training with a demon, a goddess and a very bright light

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training with a demon, a goddess and a very bright light

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Emma was playing with her cell phone, since she was somewhat concentrated playing a game called "arknights", it was a quite entertaining game and by chance, it was the same game where she, skadi, saria, gladiia and mudrock were playable characters, where The creators of this game also used their voices to give personalities to their characters and all with their permission "yup, it was very good to do this" The white-haired girl commented as she continued playing and waiting for Skadi, since the three members of the infernal hierarchy could not go to train today for different reasons, but well, at least her other partner who was the youngest of all due to her height, although both The girls were the same age but skadi still had a lot to learn

But then she heard some footsteps so she put her cell phone in her bag that she always brought to train and then she looked ahead where she met Skadi who was arriving while drinking some water "I finally arrived, I hope I didn't keep you waiting, captain" The Italian girl said while Emma looked at her as if she had been told something, a bad joke "Just call me Emma, ​​I don't really like the term captain or leader" The Japanese girl mentioned as she began to walk to get to the gym and was followed by Skadi who was smiling happily and in a friendly way, plus Emma was wearing her demon tail that moved up and down.



"Hey Emma, ​​let's go quickly, I want to train." Skadi said as she stopped and looked at Emma and she immediately understood what she meant, so she smiled, her eyes locked on Skadi's and after a while of looking at each other, they quickly ran but even though Emma had some weight for bringing her bag, she was still faster than skadi and although she only had a bottle in her hand, she was unable to catch up with emma due to her great speed.

And after a few moments Emma arrived first at the gym and then followed by Skadi who looked at Emma with some jealousy because of that speed despite being carrying a bag "I'm sorry but you forget that I am the demon god of speed" Emma commented, smiling in a happy way, entering the gym and then Skadi followed her, once inside they looked for a place in the gym and once they found that place to train, they left their things on some nearby chairs.
Last edited by the funny girl on Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:28 am, edited 2 times in total. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: training with a demon, a goddess and a very bright light

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LAW's GYM Facility
Say what you want about LAW, that it was underpaying its employee's, that it was taking advantage of young girls who didn't know any better, that the officiating was a joke, that its medical staff was underqualified. Many internet dweebs probably would agree with you and be willing to debate that with you. The one thing though that no one would question? How amazing LAW's training facilities were. Dozens of training facilities around the globe, all of which top of the line, that anyone even considering working with LAW could join up at. They had private trainers, amazing smoothie bars, half a dozen masseuses, and any thing else you can thing of with a cherry on top.

It was around noon as Alice would be on the treadmill, working on her cardio. Her long died blonde hair was tied up into a ponytail that fell about halfway down her back. She was wearing a white sports bra and a black set of leggings with her favorite's black tennis shoes. Not planning to be seen much of while she was working out, the woman was wearing only a modest amount of makeup. Around her face though was a mask that was tied up to an oxygen machine near by. The American working on her VO2 Max, or how much oxygen she could gain back from each breath. What she was doing was trying to increase the amount of air that her lungs would pull in with each breath, so that in matches she wouldn't need to worry about breathing as much. She did this by limiting the amount of oxygen in the air, so that her lungs would have to increase their size in order to get the oxygen that Alice needed. It was something that Mr. Parsons, the training coach at LAW had recommended she tried.

Breaking into her second mile, the blonde' eyes would look over and see two new comers entering the gym, two decently looking women who were probably wrestlers rather than Staff or personalities, who immediately dropped their bags on some nearby chairs and looked like they were about to start going to work out. There wasn't anyone else around, so normally the American would let this slide, but perhaps due to the lack of oxygen in her system right now, she was a bit antsy.

Slowing down run, the girl would take a second before pulling off her oxygen mask and taking a deep breath of normal air as she did. Looking over at the new comers, Alice would make her way over to the two of them, trying to act as casual as possible.
"Hey" The model would try to speak casually, but she was panting slightly so it didn't come off as the most natural. "I know there aren't a lot of people here right now, but you know... its kind of rude to just throw your bags on the furniture around here. Mind throwing your bags in the locker room? If you don't have a lock, their is a front desk agent that can lend you a key for one."

