Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

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Re: Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

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Sam was really feeling it! She nodded as she laid across Cheryl and closed in on a near fall! The crowd cheered as Roberts came close to carrying TealTastic toward a win here!

"Oooop!" Sam would squeak in surprise as Williams kicked out with considerable force, knocking the lightweight onto her tuckus!

Samantha was frustrated to have come so close! Some TealTastic fans in attendance echoed her exasperation when she put her hands on her hips and complained while still being seated!

"Aaaaaaahhhhh, come on! I did the cheer and everything! And it was a way better cheer than anything Amber's said all match!" Sam would stick her tongue out towards Amber, who was in the Punchers' corner!

The bluenette would push herself up to her feet and look to grab hold of a rising Cheryl! Sam would try and set Cheryl up for an Irish Whip towards one of the neutral corners! And if she could manage that, she'd pursue Cheryl to the corner and look to squat down and grab hold of The Puncher's legs so that she might lift her up into a seated position on the top turnbuckle!
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Re: Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

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Sam knew that the best chance she had to win was now before the consequences of Lexy being out of the match could work against her, and she almost pulled it off on Cheryl by surprising her with the last move. Though Cheryl wasn't going to tell her if the cheer was better or not since she knew Amber would give those words herself, she did know that she had to get up before she ended up being the reason they lost. Despite this Sam was on her quickly, grabbing her head and quickly pulled her up to whip her towards one of the neutral corners. Cheryl was sent running before she ended up landing in the corner, she groaned and leaned on the corner while Sam got close and started to pull her up so that she was on the top turnbuckle, she slowly felt her being lifted past each rope until her rump found a seat on the turnbuckle, and the realization that she might be in trouble.

"Cheers alone don't help. You have to have spirit." Cheryl said. Course she knew from Sam's energy that spirit was one thing she had but she thought the words might fumble Sam a little, before she would raise her arm and elbow Sam's head, and follow that up with a punch to the chest to force Sam to back off or fall back down.

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Re: Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

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Sam climbed up after Cheryl. She absolutely needed to look for a way to win before the numbers caught up to her. Everyone and their mother knew that Lexy was down for the count. The commentators would remark on the fact that TealTalstic would have lost already had it not been for The Pom Pom Puncher's mercy and good graces.

"Hng!" Samantha grunted with effort as she continued looking for a big play and scaling the ropes! She knew she needed to keep upping the ante if she wanted to have a chance to win this! But Cheryl had more than a few words to say about that!

"Ow!" A stiff shot to the chest saw Sam come back down to the canvas! She clutched her modest bust and stepped away, but the lightweight dynamo was quick to double back!

"I've got TONS of spirit! Have you met me?!" Roberts would get fired up and run back to the corner! She'd try once more to scale the turnbuckles, but quicker this time! Sam would look to place both hands on Cheryl's shoulders to steady herself before jumping up to try and hook her legs over William's shoulders to send her sailing from the top rope with an Avalance Hurricanrana!
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Re: Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

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Now she was alone on the turnbuckle and starting to position herself better. She brought her legs up one at a time so that they were over the ropes and placing them on the second ropes to keep herself steady. Once she had cleared things up she would start to stand up and ready herself for an aerial attack, planning to make use of the position that Sam put her in. Once she was up and planning to jump Sam ran at her while she was on the top and placed herself up and on her shoulders and trapped her head between her legs to throw her down with a hurricanrana from the top rope.

"Aaagghhk!" Cheryl screamed, first flying falling down and eventually landing on her back. The landing was tough, causing her head to bounce and her upper body to jump up with her before she laid back and groaned as the pain in her back was unbearable, she wanted to roll over but found herself in too much pain to move where she wanted to.

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Re: Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

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Sam was big on spirit and taking chances! And if she was going to turn the tides in the Teal's favor, she'd need to do plenty of both! The crowd roared with approval with the bluenette persisted and came at Cheryl again to try and capitalize on the brunette's positioning near the top rope! And with a combination of persistence, luck, and skill, Roberts was able to quickly scale the ropes and throw Cheryl backward with a huge Avalanche Hurricanrana!

Sam would land near the corner. She would be on her knees and look back just in time to see her legal opponent bounce off the canvas!

"Gotcha!" The girl would fist pump and pull herself up to her feet using the ropes! She realized that it was now or never! If she was going to carry TealTastic to victory, it would be at this moment!

Sam would grab hold of the top rope and pull herself up, climbing up the turnbuckles one at a time until she could finally perch herself up on the highest one! It would take some time and some effort, especially after such a big move! But Cheryl was looking worse for wear!

If Sam's climb went undisturbed, even poor Lexy who had been thoroughly worked over by Amber would be cheering her partner from her corner!

"Get her, Sam!" Lexy would cheer in support!

"Yeahhhh!" Samantha would roar back to her partner and to the crowd as she stood up straight on the top turnbuckle!

