Stone Vs Black Swan

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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"That's it Stone! Let's wrap it up!" Stick shouted out over the detest of the crowd. She laughed out loud, literally celebrating, believing the match to already be over. Stone looked towards her smaller manager, a blank expression washing over her features, before a simply gesture from Stick once again spurned Stone on. She was almost like a machine, piloted by the sinister Stick, who when she wasn't barking out instructions merely had to snap her fingers a few times or even make simple and often subtle gestures.

They had their own language it seemed, something they had no doubt developed over the years they had spent together. Perhaps in time that code and language of theirs would be broken, but it could take years before anyone even knew what Stick was saying to Stone. It certainly didn't help Black Swan right now, as Stone began to approach her, grasping her neck with one hand as she hung upside down, pulling her roughly from the corner before hoisting her up in an impressive display of strength to her feet. Another hand grasped towards her crotch area, before soon enough she was lifted upwards in a Gorrilla Press Slam position.

It was frightening how easily Stone could lift her, and Black Swan knew she was in terrible danger. It was clear that the giant of a woman was setting her up for one of her signature moves... if Black Swan did not get free she would find herself victim to one of the most vicious backbreaker moves within the entire federation, as Stone would look to slam her spine first down over her knee from such a great height.

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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With Swan left crushed and winded, the luchadora was in trouble now, as Stone and Stick were completely in control, with the loud and crass manager looking to instruct her charge to finish things up! And Stone listened as well, reaching out to grab ahold of the luchadora, suddenly yanking her close and lifting her up into a Gorilla Press Slam position, hoisting the luchadora up high! However, as Black Swan was hefted up high above Stone's head, and her survival instinct kicked in!

"Nnngh... Put me down!" Swan cried out, kicking her legs in the air as she struggled, doing her best to throw Stone off balance as she was held! However, despite her flailing, the masked figure would soon swing her leg hard, attempting to catch Stone in the head with a kick, and get the large woman to drop her!

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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It almost seemed like escape was impossible for Black Swan as the immense strength of Stone proved to be more than formidable for the Middleweight Wrestler... try as she might, she seemed unable to escape the grasping hands that held her up high no matter how much she writhed and struggled whilst overhead. However, things changed when Black Swan managed to finally cash a well placed boot against the side of Stone's head.

The impact was enough to send even that giant of a woman into a slight stumble, giving Black Swan the much needed edge to finally pull free from the Gorrilla Press Slam position before anything devastating could occur. Stick began to bark out orders in anger, seeing Stone slip up her dominant position, but it was finally a solid chance for Black Swan to launch her own offensive before Stone could recover.

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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Just barely managing to avoid a move that would have brought an end to the match, Swan's knee connected hard with Stone's head, stunning the giant just enough that she was able to get away! Swan would quickly push off of Stone, dropping down onto her feet with a low grunt, fighting through the pain she felt in order to stay on her feet and fight back!

"Ungh... let's see how you handle this, you big oaf!" Cried the luchadora, Swan angrily launching herself across the ring, using her speed to rush towards Stone as fast as she could! And as soon as she was close enough, Swan would leap upwards, swinging her boot around to slam it into Stone's head, aiming to hit her with a massive enziguiri.

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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The crowd exploded as Black Swan began to launch her offensive after taking severe punishment. To gain advantage, Black Swan had no choice but to press, but the chanting of the crowd no doubt spurned her on much to the dismay of Stick who began to shout out in anger as Stone fumbled her assault. With an impressive leap, Black Swan was able to land a heavy kick against the giant's head, just about managing to catch her inspite of her sheer height.

Again... Black Swan nearly toppled the massive woman, sending her stumbling backwards after a heavy clash. It felt like the entire ring might tip over when Stone clashed against the ropes, as they barely managed to hold her into the ring. The momentum of the ropes sent her stumbling towards the center of the ring, and Black Swan knew if she got another good hit she might even fell the giant of a woman... something that would provide one hell of a moral boost!

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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Leaping up and swinging her foot at the larger girl's head, Black Swan was able to throw her foot up and land a huge kick to Stone's head, shaking the giant and sending her stumbling backwards! The massive girl was stunned, but not quite down, though Swan was getting ready to come at her once more, rushing back to the opposite ropes herself!

"And now... down you go!" Black Swan cried out, bouncing off of the ropes and rushing towards Stone, making her way towards the bigger girl at an incredibly fast pace, putting her all into this! And finally, when she was close enough, she would leap up and turn around, aiming to slam her rear end into Stone's face, stunning the girl and hopefully bringing her down!

