's response, Takeda nodded his head. Knowing about Hazel's background, he had been sure that her brothers would have followed in their father's footsteps just like she had - and sure enough, it seemed like they had the makings of a veritable wrestling dynasty in them! But what truly caught his attention was the thought that Hazel herself thought that her brother could outdo her. If she could achieve the great feats she had, and yet she still felt like her brother was on equal footing - if not more - then Takeda could only imagine what he might be capable of.

"Well, when that happens...I'll be paying close attention for sure," Takeda said with a chuckle. He made a note of that, hoping that the fans who saw this in her calendar profile would be just as interested in the promise of what Hazel's brother could bring to the table - assuming, of course, they wouldn't be too distracted by Hazel herself, which he wouldn't blame them for. "But, for now, I think I'll let you go. I'll be the first to say, though, it was a pleasure working with you today."

June 2024: Hazel Nielsen

  • Age: 22
  • Height: 5'10
  • Weight: 172 lbs.
  • Finishing Move: Ben Nevis Drop
  • Career Highlight: Facing Tina Armstrong in her debut match.
  • Career Aspiration: Becoming LAW Heavyweight Champion, and then claiming the World Openweight Championship.
  • Comes from a wrestling family; her two brothers wrestle on the indies, as do her half-sister and cousin.
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
If Takeda Ryoshi had to point to one reason the Ladies of LAW Calendar was proving to be a bigger success than he'd ever imagined, it was the wide range of talent that had flocked to the project. Sure, he figured that a series of interviews and photoshoots aimed at highlighting some of the most talked-about stars on the LAW roster would draw in some of the big names - even if having the likes of Kat Hart and Kyoko Akan show up did give him butterflies in his stomach - but it was even drawing attention from some of the lesser-known wrestlers on the roster. Allison Ford was relatively new to LAW, but the raven-haired woman was already establishing herself as a force to be reckoned with, and she had received quite the buzz thanks to both her stunning looks and her ruthless attitude in the ring. When she had put herself forward to be featured in the calendar, Takeda could hardly believe that his name had spread as far as it had. But he wasn't going to turn it down, either - he was sure there were plenty of fans who wanted to get a good look into one of the top rising stars in LAW. And he certainly wouldn't mind getting to know her either...

Allison was in the changing room, getting out of her casual clothes into a bikini. The LAW Magazine was doing a new feature called "Ladies of LAW", an interview cum photoshoot, which would allow the fans and followers of the promotions the chance to get to know its superstars better. At first, it seemed to be focused towards the big names like Kat Hart, Kyoko Akan, Karen Starring and the like but soon, it became evident that fans demanded to catch a glimpse of the upcoming talent as well as the underrated gems of the company. The raven-haired woman had a fine start to life at LAW and felt that this opportunity could further elevate her status in the company. The first part of the whole event was a sensual and provocative photoshoot, which the brawler wasn't opposed to. She got the body and she wasn't afraid to flaunt it. Changing into a black bikini, Allison checked herself out one last time,before navigating to the designated set where the shoot would take place. All eyes were trained on her and she wanted to maintain that status quo, giving the crew some bonus footage by swaying her hips in rhythm and innocently adjusting her hair, acting nonchalantly as she approached the stage. The shoot promised to be a rather steamy affair, with the raven-haired woman sparing no expense in looking good, the poses were as diverse as they come, ranging from cute to sultry to outright risque, just stopping short of going nude. The shoot lasted for quite a while, which worked up quite a sweat on Allison, the glistening skin only adding to her allure. Finally, the photo op was done, with plenty of suggestive and racy ideas promising to come to life in the final output. The raven-haired got down the stage, stretching her limbs and cooling off. Now, it was time for the main event, her interview...

Takeda was checking the last few things with his photographers, making sure that the lights were set up right and the cameras were in place. But it was then that Allison walked into the room - and from that very first moment, his attention was fixed on her! At the first sight of her masterfully-sculpted body lightly wrapped in a tight-fitting black bikini, he audibly let out a gasp; his jaw dropped and his glasses nearly slipped down his nose. He knew from what he'd seen of her matches that Allison was a gorgeous woman. And yet, nothing he had seen on camera could possibly do any justice to real life! "W-Whoah..." he muttered.

Takeda didn't even seem to blink as Allison took to the stage - his eyes wandered over her for every pose she struck. She seemed to know her way around the studio just as well as she knew her way around the ring, knowing just where to go and what poses to hit to make for the perfect shot. By the time she was finished, Takeda was transfixed where he stood, still staring in her direction. He said nothing, lost in his own thoughts. In fact, when a few seconds passed in silence, one of the cameramen cleared his throat rather loudly - and that stirred Takeda back to his senses.

"O-Oh, right!" Clearing his throat and standing straighter like nothing had happened, Takeda took a step closer to Allison, extending his hand. "I'm glad you could make it, Miss Ford. I'm Takeda Ryoshi, your interviewer today. I, uh, take it you were able to get in all right?"

Allison was slick with perspiration from the intense photoshoot, having gone all in with the intention of providing some top-tier footage to the wide-eyed camera crew. A man in a professional attire approached her, adorned in spectacles and extended his hand, introducing himself and revealing to be the guy who would be asking her the questions. Actually, during the session, Allison's eyes casually wandered around the set from time-to-time, observing the cameras, the props, spot boys/girls and the room as a whole bustling with activity and she would occassionally see this man with the camera operators engaged in deep conversations or viewing the whole op with interest and appreciation.

"Ah, it's a pleasure to meet to Mr.Ryoshi. And though Miss Ford has a nice ring to it please, call me Allison" Allison spoke with a small smile curved up her lips. "And yeah, the travel was good, though I unfortunately had to hit quite a few number of red-lights. Rush hour and all that" The raven-hair woman let out a slight chuckle, gently easing into conversation. "You know Mr. Ryoshi, I did see you during the photo op, seeming pretty interested with the way things were going. I hope that it went the way you had hoped" Allison casually ran both the hands through her hair to adjust it while talking, the last part of the sentence coming across with a more husky undertone.

"...I-I...oh..." Takeda could've almost convinced himself that Allison was coming on to him - though, that was probably just wishful thinking on his part. But no one could deny that she was a gorgeous woman with a gorgeous body, and the way her toned muscles glistened in the light certainly caught his eye. But when she mentioned that he seemed to be taking interest in the photoshoot, that was when Takeda took in a gulp. Yes, he had been quite interested in what he saw - Allison really knew how to work a pose. He could already see why she was proving herself as a rising star, and he was sure that her inclusion in the calendar could only put more eyes on her. But was he really that obvious? If he was being called out on it, he couldn't help but feel a little awkward...but when Allison did so in a husky voice, with a toss of her hair over her shoulder, it almost seemed worth it.

