Finding a possible client

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Finding a possible client

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Miss nata would step into the gym wearing a pair of black sweat pants and a trainings jacket. She was no stranger to visiting a gym, but normally the gyms she was visiting got a little bit more class than this place. It got everything you would need to train effectively. But the Chinese woman was preferring a better light and more clean looking place.

She would pull her jacket closer a bit looking around a bit, trying to find the woman she was looking for.
She did find out that the woman she was looking for was working out in this gym regularly and that she was coming in around the same time every day and training around the same period of time. So she should be around here somewhere.

The red haired woman would start to walk around a bit before a smirk would appear on her face. She would start to change her direction walking past a few big people doing a few exercises. Instead the red hair would head right to a way smaller woman. She would stop right new to her.
“good day miss sun” she would say looking at the lightweight. “my name is mio nata. It is a pleasure meeting you in person!” she would say with a smile. “I am here to talk to you about a few matters. Please feel free to go on with your workout while I talk to you!” she would say, knowing just to well how badly some fighters could react when you would take them away from their training.

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Re: Finding a possible client

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Xiuying was in an bad mood as she continued to kick at the punching bag as she could not believe she had lost twice in an row.As while she did alright in that tag team bout that she had her debut in.The least said about the two single matches that followed that the better as she could not believe she lost both matches by knock out.

Seriously if anyone should be knocking people out it should be her as she suddenly heard an voice , and would turn around as she wondered what this woman wanted with her.As from what she was wearing you would think she was their to train , but the way she spoke made the Chinese woman think of an lawyer or one of those spoke persons you see on tv. Still what she was wearing was a lot better then the barefoot fighter had on as she wore green pants and a white t-shirt as she would reply back ''sure we can talk , but make it quick.As I am not in the mood to spend the rest of the day talking with you as I need to get stronger as I won't lose again'' as she punched the bag one final time.

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Re: Finding a possible client

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Miss nata would smirk for a moment after she got the answer from the other woman. “yes don´t worry, I didn´t plan the entire rest of the day here, so I will hurry.” She would look right into the eyes of the lightweight girl. “I did saw your matches you had so far in law and I must say I was impressed by what I saw. I think you really got potential! Real potential as a fighter as well as potential as a star!”

She would take a short break before going on. “and that is why I am here I want to help you capitalize on this potential in any way, so I am going to offer you the one and only chance for a cooperation contract.” The big woman would let the other girl think for a moment. “meaning that would support you in all way possible, taking care of paperwork, making sure you always have good way of transport to the law events and back, getting you some good trainers as well as trainings partners, helping you with sponsor contracts and helping you set up some good matches for you. I am sure with a little help from my side you are able to climb the ladder in law very fast making a lot of money in little time!” She would wait for a respond of the little girl now. “so what do you say? would you like me as your manager or do you need even more convincing?”

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Re: Finding a possible client

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''Wow then you must be easy to impress as while I had to admit it we both know my first two single matches were terrible.As sure I put up an good fight , but how could you be impressed with someone who lose both of those matches by passing out.Sure got some credit left from beating that woman who's title i took to this place.However that quickly becoming worthless because of my earlier results''replied Xiuying as she did not believe the other woman in front of her.

Still the moment she brought up trainers , sponsor contracts and traveling in style she had to admit that maybe she had answered to earlier.As the reason she choice law over that Chinese Promotion was about money , and if by signing with this woman she could make more then she was an fool to say no.Still she be an guard as she replied back ''well what kind of companies do you got lined up to become my sponsor as well as who will be training me? As I have to admit I was a bit to fast by what I said earlier Miss Nata was it''as she be respectful to the redhead for now.

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Re: Finding a possible client

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Miss nata would grab her wrist and would make her hand circle around slowly.
“yeah, let´s write this down under starting difficulties! I am sure that this will all change over time. And you might have lost the fight itself but you showed a lot of potential. You didn´t tap out although you had the chance to do it. You didn´t wanted to do it and so you just didn´t do it. This was showing me something. When this girl wants something she got the determination and the willpower to get it. Meaning that you are stubborn…” miss nata would smirk. “and stubborn people are great for business!”

“I am sure that in no time you can climb up the ladder inside of law without any problems. You come from a totally different brand right now, so no one is expecting you to rocket to the moon, yet. But together we can reach a lot.”

