Yamamura Kaori vs Akiko Azuma

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Yamamura Kaori vs Akiko Azuma

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Knockout, Pin, Submision or Disqualification

Kaori's recent rise in popularity had its positives and negatives. Today was one of the latter. The match she was having just so happened to be booked on the same day she already had plans for and though she was getting more traction in LAW, it wasn't quite enough yet to refuse a match when it was offered and if that was not enough, it was in the middle of tonight's show if it was at the start or the end she might have been able to plan around it but as it was, she was in a rush to get this evening over with, so much so in fact that once the previous wrestlers were done, she'd make her way into the arena immediately, nearly giving the sound team enough time to get her track going.
Stomping her way down the ramp, Kaori did little to try and entertain the audience, she simply wanted to get into the ring as quickly as she could. Once she did she'd head straight to her corner. slumping in it before saying "Get my opponent in here already, I have better things to do." making it clear to everyone, that she was not here today to make a show, simply to take care of the business as efficiently as possible.

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Re: Yamamura Kaori vs Akiko Azuma

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Akiko was not looking forward to this match. Thevlast time she was put into a standard match in LAW, which was her debut, she got steamrolled, and it was looking likely that the same was going to happen here. If anything, she wanted to lose, if it meant an easy and painless way out of the ring. But she knew that wasnt happening. That plus, she had sustained a wrist injury that had put one of her hands into a bandage. But she needed the money. She was behind on her rent, and they needed someone bad to fight someone good, so she decided to take her medicine and arrive.

She arrived at the ring, slipped into her bikini and walked onstage, completely uncaring of the ogling eyes that were glating at her sonewhat skimpy outfit. She walked to the ring, slipped between the ropes and looked at her opponemnt.

"I dont want to be here. I just came for the money, so, if you could try not to injure me more..." She raised her bound up hand "...that would be nice" Akiko said, seeing the muscular woman in front of her and knowing she was going to get smashed like a bug.

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Re: Yamamura Kaori vs Akiko Azuma

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Kaori looked at her opponent and seeing her raise her hand and ask to not be injured, she snorted. "As if I give a damn. Now let's get it rolling, the sooner we start the sooner I smear her on the floor." She said, completely dismissive to her opponent, addressing the last bit to the referee who seemed to go on forever about the rules and wanting to see a clean fight and all that bullshit, as if she hadn't heard it a thousand times before, still, she was not about to risk a dq due to inpatient. And so she waited for the bell.


As soon as it rang, she'd move forward, not quite running but not trying to be remotely careful either as she'd try to reach behind her opponent's neck and pull her closer to the center of the ring. As she was doing that, she would also try and land a few knees to Akiko's belly, hoping to fold the girl over around the time they were in position. Then in the middle of the ring, Kaori would try to wrap her arms around the woman's head, stuffing it under her armpit and squeezing tight on her neck as she'd lean to the side and back, trying to lift the woman's feet of the ground to further compound on the pressure of the guillotine choke, trying to put the woman away in as timely a manner as possible!

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Re: Yamamura Kaori vs Akiko Azuma

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Akiko knew that Kaori was going to be tough from her looks alone. She gave the aura of being rather hard to beat, and as soon as the bell rang, hwr thoughts were proven right. She didnt get the tine to react before Kaori has grabbed her and yanked her to the centre of the ring. She tried to struggle free, but she lacked the strength to squirm free, and then she took several knee strikes to her stomach, which knocked most of the stuffing out of her almost immediately. She then found her body being bent like origami as Kaori ruthlessly bent her into a painful guillotine choke, making her breathlessly scream, though it came out as a whimper.

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Re: Yamamura Kaori vs Akiko Azuma

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Kaori grunted, usually she'd be all for tormenting her opponent as much as she could and this was a perfect opportunity for that. Today however was no day for haveing fun by plucking the woman piece by piece like she usually would and instead she'd tighten the hold even more and lift Akiko a bit higher to expedite the choke and get this over with as soon as possible. She then snapped at the ref "Oy, stripes, pay attention! Is she out yet?"

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Re: Yamamura Kaori vs Akiko Azuma

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Akiko was losing consciousness by the second, and that was exasperated by the choke being intensified. Merely a few seconds after Kaori tightened the choke, Akiko went limp, her arms flopping to the ground like wet noodles, and her eyes closing.

The referee, who seemed to be a little absent minded, was snapped back to reality by Kaori shouting at her. She glared at Kaori briefly, clearly annoyed by being called stripes, before checking out Akiko's body. Sure enough, Akiko was long gone, and the ref called the match there and then.

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Re: Yamamura Kaori vs Akiko Azuma

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As soon as the referee confirmed Akiko was out, Kaori would unceremoniously release the hold she had on the girl, letting her fall limply to the ground and putting her foot on the woman's face for a moment. "This is what I got here for? What a waste of my fucking time..." She said, eyeing the camera and when it got a close-up on her face, she'd speak as if to address the management "Are you running out of people to throw at me? Give me someone decent next time" She'd say before taking her foot off the girls face and leaving the ring
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Sun Aug 18, 2024 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yamamura Kaori vs Akiko Azuma

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As Akiko flopped to the ground like a sack of potatoes, she knew this had been yet another humiliating display. If anything, it was even more humiliating than her debut, and she expected a lot more humiliation. Surprisingly though, Kaori had other plans, simply putting her foot on the defeated Japanese girls face for a brief moment, before ranting about having a pathetic opponent to the management, which Akiko could not disagree with. She felt pathetic.

Soon after Kaori got off of her, she slowly arose to her feet, a little dazed, but thankfully uninjured. She then proceeded to head backstage to shower, then head home herself.

Winner by KO: Yamamura Kaori

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