Clearing his throat, he continued. "Oh, yes, of course! I have to say, er, Miss-I mean, Allison, you really do have a way with the cameras. Have you...done this before?" He pulled a little at his collar before grimacing at the thought of just how hopeless he probably seemed. "...don't tell my girlfriend," he muttered under his breath, hoping all the same that Allison wouldn't catch that. With all that said, he shuffled his notes to a new page and stood a little straighter.

"So, I do have to ask. You've been proving yourself to be a big name to watch in LAW, and you've made quite a presence already. Out of everything you've done with the company, what would you say you're most proud of?"

Being Confident in her own skin and flaunting her figure came naturally to Allison. To spend a large portion of a day training and working-out as an athlete, and that too a pro-wrestler; sculpting a fit, healthy and beautiful physique only to never show it off or cover it up? It didn't sit right with her. The lingering glances from the crew members, wide-eyed stares from the camera operators were the reactions that prevailed from the moment she set foot on the set; and she wouldn't have it any other way! After all, her body was being appreciated! So when she observed Takeda getting slightly flustered, small cracks appearing on this professional mask; out of the corner of her eye while adjusting her hair, the raven-haired woman understood that her interviewer was getting distracted by her...revealing attire.

A crew member approched Allison timidly and handed her a bottle of water, which the brawler accepted with a gentle smile before focusing her attention back onto Takeda. "Why Takeda, thank you for saying that !" A coy smile played on Allison's lips, as she began to unscrew the cap of the chilled water bottle. "And yes, this wasn't a fluke by any means, or a stroke of luck. I did a few modelling gigs back in college. And mind you, they are way more intricate and methodical than a simple snap and clap. So yeah, those experiences do help out for shoots like these". She tried to sound as clear, gentle and pleasant as possible; which would also help Takeda relax and loosen up to get his bearings back, despite knowing that he would find it difficult to focus when the raven-haired woman was in such a scantily-clad outfit!

Allison took a swig from the bottle, the cold liquid, sending a pleasant shiver up her spine and eliciting a satisfied exhale, pronunciating the momentary silence before she continued. Her interviewer's voice was now looking as assured as it could possibly be; though the brawler knowing and seeing the effect she was having on him. "Hmm...You see I may have had a great start to life her at LAW, it has still been a short time. So, almost all of my matches I am proud of. My debut...Oh was it a blast! Or that brutal submission match with Olegnova. The fight against Michiko....She went all the way and forced me to up my game. I won't forget that. It was a brutally stern test of resilience. But I guess the one which I and the people feel the most memorable would be my impromptu open-challenge match against Janella Johnson. To win against the run of play over the First Ever Royal Rumble Winner...Yeah that will be on my mind for a long time..." Allison's chocolate brown orbs sparkled as she recollected all the matches she had thus far, eyes focused on Takeda the whole time she spoke, giving him her undivided attention...

When Allison revealed that she had modeling experience under her belt, Takeda couldn't say he was all that surprised. She did seem to settle into the routine well...and just based on her looks, he was sure a woman like her would be in high demand at any modeling agency! "W-Well, uh...I can see it's taught you well! And believe me, I have nothing but respect for all the work you ladies put into your craft. I know there's a lot more that goes into it than looking pretty...although, er, you certainly do that well...and that means that I'm all the more flattered to know you're willing to step up to the plate!" He knew the long hours models worked and the demanding physical routine they had to go through - if Allison could face all of that and still be in shape for the ring, her endurance was commendable!

In fact, just now, Takeda was seeing that same talent play out in front of him. Allison was so good at what she did, she could turn the mere act of drinking a bottle of water into an alluring spectacle of eroticism! For a moment, his cheeks flushed a deeper red, and he slipped his glasses a little further down his nose as his eyes went wider, taking in every second of this moment. "...I wish we could've gotten that for the photoshoot," he muttered. Nevertheless, the interview had to go on!

"Janella's definitely a top talent, to succeed as much as she has against some of the best the LAW roster has to offer. If you've demonstrated that you can contend with her on equal terms, I'd say that proves you have some staying power for sure. And on that note...I'd like to talk about the future. What's one thing you know you want to achieve during your time here in LAW?"

Allison's gaze was aimed at Takeda, her posture one of poise and grace, focused on the interview and trying occassionally to make her interviwer feel relaxed , which was far from what he was feeling right now. She could see in his face that he was internally squirming and hang on by a thread at the moment. "I am flattered and I really appreciate the rigours of being a model. That profession has a tendency to be dismissed as an easy job. Just hit a few poses, smile for cameras and you get good money, is the perception around it. But it is not easy and very cutthroat. So it's really refreshing to see someone who thinks that modelling can't be taken for granted.... " The raven-haired woman nodded gently after speaking, a genuine reponse and a reaction on her part.

Takeda may have been looking short of confidence, but he seemed like a gentleman and not seemed to have his own biased opinion, or atleast he wasn't trying to force it down Allison's throat, which made him a really great guy to take interviews. No wonder her had interacted with so many beautiful women, despite his tendency to turn red at their sight. This was evident again when she was unscrewing her bottle to chug the water, when she saw him mouth slightly agape and his spectacles about to fall from the bridge of his nose. Allison decided to play along, extend her hand holding the bottle. "The set seems to have, don't you think Takeda?" A smirked extended on her lips "Here, cool yourself off..."Allison spoke in a soothing and gentle manner, trying to see how Takeda would react. She didn't mean to make him lose it, it was cute seeing a professional interviewer getting all bothered this way.

"Ah, my future goals..." Pondering for a moment, tapping her chin, the brawler would answer "That's tough question. Because there is a lot of stuff I would love to do, you know? Winning matches, performing consistently, Going after titles...Those are obviously given; as I am in the wrestling business, so you gotta do that to have a fruitful career. But If I have to pinpoint one particular future goal, it would be to be a part of We Are LAW and Fight the LAW. Being in the spotlight of a PPV... throngs of crazed people watching your every moment, cheering for you, booing against you...That's when you know that you have made it" A glimpse of determination sparkled in her eyes; intent on headlining the PPVs in the future, her tone sounding assured and making her intentions clear.

