Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

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Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Hentai Match
Victory Condition: Gained by an orgasm from the opponent
Normal rules apply

It's only a matter of time, really. After fighting in a number of matches here in LAW, Bethany would finally get herself into the risque aspect of wrestling, as she would fight in her first hentai match. She had seen many of these matches before (including her mother's), and the thought of tangling with her opponent and trying to make each other cum to achieve victory was really embarrassing. But, there was also a part of her that desired this.

She had shared about this with her boyfriend, and he predictably was looking forward to it, much to her embarrassment. After some encouragement from her mother, Bethany prepared herself to get into the match. For this occasion, she thought that her normal wrestling attire should be enough as it was thin and revealing enough for the occasion. After making sure that she was prepared, Bethany made her way out into the arena as her music was played, her entrance being greeted by the cheers from the crowd.
Bethany Hunter
Making her way down the ramp, she then reached the ring. Waving her hands at the crowd, she would then enter the ring, walking around inside the ring some more to rouse the crowd. After a while, she would go to the corner so that she could wait for her opponent to show up. Hopefully, her opponent would be someone she could take on so that she could win this hentai match. She imagined what would happen to her once the match started, and she hoped that she wouldn't end up as the loser, because that would be so embarrassing and humiliating.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

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Masako would stretch as she was ready for her next hentai match. She was happy it wasn't an endurance or multi orgasm match all she had to do was make her opponent cum once and she would win. Licking her lips she wonder who her newest prey would look like. she would walk out to her music and the cheer of the crowd she would wave at ever and looked at the ring.

Masako would wear her standard pink bikini as she saw her opponent and licked hers lips. she was disappointed the girl wore a one piece. she might have to do some work to get it off the girl. walking down the ring, Masako would move her hips just so that the crowd went crazy. Her round breast would bounce which each step.

Getting in the ring she looked at Bethany and smile. "Hello~ names Masako its nice to meet you and its gonna be nice making you cum and trying not to cum from you." Masako said as she licked her lips wondering what the girl tasted like.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

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Bethany took a look at her opponent, Masako, who wore a rather revealing bikini, showing off her assets to everyone. Seeing her made her feel self-conscious. Perhaps she needed to wear something more revealing for this match? Then again, the management gave her green light when she said that she wanted to use her one-piece outfit. While it was a one-piece, it was still very sexy-looking one.

Then, she listened to what Masako had to say. She couldn't help but blush a little when her opponent said that it would be nice to make her cum. Knowing that she might be the one to end up cumming in the end, she needed to make sure that would not come to pass. "Um, h-hi? I'm Bethany. Well, I'll try my best, then..." Smiling shyly at Masako, she added, "A-and I guess I'll try the same too? Making you c-cum, I mean?"

Bethany herself was curious about how's it like to make other girls cum. Well, only one way to find out. The referee would call for both girls to the center of the ring and start explaining to them about the rules. Once she was done, she would call for the bell, starting the match.

To start the match, Bethany decided to lock up with Masako, pressing herself against her to see what she was made of. While this might be a hentai match, this was still a wrestling match, after all.
Last edited by PrinceArjuna332 on Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

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Masako giggled at Bethany as the girl seemed to be shy. "ohhhh a shy type are we? hehe well don't worry I'll go easy on you. for now" Masako said with a smile as they were explained the rules. Masako would nod to the ref and lock up with Bethany as the two pushed against each other. Masako smiled at Bethany as she would press her chest into the girl's own large breast. "Simple tactic with the lock up but..."

Masako started to speak before she initiated a kiss. Kissing Bethany deeply Masako smiled at her. "in hentai matches you should try and beat the other girl with pleasure skills and not wrestling skills to much." Masako advise as she would then take advantage of Bethany's moment of Weakness form the kiss and slam her into the mat with a hip toss.

