Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

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Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

Unread post by Vc0m »

Clara loved LAW with all her heart. This was the company she was slowly, but surely, building her future legacy. She didn't leave out of the question that, one day, she might change her "home" promotion to some place else...But for right now, LAW was her home, currently housing her best friends and fiercest rivals for her to wrestle with and against...

But, as with any relationship, especially one with a company, there were of course, some things that peeved her off about it.

One of them? The company always taking her words, and stretching them out beyond belief, overdoing them 100 times more than she expected it to be.

Case and point. Around a few months back, she told the management that she might be open to some softcore matches in the future. Her encounter with her lover made her slightly more interested in smother and bed matches, and she would've liked to play with an idea of another bra and panties match.

For several months, while she focused on her Lightweight tourney training, she didn't get a peep about a softcore match of any kind.

And then, right out of nowhere, she recieved a contract...to participate in LAW's Softcore Event that is planned to take place in a few months.

She only wanted a small-scale, normal episode of LAW match for her on-screen "Softcore" debut. But LAW seemingly was going out of it's way to make her one of the selling points of the event, alongside some legitimate Hentai stars of LAW, as well as the crowning of the first LAW Hentai Champion.

"Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh...", she unsatisfactorily groaned as she made her way out of the LAW's Booker's office as she got the contract for her match. Her opponent wasn't clear at that point, so the Shadow Lord was told she could find one out of anyone within the current male and female roster, as well as any non-standard/non-hardcore match type she wanted.

Choice was certainly nice, but who would she go with? Asuka?

"N-n-no...", she blushed under her mask.

Aoi again, maybe?

Then again, she feared the blunette might go too far in the event. She should've thought some more about this. Softcore wasn't just smothers, bra and panties and bedroom matches. That also encompassed substance match in water, oil, mud, pudding or what have you.

As she was thinking about her potential match at the event, wearing her usual mask and a street attire consisting of a simple white summer dress and white shoes, walking through LAW Complex's corridor's, she bumped into someone's (quite hard) arm!

"Oh! I am so sorry!"

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Re: Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

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The wrestling prince had started off his wrestling career at another wrestling promotion. He joined LAW unofficially just as a part time gym-goer. It was nice in the beginning, a nice change of pace where he got to wrestle wrestlers from other promotions than his current one. He was not under contract so he enjoyed the facilities and interacted and sparred with the wrestlers in just a training environment. Granted, that too got a bit heated from time to time but it wasn't like he was trying to make a name here. Fast forward now, LAW was open to males and females and with Daisuke seemingly getting more and more challenges with the wrestlers of LAW. He developed quite the rivalry with some of them and some of them he didn't care.

Still, LAW was something he wished to conquer and place himself on the top as the true wrestling prince but for now he only watched proceedings. He was not too impressed by the lightweights at all, the hentai wrestling was something that disgusting him. The middleweights and heavyweights were filled with ordinary wrestlers. Just as LAW opened its door to all competitors, in the wrestling prince's mind all the mediocre talented swarmed in to get on the latest trend. He thought less of LAW wrestlers than ever before.

Having just finished his workout, he was all showered and freshened up. He changed into a pair of sporty t-shirt with sweatpants and a gym bag hanging on his shoulders. Little did he know, he was about to meet a future rival......


Daisuke's gym bag fell to the floor as he grunted, visibly annoyed at the fact that someone bumped into him. "Hey watch it you....eh? Heh....hahaha!" Daisuke tried to hold his laughter in but couldn't. The mask on the woman simply was too much for him. "Wait wait wait....what are you? Some sort of mask wearing freak?" he said, raising his eyebrow. "Pick up my gym bag you little runt" he glared at her, trying to be his imposing self.

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Re: Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

Unread post by Vc0m »

GASTER would blush under her mask at being laughed at. First in embarrassment...then in anger, as the unknown, but familiar man called her a freak...before outright ordering her to pick up his back.

Granted, she was going to do that anyway...but something about the guy was rubbing her the wrong way.

With silent anger, she picked up the bag, and passed it onto the man, still holding the contract for the match in her left hand.

Upon passing it onto him, she couldn't help but mention: "You...don't need to be so rude about it..."

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Re: Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

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Daisuke was perplexed at this woman before him. She was oddly familiar but he couldn't be so sure, I mean she was wearing a strange and unique mask so perhaps he did know her from somewhere else but with her face covered, there was no real way to know for sure whether he did or not. The wrestling prince ordered the woman to pick his gym bag up and without offering too much of resistance she did so, although she did seem to be a bit hesitant about it. Eventually, the masked woman passed him the bag but not without mentioning his rudeness.

Daisuke raised an eyebrow, noticing she had something of interest in her left hand. "Hm? What's that?" he said as he quickly snatched the document from her and began to take a look look at it. Daisuke would then chuckle, "What the....soft...core...tournament? What kind of ridiculous thing is this?"he would say, throwing the contract on the floor. "Female wrestlers like you disgust me. You like rolling around in oil, mudd, pudding or sauna room- whatever is it you lewd wrestlers do, don't you? No real skill, no wrestling talent at all! This place...disgusts me" he said rolling his eyes as he went on a rant about LAW wrestlers.