Allison would continue, in a more casual manner "And, though I am enjoying this conversation, I am thinking it would feel better, for both of us, if we could talk further, seated? Don't want to keep a lady standing now, do you Mr.Ryoshi?" The raven haired woman teased playfully, really having fun in this interaction.

"Ah, right, see? You get it!" Takeda smiled a little, seeing that he and Allison had managed to find some common ground. Only a moment later, though, he realized that was an absolutely inane thing to say - of course Allison would understand how being a model could be hard; she had been there! Maybe the tension really was getting to him. Still, he cleared his throat, deciding to move on and change the subject before anyone's thoughts lingered on that gaffe any longer.

...Of course, before he could ask another question, Allison extended the water bottle to him, leaning into the flirtatious banter she had been so liberal with. It was most certainly working on him, and it seemed as though Allison had noticed! When he heard the lilt in her words, he took in a gulp, fiddling with his collar, which now seemed awfully tight around his throat. He had a girlfriend, he reminded himself. And yet...having a gorgeous brunette like Allison talking like this to him wasn't so bad...

"I'm...t-thank you..." he muttered, taking the bottle from her. But he still held it in his hands a moment longer, his eyes lingering on her as his thoughts had ground to a halt, paralyzed in her presence. Realizing the awkward silence, he lifted the bottle to his lips and took a long swig, then cleared his throat. Hopefully, this was something he could bounce back from.

Especially considering that the interview had to go on! He nodded his head to Allison as she listed off her goals of making it onto a PPV. "Oh! Well, Allison...if you ask me, I think it's only a matter of time. LAW is always eager to highlight its top stars, after all. And you've definitely been rising through the ranks when it comes to popularity, thanks to the effort you've put forth in your matches...and, uh, other things. I already hear how people cheer for you. But of course, I can only imagine how much bigger it could be on a show like that..."

For a moment, Takeda's thoughts wandered. He truly did believe that Allison had it in her to be a top star, and to prove herself worthy of a spot on a supercard. He could just imagine her coming out before a horde of roaring fans under the Tokyo Dome, and that was a thought that didn't seem quite so far off...but that was right when Allison reminded him that she was getting tired of standing. "Oh-! Oh, I see," he muttered, nodding his head. "Yeah, I...apologize for that. Right this way..."

The crew members produced two chairs, and Takeda took his place in one of them, stretching. "Ah, that's better. Well, Allison...I do have to admit, I'm enjoying this interview, too. You...make for quite pleasant company," he added with a chuckle. "But there's just one question I had left. If there was one other thing about you you'd like your fans to know...what might that be?"

Seeing Takeda losing his composure and getting so flusetered caused Allison to let out a silent giggle. She was liking this man a lot. A pleasant intetviewer, who actually let his guest speak without interjecting in between and didn't try to draw out his own conclusions; all the qualities which were greatly appreciated by her. But to his credit, Takeda was still trying to maintain his professional image and to continue this interview.

As he showered praised upon the raven-haired woman and assured her that she would achieve her goals soon, after a rather long swig of the bottle; a natural wide-smile formed on her face, one of genuine elation. "Oh Takeda, you flatter me, thought I am not complaining about it. Feels good to hear that coming from others mouth for a change you know? Kind of assures you that what you see in yourself is what others are seeing in you. So I really appreciate it, Thank You"Allison spoke with utmost sincerity, the last part of the sentence and meant every word of it.

This interview was going very well so far and when Takeda arranged a couple of chairs for them to take seat and continue the conversation, the raven-haired woman uttered an audible sigh of relief, eagerly plopping onto the chair and making herself confortable by crossing one leg over the other and leaning back on the chair, her hands interlocked and resting on the belly as she intently listened Takeda's final question.

"Well...if I were to give message to my fans, it would be that...I am still not a top-star in this company. I am more a like rookie still. The ones who are supporting me now, when I am still establishing myself are my real fans, and I am confident that you will stick with me now and when I will be a main-eventer in the future. So, I appreciate your support. I in return will provide you all with banger after banger after banger performances" Allison would conclude with a wink.

"Ah,'s, well, it's nothing, really," Takeda muttered, shrugging his shoulders. It was true; he did believe in giving the fans the unfiltered, honest experience of their favorite wrestlers. In his mind, a true star didn't need to be drummed up in post to be interesting; they could carry attention on their own merits. To that end, he wanted to give his interviewees the floor to define themselves. Of course...he was also smitten by Allison's good looks and charming demeanor, especially knowing she wasn't afraid to play to him all the same. And when she was leading him along, too, he could barely keep his focus enough to come up with more leading questions. "'re welcome. To hear that from you, it's an honor..."

After she had said her piece, Takeda looked up at her with a warm smile on his face. Knowing how domineering and assertive she was in the ring, he hadn't expected Allison to be this humble...but beneath her stern looks and aggressive disposition, he could see someone who was eager to be making strides in her career and her life, and who knew she had a bright future to look forward to. Takeda had certainly seen promise in her, and he had no doubt that she could deliver.

"Ah...wonderfully said, Allison. Wonderfully said. I think that's a good note to end on here, but...thanks again for making this all possible."

Time drifted away unknowing to Allison, who was immersed completely into the interview. The smooth flow of the conversation between her and Takeda, occassionally staunched by her interviewer to compose himself, seeing as he was clearly captivated by the bikini-clad woman despite trying his best to conceal it; and the overall ambience of the set, despite the natural hubbub of locales as such acted as excellent conduits to create an environment for the interview to go smoothly. Takeda posed multiple questions to Allison till now, with each reponse receiving a positive reception out of him. And when asked about sending a message to the fans, the raven-haired woman could guess that the interview was in its final stretch. Their conversation had begun well and now she was intent on ending it on a high.

Judging from the warm reaction of her interviewer, it was clear that Allison had indeed managed to do just that. "Yeah, we have had a fruitful conversation here, yeah? I assume from your notes that you have all that you need..."Rising up from her seat, Allison would extend a hand to Takeda " I didn't do much here, I just volounteered for this interview, came in and answered questions. But you did the heavy-lifting, you know....conducting an interview is no joke. So, I should be thanking you for making this an enjoyable experience and being so thoughtful."

A knowing smile would curve up the raven-haired woman's lips "And don't worry, your girlfriend is a very lucky woman to have you" indicating that Allison had actually heard Takeda muttering under his breath during the initial exchanges!

As Allison rose from her seat, Takeda nodded to her, closing his book. "Oh, yes, I do..." His eyes wandered upward, taking in the view of Allison's magnificent bust from below; for a moment, his gaze lingered there, wide-eyed and with rapt attention. It was a few seconds before he even realized that Allison had her hand extended to him - but then, with a nervous chuckle, he took it nonetheless, rising to his feet. He looked off and grinned sheepishly, hoping that his attention wasn't too obvious.

