A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

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Match Type: Standard, No-DQ, Hentai Allowed
Win conditions are the same as a standard match. No disqualifications. Hentai is allowed.

     Hot water flowed over Kagami's supple breasts as she stood in the shower. Streams of water made their way down her tight body and onto the tile below. Kagami let out a sigh. She wondered how her life had come to this—working three jobs to support her family in a nation that she had not lived in since she was young. This was not how Kagami wanted her life to pan out. First and foremost, she wanted to go to college. Yet, that had not happened. Kagami's mind wandered to an earlier conversation that she had with her coworker at Asano Consulting, Himeno.

     "Eh?! You got into Harvard? And Yale, and Princeton?" exclaimed Himeno. "Why didn't you go?"
     "Ah! Well, my mother refused to let me go... She said that she could only afford to send my brother Takeshi to college," replied Kagami.
     "You sure there wasn't a way for you to go?"
     "Well, I tried to tell my mother that there was financial aid but..."

     But Kagami's mother had refused to listen. She had been adamant about keeping Kagami out of college. Kagami let out another sigh. Perhaps her life would be better if she was in college right now. Of course, there was no such thing as a life free of bad things—except in one's dreams
This is a (not exact but close to exact) quote from Kobeni (Kagami's faceclaim) in chapter 92 of Chainsaw Man.
. Who is to say that her situation would be any better in college? Still, Kagami could not shake the feeling that maybe her life would have been better had she been allowed to go to college.
     Oh well... at least the money I made helps Takeshi attend college... thought Kagami.
     Not to mention, the money that Kagami sent back to her family helped support them. It was a bit of an odd situation though: Kagami's single mother refused to get any form of traditional work, instead relying on child support payments and the money that Kagami sent back. But between Kagami's many brothers and sisters, this was hardly enough to even get by.
     They're counting on me... I really should do this...
     Inside, Kagami was not sure if this was what she really wanted. To be treated as nothing more than a wallet for her family to plunder. Why did it have to be her that took on a sizable portion of the responsibility of supporting her family? Why could her mother not get a job herself?
     "It is what it is..." said Kagami out loud.
     But despite how much it killed Kagami inside to give up on her dreams and work three jobs, she could not bring herself to let her family fend for themselves. She was expected to be a provider, and that was the role that she felt obligated to fulfill.
     I should get going, Kagami thought. She exited the shower and began to look for the towel that she had left outside...

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Re: A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

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It was safe to say that Yo-Yo’s career had gotten off to a bad start. When she’d come over to Japan she’d had a clear idea of what she wanted to do and where she would be going and what the end game would be. It wasn’t a complicated, sure - it just involved her rapping, selling albums, posting TikTok videos, and beating people up - but it was a plan, and she had ever intention of following that plan to the letter.

Roni Mancini didn’t factor into that plan. Getting rag-dolled around the ring by Ron Mancini wasn’t part of that plan. The part where Roni Mancini had\\ knee her chest to pieces? Oh, that for sure wasn’t part of the plan. Or when she nearly clubbed her to death, or when she threw her over the barricade, or…

Unpleasant memories. Yeah.

But fuck it, today was a new day. A new day with a new match and a new opportunity, one that Yo-Yo intended to seize. Because, you see, Yo-Yo had another plan. A new plan. A good plan.

It was the reason she found herself in the LAW locker room when she had already had a solid shower just an hour earlier. It was why she had shadowed Kagami Ito in this locker room, staying close but not too close to her after entering the building. It was not the reason she’d pretended to fiddle with a locker that wasn’t hers while watching Kagami from the corner of her eye. That, she’d just done because the woman was kind of hot, a strong 7 out of 10. But waiting for Kagami to enter the shower? That was part of the plan, too.

She waited until she heard the water running and crept over, looking left and right before she started rifling through Kagami’s stuff. She found her ring attire soon enough, yanked it out, and tucked it underneath her armpit. Socks, the top, the bottom, all of it, even the shoes. She considered taking some of her cosmetics, like the deodorant but decided against it - wrestling people with lousy hygiene always sucked. And why the hell not? She took the towel, too. She could come down to the ring wet.

"It is what it is..."

