A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

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*After having deftly beaten Hailey and Liz simultaneously in her triple threat throw down, Jess felt her already immense confidence peak. She was convinced that absolutely nobody could stop her, and while her warpath was something she desired to tread upon with furious footwork, she felt somewhat...hollow. While lingering in the locker room, she couldn't help but reflect upon her previous victories; the vast majority of them bolstered her legitimacy in the league, but this wasn't how she wanted to be revered. No, she needed to make a statement- An indelible mark on this organization that nobody could ever bring into question. So, while she put the finishing touches on her entrance ensemble, having laced up her boots and dawned her spiked shoulder pads, she marched down the hallway and managed to snag a microphone from a petrified official along the way. As she emerged from the black curtain, the vast majority of the staff backstage were baffled by her presence; she wasn't scheduled for any form of match whatsoever, and concern began to grow among them.*

*Ignoring the cascading hisses and boos that only served to propel her forward, Jess stomped into the arena only to shed her reinforced armor, tossing it out of the ring before tapping the tip of the device with her fingers.* "NOW!" *She shouted, capturing the attention of anyone who was tuned in to the program, as well as the befuddled crowd.* "I'M GONNA SAY SOMETHIN, AND YA'LL BETTAH LISTEN!" *She paused, waiting for the anticipated jeering and howling from the audience.* "I'VE BEEN OBLITERATIN EVERYBODY I'VE FACED RECENTLY, AND I DARE ANYBODY BACKSTAGE TAH TRY'N TAKE ME DOWN! NONE OF YA'LL ARE GONNA STOP ME FROM TAKIN THAT LAWLESS BELT, YAH HEAR ME?!" *She commanded that somebody, anybody, accept her humble request of a challenge.*

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Re: A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

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Anna was walking around backstage as she wore her usual wrestling attire which consisted off blue wrestling shoes , blue mini skirt , white blouse with a red tie and blue color and a pair of mna gloves when she heard a voice.A very loud and annoying voice who seemed to be making an claim for one of the belts as the redhead thought about interrupting her.However then it became clear that whoever this was wanted to LAWLESS title , and her desire to make everyone realize who deserved that title disappeared. Still the loudmouth would need to be told to shut up as she would grasp a nearby microphone as she walked on stage.

This all happened so suddenly that the backstage crew did not have time to play her music as she would look at the redhead in the ring , and just yawned.As she would do this for a few seconds before saying ''booooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrriiiiinngggggggg.Seriously who cares about that stupid title anyway? As the only people interested in that are hasbins and those who could not cut it as a real wrestler as all hardcore wrestlers are just glorified stuntman who let themselves get blooded up for no reason. Secondly you say you beat anyone who wanted that title , but did you not ambush two of your rivals for the belt.As I clearly remember you attacking that hammer girl , and whoever the other one was with an clothesline to get yourself some momentum'' while the tone in her voice became more arrogant with each word as she looked down at the hardcore wrestler.


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Re: A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

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*The instant that pompous rapscallion made me statement, Jess craned her neck sideways at the audacity this mystery woman had- Jess was a humongous woman, in both size and personality, and someone as diminutive as Anna had the nerve to interfere with her challenge? Perhaps..no...was SHE going to take on someone as gargantuan as the texan tornado herself? Certainly not, Jess thought, as she brought the microphone to her ruby lips and began to address the precious, little darling that had to have gotten lost on her way to the parking lot.*

"Aww, ain't you just adorable. Honey, I honestly thank yer a little lost." *She chuckled, gesturing towards the exit ramps that lead towards her intended destination.* "Ya'll ain't old enough tah be tusslin with tha big gals just yet- Perhaps in about five'er ten more years, ya'll can try'n contend with me." *Jess was considered to be amongst the rudest, crudest, and lewdest individuals law had ever hosted, but even she wouldn't take out her frustrations with the company on someone as young and innocent as Anna.*

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Re: A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

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Anna was looking down at the ring as she wondered how the hardcore hasbin would react to her words.As she expected the redhead to be furious with what she had said , and would end up surprised when the cowgirl did not get angry.No what happened was even worse as the other wrestler treated her like she was not an threat to her.

Well the redhead was wrong if she thought that as she replied back ''wow did you get deaf in your old age or something.I said that people like you aren't real wrestlers as hardcore wrestlers are wannabes who could not cut it as actual wrestlers.As their nothing difficult about hitting your opponent with weapons as that so boooooooorrrrrriiinnnnggggggg.So go after your little title as those with talent go after the real belts in the company''.

