Chloe Valentine vs Ying Tao

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Chloe Valentine vs Ying Tao

Unread post by Veinlash »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Her last match hadnt gone that well. Chloe was still recovering from that last Deathblow from Vamp Suzumori. She didnt remember what happened after. Did she leave the ring by herself afterwards? She couldnt quite recall. The selfie maniac only remembered a terrible headache that lasted a couple of days, left frustrated of how close she came to defeating the little wrestler. Now however, she had a new opponent - a certain Ying Tao. She couldnt say she had heard of her, but she wasnt just going to lay down for her - this was her chance for redemption!

The fans welcomed the queen of hug style as she made her way out of the backstage, her music filling the arena. She stood at the top of the ramp like she owned the world, holding her arms out to the sides and bathing in the cheers of the fans, who loved seeing her in the ring. She headed down the ramp, some highfives here, some hugs there. The kind of stuff the people loved, you know.
Once at the bottom of the ramp, Chloe climbed onto the apron and slipped through the ropes, taking a little lap around the ring and continuing to wave at the cheering fans. Despite her last match, she seemed in good spirits, confident that she could handle whoever or whatever came out of that backstage! Anything at all! She finally settled in her corner, where she'd take one pre-match selfie before settling her phone and selfie stick on the apron, even hiding it a bit under the turnbuckle so they wouldnt get in the way of the match.

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Re: Chloe Valentine vs Ying Tao

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First it was a French nymphomaniac whose monstrous strength could only be surpassed by her infinite libido. Then it was a wrestling legend in the form of the sadistic Smiling Demon. Now for her third official match Ying was to face...some average looking brunette whose only noticeable trait was her nose being glued to her phone.

Needless to say, the Avant-garde Amazon was more than a little disappointed.

Truth be told the reputation of her canvases was never Ying's greatest concern; in the end all that mattered was their body and how well it could bring out the beauty in her art. Even still she couldn't help but feel underwhelmed upon hearing of her latest opponent's reputation, or rather lack there of. However upon discovering The Selfie Maniac's statistics those feelings of disappointment were quickly replaced with those of unbridled rage. Ying wasn't just going against some backwater nobody, she was going against a backwater nobody who barely qualified to be a middleweight! Just what the hell were the organizers expecting from this match up, some poor man's recreation of David & Goliath?! Either somebody had the idea of throwing Ying a pity match, or they honestly believed this so called queen could take her down. Either way this match was an insult and one she wouldn't take lightly. Clearly LAW needed a reminder on why you don't fuck with Ying Tao.

The moment the the sound of that infamous flute blasted through the speakers, the deafening cheers of the crowd died down and the air suddenly grew tense. The scantily clad titan of a woman made her way down the ramp with a fear-inducing scowl across her face. If not for her theme echoing through the arena the only sound to be heard would have been those intimidating footsteps. Upon reaching the apron and stepping over the ropes Ying turned to face the bubbly brunette. Initially no words were exchanged and instead she simply took one of the small bottles of ink from her leg-strap. Without breaking eye contact Ying dropped the bottle to the floor with her heel in hot pursuit.
Upon slowly raising her leg one more time she revealed the broken shards scattered upon the mat and the ink slowly dripping from her heel. "Try not to blackout before I'm done, I want to see the look on your face when I crush your phones like that."

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Re: Chloe Valentine vs Ying Tao

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Chloe's heart sank the moment her opponent's music started playing on the loudspeakers. What was once a cheerful, loud crowd, turned into grim spectators of what was about to go down. She followed the much larger woman as she made her way down the ramp, kind of terrified by the asian woman. Was she even human? She looked straight out of one of those movies about superhumans. Was she really supposed to fight her?

Ying's demonstration was intimidating, that's for sure. "A-ah, haha.." Chloe laughed nerviously before nudging the phone off the apron and to the floor, hoping the rubber case will keep it safe. Well, it'd certainly be safer than anywhere near Ying. "What phone? I dont know what you're talking about." She gulped, still looking quite concerned, mostly about her own well-being.

The referee soon checked on the fighters, making sure they were ready before signalling for the bell to ring. DING! Chloe took the deepest of breaths and slapped her cheeks. She could feel it in the air - this woman was dangerous. But... reckless as she was, she dared speak. "Soooo... are you gonna clean that up or did the zoo not teach you how to use a mop?" The selfie maniac pointed at the ink stain on the mat, gulped heavy, and got ready to fight.

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Re: Chloe Valentine vs Ying Tao

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For somebody facing a 6 foot tall behemoth who out weighed her by 80 pounds and whose theme alone caused an entire arena full of people to curb their tongues in fear, Chloe had quite the mouth on her. Ying had experienced the suicidal overconfidence of LAW's roster first hand several times before but this was just ridiculous. Those golden eyes shot wide open with an outright nightmarish grimace; if somebody were to edit the live footage now, a scare chord certainly would have been apt for that reveal.

"You know I'm starting to run a little low on crimson paint, why don't I use your blood to restock?! With that she broke into a mad dash and charged towards Chloe like a bloodthirsty beast! Her right arm would jettison forward with an open palm looking to try and crush that picture perfect face.