She perked up at Kagami’s words, then fought to hold back a laugh as she slithered away, retreating back into the shadow. ”Yeah, it is…”

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Re: A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

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     "Haaah?! Where'd my towel go?" Kagami was perplexed. She had left her towel right outside of the shower. Yet, it was gone. Disappeared. Did she hallucinate leaving the towel out? Kagami doubted it, but she could not be sure.
     Covering her intimate areas, Kagami made her way to the locker that she had put her attire in. She had not bothered to lock the locker, figuring that no one would steal her clothes. Yet, when Kagami opened the locker, she found that exactly that had happened: her clothes had been stolen.
     "Whaaaa—?!!!" exclaimed Kagami. "My clothes!"
     Inexplicably, Kagami's clothes had vanished. Was she going insane? Was this the locker that she had left her clothes in? Kagami began frantically checking the other lockers for her clothes, but found no luck. She knew that she had gone to the locker room with her clothes, so they must be around somewhere! Kagami checked in the original locker again—her bag was in there, so she must have had the correct locker the first time. Yet, upon second inspection, her clothes were still gone.
     "No!" cried Kagami. "Why is this happening?!"
     All that was left in her bag was her phone, wallet, and deodorant. Nothing else. Kagami was surprised that her phone and wallet were still there—then again, her phone was a simple flip-phone, so Kagami figured that thieves would overlook that. Kagami's mind spun around, trying to comprehend what had just happened to her. Why would someone take just her clothes? And... what if she could not find her clothes? What if she had to make her entrance naked?
     Kagami considered trying to find some other clothes to take. But there were none. Plus which, Kagami was no thief: she would have been reluctant to take clothes that did not belong to her anyways.
     Kagami began to breathe heavily. Sweat began to form on her forehead. She was unsure what to do. Her mind began to shut down, and her thinking became muddled. All she could manage to do was mindlessly apply deodorant to herself—not that she was prone to body odor, being an East Asian woman, which meant that she had fewer apocrine sweat glands
Disclaimer: The statements in this note were inferred from some quick research via Google. The accuracy of these statements is not guaranteed.

East Asians tend to have less aprocine sweat glands than their Caucasian counterparts. Since body odor is primarily the result of apocrine sweat glands, East Asians are arguably less prone to body odor. The lack of apocrine sweat glands is caused by a non-functional ABCC11 gene. A non-functional ABCC11 gene also causes dry earwax, hence East Asians tend to have dry earwax.
. Still, better to be safe than sorry, and Kagami's mind was not in a condition to do much else than mindlessly apply deodorant.
Last edited by Ichi on Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Kenji didn’t like the look on Yo-Yo’s face.

So far as he knew, he was supposed to be referring to a regular match. It was simply Yo-Yo, one of the newer acquisitions, facing off against Kagami, the newest acquisition. Nothing special, a regular debut match. Most of the time, maybe 95%, they were just quick matches with inexperienced wrestlers, too green to do much damage, and not too much in the way of a story. They were kind of matches you wanted to draw as a referee. No one going through a table, no weapons being hurled in the ring, and low chance of things getting out of hand. You did your job, raised the winner’s hand, and went home.

That was the plan today, but something felt off when Yo-Yo came to the ring. She had a wide, knowing smile, what Americans often called a ‘shit-eating grin’, like she was in on some joke that the world didn’t know about. That wouldn’t have been too surprising, a lot of wrestlers came out with confidence, but most of them hadn't just had their skull caved in by an Italian hitwoman only a week before.

He looked her over with a raised eyebrow as she slipped through the ropes and strutted past him. ”Uuuuuuh…what are you so happy about?”

”Hm?” Yo-Yo perked up as if she had just noticed him for the first time and winked his way. ”Life’s been good to me.” She left it at that as she made her way to the opposite end of the ring and motioned for the announcer to hand over his microphone, no doubt preparing for her pre-match rapping session.

Kenji was confused but brushed it off with a shrug, focusing back up the ramp as Yo-Yo’s music faded and her opponent’s began.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

Unread post by Ichi »

Entrance Music: The Devil Appears (Chainsaw Man OST)