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Re: Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

Unread post by Vc0m »

As Clara planned to just ignore the seemingly familiar man and keep going, the man would suddenly snatch the contract for her match from her hands:

"Hey! What are you...?!"

The man would proceed to read the what the contract was for, GASTER getting red in face under her mask...

...before he laughed of and berated her for being a "lewd" wrestler.

"H-hey! Who are you to decide what is and isn't real talent?!", the Shadow Lord would blow up at him: "The girls who love these sorts of things put as much effort into their craft as regular wrestlers do! If this disgusts you, why are you even here?!", GASTER would finish, taking a lot of umbrage with the "No real skill or talent" comment from the man...

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Re: Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

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Daisuke was feeling frisky, unusually more than he would normally be. He had no reason to poke into the business of the woman in front of him but the arrogant prince still decided to take matters into his own hand, snatching the document from the masked woman's hand. Inspecting it, reading it and then disrespecting it. He read on with a disgust facial expression, looking over at the paper and over to the masked woman before bursting out in laughter. How could a masked clothed woman ever had any chance in a lewd wrestling match anyway? In any case, lewd wrestling itself was a joke- a reason for jobbers to feel each other up!

Suddenly, she would break into a rant. Not putting up to Daisuke's disrespect to those wrestlers who partake in lewd wrestling and who genuinely put in the effort as pro-wrestlers would. Daisuke, failing to understand her point, snorted and raised his eyebrows. "Oh please. You're one of them aren't you? A failed pro wrestler who has no choice but to sell her body off in gimmicky matches just for the crowd to get horny. You disgust me. LAW disgusts me if it promotes you losers and such match types" he said.

"I get to decide because I am the prince of ALL wrestling. I get to decide what is talent and what is not and YOU aren't talent at all.I thought LAW would be a place where I could find tough competition but, clearly I was wrong" he grinned, throwing the contract back to her.

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Re: Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

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The longer the man spoke, the angrier the Shadow Lord got: "YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!"

She couldn't believe it herself, but she was shouting at him. He was touching a nerve, in particular the part about "A failed pro wrestler". This wasn't why she decided to try out for a lewd match type, her career was on the up and up...

...but her still increasing loss column, despite the number of wins she had this year, was definitely bothering the British girl.

As he threw the contract back to her, she looked down on the contract...and then back at Daisuke, with an idea sparking in her head:

"So...if you think only someone talent-less partakes in those matches, you mean to say that someone WITH talent would do even better in a match like this?"

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Re: Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

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Daisuke would notice that the woman before him got more and more annoyed. Even though he couldn't see her facial expressions with what the mask she was wearing, he could still feel that she was seething behind her mask. He would grin as she suddenly yelled on him, telling him to shut his mouth to which he simply responded by throwing the contract back at her as he was about to part ways with her.

As he turned his back to her, starting to leave, he heard her call out to him. "Hm?" he said, raising an eyebrow as he looked back over his shoulder to glance at her before turning back to face her.

"Of course..." he smirked.

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Re: Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

Unread post by Vc0m »

"So then...umm...aaah...hmmm..."

Clara suddenly caught herself, before she said what she wanted to in the heat of the moment. She rarely fought men, and few times she did intergender matches, they ended with either her losing.

In addition, what she was about to say was basically that she wanted to wrestle, likely half-naked, with a very buff and, as much as she hated to admit it, good-looking man.

The latter thought caused her to blush under her mask, and pause for several seconds, before she she shook her head. The man's words wounded her pride, and she felt this was the best way to come back at him for it:

"Then that means you can easily beat someone as weak as me in...let's say...an oil match? Unless you are afraid of getting embarrassed by this "failed pro wrestler"?"

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Re: Wet-and-Messy Antics! (For Teen)

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

As he was about to leave, her last comment made him stop and turn back to her- offering his final words with a simple 'of course' as he made sure to tell her that a real pro wrestler can beat a gimmick wrestler in any type of match. With these parting words, he was again on his back when he heard her stammer out once again and this time he only half turned back to her, waiting for her to finish what she was muttering. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds and Daisuke thought this was nothing more than a masked freak trying to stall for time until she proposed something quite interesting.

"Hah! That's quite an interesting way to challenge someone you masked weirdo" Daisuke would say, fully turning back to face her. "You've got a funny way of challenging someone but yeah, I can beat you in ANY match....including an oil wrestling match. So if you want to wrestle me in an oil wrestling match, one on one....give me that contract, I'll sign it and I can show you how much of a joke you are and how much of a joke LAW is, allowing wrestlers like you to wrestle" he said, approaching her to take the contract from her. He would put his name and sign it. "You and me. Oil wrestling" he simply said, pressing up to her, face to face.

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