Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

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Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

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The buzz was palpable around the LAW arena. There was a big surprise in store, a brand new wrestler which had been heavily promoted and the crowd were whipped into a frenzy as LAW went live. The lights shone, signs were waved, some which said, "GIVE LIGHTIES A CHANCE!!" and "NATASHA SUCKS!" and the stage was set. The sounds of Stupid Disco by Junior Jack pumped its infectious beat over the PA which drew a pop from the anxious crowd, they all wanted to see who was going to appear at the top of the ramp. The wait seemed to go on unusually long as the song continued to play with the following lyrics being heard,

"I've got a chip on my shoulder. With your name on it! So don't just stand there foolin' If you don't want it! I say you're either a lover Or you are a liar! So don't you push too hard You're playin' with fire!"

As soon as the lyrics were sung, at the top of the ramp stood a figure. it was Chloe Dubois-Green. The French former model looked amazing, she was wearing a gold bikini that barely covered her assets, her pure white skin with a light sheen of sweat on it from the workout she did before slipping into her gear. A pair of golden boots matched the bikini. On her face were a pair of designer sunglasses and her hair was long, soft and luxurious.

Next to her came a smaller girl, this was Clara her long suffering assistant. Chloe turned and looked at Clara with a sneer and reached out a hand to shove the girl to the side a little bit. The girl stumbled and looked sheepishly at the floor.

Chloe raised her hands into a V shape and walked down the ramp. Her hips swayed, her hair bounced, as did her rather plump bottom and full breasts. The French wrestler completely ignored the fans and kept her gaze sternly fixed on the ring. As she reached the steps she paused. Clara scurried past Chloe, having always been two steps behind her. The assistant climbed the steps, tripping once but managing to catch herself before she went flat on her face. It drew some laughs from the crowd, but a look of disdain from Chloe, no doubt the assistant would pay for ruining the ex-models grand entrance.

Clara sat on the middle rope and strained to lift the top rope for Chloe to enter. The French beauty purposely took her time, as Clara began to sweat now, arms shaking from the effort. Chloe eventually entered the ring and immediately paraded around, hands aloft, drinking in the reception which was overall very positive from the LAW universe. Clara joined the French girl in the ring and moved to a corner, not wanting to overshadow the model again for fear of retribution.

As Chloe was handed a microphone, the music died down and the crowd cheered.

Chloe raised an eyebrow at the cheers and raised the mic to her full pouty lips. Her words came with a purr, her wonderful French accent for all to hear

"Silence s'il vous plaît"

Again the crowd cheered, which was still not quiet enough for the French beauty


The crowd instantly stopped cheering and Chloe nodded.

"Merci peasants! It is I, Chloe Dubois-Green, the most beautiful woman in the world. I am here to give you a show that you will never forget, not that you imbeciles deserve such grace!"

Chloe instantly drew a chorus of boos. She wasnt endearing herself to the LAW universe.

"Boo, yes BOO! You pathetic fools!. As the great Sartre said, 'Hell is other people!' Unfortunately, none of you are even clever enough to read or know what I am talking about. *Chloe threw her head back laughing* But despite your atrocious attitude, I made a promise, and I ALWAYS deliver on my promises. So, as I said, I will be giving you a show tonight"

At this point Clara came and stood beside Chloe which stopped the girl talking. The model gave a glare and Clara, who was nodding in agreement with everything the French model said, stopped and looked up at Chloe as the sudden silence confused her. The model raised her hand and Clara ducked, her hands coming to hide her face in a defensive position. However Chloe did not slap or strike her assistant, she simply waved dismissively towards the corner and Clara, who tentatively looked up at Chloe realized she was not being punished. The assistant walked off with her head down as Chloe cursed quietly in French.

"However. It is not I, the great Chloe who will be wrestling tonight for you."

The crowd were confused and chants were heard amongst other mutterings. Chloe continued and waved at her assistant

"Clara, come!"

Clara walked over and waited attentively at Chloe's side.