     Glitchy electronic music blared through the speakers of the arena. This entrance theme had never been heard before, causing murmurs from the crowd. Eyes shifted towards the stage area, eager to see who would make their appearance. Seconds ticked by, but the stage area remained empty. The murmurs gradually intensified. This was supposed to be the time when a wrestler would make their appearance, walking out from the backstage area amidst the backdrop of their entrance music. Yet no wrestler made their appearance.
     "AND NOW, STANDING AT 160 CENTIMETERS, AND WEIGHING IN AT 55 KILOGRAMS... MAKING HER DEBUT..." the announcer's voice blared through the speakers. "KA-GA-MI!!!"
     A lone, nude woman fumbled her way onto the stage. Her movements were frantic and hurried as she scurried into sight. Her only covering was her own hands and arms, which clasped and wrapped themselves around her body, barely obscuring her intimate areas from view. She took several hasty steps forward, her feet sliding along the floor as if she was trying to get traction.
     Then, she slipped. Her heels shot forward out from under her, sending her tumbling to the ground. She landed on her back hard, her legs splayed open, and her head hit the floor.
     "Agh..." groaned the woman as she lay clutching her head. She landed in the spread eagle position, with her sex clearly visible for all to see.
     "Look at that pussy!" yelled a fan. Roars of approval welled up from the audience, and some fans lifted their phones to snap pictures of the fallen woman.
     The woman's legs snapped shut, and her arm went to cover her breasts. Her face grew beet red. She sat up, her posture compact and meek as her mouth stood agape.
     "H-haaahh...!" squeaked the woman as she sat shaking. "Ahhh... ahhh..." She rose to her feet on shaky legs, making sure to keep herself as covered as possible in the process. "N-no..." The woman began to shake and shiver—the air of the arena felt cold against her wet body. Droplets of water dripped from her form and onto the floor.
     The crowd continued to roar. Laughter and jeering sounded in the background. A myriad of pictures and videos were taken of the woman's wet, nude form. The audience was enjoying seeing the exposed woman cower.
     The woman began to walk, her movements tentative as she made her way across the stage. She could feel thousands of eyes boring into her, scrutinizing every inch of her exposed form. She wanted to hide her face and shrink away into nothingness, but she persisted. Her arms shielded her bust and groin, but her butt was still clearly visible. The woman made her way to the ramp, letting out pitiful whimpers as she walked.
     Once she made it onto the ramp, she paused. She could see that she was surrounded on both sides by fans. And, glancing to her sides, it was clearer than ever that she was being recorded. The woman felt an urge to run backstage and sequester herself from the fans' invasive gazes. But she pushed on. One foot after another, she made her way down the ramp, leaving wet footprints in her wake.
     Eventually, the woman reached the edge of the ring. Still covering herself, she made her way up the metal steps. Her breathing was heavy, and sweat and water from her hair dripped down her face. Once at the top of the steps, she paused—it was time for her to get into the ring. She crouched down and put her head between the top two ropes, flashing her tight ass to the crowd. A wolf-whistle rang out, causing the woman to turn even redder. Her body jerked up suddenly, colliding with the ropes and causing her to lose her balance. The woman fell face-forward into the ring, her face slamming into the mat.
     "Ughhhh..." groaned the woman. Her hips were propped up over the second rope as her head lay on the floor. This left her in a face-down, ass-up position with her pussy completely exposed!
     The crowd roared in approval, the atmosphere filled with cheers, jeers, and wolf-whistles. Phones trained themselves on the woman's nethers, taking pictures and immortalizing the woman's humiliation! All the while, the woman lay dazed, temporarily unaware of her predicament.
     But it did not take long for the woman to recover from the impact. Using her hands, she pushed her head off the mat. Raising her head off the mat, the first thing she saw was one of the giant screens around the arena. And on that screen was a giant image of her womanhood, labia and all!
     A sudden influx of blood immediately rushed into the woman's face, somehow making the woman even more red in the face than before. She scrambled, limbs flailing around frantically as she tried to free herself from the ropes. Her motions were violent and explosive, yet completely without order. The air was filled with a flurry of limbs and ropes, a storm whipped up by the woman.
     Once the storm subsided, the woman was left tangled in the ropes, like a bird caught in a net. She was upside down, facing the outside of the ring, with her arms and legs spread out. Her pussy was completely exposed yet again, as were her tits.
     The woman let out a wail. Her mouth was quivering and agape. She tried to close her legs and cover her chest, only to be denied by the entanglement of the ropes. "No!" she cried out, a single tear welling up in the corner of her eye. "Don't look!" she screamed shrilly, her body starting to tremble. "Don't look!"
     The referee approached the woman. "Are you Kagami?" asked the referee.
     "Y-yes..." replied the woman meekly. More tears began to well up in her eyes as she fought the urge to sob. Kagami feebly tried to free her limbs from the ropes, but to no avail. For now, Kagami was stuck.

Last edited by Ichi on Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

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When Yo-Yo enacted her genius plan, she’d had some ideas on how things would go, and how it would benefit her. If she had to guess, little Ms. Ito would end up stumbling through the backstage area, naked and wet, and someone would have to let her borrow their ring gear. She'd come out looking silly, and Yo-Yo would trash-talk her, getting the mental edge. In the best-case scenario, she didn’t come out and forfeited the match, giving away the easy win. She still got paid if that happened, right?