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Re: Chloe Valentine vs Ying Tao

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Chloe was not known for her brains, but rather for being cute, tenacious and nice. Well, nice to people who didnt go around being all cranky and hangry, like Ying. That kind of people would usually end up getting poked by Chloe's quick wit, be it for fun or to cheer them up. The selfie maniac was certainly doing the former, judging by Ying's reaction to her taunt.

She wasnt completely ready since the bell hadnt rang, but the unmistakeable sound of loud stomps as her behemoth of an opponent charged towards her gave her enough of a warning, only barely able to jump to the side, landing on her side as she heard Ying's palm hit the turnbuckle with a sonorous THUD, knowing that had she stayed in place, she probably wouldnt have lived to tell the story. Terrified as she was, she scrambled back up to her feet, the bell only now ringing.

"O-oh, I wouldnt do that if I were you... it'd ruin your pretty brush and stuff..." She probably took it too far with her initial taunt, so a little bit of negotiating was probably necessary. Now in a stance, she was a little better prepared if Ying tried to come at her.

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Re: Chloe Valentine vs Ying Tao

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The impact of Ying's hand on that turnbuckle was fierce enough to make every viewer, whether they be in the audience or watching at home, have their heart skip several beats. Another wave of silence fell over everyone as they braced themselves for Ying's next move, some even going as far as to silently pray that they make it out of this arena alive. In that moment of anticipation everyone quickly noticed that Ying hadn't moved from the turnbuckle, she simply looked down at her now throbbing hand and took a sharp inhale. She seemed to be calming down, the fury coursing through her body a second ago just seemed to be gone!

"Let's be honest with each other Chloe, you're not going to beat me. It'd be better use of both of our time if you just went out of this ring right now on your feet instead of being carried out in a body bag." Those dulcet tones behind that malicious threat provided quite the contrast but it wasn't enough to distract from they key thing to note there: Ying had yet to turn around. She simply stood there looking at the floor, back turned to her opponent with her hands now planted firmly on those luscious hips.

"Or at least that's what I would say if I didn't need something a little more....cathartic." And just like that Ying whipped around and slowly made her way towards the Selfie Maniac. Her face now revealed with an expression best described as a conglomerate of impatience, disgust, and hatred all wrapped up in a surprisingly tranquil bow. "This is now the 2nd instance where LAW has wasted my time with a standard match, and not only that but they've booked me against something I wouldn't be caught dead adding to my gallery. Frankly I'm not willing to let this mistake happen a third time, so I've decided to make an example out of you. Since you apparently don't want me to end this quickly, I'll just take my time ripping you limb from limb." Ying mused as she began to slowly pace around the edges of the ring. The matter-of-fact tone the Avant-garde Amazon took as she slowly orbited Chloe was bone-chilling; this was less of a threat and more of a deceleration.

"When I catch you, everybody watching here and those at the comfort of their own home will hear the sound of snapping bones and your blood curdling screams echoing in their ears for years to come. The other wrestlers here may be able to beat you to the point where you'll consider a career change, but me? No I'm going to break you until you're begging for death to end it all. Though don't get me wrong, none of this is personal. I just need to remind this league why nobody should waste my time." And with that Ying finally broke her orbit and towered directly over Chloe. Without another word she would raise her right elbow up and swing her corresponding knee back. In a moment she would drive both forward attempting to crush and outright break one of Chloe's arms between them!

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Re: Chloe Valentine vs Ying Tao

Unread post by Veinlash »

Chloe raised back to her feet after Ying's initial advance in an attempt to, you know, be better prepared in case she came at her right away like the angry chimp she was. Instead of a fight though, she was treated to a really, really long speech or taunt or whatever that was. Admittedly, she wasnt pay all that much attention to what she was saying. It's not like they paid her for it, right?

Then came Ying's offense (finally), to which Chloe could only sidestep and yank her arm out of the way, quite sure that a move like that could've ended with the referee holding her arms up in an X. She scratched the back of her head after the dodge. "You DO know these guys still have to listen to you right? And I know you may be Ms Big Boobs and Atomic Ass, but when you sound like-" then, Chloe would do her best impression of Ying's face and voice. "-thiiiiiis." Then returning to her normal mannerisms. "Then people get bored and go home." She had taunts for days, but she didnt want to fall into Ying's own game of speaking forever... so soon enough she'd launch herself forward, shooting a roundhouse kick at Ying's thick side!

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Re: Chloe Valentine vs Ying Tao

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Ying found herself cut off with a sudden roundhouse kick at her waistline, causing her stumble back a few paces as she regained her bearings. Chloe's kick certainly struck home, and though she didn't give any auditory reaction Ying had to admit that stung quite a bit. More importantly however the message was clear: her little grandiose speech had fallen on deaf ears. Of course that was to be expected, there likely wasn't a single person in this league who would actually give up even when facing a goddess like her.

Fine then. Less talk, more blood. Ying's tone didn't exactly match her actions, or especially her face. Her tone was flat, almost as if she was recovering from some kind of dull surprise. Yet all the while her arms were gunning forward, both attempting to clamp both sides of Chloe's head! As for her face...well pupils had been dilated to the point of near absurdity, teeth were clenched as if they were trying to crush diamonds between her molars, and just a general look of a woman who had long since lost her sanity and replaced it with the instinct of a raging animal. To hell with all of this, if she managed to catch this mouthy maggot's skull Ying was prepared to unleash an absolute barrage of headbutts!

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