Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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Re: Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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Not gonna lie this grip her opponent had on Luna's breast was really painful. Mostly because there was nothing except the fabric of her swimsuit to protect her breasts from this attack. Regi wanted to strip Luna but since the Italien woman wore a one-piece suit this was difficult for her enemy. Luna wasn't sure if it was a good thing to wear this because that might have increased the time Regina was pulling and squeezing her chest. Luckily it also distracted her long enough so that Luna could make a counter with a knee into the stomach of her opponent.

Luckily the knee was enough to make the redhead back off. Luna held her breasts by wrapping both of her arms around them. This was definitely something Luna didn't intend to go through so soon again. The blue haired woman groaned in a mix of pleasure and pain and she looked at her opponent.
"Oh, I hope it did hurt you. For squeezing my breasts that rough you need however a far bigger punishment but how do you like this for now?"

Luna would yell at Regina and then lift up her leg in an attempt to kick this redhead into her stomach once again to make her back off even further or maybe even fall down on the canvas.
"When we continue things like this it would be boring the other people so what do you say if we only fight with our breasts from now one without any use of arms or legs? Or do you want to accept that my breasts are better and yours could never beat them?"
She would ask hoping that Regina would maybe accept this but Luna actually wanted to make this woman defenseless against her next move.

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Re: Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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Regina would just growl when she heard the other wrestler say she had hoped the kick had hurt her.As how dare this nobody say that she deserved an even bigger punishment for squeezing the bluenette's breasts.As the idiot should have bin honored she even grabbed them in the first place as it was not like the Italian's breasts were that impressive or had a lot to grab hold of in her opinion.So having the hands of an woman of noble birth like herself even touching them was a bigger honor then the other wrestler deserved.

Still try explaining that to the rabble that walked the streets like this woman was.As she even had to nerve to say that she was boring.As the redhead was anything but boring as she would growl when she heard that.However if that was not insulted enough the fact that this commoner thought that her breasts were better then hers was the final straw.As she would place her hands behind her back as she yelled ''bring those pathetic breasts up against mine then.As it clear you need to be taught your place as even an commoner like yourself should have realized that my breasts are clearly the superior pair between the pair of us''as she would step forward to prove her point as she planned on pushing her breasts against's Luna's puny ones to show her the error of her ways.

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Re: Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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Luna was surprised that her opponent seriously listened to what the bluenette was saying. Did Regina not even consider that this might be a trap? Maybe this whole arrogance of the redhead blinded her sight. If this would be the case than Luna might have an even easier game as she thought.

She would grin as soon as Regina moved her hand behind her back and started to talk again. This woman was seriously so full of herself that it was a wonder nobody has already punched that bitch in her face until she wouldn't even dare to talk again. On the other side, it might even be better when she would talk that much. After all, Luna could shove every single word back into her mouth again making this victory more enjoyable.

"Puny breasts? I think you might need glasses because my tits are bigger than yours."
Luna would say and her opponent got closer to her. She swung her breast into the Italien women and making her moan in pain. The breast claw from before was showing some impact to her and the bluenette had to put this into account the next time they would clash with each other.

"Hngh...Well, that was cute but how do you like this?"
The blue haired woman would ask and then walk fast towards her opponent and jump up in an attempt to hit Regina into her face with her tits. If this would work Luna would make a cocky smile at Regina symbolizing Luna that she had the better pair.

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Re: Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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Regina was looking her opponent in her eyes as she wondered how she would react to being called out on the truth.As the redhead had believed every word that she just had said about how her breasts were superior to the puny ones that the bluenette had. As she had actually expected the Italian wrestler to back up , but when she would reply back by saying the disgraced noble needed glasses while going on to say that her breasts were bigger caused the Briton to just lose it.

As the commoner needed to be put in her place , and she was just the noble to do it as she was about to ram her breasts into her opponent's own when she was beaten to the punch.As the bluenette would swing her breasts towards her as the Briton would have to fight her instinct not to step backwards , and back up further from the other wrestler.As the blow had pushed her back slightly , but while she was fighting her instinct the Italian wrestler had closed the distance , and jump up as Regina got hit right in the face by her opponent's breasts as she grabbed onto Luna's waist in an attempt to stay on her feet as she was about to fall onto her back as the result of the hit.

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Re: Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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"What's wrong? Did my puny breasts caused you to lose your foothold?"
Luna taunted her opponent after she smashed her chest straight into the face of her opponent. As a result, Regina grabbed the Italien's waist to not fall on the ground. That was rather amusing to her because Luna surely had shown the redhead with this that she was someone who knows to fight even with her breasts.