But despite any awkwardness Takeda might have held onto...Allison still had only glowing words to say to him. He might've been bit absent-minded when it came to a beautiful woman, and he might have let his desires get the better of him more often than he would like to admit, but he was still an interviewer who took a keen interest into everyone he spoke to. Maybe for the wrong reasons, but it worked out in the end. Ultimately, Takeda wanted the fans to feel like they could better understand their favorite wrestlers. He believed that everyone in LAW had something special to bring to the table, and he wanted to encourage them to be proud of that. And that was a goal that Allison could only see the nobility in. That could only remind him that he was doing everything he should be. His cheeks might have flushed deeper, but still, the smile on his face broadened as he bowed his head in recognition of her words. "Believe's a honor. Hearing that from you, heh, is probably the best compliment I could ever receive...not to sound clingy, uh, or anything-!"

In fact, Takeda was so touched by Allison's words that he was only shaken back to his senses a moment later - when she wished him luck in his romantic endeavors. Sputtering in shock, he jumped back, practically letting the glasses drop off his face before he pushed them back up his nose at the last minute. Had she actually heard that? Let alone heard that he was in a situation where he actually had to consider such things? "W-Wait, who told you-!?" But by then, Allison was already out the door!

July 2024: Allison Ford

  • Age: 24
  • Height: 5'10
  • Weight: 157 lbs.
  • Finishing Move: Dead-End (End of Days)
  • Career Highlight: Taking on Janella Johnson in an open challenge.
  • Career Aspiration: Having matches on We Are LAW and Fight the LAW.
  • "The people who support me now, they are the real ones who will stick with me throughout my career. I appreciate it a lot."
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
Miranda Tomi. Takeda didn't know how he had gone this long without getting to speak to her, but it was about time he got to do something about that. She had been a long-standing member of the LAW roster, and one who had plenty talked about her thanks to her gorgeous looks, cheerful attitude, and good-naured charm. She had been a rookie when she first came to LAW, and now she had cemented herself as one of its perennial talent. Now she had put her name forward for the Ladies of LAW Calendar, and Takeda was eagerly looking forward to her arrival at the studio. He was happy to get the chance to talk to her about how far she had come in her career. And, of course, her lithe dancer's body didn't hurt.

Miranda hummed her way to where she was supposed to meet Takeda, already dressed for the interview. She felt a little strange being in a bikini to talk to someone, but when she thought about it wasn't much different from her being in her normal gear or dancing for people, which made it a silly thing to be even slightly nervous about. From what she heard Takeda was a great interviewer and she loved the idea that fans would get a better idea about who she was! When she finally saw the man she smiled and walked right up to him.

"Helloooo! Nice to meet you!" Miranda said offering a hand to the young man while keeping her smile. "I'm a little new at this, are we talking here?" She politely asked, the area looked good for an interview, or at least she thought so, she wasn't really used to getting them so she was extremely curious to know.

"O-Oh!" As soon as Miranda walked by him, Takeda was instantly at attention. His eyes went wide as he looked up and down the girl's figure with keen interest. She had certainly come prepared, and he liked what he saw! "Looking, er, beautiful as ever, Miss Tomi!" he said, clearing his throat. He took her hand and gave it a shake, smiling to her. Her cheerful disposition was just going to make things go even more smoothly, he thought to himself. He was glad that she was as excited for this as he was - and it just made her all the more endearing. That was the Miranda Tomi he knew!

"Well, the photographers are getting set up that way," he said, gesturing to the stage. "If you don't mind, I'll have you go up there and strike a few poses while I ask you a couple of questions, alright?" He saw that she was new to this sort of a thing, so he wanted to be sure to ease her into it and to not intimidate her. He wanted to get a look into the inner workings of her mind, after all - and those thoughts came more freely if she was comfortable in her situation.

Miranda was hardly surprised by the man's reaction to her, she'd seen it many times both as a dancer and a wrestler since she started this. They shook hands and she was told where to go for the cameras to take their shots, she was surprised they'd be doing the photos and the interview at the same time, but she also found the thought exciting and skipped over to where Takeda asked her to go.

"Here right?" She asked just to be ure, taking her place around the center of where the cameras were, then she began thinking of poses to take. The first ideas that came to her mind were some of her poses while dancing, so she quickly put one arm up in the air while the other was at her side as if she was about to start spinning and twirling around.

"Yes, exactly!" Takeda nodded his head as Miranda hit her mark. As if on cue, her body launched into motion, assuming the position as naturally as if she was breathing. She barely even hesitated! Evidently, she had a keen sense of control over her own body if she understood each step of the dance as though by heart. It truly spoke to her expertise. Even if she was standing still, every muscle was in the right spot, tensed and readied - she was able to give such a sense of fluid movement and freedom in her stance that Takeda hardly needed to think to imagine her in motion.

"You'll, uh...have to show me some of those dance moves some time," Takeda mused, his voice trailing off as he got lost in his absent-minded thoughts. Still, he stood a little straighter and continued. "What I'd like to ask first of all is, what's your proudest accomplishment in LAW so far?"

Miranda first pose seemed to be a hit for the cameras and for Takeda, who seemed to be impressed as well. If he was happy that was a positive sign all around and one she took to heart when thinking of other poses. For now she continued with ones that would look like they were taken mid dancing, moving around in poses that she typically did in her routines or ones she'd praticed a hundred times to prepare for a dance while she thought up answers to the questions.

"Sure, I think it's a good workout and it's never bad to learn." Miranda said thinking nothing of offering to help Takeda dance. "My proudest accomplishment might most of Apex. I have some bad memories from that chace but during the qualifiers I took on Astrid Arviddson, the one who eventually won the entire thing, and gave her a hell of a match. The entire time I was doing it I wanted to prove someone smaller like me had a chance and though I lost I think I scared Astrid a little! At the very least I know I impressed her. But the biggest moment was the final match after I qualified. I took on Eirina Makishima and I actually beat her in a match that she was an expert in! I was nervous the entire night but once the match started I was in the zone and after she tapped out I was excited for the entire week. It took days before I accepted that it wasn't a dream and that I'd actually done it." Miranda happily answered clearly still jazzed about that victory.