If Cheryl remained floored, Roberts would take to the skies! She'd leap up high and slowly rotate forward in midair in an effort to try and land on Williams with a Senton Atomico from the top rope to try and take the last of the wind out of Cheryl's sails and lay on top of her for the pin!
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Re: Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

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The landing was one that she can say she didn't stick. It was unpleasant for Cheryl to fall from there and roll in pain while Sam celebrated, knowing that she was planning more while Cheryl was down. She was too winded to get back again and little movements were causing more pain in her back, keeping her grounded trying to recover for the moment. Cheryl slowly looked around on the mat, so far Lexy wasn't anywhere she could be useful and Sam was climbing back up the rope. She blinked and focused on what she was doing, watching her jump with some spirited energy that Cheryl could really use at the moment.

She could see Sam getting close, giving her only a few moments to act and save herself. Thinking quickly Cheryl had just enough time to get her knees up, not willing to risk turning to her stomach and end up taking a hit to her back if she couldn't get out of the way fast enough. This way she could stop Sam right there and then try to hook her arms with a leg and her arm to pull her down for a pin attempt.

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Re: Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

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Samantha was firing on all cylinders! She often stayed kinetic once she really got going in the ring! The Punchers did Lexy and Sam the kindness of allowing a deflated and virtually defeated Lexy the chance to tag out to Sam. Cheryl and Amber had been kind enough to give TealTastic a fighting chance in this contest in the name of sportsmanship and for the sake of putting in a satisfying match. But that didn't mean that Samantha Roberts didn't have every intention of carrying this match for her team and pulling off a big win if she could!

After letting out a hyped battle cry, the lightweight bluenette dove off of the top turnbuckle! Sam soared through the air beautifully on an arc and came down...right onto the waiting knees of Cheryl Williams!

"AH!" A single cry of pain escaped the petite bluenette's lips!

Sam's back tightened! Her arms bent as she rolled away and assumed a seated position! She kicked the canvas repeatedly in pain! It was a simple but effective counter! The time it took to climb the turnbuckles and set up took just enough time for the downed Pom Pom Puncher to get some wind back in her sails! And as Samantha sat there writhing in pain just a couple feet away from her legal opponent, Cheryl seemed poised to capitalize on this opening and make a comeback!
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Re: Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

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Cheryl was on the receiving end of some explosive offense from Sam and it was thanks to her quick knees that she finally ended it. Sam was still in this alone and now was on the mat kicking it from the pain the fall was causing her. She had to put her brief moment of sympathy behind to remind herself that she still had a match to win, she couldn't let the team down now. Cheryl would get up and move towards Sam, grabbing her and pulling her and placing her in a reverse DDT position.

"Who's ready for this!?" Cheryl asked the crowd, getting back cheers of support. Cheryl would tighten her grip on Sam's head before she would spin and drop down, bringing Sam to the ground with the Bombshell Blitz dropping Sam on her head for what could've been the end of the match! If she hit it, Cheryl would pop back up and then grab Sam's arm to drag her to the Punchers corner, planning for something else to finish the match.

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Re: Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

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Sam sat there on the canvas hugging her sides and her core with both arms! The perky bluenette was doing everything she could to carry Teal-Tastic towards victory! Just as Cheryl and Amber were doing everything they could to put on a fantastic match for the fans, for their pride as a tag team, and for their standing in LAW's tag division!

"Ah, biscuits!" Sam complained to herself as she winced with one eye open.

She pressed the flat of one of her palms against the mats and tried to rise. But after Cheryl's counter, her movements were labored and slow! Samantha's rise up to her feet was cut short by Williams grabbing hold of her! Soon, the brunette cheerleader had Samantha bent over backward in the middle of the ring, in position for a Reverse DDT!

"I'm....kinda ready!" Sam would paw at Cheryl's arm and bicep. The perky lightweight gal spoke with a convincing enough tone to get across the fact that she felt she could bounce back!

Sam had responded to Cheryl's call to the crowd. The fans roared back at Williams with collective noises of hype and anticipation! The Puncher spun around and dropped Roberts with her signature Bombshell Blitz move!

"AGH! I was NOT ready!" Sam closed her eyes and held her head after being driven into the mat! She tried to roll away, but Cheryl was quick to get on top of her!

Williams dragged a hapless Sam toward the Puncher's corner! And despite trying, Samantha couldn't get away! The commentators at ringside remarked on how this could be the end for the Teals in this match! Lexy would be still laid out on the apron in their corner!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

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Re: Teal-Tastic vs The Pom-Pom Punchers

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Cheryl had to laugh a little at Sam's antics, even after taking a move like that her admission of not being ready was cute. She could see how her and Lexy were popular as a team. Cheryl wouldn't let that cuteness stop her from doing to her what they did to the punch drunk Lexy, she brought her to the corner and tagged in Amber for one more move. This one would finish it, they were going for the Pom Pom POW!

Cheryl would step over the ropes and head to the top turnbuckle while she waited for Amber to get into position with the Death Valley driver, once she had Sam on her shoulders and was bringing her down she would jump up in the air, going as high as she could so she would come down with maximum force with her knee to Sam's body! After that she would roll out of the ring and let Amber go for the pin, so she could check on Lexy to make sure she was okay and keep her from breaking things up.

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