A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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*With a recent victory under her otherwise young wrestling career on law, Moa was starting to develop a fondness towards toppling larger foes, particularly ones that never knew when to quit. Lauren, the bombshell of a blonde that she had silenced only weeks ago, had demanded a rematch after suffering somewhat of a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Hawaiian Hulk. Of course, Moa obliged, elated to test the threshold of her own, magnificent strength while simultaneously triumphing over her rival in the process. While it seemed as though she was beginning to gain quite the cult following amongst the more avid spectators, it mattered little to the gargantuan grappler- Her only purpose between the ropes was to eradicate anyone that stood across from her, and perhaps earn a few accolades on her warpath. After covering her enormous frame with her trademark outfit that accentuated her muscular physique, Moa's name was called over the loudspeaker, indicating that her match was about to commence. Tonight, however, wasn't any ordinary exhibition- Lauren had specifically requested a falls count anywhere skirmish, something that piqued the tanned goddess's curiosity, enough to coax her into agreeing to said terms almost instantaneously.*

"She believes that such an advantage would swing the match in her favor? I welcome the challenge. Perhaps this will help even the playing field this time around." *Moa scoffed out while marching down the hallway, barefooted and burly as she pushed passed multiple onlookers that couldn't resist the temptation to gawk at the gargantuan being. Once reaching the opaque curtain, Moa waited for her theme to echo throughout the stadium. Once it started playing, she emerged from backstage, receiving quite the noticeable pop from the audience. As she strode down the ramp, it became abundantly clear to her that she would be performing in front of a packed house; as far as she could tell, not a solitary seat was vacant for the special event that Moa would be involved in.*
"To think, she's going to be mortified in front of this capacity crowd. I almost feel a sliver of regret for the beating I'm going to administer on her...almost." *Moa picked her brain for a moment before finally stepping into the ring, yanking the center rope down to showcase her incredible strength to the crowd.* "But, she desired my presence once again, and I do not intend to disappoint her." *Approaching her vacant corner, Moa rested her backside against the center turnbuckle, contemplating on what strategy she would utilize to defeat her opponent.*

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Re: A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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Lauren was disappointed with her last showing against Moa, and she needed to go out and show everyone that she could do better. She was clad in her wrestling attire eager to go out there and get her hands on Moa again. As her music began to play she came out to a mixed reaction which she had grown accustomed to as she marched down the ramp staring a hole through Moa. Lauren shook her head at the woman as she reached the ring, walking up the steps and climbing through the ropes.

Lauren looked over at Moa and stared her down as she waited for the bell to ring. Once the bell rang Lauren waste no time in rushing straight at Moa, lunging in to try to pound on her chest with some forearm smashes to the chest! Lauren was not going to delay in taking the advantage as she was determined to really hammer away at Moa, to drive Moa into the ground!

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Re: A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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*While having grown accustomed to pre-match formalities ever since she first stepped foot inside the squared circle, the enormous islander was relatively shocked that Lauren refused to engage her in such pleasantries, instead opting to dash directly towards her for a barrage of shots aimed for her massive chest! The blows proved to be relatively effective against the prodigious beast, nearly dropping her to a single knee as she peered up towards her aggressor, a seething anger glimmering in her eyes!*

"I have longed for our rematch, ever since I outlasted you during our first encounter, Lauren." *Acting as if her attack barely fazed her whatsoever, Moa retaliated by lunging forward while simultaneously lifting her lower body skyward, attempting to connect with a brutal kick to the side of Lauren's cranium!* "Please, don't be shy; I wish to trample upon you once again!" *The aggressive behemoth shouted, eager to drive her foot against the blonde's dome!*

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Re: A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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Lauren rushed in at the giant woman hammering her although it seemed to be for naught as Moa kicked at Lauren hammering her in the side of the head! Lauren let out a low, weak moan as she fell down onto her back after the kick hammered her skull! She cradled her head in her arms, laying on the canvas on her back as Moa's counter attack worked wonders on Lauren who seemed unable to put a dent into the defenses or durability of the giant. This was going to be another uphill battle like last time she already knew. However seeing how well Moa handled her offenses was a nasty reminder of how one sided their last fight was.