"Heh, that you did," Takeda said - he kept his eyes on Miranda, even as she twirled around in place. In fact, her dance was almost mesmerizing, so much so that he needed to take a brief pause to remember what he was going to say before he continued. "So I guess that you can say you were challenging Astrid before it was cool," he added with a chuckle. "But taking down Eirina is no small feat either - she's a former champion herself, you know. That should definitely put you up there as a name to watch out for - not to mention, you made it to the semifinals in the inaugural Lightweight Championship tournament. You've always been up there as one of the top lightweights in the company, whether you've been in the spotlight for it or not. I do hope you know that."

"Though, with that in mind, I have to ask...what's next for you? What would you say is your top aspiration in LAW?"

Mira kept changing her poses now and again to get more shots for the camera to take, letting Takeda gather his thoughts while she was none the wiser as to why it was taking him a little longer to do so. "You could say that, I wish I could beat her before it was cool too. Beating Eirina wasn't easy but knowing my name is in the win column against her does feel like a huge boost to my confidence" Miranda said once Takeda started talking again. She had no problem answering these questions and quickly knew what she wanted next. "Either gold or revenge, possibly both. I still think I can beat Astrid and would love to have another chance to do so, but I also wouldn't mind fighting for the Lightweight belt, as you said I got kinda close once back when everything first happened but lost to Alice in a close match, the chance to finish the job next time would be great and I wouldn't turn it down, especially with an awesome champion like Annie Clark being my opponent! But aside from titles I really do want to kick Piper Sherwood's pretty face in. After burning my clothes she needs more than that, but unlike her I'm not an evil person so a win will be fine for me." Miranda answered laying out her thoughts and hopes for the upcoming new year.

One thing was for sure, Takeda could definitely feel the confidence coming off of Mira. It was in the way she moved, in how she spoke - in her willingness to get up on stage in that outfit - and when she described her victories over such big names as Eirina Makashima, she had all the more reason to believe that she stood on solid ground when it came to that confidence. Well, she had been in LAW a while, and with that staying power, no one could blame her! She surely needed something to stick around this long. But whatever it was, it seemed like she had it - she was sure of as much in herself!

Nodding his head, Takeda wrote down some notes. When Miranda mentioned going up against Astrid again, his eyes went a little wider - there was that confidence again, if she thought she had what it took to take down a woman who had claimed the title of Openweight Champion, let alone one that eclipsed her in size. Either way, he had to admit that any of the prospects she named would make for good matches - though, it was her note about Piper that truly caught his eye!

"Whoah, careful now - that's going to print!" Takeda chuckled to Mira's comments. "I can't imagine Piper will be happy if she sees that...then again, something tells me you feel like you can handle it. And, just between you and I - I don't see any reason to believe you can't!" Hopefully Piper wouldn't take offense to that one, at least.

"Now, all else being said, there's one more question I'd like to ask, and I'm going to leave it open to you - what's something else about you that you'd like the fans to know?"

Mira laughed but shrugged her shoulders. "If she didn't want to be called that she'd act different. Her history with Piper was known by now and the fact that the blonde actually thought she was better just by getting meaner was another reason Miranda had no problem insulting her. The next question made Miranda think hard about what she wanted it to be, she wasn't really secretive but she didn't think the fans needed to know everything. They knew about her dancing and where she came from, and most other facts besides that seemed to simple for a big and important interview like this, her first big interview too!

"I guess...I want them to know that this isn't easy even for me or anyone. Being a great wrestler doesn't have some secret that only a few people know and I don't think it's something you either have or don't it takes work and determination that anyone and everyone can have. So if they ever feel like I'm some superwoman I'd like them to know that not only would that not be true, but that I'd like to one day show them that each and everyone of them is as special as me." Miranda said which she felt also worked as a good closing statement.

Takeda had been happy to hear Miranda out for all of this. He was never going to turn down the opportunity to hang around a beauty like Mira, of course - but he did, genuinely, appreciate hearing her thoughts, and getting a sense for what was going through her head every time she got into the ring. Up to this point, he was listening intently to her, smirking at her anecdotes, and looking toward the future with anticipation of whatever it might bring - surely, her career would see plenty of heights. But what truly caught his attention was when Mira admitted that she had never thought of herself as being destined for greatness. She was just her. A normal person, just like any of the fans, or the crew members. When Takeda heard that, he looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"" It seemed hard to believe that Miranda Tomi, a woman who had been a part of LAW since the beginning and who had firmly established herself as a fixture of the company, could have thought of herself in such a mundane way. But she had never really had the larger-than-life personalities of some wrestlers, despite her passion for showmanship. At the end of the day, Mira wasn't afraid to just be an everyday person. And that was what Takeda had created this calendar to celebrate, he realized - the people that the ladies of LAW really were.

His expression softened, and he nodded his head to her. "That's a very admirable thing to think, Miranda. I think those are the sorts of words that a lot of people need to hear. I can only hope that it inspires some young hopefuls out there...because we could use more ladies like you in the wrestling world." Yes, he did feel that way about her looks. But he also couldn't help but admire her modesty and her honesty, and never had that shown through more than in her response to that last question. She had the right eye for the future. Not a future centered around her, per se, but where her sort of thinking could blossom and prosper. And maybe that was all the world needed.

Miranda smiled at the words, taking a few more photos the entire time before she watched the cameraman's stopping as if the session was almost over. She stood around waiting to make sure that it was the end but eventually hopped out of the place and moved back closer to Takeda. "Thanks. I mean every word of it too and if it helps someone then I accomplished something!" Miranda said offering a hand. "Thank you for having me this has been really fun!"

The photographers were happy to get every shot of Miranda they could - the girl had a way of moving that made her incredibly photogenic, and they would have plenty of options to choose from that would make for a perfect shot. But eventually, the shoot had to come to a close. With a smile, Takeda took Miranda's hand and bowed his head to her. "Of course, it's my pleasure," he said. He meant it - not only had he enjoyed such an opportunity to see Miranda's dance moves up close, but she had proven to be fine company as well. She was a kind, humble girl with a big heart and a bright spirit, and no matter how long she had been with the company, she still hadn't lost sight of what really mattered - she was an inspiration to everyone. "And I wish you luck for wherever you go next!"

