A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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Match Type:

Standart loserbelt Title match

Winning Condition:

Win via Submission, count out, DQ, Pin or KO

Special Condtion:

Loser of this Match will be the loserchampion

Rebecca vs Karin
This is directly following this promo: (Just click me)
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Re: A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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Rebecca got her self ready for her "first title match" she didn't mind it was for the loser belt she thought that Karin deserved a real shot to not be called a lose since her last match was rudely interrupted by a heavy weight. soo against her friend's Aoi wishes she asked management if she could be the first to fight Karin not for the title.

At first Rebecca thought about just letting herself lose but Aoi told her she would get a scolding if she didn't try to win. "i know Aoi...I'm to nice haaaa" Rebecca told her self but being nice was what Rebecca thought was her best feature since lately her past matches she been anything but nice. she didn't like who she acted around some of the other girls so she wanted do something nice again.

Once her music started playing Rebecca would head over to the ring and walk out waving to the crowd who wondered how Rebecca qualified for that loser belt. She looked over at Karin who was in the ring demanding Retribution and Rebecca was going to do her best to give that to Karin. Entering the ring Rebecca looked at the girl. "Hello there Karin im Rebecca lets give out best in the match and what ever happens no regrets okay?" Rebecca said as she knew if she won Karin might give up wrestling but hoped she didn't "Also i was rooting for you to win the match against anzu " Rebecca smiled at Karin.

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Re: A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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Karin would walk up and down the ring. She would wait for the next match to start. The general manager just announced another match for her belt, meaning she would get another chance of losing the belt. At first she was scared that she would get screwed again and some heavyweight would run down the ring in the next moment breaking her apart. But it seemed like they found the perfect opponent for her. Rebecca. This was a fair fighting chance for the Japanese girl. She would let her shoulder circle a little bit waiting for her opponent. Then some music would hit and one of the cutest girls that Karin has ever seen was coming down the ramp.
Karin would watch her closely. Wow it would be hard to fight someone so cute!

But Karin wouldn´t hold back. She couldn´t carry this damn belt one more day. When Rebecca entered the ring, Karin was just about to step to her. She wouldn´t lose her good manners no matter what. But Rebecca was faster standing in front of Karin only one moment later inducing herself and telling her that she was rooting for her in the ppv match. Karin was a bit perplex when she heard this. Damn who was she suppose do fight this woman?
But after a few moments she was able to speak again. “hello I am Karin… oh you had already known this I am sorry.” Karin would scratch the back of her head. “thanks for rooting for me… I am sorry to let you down back then. Yeah let’s give out very best and have a great match. “

Karin would spin around walking back to her own corner. Handing over the belt to the referee, who hold it high into the air.
The ring announcer would start:
“The next match is a singles match and is scapular for One fall. This match is also for the Loserweight champion, so whoever loses first walks home the new loserchampion. Introducing first the challenger… born in Texas USA, standing tall 4’8” feet and weighing 98lbs Rebecca Watatsumi.” The referee would point at Rebecca and the crowed would cheer loudly.

“Introducing next the champion coming from Kyoto Japan, standing tall 5’2”feet and weighing about 135lbs Karin shin!” the crowed would cheer again but not so loudly. Karin would stand in her corner biting her lips because of this. She got the feeling the crowed was starting to lose the trust in her…
As soon as the bell would open and the match was on the way Karin would leave her corner. She had to win this. She just had to… she would try to walk over to her opponent directly not waiting any time trying to grab her opponents shoulders.

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Re: A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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Rebecca looked up at Karin as the girl walked up to her she would let Karin speak and nodded to the girl. As they were in the corners the ref would introduce them And Rebecca felt bad for Karin as people didn't give her a big enough cheer for Karin as they did for Rebecca. Rebecca really wanted to lose this match but she would get on Aoi's bad side if she just did a dive.

Once the bell rang Rebecca would grab onto Karin's shoulders trying to push the girl toward the ropes. Just the then she would groan feeling that Karin was alot stronger then Rebecca. should have known better Rebecca thought to her self. holdling her ground Rebecca tried to stop her self form being push back but with no luck. "nnghhhh" Rebecca groaned trying to push back but wiht no luck. she needed a way to get the advantage or break the lock up.