The red haired Chinese woman would walk around the boxing bag and stand behind it leaning forwards grabbing it with both of her hands while pushing her shoulder against it. This way she would hold the boxing bag in place for xiuying so she would have a heavyer and harder target to punch. She would smile at the girl. “the fans are already interested in you right now. They saw you, and you were special your fighting style and appearance. And your looks are great too… so all we need are a few good first contracts, some great matches and just a few victories to bring you in a position that the companies will come you begging you to work for them.”

for the start I was maybe thinking about a contract with some sport sneaker producer!” She would joke for a moment. Before going on. “no, no I know a few company ceo´s, who are making sport food, like power bars and sport drinks. I wouldn´t sign any long time contract right now with them. Just some short term things, like one or two shootings of any kind. This will bring you way less money at first, only around 300dollar per shooting maybe. I know that isn´t sounding to fleshy right now. But that way we will get your face out there and that way people will get to know you and will start to memorize you. Then later when you start to pick up steam your worth is going to increase as well and the shooting will be worth way more… and we can play the people against each other making them push the prices up even more. In the end you can pick do whatever you want, keep doing single shootings and stuff or pick a company for a contract over time. It would be all how you want it!”
Miss nata would pause a moment. “the question is only what are you ready to do?”

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Re: Finding a possible client

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The Chinese wrestler would watch as she saw the other woman make a circle with her hand while she told Xiuying just why she believed she had potential.As the more she learned of miss Nata's reasoning of why she believed the barefoot fighter could become great the more she liked what she was hearing as she had believed she should have gone straight to the top.As it never came to her that the switch between brands would have effected her , and well if stubborn people were good for business then she would be the absolute best.

Then to her surprise the older woman would move to be behind the boxing bag , and would hold it in place so that she could continue to punch it.While as an added bonus her new target would be even heavier and harder to hit then before.So as she punched and landed some kicks on the beg she would listen to the redhead's plan.As it all made sense , but the part of the sport sneaker producer made her shake her head.Seriously the Chinese wrestler could not see herself as an model for that.As she hated having to hear anything to her feet , and only did so when she absolutely had to as she would reply back ''well that sound all good to be honest.You did make one mistake with the sneaker producer , but you came to realization that someone who's called the barefoot fighter is not an good pick.So my answer to your question is when do we start?''

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Re: Finding a possible client

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“okay a great sense of humor, is something that we can take of the list of your talents!” Would the manager say while still holding on to the boxing bag. She would keep holding on to it while going on. “Very simple. You just keep doing what you did so far. Train hard fight harder! A few wins on your record will be great and I know they will come.”The Chinese woman would pause for a moment. “Normally I would have you sign a contract now, but I would prefer to let you think about it again. But at the same time I will already start to call some of my friends up, trying to make the first shooting possible for you. Then I will call you up to sign the contract and then I will make sure that this shooting will happen for sure!”
miss nata would try to keep the boxing bag in place as good as she could but the power of the little girl, was increasable. “so another question is… where do you want to go? Where do you see yourself in the future?”

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Re: Finding a possible client

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''What good is an sense of humor in an match anyway''asked the Chinese wrestler as she kept hitting the punching bag. She would continue to listen as the redhead answered her question about what she would have to do to when she signed up with miss Nata.So far it did not seem like she would have to do a lot as her soon to be manager had it all figured out as she would just nod in responds to what she was saying.Still then she got asked the question about where she wanted to go as she replied ''I want to break records as I want to win and maybe even hold multiple titles at the same time''

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Re: Finding a possible client

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The manager would smile. “I like these goal! Breaking records winning titles… sounds good to me.”The manager would let go of the boxing bag. She would look around for a few moments. “if you excuse me!” She would say walking off away from the light weight. It would take a few moments until the red haired Chinese woman would return, with some gloves for her hands. She would hold them up into the air giving the small girl a pair of new targets to hit. While they would go on nata would keep asking. “So far, what was the thing you felt hold you back the most? What was stopping you from really unleashing in law from winning?”

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Re: Finding a possible client

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''Likely the fact I did not expect wrestlers to be as tough as real fighters''muttered the Chinese wrestler as she doubted the redhead would like to hear those words.Still if she would be told to speak up she would say the same words , and quickly get her guard up to stop whatever attack miss Nata would try to hit her with as retaliation for thinking poorly on wrestlers.

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