"As you are all too stupid to realize, I will inform you! The match you will see is my lovely assistant Clara, and she will be going up against......"

Chloe raised her hand towards the ramp to draw the crowds attention to whoever may come out. Clara meanwhile looked horrified. She turned, dropped to her knees and begged Chloe not to put her in a match tonight. Chloe simply grinned at her assistant, and off microphone, but still audible spoke, telling Clara she would be wrestling tonight whether she liked it or not. Clara looked as if she was about to cry at any moment, and she gazed at the ramp praying that nobody would come out
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Re: Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

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As Chloe was taking her fair time playing with the crowd the pair waiting backstage had varying levels of patience, after all they were yet to make their debut and such a big match was important enough to justify some impatience. Or at least that is how one of the pair saw it, Simona tapping her foot against the floor as they waited backstage, while her sister in law just watched the screen patiently with a smile as she heard the woman inside the rings words. The Rossette sister's having to wait their turn as their fellow french wrestler's came out first.

" This is a farce! What the hell does she mean we're fighting her? " Simona would ask, clearly irritated and very much addressing Marie as if she were somehow the source of this fact.

" Well apparently we aren't worthy enough, I doubt it but I've got no problem playing with her cute assistant. " Marie would retort, Marie being outright offended while Marie was a mix of the former and excited just to have a cutie she could play with.

" If that middle class wench thinks she's getting away with this she's wrong. " Simona would practically roar at Marie, who would quickly put her hands on her shoulders and maintain eye contact to try and grab her attention. " Come on Simona, let's play along for a little bit. If you really can't bare not to give her a piece of your mind then I'll start the match while you can talk to her. " the more reasonable of the two suggested, something which seemed to calm Simona down slightly as she nodded and then heard their cue, prompting both woman to leave their conversation at that and reveal themselves atop the ramp, Marie holding the curtain's open so Simona could walk through them without having to touch the disgusting things that likely every wrestler who had came in previously in the day had laid their dirty fingers upon.

Despite the fact that they were showing up to a wrestling match and not a high end ball Simona would have her hair styled, all of it brushed back with extreme care to ensure that it stuck, while the front had a few hairs curling over her forehead, while the rest of her golden locks flowed over her shoulders. Meanwhile Simona's ring gear would seem a bit more appropriate, consisting of tight blue trunks and a thin yet loose white shirt with a blue collar, ensuring maximum mobility, comfort and style.
Meanwhile Marie would have her hair braided at the back, making sure that her hair didn't dare extend past her neck like Simona's did. The rest of Marie's attire seeming to be more befitting of a wrestler as she had long white tights that reached her thighs and a green and white skirt which did a fairly decent job of covering her wholesome behind most the time. The outfit being completed with a sports bra that the straps crossed over her front before going behind her back and some small green trainers that were certainly expensive looking, although even then Simona tended to chastise her for wearing such a cheap style.
Both wrestlers would walk down to the ring as a classic melody played in the background, Simona standing in front with Marie smiling just slightly behind her and to the side. It was clear there wasn't quite as strict a leader and servant role in the pair as there was with the pair occupying the ring space currently. Marie and Simona would soon reach the ring, Marie jumping onto the apron and waiting for Simona who of course would use the steel steps before entering the middle ropes, prompting Marie to do the same before the two grouped together in front of their soon to be opponent and her master.

" I consider this an offence for you to put such a low standard servant in competition against the likes of us. I'm not sure if you know who I am, but I'm sure you'll figure it out in time and agonise over this foolish mistake. " Simona would state as she looked at Chloe, keeping an intense glare with the blonde. Meanwhile Marie ignored the stuck up woman entirely, heading directly to her servant and offering her a handshake, waiting for Clara to accept before speaking. " How would you like to be my servant? I'll treat you better and all you'd need to do is look cute and get used to keeping me company in my chambers. " Marie would suggest, somehow managing to be polite, friendly and condescending all in the same sentence without even trying.
Last edited by RJD on Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

The crowd roared as the Sisters appeared. This was not so for Clara who looked absolutely terrified. On her knees ahead of Chloe she had her hands clasped together begging that the ex-supermodel wouldnt feed her to the pair who approached the ring. Chloe being the total bitch she was simply ignored her assistants desperate pleas and shot out a hand to check her nails. Clara continued getting more frantic as the two sisters got into the ring. She crawled on her knees and hid behind Chloe as best she could. The ex-model let her hand fall and went to greet her new visitors. The pair looked delightful and Simona was especially ravishing. However as soon as Simona opened her mouth, Chloe's opinion of her changed.

