Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Atalante thought her reasoning was fair, Shizuka was the bigger threat in her mind and she felt as if Yukari would probably stay down long enough for her to deal with the redhead. She moved her up onto the top rope turnbuckle and got her set up, where she would then begin to climb up, upon reaching her spot and beginning to wrap her arms around Shizuka's frame though...Atalante was treated to a harsh blow to her back!

"Kghh!" She grunted out, she turned her head to look over her shoulder but another forearm blow hammered into her lower back, and then another! She hissed out, she tried to grab onto something, but it was too late! Yukari was on her, and reached for her, grabbing a hold of Atalante's frame and then yanked her off the ropes! Atalante fell and crashed back first into the canvas where she arched her back off it and once more hissed out in pain…

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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With Yukari successfully bringing Atalante down from the top ropes, causing her to fall down onto the mat, she would like to use this opportunity to keep her from getting up. So, standing over Atalante, Yukari would begin stomping on her chest and stomach, looking to keep her there to allow Shizuka to recover. Despite the circumstances of how she ended up at the top turnbuckle, this position was also a boon for Shizuka as she realized what she could do from there.

As Yukari was dealing with Atalante, Shizuka regained a little bit of her strength, and with a grunt, she would start standing up on top of the turnbuckle, preparing herself for an aerial move. Soon, Yukari would stop stomping on Atalante, stepping back to allow Shizuka to execute her move, in which she would leap up from the turnbuckle so that she could hit the Grecian with a diving splash, making use of the height from where she jumped off to deliver damage.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Atalante had been taken by complete surprise by Yukari throwing her down onto her back, she cursed out under her breath as she was about to try and get up, but the blue oni stomped down hard on her chest. "Gwuh!" Atalante cried out, then another stomp came down and slammed into her stomach. Yukari began to stomp at the Grecian wrestler over and over and it was doing a really good job in keeping Atalante down, she tried to cover up and protect herself with her arms as best as she could.

Fighting both of the Oni girls at once was proving to be extremely disadvantageous for Atalante now as Shizuka was able to regain her strength and used her top rope position against Atalante! Being stomped down hard by Yukari again and kept down on her back, until Shizuka jumped from the top ropes and crashed down on her, the weight of the red oni coming down on top of her from such a height caused Atalante to gasp out loudly in pain. " GAAaah!" She cried out as she was flattened under Shizuka's diving splash!

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Shizuka landed on top of Atalante, inflicting damage on her. Smiling, the red demon rolled off of her as she would then survey the damage. She then looked at her partner, Yukari, before the two of them nodded to each other.

So, Shizuka would grab onto Atalante to drag her towards the center of the ring. Then, after placing her in the middle of the ring, she would grab both her legs before she rolled her over, looking to put her into a Boston crab.

In the meantime, Yukari would also get herself on Atalante's back, with her reaching down to the Grecian's chin, subjecting her to a camel clutch. The two of them were putting the Grecian into a combination of Boston crab and camel clutch, looking to inflict more damage on her.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Atalante would roll over onto her side after Shizuka's body got off of her, she groaned lowly as she was taking every moment she could to try and recover from that body splash from the Aka-Oni. She would roll over onto her front and place her hands down against the canvas as if she was trying to push herself up...but as she did she felt her legs being grabbed by Shizuka and she was dragged towards the center of the ring! "Aah?!.." She gasped out in surprise, her hands flailed about a bit to try and stop herself from being dragged away by Shizuka, but as she had nothing to grab onto she couldn't prevent it from happening. Nor could she prevent what Shizuka did next as she pulled Atalante's legs up and trapped her in a boston crab.

"Nngh!..." She would grunt out in pain, her hips and back already getting jolts of pain sent through them. She turned to look over her shoulder at Shizuka and was about to try and reach back and grab onto her, but as she tried to do so the weight of Yukari pushed down Atalante's front. She grunted and struggled to fight back, but Yukari pulled her up and into a camel clutch, trapping her head and chin!