If her hip toss worked out right Masako would then sit on top of Bethany's waist and grabbed onto the blond girl's breast and squeezed them lovingly. "mmm wow you're breast feel so nice Bethany. " Masako said as she would then squeeze a bit rougher but was still pleasurable.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

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For a while, the two of them were locked up in a grapple, their breasts mashing against each other. But then, Bethany heard what Masako was saying before her opponent suddenly initiated a kiss, which caught her off-guard. "Mmmmhhh??" She should have expected the kiss, with this being a hentai match, but she hadn't, and she couldn't help but be distracted by the deep kiss that Masako had planted on her lips. "Mmmmmhaa...!!" Due to this, she was unable to stop Masako from throwing her into the mat with a hip toss, and she landed on her back, her huge breasts jiggling upon impact. "Muughhh!!!" She winced as she landed.

Now that Bethany was on the mat, Masako then sat on her waist before she went to grab both her breasts, squeezing and groping them, and Bethany let out a breathy moan upon having her tits molested. "Uaaahhhn... o-oh nooo..." Her cheeks turned deep red from having her breasts groped by the other girl, but she wasn't planning to just take it. After a while, Bethany would bring her hands to Masako's wrists, trying to pry her hands off of her tits to stop her groping.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

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Masako smiled as her kiss, and hip toss worked out well. Groping the girl's breast Masako couldn't help but giggled and looked down at Bethany. "aww thats cute you're trying to stop this..." Masako said half teasingly. She would pull one hand away form the blonde's breast and started to rub the girls crotch. "don't worry i'll be gentle even though i dont think you're new to sex.. but i fee you might be new to a woman to woman kind of thing." Masako spoke to bethany.

one of her hands would get grabbed by Bethany's hand, She would struggle slightly to get her arm free while her other hand would continue to rub the blonde girl's sex softly. "so are you going to stay the on your back or are you going to try and make me cum at some point?" Masako asked Bethany as she would move close to the girl and kiss her deeply again.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

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While Bethany might be able to catch one of Masako's hands, her opponent already had her other hand on her crotch, teasing her sex, causing Bethany to squirm and whine, her body shuddering from the pleasant sensation. "Haaa... aaaahn..." Blushing as she listened to Masako's words, she would shake her head, trying to deny Masako before saying, "Hnnn... n-no..." And then, Masako went to kiss her deeply again, and Bethany closed her eyes, trying to resist the urge to just take it and let Masako have her way with her.

And then, she would try to stop Masako from playing with her clothed sex even further by clamping her legs together, trapping Masako's hand between her thighs, hoping that it would stop her from molesting her even further.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

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Masako smiled at Bethany and would then pull her hand from Bethany's breast reaching for the zipper on the girl's outfit. Masako felt bethany's legs clamp down at her legs and would slow down the girl's rubbing. "ah see you got alittle bit of fight still" Masako said as she looked at bethany and smiled softly at the girl.

Masako would try pull down the zipper of Bethany's outfit so her breast would pop out. "i must say tho you do have a impressive chest." Masako told Bethany as she kissed the girl's neck lightly.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

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While Bethany might be able to stop Masako from rubbing her crotch, her other hand was still free, allowing her to reach for her zipper, pulling it down so that Bethany's breasts would pop out. "Aaahhh...!! N-nooo..." she whimpered, feeling her breasts bouncing out of their confine, her cheeks turning absolute scarlet from embarrassment.

Still stunned from the embarrassment, Bethany then got her neck kissed by Masako, causing her to moan some more, body shivering from feeling her opponent's lips touching her skin. "S-stop... hnnnn... haauuuu..." she moaned, wiggling her body. Still, she had some fights left in her, so she would try to squeeze Masako's hand between her thighs much harder as she tried to think of a way to fight back.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Masako - Erotic Allure

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Masako looked at Bethany as she heard the girl moan and give a seductive smile. She would keep pulling down the girls zipper before she moved ehr kisses down to the girl's breast and lightly kissed the girl's breast before wrapping her mouth around the girls pink nipple nad sucked on it.

Masako would winced a little bit feeling her hand get squeezed even more by Bethany. she would try to move her hand abit to keep rubbing the girl's sex while she worked to get the girls zipper even lower to her crotch before the lewd wrestler could disrobe the girl. "mmm you are very cute bethany and i can tell your already so wet just by your crotch." Masako said as she would keep licking the girls nipple

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