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Re: A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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Karin would stick ot the basics for the begging. She was able to push her opponent backwards a bit by any passing second. She was feeling quite good while doing so. Finally she once got the strength advantage in a match. The champion would keep this up for a bit longer, seeing that Rebecca was starting to get closer to the next corner. But Karin wasn´t planning on sending her opponent backwards into the ropes. Instead when she thought that her opponent was putting up the most resistance.

Right at that moment Karin would step backwards trying to turn her upper body and pull along Rebecca as hard as she could. She would try to use the power of her opponent against her as well as adding up some of her very own. The Japanese girl would try to pull at Rebecca right in front of her own body before pulling up one of her legs she would try to bring it right in the way of her opponent’s legs. This way Karin would try to make her opponent stumble and fall forwards over her legs trying to make Rebecca crash onto the mat. That wasn´t the nicest way but it wasn´t the most painful way either.

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Re: A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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Rebecca would push back against Karin even though her strength was far weaker then the loser champion. She would then try one last surge of power send her self full well forward. that was until she was stumbling forward when Karin pulled back and turned her body enough for Rebecca to got past her. At first the light weight thought she was going to stumble forward and catch her self but then Karin would extend her leg and make the brunette fall forward face first.

"ugh..." Rebecca yelled out as she fell on her large breast. "nnnnghhh..." Rebecca moaned out as she got up onto her hands and knees. Her breast where hurting but it was nothing thought she couldn't handle.

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Re: A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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Karin was able to send her opponent down onto the mat. She wasn´t feeling good about making a cute and friendly girl like that crashland so rough. But it had to be, she couldn’t carry this belt around for much longer. The champion would follow her opponent down while she was trying to get up, Karin would lean over the back of her opponent and would try to lay her arms under the armpits of her opponent while her hands would be coming together behind her neck. She would ten try her best to pull Rebecca backwards onto her knees, while lowering herself down to her own knees. She would try to place herself right behind her opponent trying to put her into a full nelson while being on her knees.
“got you”, she would think while pulling the arms back as much as possible while pushing the head of her opponent forwards. This was no match winning hold but it would wear Rebecca down.

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Re: A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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Rebecca groaned a little shaking her head. she would get up but then Karin would get behind her and wrap her arms under Rebecca's armpits and then would then put her hands behind Rebeccas head in a full nelson. "ugh not good!!" Rebecca cried out as she squirmed in the girl's arms trying to break free. it wasn't enough to make Rebecca tap out but it was wearing the small girl down. Rebecca needed to think of a way ot get free form the hold or else she would have to fight an uphill battle.

the size difference was big so it would hard for Rebecca to fight against Karin. she would try to get up onto her feet hopefully that would make karin do the same form there she had a rough idea on want to do. even though it wasn't going to be that nice.

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Re: A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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Karin would do everything she could to keep her opponent under control. But Rebecca got an impressive fighting spirit and was suddenly pushing her legs into the mat and Karin was feeling the force that was trying to push her upwards. When Rebecca was able to regain a standing position her chances of breaking out of this would increase drastically. So Karin would do everything she could to keep her opponent down, she would lean forwards. Trying to push her opponent to her knees using her size and weight. But it wasn´t enough at all, Rebecca´s determination and spirit were to strong and very slowly she was pushing both of them upwards. Karin would grind her teeth both she would find herself standing now behind her opponent. Karin wouldn´t give this hold up yet, she would try to pull Rebecca upwards hopping to make the other girl stretch. This was pushing karins body and breasts right into the back of Rebecca.

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Re: A second Chance: Loserbelt Title Match: Karin Shin (c) vs Rebecca watasumi

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Rebecca would groan as she tried to push her self up and get Karin off her back. Getting on to her feet although it was a challenge she would then feel Karin not giving up the nelson and would push her down forward her breast and body pressing closer and closer to Rebecca's back. Rebecca would blush as she liked how Karin's breast felt but would try to shake the girl off of her rocking her body back and forth.

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