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Re: training with a demon, a goddess and a very bright light

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while skadi and emma were talking a little they suddenly heard a voice so both white haired girls looked to the side to see who was calling their attention and they looked at a blonde haired girl who was taller than the two of them, Her hair was tied up in a ponytail "mmm?" The Japanese girl noticed that this blonde-haired girl's breathing was somewhat agitated as if she had been exercising before, Skadi also noticed that while she looked at the blonde girl with her red eyes "Oh well, certainly we left our things in a secluded place so as not to bother anyone...but hey, that's okay" comment the girl with white hair with red accessories on her head as she grabbed to go to the locker room to leave her only bag, since the only thing Skadi brought was a towel and a bottle of water, Skadi watched as her friend went to the locker room to leave her bag while Emma's animatronic demon tail moved up and down.

Skadi then looks at the blonde-haired girl while that look that made Skadi seem curious "It seems like you don't really like it when people leave their things lying around" The young goddess commented looking at the blonde, there certainly weren't many people to talk to right now, since the ones she was talking to were her team or Specter who was too daring, who really was someone very seductive besides making her She got very nervous when it came to fighting but hey, it wasn't bad to talk to someone new and even more so to be friendly when talking.

gladiia could be defined as someone who is not so friendly when it comes to talking, since she often told skadi to fuck off every time she wanted to be her friend until she finally accepted her, with mudrock well she was certainly kind and she was quite confident when it came to speaking although madison was not one of the girls who talk a lot and on the other hand this saria... who really skadi didn't know how to describe her, since many times when they were together saria always behaved in a rude and really serious with her besides the fact that she always ended up very hurt every time she had to train with saria but even with all that, the infernal dragon had a kind side.

Aside from having Emma who was their leader, she was kind and really fun besides the fact that she was certainly one of the strongest girls he had met in his time at LAW plus she was a really good friend because of her personality and for being really tender ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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Re: training with a demon, a goddess and a very bright light

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Alice didn't mean to come off as insulting, but with her bothered breath she thought she might have as the larger girl would explain what she was doing. "Yeah, well, people do move around alot while at the gym, and what might be secluded now might have dozens of people at it in a few minutes." Alice would trail off, seeing that there weren't to many people here. "Also, Law facility, there has to be at least one crazy psycho pervert running around looking to steal things."

The larger of the two girls would start to head out, grabbing her bag as she did to go put it in a locker.

Eventually, the smaller girl would speak up, trying to make conversation and ask about when people leave things around. "A little bit." Alice would explain. "I have had a couple of times where someone left their bags around a training spot for like... two hours, and I couldn't complete my workout because of that. Worst part was they left it at the abb machine, and I was about to go on vacation with my boyfriend at the time, and I needed to tone up my midriff before wearing bikini's all day for a week." Alice would explain, but stop thinking she might have gotten a bit to personal. "But it was less that and more the pervert thing. Chicks like us gottaa look out for each other, ya know?"

While the larger girl was still out, Alice took a seat at where the bags had been staying, panting slightly and trying to catch her breath. "So... I have to ask." Alice would respond, looking back over at the entrance to make sure that the bigger girl hadn't come back yet. "What is up with your girlfriend's tail? Like... I get wanting to look cute while at the gym, but bringing props to your workout? Seems like a waste to me. The prop could be damaged, and that doesn't include how if you don't know what you are doing, you could mess up the equipment. So what is up with it? Is she just attached to it for some reason?"

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Re: training with a demon, a goddess and a very bright light

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Skadi frowned when she heard this blonde haired girl call Emma her girlfriend, it was the first time the Italian girl heard that from someone, since usually people mistake her for an Emma fan or just They see her as someone who looks like the demon god of speed but this blonde girl practically told him she was his girlfriend "First of all, she's not my girlfriend, she's my friend and leader, that's for starters, and secondly, believe me, those things she has in her head are really hard to break, since many times she wears that tail and those accessories to matches, plus she some of those things like the demon tail is a gift from her father but her little brother gave that demon tail to her" The Italian commented while looking at the girl with blonde hair, if Emma had heard this girl's words, she would have really been offended because that for Emma was something that she really appreciated about her father and younger brother.