August 2024: Miranda Tomi

  • Age: 19
  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 118 lbs.
  • Finishing Move: Sailing Knee
  • Career Highlight: Defeating Eirina Makishima at Apex.
  • Career Aspiration: Getting a win on Piper Sherwood to pay her back for destroying her outfit.
  • "If they ever feel like I'm some superwoman I'd like them to know that not only would that not be true, but that I'd like to one day show them that each and everyone of them is as special as me."
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Re: The Ladies of LAW Calendar

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Interview
The Ladies of LAW Calendar had seen plenty of top-tier talent. It was, after all, conceived of as a way to give fans a look inside the heads of some of the company's biggest stars. But it had also seen plenty of dark horse entrants - the women who weren't necessarily front and center on the posters, or in the main events. Sometimes, they had hoped to use their featured status to boost their careers, or to set up matches for the future. In any case, this was certainly one of those entrants - and when Takeda Ryoshi, LAW Magazine interviewer and the brains behind the concept, heard that Isa was scheduled next for the interview and photoshoot, he was intrigued.

Isa was definitely a gorgeous woman - her impressive physique and her striking looks were enough to make everyone stop and stare - but despite her undeniable potential and impressive prior record in some other wrestling leagues, in LAW she had been seemingly underperforming so far, even gaining a bit of a reputation as a lower-card jobber among some, and she was far from anyone's list of top LAW wrestlers. Perhaps, he asked himself, there had been a mistake. But even when it had been confirmed that Isa was indeed to be featured, Takeda was excited nonetheless. Whether they were at the top of the card or the bottom, Takeda believed that everyone on the LAW roster had a story to be told. The calendar was a testament to that. And he wouldn't say no to sharing some space with Isa, either...

Isa was certainly out of her comfort zone today... But she still felt rather honored to be so. Despite being in the very public business of being a LAW wrestler, the Icelandic blonde still wasn't that used all forms of public attention - especially not the type she was receiving today, a photoshoot and interview for the LAW Magazine - specifically, the Ladies of LAW Calendar -section. This type of attention wasn't going to be shared with her opponent or on her performance - this type of attention was going to focus solely on her own persona and her body. Slightly awkward... Yet, also flattering and intriguing. It was very comforting to understand, that despite her rather tricky start in LAW, her potential and capabilities had still been recognized! Getting featured in the calendar was certainly going to be a proud moment for her, and a sign of a promising future! Still, for now, she couldn't avoid pacing nervously around the studio a little, waiting for her interviewer to arrive...

Soon enough, Takeda was given the memo that Isa was here. That was his cue! Taking a notepad in hand, he stepped out into the hallway, and it wouldn't be long before he caught sight of his latest interviewee. "Ah, you must be Isa?" he said, moving closer to offer his hand to the girl. "Takeda Ryoshi, interviewer for LAW Magazine. This calendar project is, uh...something of a brainchild of mine, so I'm quite pleased to see it take off the way it has. I should ask, how are you doing today?"

Looking at Isa, Takeda fiddled a little bit with his glasses. He could tell that she was anxious about having this much attention on her, let alone the scrutiny of the press. The least he could do was to help her get acquainted. "Right this way," he explained, leading her into a studio, where a stage was set at one end of the room; a crew of photographers and lighting technicians were set up in front of it. "If you need to go get changed, I'll let you, and you can meet me back here when you're ready. After that, you'll get on the stage and hit a few poses. Just act natural. I'll lead you through it, okay?"

Isa tried to tone down her pacing a bit as soon as she saw a figure approaching down the hallway. At first she wasn't paying any special attention to them... Until they suddenly blurted out her name, offered their hand for a shake, and introduced themselves. The Angel of Ice couldn't prevent herself from adopting a silghtly startled look, while catching herself having fallen for a very stereotypical image of how her interviewer would turn out to look like. Instead of someone who could have easily matched the looks of the girls in the calendar that she had subconsciously been envisioning, this rather timid, polite and professionally-dressed man seeemed to be the one running the show. Of course, she didn't mind at all, in fact, she was pleasantly surprised... She just hadn't been expecting it!

"Oh, yes, I'm Isa. Nice to meet you, Takeda. I'm fine, thanks. And what a brainchild you have - I'm sure everyone must be very pleased when getting to take part in a project like this!" the Icelander began politely, while gracefully shaking Takeda's hand in return. Right off the bat, she was feeling a bit more relaxed about the situation, and began promptly following the journalist's lead. Admittedly, when entering the room and spotting all the crew working on the set, her nervousness raised its head slightly again, but luckily, Takeda was promptly directing her towards the changing room again.

Isa surely had plenty of clothing suitable for a session like this, even her usual match attires, and she had taken a few alternatives with her. Trying hard to decide which one to pick, eventually she settled on one, before promptly changing in it - and taking a moment to take a deep breath, and to calm down any nerves that she might have been displaying. After that, it was finally time to meet the journalist again, and let him lead her into the spotlight.

When he saw how Isa had reacted to his appearance, ironically enough, it was Takeda who let out a gulp and backed away. He hoped that he hadn't startled her too much - the last thing he wanted, after all, was to set this interview off on the wrong foot. Out of instinct, he blurted out his apologies. "Er, sorry-!" But as soon as Takeda had offered his hand, it was as though a switch flipped in her head. She smiled to him and conducted herself as professionally as ever, like this was routine for her. That made Takeda breathe a sigh of relief - this wouldn't be so bad after all. If anything, he felt a little guilty he had reacted the way he had. Hopefully it hadn't made things too awkward.

He did blush as Isa described how much of a success his calendar had been. Plenty of wrestlers had thanked him for giving them this opportunity to promote themselves, and it was always an honor to know they were happy with it - he never quite got used to that sort of praise! "Ah, heheh...yes, I've heard nothing but good things from the featured talent!" he explained. "I'm glad to know you can agree. I just hope we can live up to your expectations."

And he would blush even harder a moment later, when the newly-changed Isa walked out of the dressing room, catching his eye! The interviewer stared back at her, eyes wide and mouth agape, as she came closer. Isa had a striking beauty about her that was hard to deny - whether she won or lost, it was unquestionable that she would always look good doing it. And now, Takeda had borne witness to it first-hand! As she passed by, he remained speechless for a few seconds before he cleared his throat, taking his notebook out. "Ah, er...well, yes, er-! Right, just step up to the stage and hit a pose or two. The photographers will take care of it. In the meantime, I'll ask a few questions..."

Isa may had genuinely been a rather innocent individual, but she still wasn't clueless over the purpose and appeal of calendars such as this one. Naturally, the public wanted to see some new sides of their favorites in the ring, and with that in mind, despite bringing her usual wrestling attires with her as well, the Angel of Ice settled on a white bikini, certainly not seen by the public eye before, for this photoshoot - at least to start off with. Of course, she was planning to carefully observe the interviewer's and camera crew's reactions, in case it might seem better to suggest changing to some other attire as well.