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Re: A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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*As her leg propelled itself forward and cracked the edge of Lauren's cranium, Moa was delighted to watch it connect with almost no resistance on her foe's behalf.* "Do not disappoint me. Our previous battle was most amusing, and you were incredibly entertaining throughout it." *Catching herself in a push-up position, the energetic islander rebounded almost effortlessly and popped back up to her feet. Attempting to capitalize on Lauren's stunned condition, Moa was slowly formulating the perfect plan to conquer her in record time!*

*Dashing towards a nearby turnbuckle, Moa launched herself off of the highest peak before twisting herself sideways, attempting to slam her muscular frame directly into Lauren's for a massive cross body!* "Was your strength merely a catalyst for a lie? Are you truly incapable of standing toe to toe with someone of my caliber?" *She inquired, inches away from colliding with her intended target!*

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Re: A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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Lauren staggered to her feet as she heard Moa running towards her! Lauren immediately flattened herself low as Moa went sailing overhead! Lauren dodged a bullet and had to try to capitalize. Lauren got up and tried to stomp and kick at Moa while she was still down, hoping to kick her under the ropes and clear out of the ring!

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Re: A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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*As her weaponized form rapidly closed in on the woman who dared to stand across the ring from her, it suddenly dawned on Moa that she may have been just a bit too hasty in her attempt to finish Lauren so quickly. Just as she realized her mistake, the agile blonde ducked underneath her and artfully evaded her attack, forcing the gargantuan goddess to smack against the canvas with a sonorous* "THUNK!" *That rattled the arena!* "Gghhh.." *Struggling to regain any sense of mobility, it wouldn't be long before Lauren pressed her offensive assault, trampling Moa underfoot to try and seize control!*

"Ggrhh!" *Grunting from the unprecedented kick to her body, the enormous woman felt herself inadvertently tumble underneath the lowest hanging rope and out of the ring, landing on her side. Fortunately, she braced for impact this time around, gradually climbing back to her feet while clinging to the outskirts of the arena.* "She's angry...good." *Moa muttered under her breath, contemplating how she would address the situation she was in going forward.*

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Re: A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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Moa was down and outside the ring as Lauren herself dropped down to roll underneath the ropes. Lauren looked at Moa and wanted to keep hammering her and so she did just that, grabbing hold of Moa by the hair and trying to smash her face against the nearby ring steps! Lauren wanted to crush Moa, smashing her off the steel steps over and over as she tried to pounce on the giant muscle bound opponent!

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Re: A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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*Still trying to collect herself from the earlier thrashing she had received, Moa was taken by surprise when she felt Lauren proceed to overwhelm her with a furious throttling against an adjacent, steel step! Her face bounced off the metallic casing with a reverberating* "THUMP!" *Each, subsequent time until Moa finally shot her hands out and caught herself.* "T..that's enough!" *Moa declared, twisting herself towards Lauren before inevitably lurching forward and plowing into her with a clothesline!*

"Seems as though you aren't all bluster. Perhaps you can serve me well in quelling my insatiable need for a strong adversary, indeed!"
*The monstrous Moa exclaimed while her magnificent frame collided against Lauren's throat, the center of her forearm slamming dead center into the bombshell's throat to try and discombobulate her! It was yet another risky gambit, but Moa wasn't about to let the match slip away from her so quickly!*

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Re: A Power Struggle- Moa vs Lauren, Round 2!

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Lauren was hammering away by smashing Moa's head off the smell steps as hard as she could but it seemed only to anger the large woman! Lauren stumbled back in shock, trying to figure out how Moa just shrugged off the punishment Lauren dished out. Lauren didn't have too long to think of that though as Moa hammered her with a clothesline sending her crashing down to the ground! Lauren was sprawled out on her back, shaking her head as she kicked the ground in pain, her arms cradling her head as she tried to recover although unlike Moa her opponents offense clearly was getting to her and very quickly!

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