"Excuse me but how dare you tell me, the beautiful Chloe Dubois-Green what is right and wrong. You are some lowly pleasant who I, the great Chloe took pity on you to invite you into MY ring for a match with my skilled and...

Chloe stopped and started to laugh loudly at her own words.

"I'm sorry.. I cant go on. I mean, look at Clara! You are here to teach her a lesson, at my request. You WILL go ahead with this!"

Chloe now stood with her hands on her hips as Clara covered her face attempting to hide. As the pair of Chloe and Simona had a stand off, Clara heard Marie speak. She shook her head and looked up at the girl. She was upset at Chloe's cruelty, normally Chloe took it upon herself to apply many painful and humiliating holds on the girl, but this was different. It was public! Clara managed to sniff back the tears and spoke in a timid voice to Marie, who seemed the nicer of the two

"She is always practicing on me, and worse she.... she...

Clara didnt know is she should go on, but figured it couldnt get any worse

"... and she humps my face!"

Chloe broke off her stare-down with Simona. She sneered at Clara who looked up red faced at admitting that they pair get up to

"CLARA! How dare you! I gave you a job and THIS is how you repay me!" We will deal with this later but I will leave you with your new friends whilst I watch from over there...."

She turned to Simona to deliver a parting shot as a ref girl came into the ring

"IF they are capable!"

She smirked and walked away wiggling her large bottom and hips to take her seat at ringside to enjoy, "the show"
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

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Simona as she approached Chloe would ignore Clara and even Marie's existences for a moment, her condescending gaze stuck on the woman who was about twice her height and who clearly was fairly upset. The golden haired beauty preparing her own counter argument as she listened to the bigger blonde speak, ready to shoot down her points. However that wouldn't happen, as instead Chloe just laughed, leaving Simona stunned for a moment.

Then Chloe proceeded to give her a command, one of the woman of highest birth in France had just been told what she would and wouldn't be doing. " Excuse me? Who the hell are you and why do you think you can speak to me like that? Does your father own a business or something? " Simona would question, at this point seriously wondering if this fool just didn't know who she was dealing with.

" I'm going to have my fun with your assistant, but rest assured you'd best hope I don't find out your family business. I could buy you out almost as quickly as I could tap you out. Do you even have wrestling training? You don't look like a skilled combatant. " Simona would ask, not giving the woman she was addressing her questions and statements to the time needed to either confirm or deny either as they were shot at her.

Meanwhile Marie would listen attentively to Clara, keeping consistent eye contact as she tried her best to comfort the assistant. Until suddenly their conversation would be interrupted by Chloe cutting her off before Clara said anything else she wasn't meant to. " Where's the shame? I'd ride her face too if she were my assistant. " Marie would ask, genuinely surprised that it seemed to be such a big deal to Chloe.

Meanwhile Simona would start laughing dramatically, holding her gut as she had almost keeled forward from laughing. " Oh dear... Never mind my concerns though. If you trust her to get you off then she most at least be fairly competent. Servant girl, I don't how wrapped around your finger she must be to pay you simply for some lip service, but once her limited wealthy inevitably fades come to me and I'll set you up in a far less lucrative arrangement. " Simona would say, still struggling to control her tone slightly as it seemed like she could go into another fit of laughter at any time.

