First of all I would like to apologize for leaving so abruptly. Personal issues and stress that I won't get into here clouded my mind and made be think leaving was the best option. Things have calmed down now though and it feels like a good time for a fresh start.
A lot of things have happened and changed since I've been gone, and as such if you have a character I once had or use a pic base I once used... you can keep them! I'm starting completely anew here. I won't be as active as I used to be but that's because I want to avoid burnout. The threads I do decide to take part of from this point forward I will focus on completing instead of putting them off.
As for my old threads before I left? I'm sorry to say that I'm cancelling them. I'm sure most people have moved on from them at this point and digging them up would just feel strange. I'm down for continuing things that didn't see the light of day or new plans though

In short, I'm glad to be back, I missed you all, and I hope we can make some good memories.