She was not - not not not- expecting the woman to come out buck ass naked. ”What. The. Fuck?”

Yo-Yo paused for a few seconds, not processing what she saw as reality. That was Kagami all right, making her way down to the ring without so much as a shred of clothing on, and the crowd was having about the reaction you’d expect from a bunch of jack-offs who’d come to walk half-naked women tear into each other. Lots of laughing, jeering, pictures being taken. She could feel the rumble from the phone in her pocket, so this was probably all over Twitter right now. Millions of eyes watching as she came whimpering down to the ring, inching her way with every step, looking like she was about to burst out laughing at any second

It was terrible, so bad, and then it got far worse as she tried to enter the ring. Yo-Yo was about to say something when she was interrupted by Kagami trying - and failing - to make her way, only succeeding in getting herself tangled up in the process. It was the wildest, dumbest thing Yo-Yo had ever seen, and it took her willpower not to burst out laughing like an idiot.

This was her opponent. This was what she was up against. Lucky fucking day.

Snickering, she covered up her mouth as she strolled over to her hapless foe and leaned over the top rope, looking at her face well. Were those tears? Yup, those were tears. ”Hey, need some help?” She moved over and reached at the ropes, looking like she was about to help untangle the poor woman before she skipped off and shook her head. ”Nah, you gotta figure that shit out yourself, bitch!”

The crowd joined her in the roast as she returned to the center of the ring, slapping her knees along the way. Yeah, this was a golden opportunity, and she would milk out every drop.

”Hey, hey, let’s get serious.” She cleared her throat and straightened up, mentally preparing herself to unleash the onslaught and drive the nails in deep.

”I guess my opponent’s not ready, she’s off point, it’s a pity.
So she came down the ramp showing off her itty-bitty titties!
We can all see you, boo, game’s over, you failed the mission
How you gonna fight me without packing ammunition?”

Yo-Yo turned around after the last verse and gave her rump a good shake, giving the audience a good view to compare with Kagami. She had no doubts about who’d be coming out on top.

”Queen Geedorah rules the ring, I run shit like King Kong!
I can’t afford to fail, Kagami can’t afford a thong!
It is what it is, B, it’s the truth, you got tricked
Take your flat ass up the ramp, or that flat ass gets kicked!”

With her words spoken and hints dropped, Yo-Yo made her way over to her corner, waiting and chewing some bubblegum while the referee moved over to help Kagami out of the ropes, occasionally glaring back her way while he did it. ”Give me a second, I’ll get you out of there.”

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Re: A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

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     Kagami's mind was a mess. Under the stress of having her clothes unexpectedly stolen, her capacity for rational thought had been thrown out the window. Well, not entirely—it had occurred to Kagami to ask to borrow someone's attire. But Kagami only had time to ask one person for clothes before she had to make her entrance. That one person had flat out refused to help; the person found Kagami's predicament hilarious and wanted to see Kagami be humiliated.
     And so, Kagami walked out naked. Predictably, her entrance went poorly, and Kagami found herself tangled up in the ring ropes, her body exposed for all to see. It was hard to believe that someone could get tangled up in the ropes like that, but Kagami's freakishly explosive struggling managed to get the job done. Such a feat of athleticism would have been impressive, if it were not so pathetic.
     ”Hey, need some help?” said a voice behind Kagami.
     "Ah! Y-yes! P-please!" squeaked Kagami, without realizing or caring who was offering help.
     ”Nah, you gotta figure that shit out yourself, bitch!”
     Kagami's heart sank. It seemed like her misfortune had once again refused to let up. Not that such was unusual for Kagami—in fact, with everything she had been through in her life, Kagami expected situations to go badly for her.
     But what was even worse was the fact that her presumed opponent had started rapping about her misfortune. Tears continued to well up in Kagami's eyes as her naked, exposed body was juxtaposed against the incisive taunts of her opponent.
     Eventually, the referee managed to untangle Kagami from the ropes. She flopped down to the mat, shaking and shivering in a fetal position.
     Move, you worthless girl! snapped a voice in Kagami's head. It was a line that could have come from her own mother. But no, it was Kagami's own voice speaking. Kagami had internalized the voice of her own mother to the point that it had infected her own internal voice.
     Kagami sprang up to her feet, arms covering her intimate areas—chest and groin—as best as she could. She ran to the corner of the ring, opposite to her opponent, arms still covering herself. Once in the corner, she momentarily looked at her opponent before looking down.
     "D-did you steal my clothes?" asked Kagami in a moment of clarity. She continued to stand in the corner, blushing, shaking, and shivering.
Last edited by Ichi on Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:44 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

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Sometimes, Kenji hated this job. This was one of these moments as Kagami fell to the floor and curled up in a crying ball while the audience showered her with laughs.