With that Simona would simply walk to an unoccupied corner near Chloe and go through the middle ropes to stand on the apron. Meanwhile Marie would just smile at Clara and give her a quick bow before also going to the same corner as Simona, the pair waiting for the bell to ring while Simona looked over her shoulder and literally and figuratively looked down upon her fellow blonde. " Talk back to me again and I'll buy out your business, slave and house. " Simona would say in an almost sing song tone, seeming far too casual consider the kind of thread it was. Simona then turning to face the ring again before purposefully bending over the ropes slightly to give Chloe a view of her own bottom. Returning the favour from earlier by shaking her own hips slowly from side to side, her trunks as expected threatening to be sucked between her cheeks with every slight movement, but never quite reaching the point where either of her butt cheeks would be fully exposed, but rather offering the perfect tease. Simona of course having those trunks custom made for exactly that purpose.

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Re: Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

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Chloe was doing her best to be as arrogant as possible, not only about Clara's chances in the match, which even if she were skilled would be difficult, but also about the relative talents of Simona and Maria. As Simona gave her retort, the expression on the Chloe's face was as indignant as always. In her mind, Chloe was the best in the world at wrestling, she was deserving of every title LAW had to offer, and she would covet them with alarming regularity. Chloe smirked at Simona's attempts to throw shade on her life

"Well you obviously live in a cave, for I am the most famous Supermodel in France, no, the World. I have graced every catwalk and magazine cover possible. Men and woman beg me to spend the night with them, and I can assure you, if you were to visit my boudoir or my private ring, it would be an exquisite experience."

She looked Simona up and down and continued

"You on the other hand look like a prostitute, is this how you got so much money?"

Chloe gave a mock yawn as she grew tired of Simona's attempts to duel linguistically with the ex-supermodel

As the pair had their standoff, Clara would look at Marie, who seemed to take an interest in the girl. Clara felt even secure around her, which was not the case with Simona who was the more attractive than Marie, at least to Clara. As the assistant gawked at Simona she felt funny, excited almost. Her good looks and creamy soft skin was enhanced as she teased the small helpless assistant

Clara bit her lip and shuddered nearly jumping at the chance of Simona and Marie's offer. If she was to have her face sat on, it may as well be with a girl or pair of girls she was attracted to. Clara's submissive nature was getting the better of her

By now Chloe had retired to watch the show. A rueful look on her face as Simona wiggled her perfect derrière towards her. Chloe squirmed slightly but tried to not let her feelings betray her cold bitchy exterior

Clara raised her hands nervously and stepped out. If she ran she would be punished in the worst way possible, so she tried to enjoy the experience, even though she was terrified of what Simona and Marie may do to her
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Re: Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

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Simona would seem to almost find Chloe's retort comical, her infamous smirk that was one slight ounce of twisted entertainment away from her irritating laugh. However as soon as Chloe compared her to a prostitute that smirk would fade as the smaller blonde couldn't leave that unaddressed. " Spare me your vile words. That is the problem with you new wealthy types. My family has been one of the richest in France for millennia and will continue to be far into the future, meanwhile I can't see your little model thing working out for you beyond the age of 40. You're jealously of my towering beauty is understandable, but that doesn't give a vile woman who literally sells her body out for sponsorship, money and fame to speak to me in such a way. I will visit your little ring whenever my schedule allows for it, but if it doesn't meet my sanitary requirements I will leave without a word. "

The aristocratic wrestler would say, delivering a full speech to the woman on the outside who she wouldn't even be fighting tonight, completely ignoring the action in the ring as she offered a spar in a roundabout way. Entirely so the delusional Simona could teach this woman a lesson in humility and put her in her place, although it didn't take a genius to figure out that she would be far more disadvantaged in such a match than she thought she would be.

As Simona was occupied with her fellow beautiful blonde the ref would ring the bell and Marie would walk to the middle of the ring, holding her hands out for a test of strength and waiting to see if Clara accepted it. If she did then Marie would immediately put as much strength into it as possible, but rather than stepping forward she would try to sneakily place on of her legs behind Clara's before trying to push downwards, trying to make the assistant's back bend towards the canvas as she was curious to see how flexible the woman was.