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Re: A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

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*Something that the disrespectful, insolent little whelp struck a chord with Jess- She extended her right hand forward, gesturing for this spunky woman to come and join her between the ropes.* "Oh, izzat so?" *Jess casually replied, attempting to keep her seething ire bottled up for the time being, as she strived to maintain a healthy composure.* "How'sa bout you come on up tah mah face and try and talk all that shit yer spoutin, huh?!" *Jess gave the audience a casual glance, as many of the onlookers started to chant* "FIGHT IT OUT! FIGHT IT OUT!" *Much to Jess's delight.*

*The crimson tornado began to bounce from one foot to the other, eager to duke it out with this haughty imp that dared to hurl insults in her direction- Jess was the undisputed champion of LAW, and this petulant little spitfire wasn't about to mar her reputation so easily.*

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Re: A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

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''Why would I do that.AS it clear you can hear me just fine hasbin. As for you fans sadly Í''m not a glorified stuntwoman or else I could easily beat her up so you will just have to hope some other hasbin comes out to challenge her''replied Anna in responds to the redhead reply and the fans chanting.However the fans were not happy as at first they just started booing which did not cause the British wrestler to turn back.

However the moment they began to call her chicken she would stop as she grinded her teeth as nobody should ever call her that.As she was not scared of anyone , and would take on any challenge from the idiot who had the nerve to call her a coward.

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Re: A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

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"This is truly and utterly pahthetic! Ya'll see this worthless sack of mediocrity tryin tah beat me in a war of words, everybody?" *She gestured towards the disgruntled crowd that witnessed such brazen cowardice, who showed their disgust by continuing to rain down their disapproval by hissing and jeering Anna as she continued to avoid any form of confrontation with Jess, and instead opted to remain outside of the arena for the time being. This was quite a surprise for the Texas Tornado, as she had personally grown accustomed to foolhardy do-gooders charging towards the ring to meet their untimely demise at her hands, but Anna decided to take the high road and merely taunt her on the mic.*

"I'm waitin right here, sugah cube~ Iff'n yah got somethin tah say tah me, then come on up and pay me a visit." *She casually showed Anna her favorite finger, located in the center of her hand, before slowly beginning to win over the crowd with her crude antics and brash personality, while it seemed Anna was content to avoid any form of physicality with the taller, mightier ginger.*

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Re: A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

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Anna was grinding her teeth as the crowd called her a coward while that wannabe in the ring was calling her worthless.Really how dare that cowgirl call her worthless when she was nothing more then a stuntwoman.Seriously were these people that stupid that they would consider a hardcore wrestler to be equal to herself.Seriously she has to bust her ass , and pull of amazing moves while all the other redhead had to do to get an reaction was to grab a chair , and swing it at her opponent.

So with an furious look on her face she turned around as she yelled ''will you please shut up already.As you're nothing compared to me as you are the one who is worthless.All these fans are idiots as all you do is pick something up , and hit the other person with it.How is that amazing to watch when you can see me jump through the air to land a moonsault or deliver that perfect kick that hit my opponent in the face.So do yourself a favor and shut up as I got an call from ECW.They wanted to let you losers know that the house of extreme died years ago , and that pathetic weaklings like that would not bring those times back as hardcore wrestling is DEATH'' while foolishly walking towards the ring while she talked.

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Re: A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

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*Nonchalantly shaking her head at the empty insults tossed her way, Jess shrugged at such vapid responses while bouncing on the balls of her feet in preparation of Anna's immediate entrance into the ring. Whilst knowing she was the dominant fighter between the two women, underestimating her adversary had proven mortifying for the cowgirl in the past, and it wouldn't get the best of her this day. While the audience continued to cheer for both women to get it on, Jess tried to goad the diminutive gal even more by dangling her tongue out towards her.*

"Izzat right? Have ya'll evah delivered a drop kick into a chair while chargin at yer opponent? Howsa bout a divin elbow through three stacked tables about twenty feet high? Yeah, I didn't THANK so. Scum like ya'll are about a dime a dozen, and I'm gonna prove that fact here tonight!"
*Jess tossed the last bit of banter Anna's way, as she noticed the verbose woman finally deciding to put down the mic and raise her fists for a good, old fashioned brawl.*

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Re: A titanic impact- Jess vs Anna!

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Anna was walking towards the ring while she talk to the hardcore wrestler.As she was forgetting that not only was she insulting the hardcore wrestler , but she likely already had an weapon in hand. However the reply she got back about some of the maneuvers she had done as she would have to admit it sounded tough.

Still how tough could it actually be in an stuntwoman could do t as she would yawn n responds as she replied back ''why don't you show me.O what you can't as you likely break a hip trying to jump up to delver the dropkick''in her usual arrogant tone as she wondered why the fans chanted ''fight ... fight..fight.'' not realizing she was face to face with the cowgirl.

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