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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Given the volume of the crowd, one would think World War III had just been won. The thousands of audience members watching near exploded with noise after a large crash was heard within the ring, watching as the powerful and monsterous form of Stone finally dropped down against the mat after Black Swan drove her rear end hard into Stone's face, bringing her down with an impressive hip attack. It took everything, that the watching crowd had no doubt, but Black Swan was the first to floor Stone against the canvas of any ring. Though Stone had been defeated by Cassandra, it was through quick thinking and tactics, getting the large behemoth of a woman counted out... she was yet to be seemingly damaged... and now Black Swan had achieved that.

The crowd were still going nuts, even as Stone began to slowly rise. Given her size and weight it took some time, especially with lack of commands from Stick who was busy screaming her lungs out at the crowd in clear rage. She near pulled her hair out, as Black Swan was able to feed from the energy of the crowd. The momentum was still in her favour, but it was clear Stick was coming up with vicious and underhanded plans, beginning to stalk along the ringside, trying to stay close to Black Swan. Stone slowly got to one knee, looking a little shook, taken surprise that a Middleweight was able to floor her so effectively.

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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Thrusting her ass into Stone's face, Swan's hip attack connected quite hard with the giant woman, sending her crashing to the mat, achieving a feat that many a fan thought might be impossible! The stands erupted into cheers, Black Swan gasping and catching her breath as she finally gained a moment of levity, the luchadora turning to take in the view of the fans cheering for her, before pointing to Stone, signaling that the rising giant had even more to deal with!

"I think she wants some more! Who else wants to see more?!" Black Swan cried out to the crowd, garnering a loud cheer in response! And with the approval of the fans, Black Swan would turn to face the giant as she rose to one knee, before backing up a tad, and running forward to leap up and wrap her legs around Stone's head, going for a spike huricanrana to truly bring her down!

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

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"Don't you DARE!" Stick bellowed out, watching as Black Swan began to turn the tide of the battle to her favour. She screamed out in rage as Black Swan carried that momentum, skillfully flipping herself to go for what looked like a Huricanrana, only to force Stone head first straight into the canvas with a loud thud. Stone seemed to bounce uwpwards in an awkward manner after the face plant, swinging back before clashing into the smaller referee, knocking her hard into the corner and incapacitating her.

Without hesitation, like a serpent waiting to strike its prey, Stick quickly dove out of the ring, grabbing a nearby chair before sliding back in. Black Swan was focused on the recovering Stone, but the crowd shouted out in anger as thet watched Stick slam the chair against the back of Swan's head, dropping her down to the canvas with a hard thud as she landed near the corner. Stick quickly tossed the chair out of the ring, getting rid of the evidence before she looked to the ground with a sly smile, knowing the ref was still out of it.

To anger the crowd more, Stick approached the turnbuckle where the dazed Black Swan lay, turning her rear towards her as she grabbed either side of the ropes. The crowd looked ready to start a riot when Stick degraded Black Swan, landing a stinkface move upon her, driving her rear straight into her masked features, near crushing her skull between her rump and the turnbuckle. Stick laughed out loud, rubbing salt on the wound as she did a slow sexy pelvic dance against Black Swan, before slowly retreating out of the ring as the ref came to. Stone was getting back to her feet, shaking the cobwebs... but it was clear she had a free oppertunity to attack Swan again, reaching down to try and lock in a Camel Clutch upon the smaller Middleweight wrestler.

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Re: Stone Vs Black Swan

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Leaping up and wrapping her legs around Stone's head, Black Swan was able to suddenly flip and bring Stone crashing down right on the top of her dome, slamming her to the mat with a thunderous huricanrana! Stone bounced off the canvas with enough force to actually fly back upwards, finding the referee in her path, knocking the official down to the mat and leaving Stick to do whatever she pleased! Black Swan didn't realize it, but as she stood up, the angry manager would be in behind her, suddenly reeling back and striking Swan with a chair!

"AGH!" Black Swan screamed out, immediately dropping to the ground after Stick swung the chair into her back, brutalizing the luchadora with a chair shot loud enough for the whole crowd to hear! With Swan going limp, Stick was free to do as she pleased, dragging the luchadora over to the corner before turning around, thrusting her hips into Swan's face, grinding her rear end on the luchadora's masked features as she stinkfaced the helpless girl!

"Mmmph!" Black Swan cried out, her words muffled as her face was pressed between Stick's buttcheeks! However, while Black Swan was humiliated with the move, she found herself being released from it soon enough, Stick moving out of the way as Stone got back up, dragging Black Swan into the center of the ring, flipping her over and sitting down on her back in order to trap the masked girl's arms over her legs, before lacing her fingers under Swan's chin, and wrenching back hard for a brutal camel clutch!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaagggghhh!" Swan screamed out, the luchadora having been subjected to quite the assault in a surprisingly short period of time, now left to flail in the camel clutch, trying to wriggle her way out of it!

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