Despite that, her breasts were still in pain from the clawing and even the impact Luna did her best so that her opponent wouldn't notice it. However, Luna had to stop using her breasts for a moment and get them away from Regi, so that they can recover. If not than Luna could be in troubles. To also stop Regina from reaching the bluenette's breast, Luna would wrap her arms around her opponent and lift the redhead up in the air.

"Since you like to play a royal person I take it as my task to show you what happens or happened to people that use their position and look down on others..."
With that Luna would let herself fall forward and crashing down on the canvas with Regina.
The bluenette would groan from the impact because her breasts experienced also some force from the impact. Luna hoped that this was the last bit damage her tits would suffer for the rest of this fight.
"...they fall down into the hard reality."

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Re: Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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Regina would growl as she was being taunted by this nobody as she was did not lose her footing because of those puny breasts.More of the shock that her opponent would actually think that smashing her chest against her face was an good strategy as she tried to readjust her footing as she did not want to be this open while close to Luna.

Still the bluenette was sadly not as stupid as the redhead would have liked as she had hoped to get away.However Luna would let herself fall into the Briton causing the both of them to fall down as she yelled out ''are you insane ''just before she made contact with the canvas.As the Italian would land right on top of her as she cried out in pain as she heard the Bluenette groan from the impact as she tried to shove the other wrestler off her as she hoped that she was more dazed and hurt from the breastsclaw then Regina expected or else she was in an lot of trouble from this pinned down position.

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Re: Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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Luna was able to punch this woman into the defense with her breasts. Luna was sure that she had shown this woman who she was fighting against. The Italien wrestler wasn't just a mere woman and she would make sure that Regina would know and also remember this. After Luna's stunning attack with her breasts, she lifted up her opponent before letting herself drop forward with the redhead.

Regina yelled out but Luna didn't care about that and fell forward. The redhaired woman was suffering the most damage and cried out in pain. That was a good sign for Luna, however, the bluenette suffered also some damage or better said her breasts did. With her chest in pain, Regina tried an attempt to shove her down. The woman wasn't weak and the pain made it troublesome for her to fight back so Luna would roll down from her foe.

However, Luna would do her best and not stay down for too long so after she would get down from her enemy Luna would try her best to get on her knees again and then on her feet. This whole scenario got a lot of different than she imagined it but having Regina in pain wasn't a bad thing. From know on Luna just had to be careful and give her chest a rest so attacks with her breast would at first not stay to her use.

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Re: Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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Regina was acting like she usually does when she backed in an corner.As she would not say anything at the moment as she tried to shove her opponent off her after she had taken the brunt of the impact.So as an result she did not have much strength at the moment as the pain did weaken her quite a bit as she was relieved when the bluenette did fall off her.Unaware that Luna had rolled down from her on her own accord as the redhead tried to roll onto her belly.

As while she did that her opponent was already getting back to her knees , and by the time that Regina had gotten that far the other wrestler was making it back to her feet as the redhead could only hope that she would not be attacked while she was getting back to her feet as she was wide open at the moment.

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Re: Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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Luna was the one who executed the move to weaken her opponent but sadly she damaged herself to. The Italien woman wasn't able to do a counter-attack on the ground immediately after the impact and she got down as Regina pushed her. She took her best option and would attempt to get up again on her feet. With the help of the ropes, she had a defense against the redhead but it didn't look like her opponent would attack her so soon because the attack weakened her more.

The other woman was on her knees by the time Luna would be back on her feet again. This scenario was quite fortunate for Luna because her opponent didn't look like she was able to fight back so soon again. The Italien woman would smirk ar walk towards Regina who wasn't fully up yet. As Luna was close enough again she would grab the long red hairs of her opponent and pull Regina closer to her womanhood.

Afterward, Luna would grab the head of her opponent with both hands and smile down at her.
"If you are already too weak to speak than better give up because I am about to dominate you in ways you have never experienced before."
She would warn her opponent and then pull her head closer only to press the face of her opponent into her womanhood and giving her a crotch-smother. This is the first time the bluenette would ever do such a move but she hoped that this would work as she thought.

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Re: Luna vs Regina Ravenwood

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Both wrestlers had taken some damage from the move that Luna used to take the redhead down.So it took a while before both wrestlers were too their feet with the Briton being still on her knees while Luna was on her feet.This left her open as she would feel the Italian grab her by the hair as she would be pulled closer to her opponent's womanhood as she wondered what the bluenette had in mind.As she doubted Luna could be so foolish to allow her access like that when her opponent's next words made it seem she was.

As the redhead's face would be forced into her opponent's sex as she got hit with an crotch smother as she was about to panic for a second.Only to remember that this was an hentai match , and with Luna allowing her this much access she could not believe it.As she would attempt to lash out as she would go on the attack.As her tongue would attack her opponent's sex as she thought to herself ''seems commoners are indeed foolish most of the time''.

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