Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

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The Ominous Future
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Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

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Submission Match
Victory Via Submission
Match Takes Place In A Ring Located On A Beach

"Okay..what is this...attempt number...six? Seven? hell with it!"

Roaring words of encouragement to herself as she stepped upon those hot sands, the still lacking-in-win Anna Harris had found herself stepping beyond common sense yet again. Common sense in the fact that wrestling alone was evidently something of a task in itself; and that wrestling with now reliable tag partner Samus was a much better idea!
Match Attire
Shrugging off the great doubt in her mind, Anna unequipped that robe which had clad her stacked frame, as she now stood centre of the ring before the masses. Wolf whistles passing over the head of the stacked Aussie, Anna had once again accepted the match before her with next to no insight upon her opponent, another thought that passed over her head as her jiggly frame sunk into the nearest corner. Whats-more, it would be in a match type she had notoriously done bad at!

Never mind the fact that her sexual encounter with one Audrey Hunter had put something of curious thoughts in her head when it came to wrestling on the beach!

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Re: Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

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"It has been a long time right? Maybe they won't remember me and what happened." thought Lindsay as she paced back and forth in the dressing room. She was wearing a green bikini that really accentuated her curves. Lindsay felt enthusiastic and nervous about her debut match. It was an opportunity for her to shine and show the world that she was not just a pretty face. On the other hand, people may not take kindly to the model returning to a wrestling promotion having insulted the sport in the past. It didn't help that Lindsay knew that her first opponent was going to be a veteran so a humiliating beatdown could possibly happen again. At least Lindsay had actual training this time.

Considering Lindsay's past career as a model, the bookers decided to cash in on sex appeal by having her wear a revealing outfit. Lindsay didn't want to go erotic just yet, so she only agreed to the match provided it could be won by pin or submission. Therefore the submission match was formed."How about I wear these cute glasses. I would look like a different person" thought the blonde as she slipped on the pink glasses hoping it can form a tiny disguise. Lindsay decided it was the moment of truth and left towards the ring.

The blonde made her entrance walking on to the sand. Lindsay did not mind the setting at all for it reminded her of her past beach photo shoots. The crowd had a strong reaction upon seeing the model.

"Hey is that Lindsay Queen?"
"It's that fucking poser again!"
"What the hell is she doing here?"

Lindsay frowned as the crowd remembered her past mistakes. The audience were either booing the blonde or just looked on confusion as the blonde walked towards the ring trying to look brave. Upon reaching the ring apron, Lindsay would sigh "I guess I won't be needing this at all" the model removed her glasses and placed them in the corner for safekeeping. After that Lindsay rolled into the ring and saw her opponent. "She looks nice and sexy too. Maybe this won't be too bad." thought the Blonde. She decided to make inevitable small talk.

"Hello I'm Lindsay Queen but you may know already know that. Ahem I mean I hope we have a good match. I will show you that I am not a pushover" said Lindsay looking at her opponent trying to not come off as vain. The blonde stretched her arm hoping she can get a handshake in return.

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Re: Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

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Head pivoting left and right as the audience reacted to this figure, one whom Anna was far too dense to even register was new among the LAW premises, Anna put finger to lips as she leaned forward. Full on questioning the audiences' rather hostile approach to this stacked blonde, Anna's mouth would be agape in modest confusion as her foe joined her in ring, watching for a moment as those glasses were haplessly tossed to the side, under the safety of the turnbuckle.

"That..was weird..." Anna muttered out loud, before realising the rudeness of her mutter. "I mean..yehh! Nice to meet you...too? I guess?" Her hand coming forward to match that hand, Anna gave it a tight squeeze with a single upwards motion, before parting as she stepped back. Taking the fight too lightly was one issue she had suffered from vastly in the past, amongst other things of course, so it was somewhat unsurprising to those in the audience who had seen Anna wrestle before that the Aussie soon attempted to adopt a rather serious looking face. Hands coming up, mimicking as best she could several fighters she had seen, the busty Aussie roared out, as she tried to instil a little confidence in her self.

"Me..Me too! I'm no pushover...I've..I've gotta beat ya!"

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Re: Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

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Lindsay felt a little relieved that her opponent wasn't an aggressive brute so at least the model can fall gracefully in this affair. To her interest, Anna was one of the few people who didn't know of her past. Lindsay's arm would jerk a little at the tight squeeze feeling the strength of the veteran in front of her. "OK she is very strong. I have to keep my distance" thought Lindsay taking deep breathes. It didn't help that the crowd was making chants wanting Anna to punish the model even before the bell rang.

