Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Stripping Match: Holly Matheson vs Cyrena Eros

“Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Stripping Match! No pinfall or submission, the winner will be the woman who strips her opponents clothes off her body, in front of this entire arena!”

Holly winced, hearing the announcer call out the upcoming match. In the days since she’d encountered her opponent Cyrena, Holly had some time to let doubt creep in. The younger woman had practically thrown herself at Holly’s boyfriend in the hallways of LAW, with Holly not that far away at all. Right then, Holly would have agreed to any match, just for a chance to get her hands on this little tart! The doubts had led to fear, initially, and Holly even considered backing out. That was, until Holly followed her boyfriend’s advice, and did a little research. Looking up Cyrena’s own LAW matches made this a very different game indeed …

“Introducing first, in non-title action, the Loser’s Champion … from London, England ... Holly Matheson!” Holly stepped out onto the entrance ramp, hands on her hips, back straight and her bust thrust forward. Holly wanted to look confident, even as she took the laughter and mockery of the fans. She was flanked by Blanco Sombre, her aforementioned boyfriend. He stood behind her confidently, nodding to her encouragingly. Holly had lost a lot in LAW recently. Matches, her tag team, her dignity and pride when she was crowned the worst of the worst … she wasn’t about to lose her relationship, too. Holly nodded and made her way down the ramp.
Ample curves bouncing in her tight ring gear as Holly strode down and waved to the fans, one hand raised high and the other balled against her thigh, Holly looked like she could pop out of her ring gear at any moment. Holly could see from the cameras and signs in the crowd that many fans were just waiting for one thing, for her or Cyrena’s bare body to get laid out in front of them all, and she fought a scowl. Behind her, Blanco Sombre looked mostly comfortable, glad that his girl was ready to do this, but at the same time struggling to hide how worried he really was.
Stepping onto the apron, Holly wiped her feet. She bent over, round ass settling on the middle rope, and she leaned down to her boyfriend. Reaching up, Blanco answered Holly with a kiss, the two locking lips firmly. When Blanco went to pull back, Holly wrapped a hand around the back of his head, ready to keep him in place long enough to make sure Cyrena could see this, when it was time for her to make her appearance.
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Re: Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Cyren had just finished getting dressed as she decided to wear her normal attire for her upcoming match that consisted off orange wrestling heels , An skirt that could best be described as two pieces of white fabric that just barely covered her sex as they connected too two pieces of orange fabrik that covered her upper legs. An orange and white tanktop and an pair of orange gloves as she had an feeling she was overdressed for the upcoming match. Since someone like Molly who was the loser champion would barely be able to get her gloves off her. With that in mind she would walk out of the dressing room confident she was going to easily win tonight.

As she made her way to the gorilla position she would have just missed Holly , and more importantly her boyfriend. Still she figured he would enjoy watching her walk down from his seat at ring side when it was her turn to walk down to the ring. After an minute or so Aphrodite by Kylie Minogue started to play the brunette would walk onto the entrance ramp as the crowd cheered loudly at seeing the second wrestler walk towards the ring. Especially when the ring announcer would say ''and here opponent from Agros, Cyprus.Weighing in at around 145ibs, it's Cyrena Eros aka the self proclaimed Aphrodite reborn'' as one of the commentators filled in the crowd would mention how she had lost in her first hentai match to that Persian slut who had the same name as an goddess of love.

As she waved to the fans she would spot the person she was hoping to win the affections off tonight as she would make her way to Blanco.Then when she got close she would grab him by his chin as she kissed him quickly before getting into the ring as she said loudly enough for Holly to hear ''their will be more of that once I beat your former girlfriend handsome''.

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Re: Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Cyrena’s entrance made both Holly and Blanco go silent. Holly huffed, looking Cyrena up and down. Blanco couldn’t help but stare; Cyrena had looked incredible in her gym gear, but her ring gear, between the skintight top and two-piece skirt showed her off in fantastic fashion. Blanco shook his head to clear his thoughts, while Cyrena strode down to the ring.

“Hmph!” Holly huffed as she watched ‘Aphrodite reborn’ stride up brazenly to her man. Then, her eyes shot open, and her face flushed a bright, frustrated red as she watched Cyrena plant a kiss on her boyfriend!

“Mmph?” Blanco stammered as Cyrena planted one on him, shocked and startled. He tried to say nothing, tried not to lean in, but his body reacted immediately. The luchador was immediately visibly aroused and started to blush himself. He couldn’t even manage words as Cyrena made her proclamation, just watching as she got into the ring.

“Okay, you little tart!” Holly said, stomping toward her opponent, “you’re just asking for it! You’re leaving here alone, tonight- and stripped down!” Holly’s angry march was halted by the referee, who planted her hands on Holly’s chest to hold her back. The British Bombshell might be the Loser’s Champion in LAW, but she was not accustomed to feeling like she had to compete for a man. She wasn’t liking the feeling. So much so, in fact, that Cyrena had marched right into her head, and taken up residence. Whenever the bell finally did ring to start the match, Holly likely wouldn’t even hear it, so concerned with trying to glare Cyrena to death!
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Re: Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Her plan to get in her opponent's head was working perfectly as her kiss with the other wrestler's boyfriend had riled the woman up. As everything from how she talked , facial experiences and general behavior pointed out she had gotten under the other wrestler's skin. Still if those signs had not bin clear the fact that had Holly possessed the power to glare someone to death then their would be nothing but an pile of ashes of Cyrena at the moment.

