Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

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Re: Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

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"UGhHh!!" Renee's hug encompassed the actress' soft sides, before throwing her against the apron, reversing their positions. The actress gritted her teeth as she tried to resist the pain, doing strength tests wasn't something she was particularly good at, especially if she had someone like Renee who is a little bigger than her holding her down tightly.

Snow let out a sweet moan as Renee's embrace adjusted to her soft sides, so Snow tilted her head back a little to regain her composure, shaking her head from side to side. Until with a sudden burst of energy, Snow pushed Renee with all her strength, hitting her against one of the ring posts while still hugging her tightly.

"Well, I'm sorry to be the one to bring you down from your cloud, because I'm going to subject you even harder than any of the partners you had in your adult movies!" Snow responded as she pushed, placing her feet firmly on the ground, a heavyweight tactic to press. Something that Snow sought to replicate to keep Renee and try to wear her down.

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Re: Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

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Renee heard Snow’s little moan from enjoying being squeezed by the Renegade. It would be ammunition for her cocky spiel. However, she would need to deal with Snow pushing her into the ring post while also in the hold.

That was when she heard the trash talk coming from Snow. It would actually give her the fuel to fire back with some witty comeback.

“Oh really. You’re gonna hit me harder than my partners I had in my adult movies? Well let me tell you something. My little adult movies gain more traction and more hotter than any movie where you decide to have a full-on sex scene in your movies.”

Renee then decided to take advantage of Snow placing her feet firmly to the ground as she then delivered a headbutt to Snow.
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Re: Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

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Snow squeezed as hard as she could as Renee responded, this touched every fiber of the actress's angry head, so she wouldn't even notice when Renegade gave her a hard headbutt.

Renee's hard blow to Snow's head would be hard, but not forceful enough to make him collapse. Snow would try to take advantage of this by selling Renee's blow, so the actress simply collapsed, releasing her opponent between gasps, while waiting for Renee's next move.

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Re: Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

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Renee was let go of Snow’s grasp, as well as letting go of Snow, and would be holding her back in pain. She watched Snow wince in pain as well as the only thing she could do was spit at her.

“You like that? Huh, bitch? I got plenty of more of that to come from.”

Renee was really trying to mess with Snow’s head. She was trying to get her pissed off so that she would charge at her with no plan whatsoever. She was just waiting for the right moment to strike.
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Re: Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

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As soon as Renee spat at her, Snow's fury suddenly overtook him. The atmosphere became tense due to the lack of reaction from the actress, who simply remained kneeling on the floor. If Renee was trying to get into her head, she had succeeded, but it wasn't going to be pretty...

Snow held her head while massaging her back to ease the pain. The actress was smiling.
devilishly at Renee's words "Okay..." She responded with a harsh voice. She began to rub her wrists where she was squeezing them tightly. "You think that hurts? That's nothing..." Snow cracks her neck. "I'm tougher than that, you can break my back, I'm pretty sure I won't back down." She said looking at Renee smugly.

"So come at me with your best shot if you think you're capable! I'm always ready to get crushed more!" Snow let out a smile and began to take off her sports gloves, licking the blood that flowed from her lips after the header. "How about we fight for real?" She said before walking around herself while launching a reverse kick to Renee's temple.

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Re: Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

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Renee would get the reaction she wanted from Snow. She got her angry. However, it seemed like her opponent was going really serious with this match, to where this was no longer gonna be a scripted match but an actual fight. The fans probably wouldn’t know the difference but if Anna wanted a fight so badly, she will give her a fight.

“Oh really now. Well if you want a fight, I’ll give you a fucking fight, you bitch.”

Renee wouldn’t start off with the advantage as she received a huge reverse kick to her temple. She would hold it and would take a knee. However, Renee would then rush at Snow, tackling her into the ring post with a loud DING!
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Re: Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

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Snow grunted in pain as the impact shook her body. The anger in her eyes only grew as she looked at Renee, the actress was seething with rage. "Do you think that little tackle is going to stop me, you fucking bastard?" Snow spat, her voice dripping with venom.

"I've taken worse than that and moved on. You'll have to do better if you dream of beating me." Snow used the ring post to pull himself up, her muscles tensing as she prepared for the next move in this intense battle.

She knew she had to end this quickly before Renee could really hurt her. Once she reached her maximum height, she would charge at Renee while doing a spin before hitting her with a punch to the chest. The public was very euphoric during this clash, not knowing what would happen next.

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Re: Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

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Renee would be panting while hanging over the apron. This was really turning out to be a battle between two individuals who hated each other fully. However, both were undeterred from each other’s attacks as they would go on the attack again.

Renee would be hit with a discus punch from Snow. However, Renee would have an attack to counter that move as well with straight up kicking Snow in the pussy. If both moves landed, both girls would be down holding their pained body part in pain.
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Re: Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

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"Aaaah!" Snow let out a painful moan as Renee's attack hit her square in the pussy. She couldn't deny that it was a well-landed move, so the actress grabbed her crotch before collapsing to her knees.

Luckily, just before she had managed to hit Renee with a good punch, so they would both have to be on the back cape.

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Re: Climbing the Food Chain: Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Anna Sigrid — Ladder Match

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Renee groaned while holding her chest in pain. Along with the well-placed kick to Snow’s pussy, she paid with a well-placed punch directly placed in between her boobs. She wasn’t looking like she’ll be getting back up quickly.

The crowd was loving it as they started cheering for both stars to get back up. As Renee riled on the floor, she would look under the ring and try to pull out a weapon from under there.
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