A Conference/series of interviews for Middleweight Title?

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A Conference/series of interviews for Middleweight Title?

Unread post by Vc0m »

So, I had this idea for a while, and I apologize showing it right as the Middleweight Tourney is about to begin.

What I thought is, we could do a conference for all the wrestlers in the Middleweight tourney. THe set up is just as it sounds like, all the competitors are in a large room, and all wrestlers are called to the stand to answer 10 questions by interviewer (all 10 will be the same by everyone). They will answer a series of questions like who they hope to face in the tourney, who poses the biggest threat, why they would win, etc. Maybe someone insults another competitor in the tourney for a more heated match if they collide, stuff like that. I do not have the questions for the interview prepared quite yet, but, I would first want to see peoples reaction to this (I will make the list of 10 questions sometime this Tuesday/Wednesday, so feel free to suggest your ideas).

Soooo...what do you think?

The Ominous Future
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Re: A Conference/series of interviews for Middleweight Title?

Unread post by Devilish53 »

ARGH. Such a good idea.

Alternatively, if people don't want the big set-up of having their character enter, interact with others, but still want to be compared to others via their answers to the questions, they could give a online response/have a representative?

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Re: A Conference/series of interviews for Middleweight Title?

Unread post by Vc0m »

I think representative is fine. Makes sense, since maybe someone isn't available at a certain date. I think in storyline, explanation will be provided that all wrestlers recieved the questionairre before hand, and emailed it to the officials in case they couldn't make it.

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Fairy Dragon
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Re: A Conference/series of interviews for Middleweight Title?

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

what about post and pre match interviews like the cruiserweight and mae young classics?

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