Upon hearing Anna roar, Lindsay shook a little in fear. "Cmon get yourself together. She is just having fun right?" thought the model loudly to herself. She huffed and raised her arms up as the bell signalling the start of the match. Lindsay decided to begin the bout circling around her opponent trying to find an opening.

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Re: Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

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With the match having started, Anna's eyes scaled up and down every inch of her foe, over and over, watching as the stacked blonde circled in the same direction Anna too had begun to move. The space of the duo matched, the stacked figures in the ring were simply scaling one another out and seemingly happy to do so, with Anna's hands about mid-height as her eyes soon latched to her foes own.

Slowly but surely however, Anna began to step, inch by inch, until she was within grabbing distance of her foe. Her arms raising from their mid-point, Anna let loose yet another battle cry, as she attempted to throw her hands onto her foes shoulders for a firm grip. Although, she wasn't exactly surprised if Lindsay countered with a shove of her own, locking the two in a test of strength.

Or perhaps, she'd even give a response the over-eager Anna didn't even bother to comprehend!

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Re: Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

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Lindsay and Anna circled around each other slowing getting closer every second. Anna made another loud battle cry causing the model to freeze in fear. Whether this was all part of the plan was unknown yet Anna would make the first actual move and grab Lindsay's shoulders. Lindsay would squirm at feeling of her upper body being squeezed. Despite being 3 inches shorter, Anna had a lot of strength as evident by her iron grip.

"Let go off me!" yelled Lindsay as she tried using her own arms to shove her opponent off her. Lindsay's palm met Anna's shoulders as the two were met in a test of strength. The model would grunt as she knew her opponent currently had the advantage. At least only a few seconds in that this match was closer than Lindsay's last tryout.

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Re: Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

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Unsurprisingly, Anna did little to ease her grip on Lindsay. The greenette had a monstrous amount of power, but in truth, it was rather rare that she had chance to dominate using it so. Given often enough, her foes simply demoralised her too quickly and too much for her to effectively unload it!

"'Fraid not...!" She'd roar, the picture of confidence as she took not one, but two steps forward; bringing her gigantic bust to bare against Lindsay's own, as her hands shook with power. Their bodies intertwined almost, Anna's previously coy face in matches had all but disappeared.

Evidently, before Lindsay stood a woman more than keen and ready to get her first win!

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Re: Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

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Both blondes were pushing against each other in the test of strength. Lindsay would make a quiet coo as her breasts met Anna's. Sure the model wasn't in a bodybag, but Lindsay really needed to better than ballroom dance to win especially against someone so confident and driven. Lindsay was getting more nervous as she was slowly getting pushed back closer and closer towards the ropes.

"I got to do something. My trainer said that if I'm in a grapple I should just do it. But what does that mean? Wait..." thought Lindsay trying to think of a way to not get overwhelmed. The model tried to do something risky; she would perform a headbutt onto her opponent. Lindsay's head was rather hollow it wouldn't hurt too much. Hopefully this attack would allow Lindsay to move free from Anna's grasp. Lindsay would stand back and massage her lovely hairdo back into place.

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Re: Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

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Confident to use her strength to the utmost maximum for a rare change, tighter and tighter Anna's frame began to press against Lindsay's, until soon enough, her own breaths slightly forced a gasp out of her foes lungs. Breasts mashing as hard as could be now, Anna's rather firm biceps trembled with strength, as she tried to shove Lindsay either outright backwards, or simply into a shuffle from which she could take control.

Unsurprisingly, she wasn't at all expecting a headbutt; with said strike connecting neatly on her forehead, as Lindsay showed a rather rough side to her!

Yelping as she stumbled backwards across the canvas, hand slipping from her foes grip to a tending grip upon her own head, the busty Aussie nearly fell to her rear outright, as she came to a stop a few steps back from Lindsay!

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Re: Lindsay Queen vs Anna Harris - A Smush At The Beach!

Unread post by SwordSavior1 »

Huzzah Lindsay's headbutt was successful. By literally using her head, Lindsay was able to break from Anna' mighty grip. "OK OK a little dust there should use conditioner" thought Lindsay as she checked her hair for any damage.

She looked forward to find her opponent a few steps away from her looking rather unbalanced by the headbutt. "I can't stand around and do nothing. This is not a photoshoot" thought Lindsay. Wanting to try and gain an advantage in this match, Lindsay would use the ropes to sling her forward. With the boosted momentum, Lindsay tried to bring her opponent down with a clothesline.

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