The two Oni's were using their numbers advantage perfectly against the Grecian Heroine! She felt her body being ravaged with pain as her back, hips and neck screamed at her internally. Her hands reached up to grab at Yukari's hands, desperatly trying to pry them off her. All the while the referee moved in and asked if Atalante wanted to surrender, she responded with a loud grunt out of " Nghr...No!...grhm!"

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Both Shizuka and Yukari worked together as they trapped Atalante in the combination of camel clutch and Boston crab, hoping to weaken her if not forcing her to submit. Even so, Atalante remained stubborn, refusing to submit. Both Shizuka and Yukari would maintain the double hold for a while, looking to put extra strain on the Grecian's body before they eventually let go, letting her flop down onto the mat.

"You should've submitted, y'know?" Shizuka pointed out as she grabbed onto Atalante's head, pulling her up in preparation for their next move. She then looked at her partner, Yukari, and the two of them were ready to execute their next tag-team move.

Each of them would hold onto Atalante's wrist before they sent her running towards the ropes with an Irish whip, looking to have her rebound from them and return back to them. Then, as soon as Atalante got closer, both Shizuka and Yukari would execute a double superkick right at Atalante's face, hitting her with two kicks at the same time.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Atalante was being worked over quite well in the double hold of the Oni, as the boston crab put pressure on her hips and lower back and the camel clutch put pressure on her spine and neck. She would groan and grunt, shifting what little she could in the grip of her two rivals. Despite the pain she was suffering though, Atalante was not going to submit!

Finally Atalante was released from the double hold and was dropped down onto the canvas, her body flopping down onto her front as she laid there, panting out and groaning from the pain she had been forced the endure. Though the Grecian wasn't given any time to rest as Shizuka the Aka-Oni took a hold of her head, gripping on her head and pulled her up to her feet.

She was then grabbed by her wrist and pulled into a run with that Irish-Whip! She was forced to run towards her the ropes, bouncing right back off the ropes she ran in a stumbling manner towards the two Oni. Only to be met with a harsh double superkick! Both of the boots of Shizuka and Yukari hammered into the cat-eared wrestler's chin and jaw which sent her swiftly off her feet and crashing down onto her back in an utter daze....

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Hitting Atalante with a double superkick, both Shizuka and Yukari watched their single opponent flop onto her back. The two of them grinned, feeling satisfied after inflicting quite a damage on their opponent.

"Well, we aren't done yet..." Yukari said as she would approach the downed Atalante, planning to pick her up. She was going to hoist her up onto her shoulders to subject her to a torture rack, stretching her body while walking around inside the ring, putting her body on full display before the audience. Meanwhile, Shizuka was psyching herself up and the audience in preparation for her next attack.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Atalante was well and truly dazed after that double superkick she had taken, her head was spinning and if she didn't know better she would say that she was literally seeing stars at the moment. Though it was just the flashes and pangs of pain along with her eyes being hit by the lights of the arena. She was quite an easy prey right now, and the two Oni girl's seemed well aware of that, as Yukari grabbed onto her and pulled her up.

The Grecian was draped over Yukari's shoulders as the Ao-Oni showed off her power, the pain began to course through the back of Atalante as she grunted and struggled weakly on top of Yukari's shoulders, while Shizuka was getting the audience fired up. It was clear they had something big planned but the cat-eared wrestler had little in the way of a response to it at the moment.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Stretching Atalante's body on her shoulders, Yukari would wait for the cue from her partner, Shizuka, who was busy getting the crowd to cheer for them. Soon, Shizuka gave Yukari a signal, and it was time for Yukari to carry out the next stage of their plan.

Still keeping Atalante in the torture rack, Yukari would hoist her up as Shizuka would charge towards her. As gravity began taking its course, bringing the Grecian down, Shizuka would try to grab her by her head before executing a cutter on her, bringing her down onto the mat with extreme prejudice!

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