Assuming that Clara didn't manage to surprise Marie with her strength or counter her plan some other way Marie would then release one of her opponent's hands as she held the other one, trying to wrap it around her opponent's upper back and then crouch forward, trying to trap the other wrestler in a lip lock while she held her in place. If successful Marie likely taking her opponent by surprise.

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Re: Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

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As the two aristocratic women continued their spat, the action in the ring was finally underway. Chloe simply say back in her chair and smiled sarcastically at Simona, eager to see the girl in action. She knew Clara would be squashed and humiliated tonight, but in some way she would love nothing more than Clara somehow beating the girl, or better yet, using her very large breasts to smother Simona somewhat. Chloe was lost in her lusty daydreams as she match was underway and ran her tongue over her top lip, probably a sign that Simona would misinterpret as the ex-supermodel lusting after her.

Inside the ring, Clara was tentatively approaching Marie, whenever Chloe made her wrestle other girls, she would just rush in and usually get caught with some big powerful move and planted to the canvas where she was wide open for all manner of humiliation. However as she saw the hand of Marie she reached to join the girl. Almost instantly she was pushing and nothing happened. Clara had neither the skill or the strength to be able to counter the efforts of Marie. The assistant yelped as she was bent over backwards and winced. It looked painful, and it was! However, Marie soon transitioned it into a full on kiss that caught the assistant by surprise. She had been beaten, slammed and smothered in her time, but never kissed! She went flush red with embarrassment and almost went limp, her one arm danging as she hung in Marie's arms like she was in a romantic movie. The assistant moaned and eventually broke off the kiss, wide eyed staring at Marie who she had to admit was beautiful. Clara moved like she was on auto pilot and grabbed the back of Marie's head with her hand to try and shove the kissing girls face within her huge deep cleavage for a breast smother!

The crowd cheered, even Chloe had to admit she was surprised, and it wasnt the strongest position for Clara to be in, Marie could easily drop her, but it made the assistant feel good. The Sisters were going to have to fight to humiliate her. Clara had seen another wrestler do it in LAW and figured it was a legitimate move
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Re: Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

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Simona as she spoke to Chloe would be momentarily freaked out as the woman licked her lips, seemingly at her. Did this big french model just have some kind of fantasy about her? Truthfully that was very unsettling, Simona knew she was a pleasure upon the eyes, but the thought of a woman who despised her also liking her in such a way equal parts irritated and intrigued her. Simona would then turn to face back in the ring and would seem entertained by her partner's tricks, even giggling slightly as she watched on as the pair almost seemed to be doing a romantic dance, until Clara who for such a seemingly incompetent assistant had quite a decent trick up her sleeve.

Clara grasping Marie's head and pulling it deep into her airbags, the whole wrestler's head almost fitting between those massive breasts. " Mmmph..." Marie would grumble out, the intent of her words being completely muffled as her face was falling endlessly into the pillowy abyss between those breasts. The bigger of the Rossette sisters trying her best to support her own weight and her opponent's trying not to fall forward as she kept one of her arms securely around the woman's back, while she would try to sneakily position her other hand between her opponent's legs. Since Marie couldn't currently see she had to trace her body, running her hand along her side, then thigh and then finally reaching the other woman's crotch, cupping it with her hand before rubbing it and trying to tease her sex with a few of her fingers, trying to tease her through the material.

Marie hoping that would give her a slight advantage, as she started to move her hand slightly, trying to reach further between her legs to grab a healthy serving of ass cheek before going back to her task at hand. The more perverted of the pair of aristocratic sisters in law perhaps getting too distracted by the fact that her was currently an attractive body for her hands to play with, and the fact she ultimately ended up accepting her position between her opponent's breasts and motor boating the wrestler instead of resisting certainly didn't help. This display spurring Simona to yell.