As she made her appearance, Takeda's reaction was pretty hard to read. He seemed more like astonished than anything... But the Icelander couldn't really ascertain whether it was due more to the novelty of her looks, or disappointment or puzzlement for not sporting her blue attire... Before she could muster up asking though, the interviewer was already directing her to the stage, and the blonde simply nodded and proceeded towards the flashlights.

Once on the stage, the Icelander adopted a subtle yet rather innocent pose... But she started already struggling with coming up with the second one. Really, she needed the calendar crew's guidance and help through this one... But it was still a bit embarrassing to ask! "Umm... So... You guys will tell me what you'd like me to do, right?" the Angel of Ice finally asked, blushing just a little. "

Fortunately for Isa's purposes, it didn't take much to impress Takeda Ryoshi. Seeing a beautiful woman in a bikini went a long way toward catching his attention - and when Isa made her way into the room, he definitely liked what he saw! Of course, it was Takeda - he would've been impressed no matter what Isa was wearing. But this look certainly didn't hurt.

However, it seemed like, in spite of how confident she was to strut her stuff in an outfit like that, Isa still needed a little coaxing to lay on the seductive charms. In fact, she needed to ask for help - but Takeda was there to chime in. "Ah, well...if you need some help with the poses, you can always ask. But the idea behind this calendar is, well...we want the world to have a chance to see you. The real you. Don't think too hard about giving the cameras what they want to see - find something that's right for yourself. That you think suits you and your personality. I'd rather you be honest - believe me, even if you aren't quite the, er, outgoing type, I think you're still somebody's type." Did Takeda enjoy hanging around gorgeous bikini-clad babes? Of course he did - but he was serious about his intentions. He wanted the calendar to be a way for LAW fans to know their favorite wrestlers more, and he didn't want Isa to feel like she had to be someone she wasn't. Besides, shy girls could be cute. He would know.

"If it helps," he went on, "we could ask you some questions? Just act natural, is all..."

Isa had wished for some quick hints or instructions from the professional photographers, but apparently it was the interviewer who was quick to decide to take things from here... Well, that was probably quite logical after all. And while his own explanations and instructions were also very logical, they unfortunately did not exactly help with making Isa feel any more at ease... Instead of getting some concrete instructions, she was being given a blank sheet, only getting encouraged to show the real her!

Under most circumstances, that kind of comment would have surely been very flattering, and highly appreciated by the Angel of Ice. But in this instance... It was only making the blonde feel more out of place! Gosh, she wasn't a poser at all! Was it going to be natural for her to turn around, and look over her shoulder while giving the hungry lenses a chance at capturing the view from behind? Of course not! Even if that's probably what the calendar audience might had been yearning for... Or that's at least what she now imagined they were.

Awkwardly acknowledging Takeda's requests, the blonde changed her stance subtly a few times, always trying to remain appearing as graceful as ever. But she was soon running out of ideas... Luckily, the interviewer was finally suggesting to get on to the questions part, which brought immediate relief to Isa's nerves. "Oh, sure, of course! Please, go ahead!" the blonde replied in a very cheerful and polite tone now.

Takeda did want to get to know more about Isa, getting to the heart of who she was as a person. And, yes, he was also quite enthused about her figure, and getting to appreciate it up close and in all its glory. But he also knew that she was a person with big dreams, and the last thing he wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable with what he was asking of her. She was trying her best, and that was all that really mattered to him.

Soon enough, it was time for him to start asking a few questions. Clearing his throat, he took out his pen and began to write in a notebook. "First of all," he said, "I wanted to ask, what would you say is your greatest accomplishment in LAW so far?" Takeda did pause a moment after he'd said that - he knew, after all, that Isa didn't have the best reputation in the company, and he wasn't sure how proud she was of her career thus far. But surely there had to be something worth taking pride in.

Funnily enough, Takeda starting his questioning actually managed to get Isa's stance and appearance a bit more relaxed now. Her mind was no longer fully on trying to come up with some showy poses, but actually the photoshoot itself became more like a subconscious thing that was going on alongside the interview for her. As a consqeuence, the blonde went through a pair of pretty graceful and strong-looking stances, which certainly displayed the aspects and parts of her body and figure that were strong for a wrestler.

The question itself needed some focus though. And despite being generally aware of what kind of questions were going to be incoming, she hadn't really rehearsed any responses beforehand. "Umm, well, getting into the ring is most certainly a proud moment every time here in LAW. It always makes me proud to compete with the best, and offer everyone a thrilling performance!" the Angel of Ice began on a rather general level, before actually managing to go into some specifics. "But if I had to pick one specific thing... Of course, it was a proud moment to get to officially challenge the Heavyweight champion, Alaina Sanders-Haines! Even if she, um... Ended up showing me quite... Comprehensively, why she's the champion..." the Icelander ended with an accompanying blush, as despite the pride she held for the match, it had ended up being taken as an example of the veteran heavyweight champion's continued dominance over younger, aspiring challengers.

For his part, it did seem like Isa was taking well to Takeda's advice, and that caused him to smile a little wider. He did want her to be comfortable, after all, and he was glad to know that she was settling into things well - in fact, as she struck a few poses for the flashing cameras, she seemed to take on a more relaxed stance, her poses growing more natural. That would be good for the calendar, since the shot wouldn't seem so forced. Takeda wanted her to let her true self shine, after all.

And he did nod his head with keen intent when Isa described her match against Alaina, the reigning Heavyweight Champion! "Oh, yes, I'm sure! Even to be considered worthy of taking on the champion is quite an honor," he said. "It means you're up there as one of the best in your weight class. I do hope you aren't taking it lightly." He paused a little, though, thinking of how Alaina had solidly bested her - and how, in terms of her reputation as a wrestler, Isa was hardly a celebrated champion. In fact, Takeda was so used to thinking of her in light of her less-than-stellar record that when she flexed her muscles, he was surprised to see just how much strength Isa had behind her physique. He pulled a little at his collar - he had no idea how he was going to approach that subject without seeming rude about it. "Actually, Isa, it strikes me that you're a lot more capable than, er, a lot of people give you credit for," he said, hoping that would do good enough. "What do you have to say about that?"

By now, trying to come up with some more imaginative poses had seemingly become much more appealing for Isa... Even if in reality, her increased movement was mainly due to wanting to hide her faint blushing. Of course, she didn't really need to feel embarrassed or ashamed at all for losing to a champion, but it was a tad awkward to still claim that as a highlight. Takeda began doing his best though to alleviate her concerns, complimenting her success and performance, stating that it should indeed be something for Isa to be proud of... Which made the blonde's blush a bit deeper again, but for different reasons than previously.