Still their was an positive , and that was the fact that her opponent was so busy glaring at her then she failed to notice the bell had bin rang. As the brunette would rush forward the moment she heard it as she was going to do what she promised she would. An that was easily beat the other wrestler , and strip her naked while Blanco watched as she was going to show off for him tonight. As she would grasp onto the loser champion's arm , and send her running towards the ropes as she rushed forward hoping to knock the British wrestler down as she would turn around to look at Blanco so she could throw him an kiss in the hopes of getting him to resemble an tomato from how much he would be blushing.

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Re: Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Holly couldn’t tell how much emotion she was showing, and presently she didn’t care. This Cyrena girl had taken things much too far, and now the only thing on Holly’s mind was kicking her ass, stripping her bare and humiliating her in front of this arena crowd!

Holly stepped forward, so caught up in her indignant rage that she didn’t even catch the bell. The slip in presence was enough for Cyrena to get an opening, hurtling toward Holly and slamming into her! “Aaaugh!” Holly grunted as Cyrena crashed into her soft body, winding her and knocking her to the mat. Taking the blow full on, Holly was left clutching her aching chest and trembling on the mat at Cyrena’s feet.

It didn’t stop at that, however, as Cyrena took the moment to blow a kiss Blanco’s way. Blanco was startled, first wincing in sympathetic pain for Holly, but then being caught off-guard by the attention of the beautiful Cyprus girl. Beneath his mask, Blanco’s face blushed a bright red, and he tried to look away from the ring for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. At Cyrena’s feet, Holly was fuming, but still struggling to get herself back up.
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Re: Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Cyrena was able to slam into her opponent , and knock her down to the mat as Holly took the full impact of the fall.This allowed her to focus on Blanco as she would blow an air kiss towards him , and while it was difficult to see if she had managed to make the masked wrestler blush or not. She believed she had accomplished it when he looked away from the ring as she looked down to see Holly fuming at her feet.

The most hilarious part was the fact that the English wrestler was struggling to get back to her feet as she would press her own against her opponent's chest. As she would push down in the hopes of forcing the other wrestler to lay down again as she would flex for the fans as she said ''come on at least make me work for my victory. Then again I should not be expecting to much out of my opponent when she is holding onto the treasured loser's championship which she will never be able to drop to another wrestler''as the fans booed her in response for her words.

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Re: Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Holly wasn’t up on steady feet as she struggled to get out from beneath Cyrena. Her face was bright red, burning with a mix of rage and humiliation that left her head swimming. Holly saw the attention being paid to her man at ringside, however, making her rush back upward without thinking.

“Rrrgh, you absolute- hnngh!” Holly rushed up too quickly, however, Cyrena ready to meet her with a dominant foot to the chest. “Aaagh!” Holly cried out, wincing miserably as one of her generous breasts was squished hard beneath Cyrena’s heel. Going down again, Holly raised a hand, wanting to massage her aching bust, tender and abused. Holly looked to the mat while Cyrena verbally laid into her, wincing in pain. At ringside, Blanco took intense interest, reaching the mat and pounding it encouragingly with his hands. He said nothing, but watched Holly intensely as she struggled against her opponent.

“W-well,” Holly gasped, biting her lip, “at least … oww … at least I- ow! At least I’m not the one that brags, after losing her one and only hentai match!” Holly shouted the words, partly out of pain, partly to make certain that her voice reached as far as she could.
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Re: Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Cyrena would just smirk as she would manage at first to keep her opponent down as she placed her foot on top of Holly's chest. As she would begin to laugh when she heard the British wrestler attempt to insult her , but it seemed that her opponent had done her homework. As Holly would bring up that she lost her only hentai match so far.

That single comment was heard by the fans who began to chant that she sucked or mocked her nickname as she glared at Holly first before looking at the fans. As she would scream loudly ''Shut up as that bitch only got lucky. I will never again lose another hentai match , and I plan on going to the top . Besides you should just focus on striping me naked as I doubt you could even do that''as she grinds her heel onto Holly's breasts.

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Re: Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Holly smiled as her comment seemed to hit home, the insults to Cyrena from the fans shouting toward the ring. Holly could even see Cyrena’s smug expression fade, turning to anger. As someone that endured her own share of insults, Holly knew how much that had to hurt, and she grinned. Unfortunately, Cyrena was far from finished, boot grinding into Holly’s voluptuous breast, crushing her!

“EEEEYAAAAAUUUUUGHHH!” Holly screamed in pain as Cyrena’s heel dug down, her boots flailing and kicking the mat in a useless flail. Holly arched her back, her perfect bust getting mangled like dirt beneath Cyrena’s heel, while all she could do was cry!

“Over here, missus!” Blanco cried out from ringside, shaking the bottom rope in an attempt to get her attention, and hopefully save her. Holly latched onto that voice, thrusting an arm up and over to swing her body up, trying to dislodge Cyrena’s boot as she grasped for the rope desperately!
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Re: Baring it All: Holly Matheson v Cyrena Eros

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Cyrena was getting more and more frustrated that the fans were insulting her , and cheering on Holly as she made the loser champion pay by grinding her boot into her opponent's voluptuous breasts.The screams of pain that followed were music to her ears , but that was soon ruined when the Mexican hottie would open his mouth.

As she had expected to hear him say she was amazing or to mock his girlfriend , but hearing him actually help her out by shouting where she had to go hurt more then the insults had. Since she could not understand what Blanco saw in Holly as she raised her foot , and brought it back down onto her breasts just as she caught the rope with one hand.

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