Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

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Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

Unread post by Faeron »

Standard Match
Victory obtained by Pinfall, Submission, Count Out or Disqualification.

The jazzy tunes of Selfless High Heels boomed through the arena intercom as Cali stepped through the curtains, wearing a custom-made Mega Milk one piece suit. Black tape wrapped around her wrists and ankles as she walked down to the ring, her opponent being the "Gentle" Moira. While not the tallest she's faced so far, Moira outweighed Cali by a hundred pounds which will make the match difficult, but Cali was never one to step away from a challenge nor was she looking to lose as easily to Moira as she did to Dana.

Cali climbed into the ring and smiled,"Alright, let's do this!"
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Re: Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

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Moira opted not to leave the girl waiting, given Cali had only just met the heavy brunette backstage. Wearing that brand new, specially selected gear to her figure, Moira found her figure before the entrance curtain and a smile upon her face, before her own music blared out.
Despite being quite the non-serious wrestler, Moira's figure now clad upon it an outfit that suggested she was going to take this whole wrestling business somewhat more seriously. Such was only a suggestion from her attire however, given Moira as ever still intended to be the definition of playful. She simply wanted to look the part!

Raising her fist to the sky, descending the ramp with a grin, the heavy brunette found herself in-ring as quickly as she could, hands to her hips yet again as she towered over the somewhat new figure within LAW. She'd already met Cali, but the game was on now, in a manner of speaking, so she deemed it time to give Cali a hint of what she was in for!

"Hehe...I hope you know what you've done..."

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Re: Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

Unread post by Faeron »

Cali was finished checking her knee pads when Moira spoke. Cali going back to her full height as she looked up towards her larger opponent.

"I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you." Cali responded, "You'd be surprised in how quick I can learn while in the ring." Cali playfully winked as the bell rang.
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Re: Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Watching as her foe prepped for the encounter to come, Moira held that eager grin as her figure paced forward, then to its side. Maintaining her usual slow momentum, hands up with palms flat, Moira was already considering means of attaching onto this smaller figure and not letting go. Such serious matches were rarely her forte, but there was fun to be had regardless, she figured, and a few more wins under her name wouldn't hurt in the slightest. Though she imagined Cali would be trying to resist that part.

Figure closing in with the rotations, it soon became apparent that the heavier figure was seeking to clinch atop her foes shoulders. She seemed aware of her lack of speed however, as the pace she moved in didn't leave her as susceptible to sneak attacks as some women of her size may have.

"Time to find out..."

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Re: Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

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Cali eyed Moira carefully as the bell rang. It was odd being the faster one of the pair yet, Moira seemed to be in no hurry to get this match going as she looked to clinch up with the rookie. Not one to back down, Cali moved in to lock up with Moira. However the moment she got in close, Cali quickly move to grab the left arm, twisting the wrist if successful.
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Re: Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Moira was easy to grip, but manipulating the heavyweight when she was fresh, and standing to boot, wasn't what one would describe as easy. Moving with a grunt as her arm was contorted in a painful direction, Moira showed no issues with turning her back to Cali, as she attempted to simply move as suggested by her gripped arm as it was wrenched up her back.

From there, her reasoning for being coy was made apparent, as the heavyweight whom favoured squishing more than anything in the world simply reversed. Her curvy rear pressing into Cali's front, as she attempted to do the aforementioned squishing in the corner behind her!

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Re: Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

Unread post by Faeron »

Okay, so far so good! Cali thought as she seemed to be in control of the match early on. Cali quickly found out that a fresh Moira can just push her at any direction such as when the larger woman forced the two towards the corner.

Never mind! Not good, not good! she screamed internally before being driven backfirst into the corner and stuck between Moira's back and the turnbuckle. Cali pressed her hands against Moira to try and push the heavyweight off of her using brute strength.
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Re: Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Cali was a rather stacked figure herself, but Moira was a body whom had spent what felt to be a lifetime using her figure to crush women and men alike into a state of pleasure. It was no surprise to those who knew her story that when she did so intentionally, it was damn near unbearable.

Hands gripping the ropes, pulling as Cali pushed, the figure behind the stacked brunette would experience pressure like no other regardless of the fact her hands were tight in Moira's back. Weight and strength working against Cali, Moira grinned as it became apparent she showed no issue with holding the reverse press until her opponent was thereby done-in. The referee of course, had other thoughts.

"OUT OF THE CORNER! ROPES! ONE...TWO!" Her grin snatched away by the reminder Moira was breaking the rules, the heavyweight quickly stepped forward releasing Cali from that fleshy prison. She could be rough when she desired, but she couldn't imagine a world she'd ever cheat to win.

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Re: Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

Unread post by Faeron »

Cali groaned as she was stuck in a hard place, hearing the referee beginning the count and Moira very quickly stepped away to cause the clean break. Cali leaned forward to swallow bits of air to try and recover. Cali quickly remembered that she needed to devise a different strategy when wrestling heavier women and thus decided to take another approach by leaping on top of Moira and wrapping her arms around Moira's neck to lock in the sleeper hold while Moira's back was still facing her.
Last edited by Faeron on Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:39 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Cali McCloud vs Moira Pendela

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Barely given chance to create space between herself and her foe, Moira's figure didn't jutter in the slightest as Cali hoisted herself atop of her, strangling her neck with biceps thick across her top half. She'd recoil in pain of course, her hands instantly shooting up to try and pry away those arms, as her cheeks became rather red and puffy very quickly, with her eyes not knowing where to look!

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