And as for the crazy perverted psychopaths, they wouldn't be able to steal Emma, ​​since the Japanese girl was well known as the demon god of speed and that was because she was able to run at 64km/h, which It would be the maximum speed of a human and also the other reason why perverts do not mess with Emma was because she also hid great strength in that body that seemed quite weak and slightly fragile, many times Emma's strength reaches Suddenly and without warning, a sign that you're screwed is when Emma's eyes turn orange and that only means extreme danger.

But then Skadi heard footsteps and knew that Emma had finished putting her things away "Ok, I'm done, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Emma, ​​it's nice to meet you" Emma commented as she looked at the blonde girl with a friendly smile while her tail moved from one side to the other, representing that Emma was quite happy although again she had to see a girl with blonde hair since throughout her matches, She met several women and girls with blonde hair "my name is skadi" Skadi introduced himself, revealing his name while scratching his cheek a little, and was thinking if it was a good idea to greet the blonde-haired girl like she did with the other members of the infernal hierarchy.
Last edited by the funny girl on Fri Nov 10, 2023 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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Re: training with a demon, a goddess and a very bright light

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Alice would pause for a second, looking straight at her with an almost confused look, before giggling to herself and laughing for a second. "Hahaha... wow... sorry I didn't mean it like that! Is English not your first language? Or are we just so progressive that we immediately assume that girlfriend is now always used romantically." The girl would take a second to calm down, she wasn't laughing at the white haired woman, but more at the situation as a whole. "No, when I say girlfriend, I don't mean your partner or significant other. I have multiple girlfriends, and I don't even swing that way. No I just meant a really close friend. Sorry if it came out another way."

Alice could feel Skadi looking her up and down, almost annoyed in some manner, but Alice tried to push it off. This would stop as soon as the bigger girl would make her way into the room once again and introduce herself "Hey, thanks again. I really do appreciate it. Also, my name is Alice. Still new around these parts. Hope we can have some fun with each other some time." Alice would rise and offer a peace sign to the other girls. Normally she would offer a handshake, but Alice was basicly drenched in sweat right now, and didn't want to make the two girls who hadn't started their workout yet touch her right now.

"Anyways, I sort of feel like we got off on the wrong foot. Tell you what, I know you both only just started, but during your first break, how about we go over to the smoothie shop in the building? They have a lot of great protein shakes and energy drinks. What do you say, my treat?" The American would ask in a friendly manner.

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Re: training with a demon, a goddess and a very bright light

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Skadi, upon realizing her mistake, would simply blush out of embarrassment, since she was still not used to this language and often ended up in embarrassing situations like this "beh mi ci vuole ancora un po' per abituarmi a questa lingua" said the young goddessof seaborn, now speaking in Italian to show a little that she was still not used to the language and more so because when she met Gladiia, she forgot some things so her English was not so good And she could make some mistakes when speaking, Emma raised an eyebrow at Skadi's talk and she really didn't understand now why Skadi covered her face with her hands, in a gesture of being embarrassed.

But ignoring the fact that Skadi was really embarrassed, Emma would look at the blonde girl while putting a hand on her hip "Well Alice, it's a pleasure to meet you, if I notice that you're new because I hadn't seen you here before, apart from that, we hope to have fun too" Emma commented with a smile while her demon tail made a heart, yes certainly having a demon tail that does that and many things apart from the fact that she was not the only one who had that tail that moved in a realistic way, but rather Sara also had an animatronic tail but unlike her, Saria had an animatronic dragon tail that looked really cool and gave that dragonic touch to Saria and more so because of her flaming orange eyes that made her opponents feel a sensation of being were facing something really strong and beastly.

"mmm well that doesn't seem like such a bad idea, after all I could use an energy drink" Skadi said as she removed her hands from her face but her cheeks were still red from embarrassment as she continued thinking about whether to greet Alice the way she always did but noticing that she was a little sweaty, Skadi decided she could do it. after drinking an energy drink although she thought it would be a good thing to drink something other than water ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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