He stepped back and gave her room to get up as she hurriedly approached the corner. A part of him almost wanted to call the match - if this had taken place on the daytime programming, he could’ve gotten away with it. Then again, if that were the case, they wouldn’t have let her come out here in the first place. But this was the after-dark stuff, already rated for mature audiences. Nudity wasn’t just allowed, it was expected, even if this wasn’t set for a hentai match. Even though plenty of them were laughing, many others were getting off on it.

And then there was Yo-Yo.

She strolled out of the corner, making her way to the middle of the ring with a smile so wide it almost seemed like it could come off her face. ”Don’t know what you’re trying so hard to cover up, baby girl. Ain’t like you got all that much to show off in the first place.” She snickered and bounced on her heels, and it turned into a full-blown laugh at Kagami’s question.

”Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t, maybe you should lock up your shit.” She shrugged. ”What if I did, sugar tits?” She flicked her tongue. “What’re you gonna do about it, huh? Come at me, bro!”

And there went what little faith Kenji had left in humanity. ”Let’s get this over with.” He held up his hand and called for the bell.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

Unread post by Ichi »

     Kagami winced at Yo-Yo's snarky response. Yo-Yo's words were flippant, hostile, and taunting. Kagami did not know how to respond—all she could manage was a weak whimper. Her heart pounded in her chest as she stared at the ground. She did not even have the strength to look Yo-Yo in the eyes.
     Please let this be over soon, Kagami pleaded mentally to no one in particular.
     The bell rang. Kagami stood motionless for several seconds, standing wet and nude while shaking. Then, she took a step forward, her eyes locked onto the ground. And another step. And another. Her gait was awkward as she did her best to cover herself as she walked.
     Once she was in range of her opponent, Kagami exploded into action. She whipped her body around, momentarily exposing her back to her opponent. Her head turned swiftly, allowing her to see her opponent over her shoulder. In a flurry of motion, she raised her right leg up, swinging it around like a scythe towards Yo-Yo's head. Kagami was throwing an ura ushiro mawashi geri, otherwise known as a spinning heel kick

     Mid-swing, however, Kagami could feel her support foot slipping. She tumbled to the ground, her heel slicing through nothing but air and leaving wind in its wake. A moment later, she was on the ground, sitting flat on her butt! Kagami had slipped and completely missed her target! Worse yet, she had stopped covering herself, thus exposing herself to the crowd once again!
     The crowd would laugh at Kagami's failure. Pictures would be snapped, and tweets would be made. A wolf-whistle would ring out from the crowd. The crowd would be alive with energy, clearly enjoying the spectacle of Kagami's humiliation!

Ichi's Killers (Roster) | Killer Requests (Requests) |
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Re: A humiliating debut! — Queen Geedorah versus Kagami Itō

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Yo-Yo was ready for this. So goddamned ready.

After the utter destruction of her first match, she’d been hoping for a way to hit the comeback trail, and she couldn't have asked for better…wait, no, she probably could have. If Kagami had been an established name, that would’ve been great, way better, but hey, you work with what you’ve got, and right now, she has a helpless target all set for a beatdown. All she had to do was move in, land some good shots, and this bitch would be on the floor.

She moved in, cracking her knuckles as she went, ready and willing to put the screws to Kagami as the Japanese woman neared on unsteady feet. A lamb to the slaughter. A deer in the headlights. A mouse in the cat’s jaws, ready-


That expletive came out as Kagami’s leg flew out of nowhere, coming at Yo-Yo's head with decapitating speed. It was all just a blur of motion, and the sheer alacrity of it took her wholly off guard. One minute she was stumbling around like a drunk frat girl, the next she was fucking Bruce Lee, and there was nothing she could ever hope to do to stop it.

So it was a good thing, then. that Kagami fucked it up. Yo-Yo was just left to stand there as she slipped up fell flat on her bare ass, getting another round of laughter from the crowd. Not from her, though - she’d just come inches away from getting put to sleep. Not funny.

Yo-Yo looked about for a second, before sense returned to her and she knew what her next move had to be. She rushed in, trying to catch Kagami before she could rise all the way up, and attempted to give her a stiff kick on the chest, hoping to put her back down before she could try that shit again.

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