After a pose particularly effective with showing off her muscles though, the interviewer decided to dig into his journalistic obligations though, rather delicately bringing up the fact that the Angel of Ice still held no superstar status, and how she felt of that. It was quickly evident that the Icelander was hesitating over how to address the question, but recognizing that she didn't want to appear insecure, still came up rather quickly with something to say. "Oh, I don't really follow... I mean, it's not really my business what people give me credit for. I just do my best, and everyone can then judge my capabilities as they wish!" she began in a polite, matter-of-fact tone. "Besides, I believe my matches have gotten rather favorable ratings, anyway..." she then added with a hint of snarkiness in her tone, which she promptly then eradicated for her following, more gracefully delivered words again. "But of course, competition here in LAW is tough... Tougher than in the previous leagues I've wrestled in..." she continued, pausing for a moment as if to reaffirm herself whether she should still say the rest what was on her mind... The answer to which turned out to be positive.

"Besides, there are some established fellow Nordic blonde heavyweights in here, like Astrid Arvidsson and Astrid Ostberg, who are quite remarkable wrestlers to get compared to, so they've probably set the bar rather high for someone like me." Isa then concluded, making sure to come off more as admiring the successes of the Nordic champions, rather than bitter for getting faced with tough contention.

Takeda bit his lip as he said that - he really didn't know how Isa would take to him effectively calling her a jobber. But, for better or worse, that was what she was in the eyes of many LAW fans - she had never quite achieved the performance of some of the promotion's heavy hitters, and most people dismissed her as doomed for the undercard. Takeda could recognize that she was more than that, though. When he saw how Isa talked about her accomplishments - and when she flexed her muscles, that made his eyes grow a little wider with keen interest; she didn't look that big on TV - he could see that she had potential. More potential than people were willing to give her - and hopefully, featuring her in the calendar would help others see just what she had to offer LAW. The only question was, did she see that potential in herself?

It came as a bit of a relief when Isa wasn't offended by the question, citing her struggles in adjusting to the competition at LAW, and being in the shadow of some of her fellow wrestlers. She still had a belief in herself - and if she was going to make something of her career, that was the first step. "I suppose that's true," he said. "I am curious, though, if you have any big plans in mind for the future. How do you intend to set yourself apart from those other heavyweights, and show the fans you're worth a second chance?"

Luckily for Takeda, Isa failed to detect any notion in his words potentially suggesting that he would have labeled her as a jobber. While her record hadn't been stellar so far, the blonde herself considered that to stem more from getting unlucky with her opponents and matches rather than her own competence and potential, or being doomed to a jobber status... Of course, LAW fans might have disagreed, but Isa generally wasn't one to be really interested or worry over her online reputation.

Takeda's following question was a bit trickier one though, and especially the ending caught Isa a bit off guard. It was quite a direct suggestion this time, that she would have somehow already failed in LAW so far... And the slight puzzlement was evident in the blonde's tone when she began responding. "Oh... A second chance?" she began, pausing for a moment before continuing. "Oh, I think LAW is giving me more chances all the time. There's so much competition... So many opponents to face off against! And... I'm always striving to get better! Of course, I want to provide many thrilling moments for our fans to enjoy..." she continued with a positive tone, before acknowledging her struggles again. "And, um... Of course, I'd want to improve my record a bit, even though the competition here in the Heavyweight league is... Very tough, and fierce. I have so much respect for everyone... So hopefully one day, I can be just as mighty as them!" she then concluded.

When he heard Isa's reaction to his words, for a moment, Takeda shrunk back and bit his lip. Had he said the wrong thing? He hoped that he didn't offend her by insinuating her performance up to date was subpar. However, Isa seemed to keep a positive attitude about it. It was honestly quite charming of her - no matter how tough the competition got, she never seemed to lose hope, and always had faith in herself. And she didn't seem to resent her other competitors, either - in fact, she saw them as the goals she could aspire to! Takeda could only smile to that. Not a lot of wrestlers were that good at looking on the bright side.

"Well said, Isa, well said. I think a lot of people in wrestling get caught up in backstage drama and take things personally. It can be a pretty cutthroat business, as I'm sure you're aware. It's refreshing to see someone who can respect even those who might stand in their way. Honestly, I think a lot of people could learn from you, on that front!" He nodded his head. Isa might have been a gorgeous woman to be sure, but she had a heart of gold, too.

"Well, we're getting to the end of what I wanted to ask. So I'll leave it at this for my last question - is there anything else you would like to share with the fans?"

Choosing the words hadn't been exactly easy for Isa, but Takeda's commending reaction signaled her that they had likely been the right ones. That was certainly a relief! And the polite interviewer's following words managed to raise her confidence a bit, even instilling some pride in her spirits now. Isa took a lot of care to always trying to remain polite and courteous under any circumstances, and give off a very graceful appearance of herself even when getting into the LAW ring, so getting noted for that and considered in high regard by Takeda as a result certainly made her feel good.

"Oh, well, thank you! And I can assure you... I have no interest in any kind of backstage drama. None! I don't really know who has time for such nonsense..." she began, her tone turning slightly into a rebuking one as she progressed. "But one thing I can promise you - The Angel of Ice will always remain graceful!" the Icelander then concluded, almost sounding noble with her declaration!

Apparently though, the interview was finally coming to a conclusion. Or on the other hand, already... As Isa had just been starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the whole situation! Needless to say though, she wasn't the type to keep others waiting, so the blonde decided to quickly come up with some final words to say. "Oh, well, I want to thank all the readers, of course... And of course, thank all my fans as well! I can promise everyone that you'll be seeing me back in the ring very soon!" she concluded, resisting the urge to say anything nerdy, or accidentally slipping something that could have been perceived as odd, or hostile against any other wrestlers at all.

This interview had gone pretty well after all!

September 2024: Ísafold Hjalmarsdottir

  • Age: 25
  • Height: 5'9
  • Weight: 175 lbs.
  • Finishing Move: Crucifreeze
  • Career Highlight: Challenging Heavyweight Champion Alaina Sanders.
  • Career Aspiration: Providing many thrilling moments for her fans, and establishing herself as a capable heavyweight.
  • Wants everyone to know that the current eruptive cycle at the Reykjanes peninsula of Iceland is likely to last for decades, inviting everyone to witness beautiful scenes in her home country, the land of fire and ice!
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