" Marie! You're doing it again, you're in the ring not a bed." Simona would call out, knowing from experience that this likely wouldn't work, although she knew that most the time Marie after a little bit of time spent feeling her opponent up and getting to know her would eventually shift moreso towards wrestling and actually trying to win the match, even if she was always partial to the occasional grope or unneeded spank.
Last edited by RJD on Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

For Clara this was an uncomfortable experience, not only was she being womanhandled easily but also the position and kiss just cemented the fact that she couldnt really wrestle. It was to Marie's detriment however because this was the position that allowed Clara to wriggle and smother the French fille between her bountiful breasts. As the smother continued, Clara went bright red, even thoough she was seemingly in command, she was still held by Marie, and having another girl motorboat her was not exactly what she expected tonight.

As Marie fumbled along the trapped girls body, Clara let out a gasp, "Stop, this isnt wrestling!" It was odd and forceful, especially as she was more than likely to end up with a whole load of non wrestling moves applied to her tonight.

Chloe on the outside grinned and clapped her hands at seeing her assistant squirm, even going as far making a mental note to nuzzle Clara's big breasts the next time she was to punish her

"I never knew you liked this Clara you dirty little girl! At least it is not that other French whore pleasing you!"

The comment was aimed at Simona who Chloe was having fantasies about and trying to make them as public as possible in a bid to make the sexy girl have a very private bedroom wrestle

Clara meanwhile squirmed and pawed at Marie, this time she was able to wriggle free of her grasp and landed with a THUD on the canvas that took a lot of her air

"Ohhh, that hurt!"

The assistant mumbled to herself and lay there for a moment blinking before the reality of her situation dawned on her, she was wide open for Marie to attack or worse, grab her legs and drag her to the French teams corner
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Re: Chloe's Conundrum - Clara vs ???

Unread post by RJD »

Clara may have been the one in control, and perhaps the position Marie found herself in was in fact shameful. However the more mature of the sisters couldn't bring herself to fight back, instead burrowing her face into those massive orbs. The feeling of the sweat coated breasts squishing into her face and rubbing into her cheeks bringing the aristocratic pervert great pleasure.

" Mmmpm. Hmmn! " Marie would cry out, it almost seeming as if she was trying to say something, as her hand sneakily found it's way between Clara's thick thighs. The shameful high end wrestler exploring her opponent's body fully.

Meanwhile Simona would watch on, until she heard the tall blonde before her way something. " Keep using that tongue and I'll have to find another use for it. " Simona would respond without turning to face Chloe, instead just pulling one hand over her back and slapping her firm cheek as she wiggled her bottom at the wrestler again.

Marie still furiously having her way with Clara until she slipped out of her grasp, the busty woman falling to the canvas while a slightly red cheeked and heavy breathing Marie looked on. The French wrestler quickly chasing after her opponent, walking to her legs and picking both up and sliding them under her arm pits. Marie then trying to drag the wrestler to the corner and then stop once she was within reaching distance of her partner and Clara was a few feet away from the corner, with only the bottom of her legs being within reaching distance.

" My bad, I got carried away. " Marie would say, as she continued to hold one leg with one of her arms as she released the other in order to tag in Simona.

" It's alright, I know you would anyway. "Simona would respond, not bringing up the point that she could barely blame her considering that the assistant had a body worthy of putting on display. Which was also likely the reason Chloe hauled the servant with her into the wrestling world.

Then when the tag was made Marie would hold her position as Simona entered the ring and climbed atop the middle ropes, facing Clara's body. Simona lifting her arm and pointing to her elbow, making it obvious what was coming since the presense of Marie meant her opponent couldn't flee anyway.

" Watch this you blonde Bimbo. Revel in my perfect technique. " Simona would proudly proclaim to Chloe, looking over her shoulder for a second before her eyes found their way back to het target. Simona then keeping impressively high considering she had only climbed the top rope and twisting her body, her back and elbow being the closest to the mat as she flew, while her legs were almost pointing upwards at an angle.

Simona trying to show of her skills by landing an impressive middle rope elbow drop, while Simona kept Clara in place by firmly trapping one of her legs.
Last edited by RJD on Wed Oct 18, 2017 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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