Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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Re: Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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Sheena smirked softly feeling the sole of her boot solidly connecting with Claire's face and in turn take the cowgirl right down to the mat leaving her twitching ont he canvas face first. Granted Sheena could maybe go for a smother right now as is.. But she didn't want to get too ahead of herself, so instead she'd opt for another big impact move to bring Claire to the verge of unconsciousness as is before going for a smother. Turning towards the blonde and reaching down to grab her by the back of her top Sheena would pull the smaller woman up to her knees before placing her head between her legs and then shifting her hands to grab Claire's waist. If successful in doing so Sheena would lift her foe's body off the mat... Before if uninterrupted, falling straight back and down, intending on spiking Claire's head into the mat with a sit out piledriver!

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Re: Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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Waking back up from a crotch induced nap, Claire's return to the waking world couldn't possibly be any rougher than what Sheena gave her, as she suddenly was met with a huge boot to her head, a massive pump kick from the purple haired woman! The blow flattened her immediately, and what little wits she had managed to get about herself were instantly scattered once more, leaving her downed on the canvas as she let out a low groan, Sheena walking over to her with plenty of time, before grabbing hold! And Claire would yet again find herself being pulled off the mat, her entire world inverting as she was suddenly flipped upside down, head dangling above the canvas before...

"What the... AAAUGH!" Claire hollered, her world suddenly jolting as Sheena dropped down to her ass, bringing Claire along with her and drilling the top of the lightweight blonde's head into the canvas, slamming her down with a massive sitout piledriver! Claire was almost immediately put out again by the brutal move, flopping to the canvas as Sheena let go of her and twitching slightly, the only thing showing that she was even still awake being a very low and pained groan that came from the floored blonde!

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Re: Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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Taking advantage of the post knockout delirium that was clouding Claire's mind Sheena had managed to take a firm, fast paced lead over Claire. Pulling the blonde head over heels in a piledriver position Sheena would drop down, spiking the skull of Claire into the mat, no doubt near koing Claire right then and there. But there was still only one way to get a point and Sheena was gonna make sure she got it.

Grabbing Claire's head and lifting her off the mat while still in a sit out position Sheena would scoot forward before going for a unorthodox smother attempt. Namely by wrapping her arm around Claire's head for what looked like a dragon sleeper, only with her opponent's face positioned in a way that Claire's face was pressed against Sheena's armpit to smother her that way! Looking up at the ref Sheena would raise an eyebrow. "This will count right?" Sheena asked getting a lackadaisical shrug from the zebra before Sheena shrugged herself and locked her grip to perform the armpit smother on Claire full force!

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Re: Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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Claire was barely even back up when Sheena booted her back to the canvas, and once she did, the purple haired woman would reach down to collect the lightweight, Claire being hefted up back to her feet, before her head was yanked between Sheena's thighs! And then, all of the sudden, Claire was yanked up off her feet and flipped upside down, her whole world inverting for just a moment, before Sheena dropped to a sit and drilled the top of Claire's head into the canvas with a sitout piledriver! Claire's body flopped to the mat after she was slammed down, almost putting her out, but she was still awake enough to let out a groan as Sheena suddenly flipped her over, pulling her into a tight embrace, and wrapping her arm around Claire's face!

"Mmmmph... Mmmph..." Claire groaned, as she suddenly found herself smothered in quite the unorthodox and humiliating way, Sheena yanking Claire's face into her armpit and covering her airways with it, smothering her in this very strange way! Still, the referee didn't see any qualms with how it was done, as a smother was a smother after all! And so with her face smothered by Sheena's armpit, Claire would slowly but surely go limp in her foe's grasp, giving Sheena yet another fall as the cowgirl was put to bed once more!

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Re: Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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Too some people what Sheena was doing may have seen random and maybe even uncalled for. However those who followed Sheena's career enough to her first match in LAW would know this was actually something done to her by one of her first opponents in LAW Ryu Hiroshi, who used this armpit smother to try and humble her. Needless to say it didn't work, but with Claire in her current state it wasn't that difficult for Sheena to apply or keep it locked in, and in a smother match any way you could get a different type of smother in the better. So Sheena locked in tight and naturally, after a little bit of resistance it wouldn't be long before Claire stopped moving, thus giving Sheena yet another point. Releasing Claire from her grasp Sheena would stand up, letting Claire fall to the mat as Sheena returned to her corner, taking a few deep breaths to recover her stamind a bit in preparation for whenever Claire woke up.

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Re: Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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It was certainly an unorthodox smother that Sheena had decided to use on Claire, but it seemed to be effective nonetheless, as Claire was left with her face stuck in Sheena's armpit as she was slowly smothered out, before she would eventually go completely out cold! Her body relaxed totally in Sheena's grasp as she ended up being knocked out once more, slowly going limp and allowing the referee to check to make sure she was completely out, before getting Sheena off of her and calling for the bell! Claire was once more left to wake up, now down even more and in a real rough spot, as she had to yet again wake up and try to collect herself, against a foe who was ready and waiting for her to do so!

"Nnnngh... uuuuhhh... what happened..." Claire groaned, as if she were completely unaware to the method in which she'd just been knocked out as she began to stir yet again, slowly turning over and shaking her head as she came to the waking world once more! And yet, this time, she was still so out of it that she wasn't able to do much more than turn over and get onto her stomach, as she was still gathering her wits, needing a bit more time before she was back to being ready... but if Sheena would give it to her remained to be seen!

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Re: Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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Leaning back against her corner Sheena would take a few deep breaths, regulating her breathing and using the miniature break that came from Claire coming too to rest her body. Especially after pulling off such big, high impact moves back to back as she did. It was tiring to say the least, but now she at least had a chance to recuperate, a luxury she normally didn't possess in match. Soon though Claire would start to come too, groggily pushing herself up but still clearlyin no state to fight with how disoriented she was. Normally Sheena would hold off and wait for Claire to recover but..



"Smother! Smother Smother!"

Those were only a few of the hoots and hollers that came from a increasingly restless crowd before they devolved into chanting for what they came for.. more smothers. Looking between the crowd and a still out of it Claire the purple haired girl would sigh softly as she pushed off the corner and approached Claire before dropping down to her knees in front of the girl. "Sorry about this." Sheena said quickly as she lifted Claire's head up before pressing her forward, face first into her breasts, smothering the girl out in her boobs once more, much to the crowd's ecstatic response!

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Re: Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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Smothers on top of smothers had left Claire pretty exhausted by the time she had woken up once more, with the latest smother also having her the most out of it after she had returned to consciousness, only able to roll over and attempt to prop herself up! But the crowd wasn't having it, and while the action had been quick and steady so far, even this moment of Claire trying to get herself back up was more than they wanted to wait, and they weren't shy at all in getting vocal about it! So vocal, in fact, that Sheena would take heed of the fans cries and approach Claire, the cowgirl just managing to push herself onto her knees before Sheena offered an apology, proceeding to grab the lightweight's face and shove it between her boobs right after!

"Mmmph?! Mmmmmhhh!" Claire let out a yelp as her head was yanked forwards into Sheena's chest, but it wasn't long at all before Sheena's large breasts smushed against Claire's face, filling up her vision and blocking her from getting any air as she was smothered in the large chest of her foe! Claire was already struggling to keep herself awake, but another smother so soon after the last one? This didn't bode well at all, and it wasn't long before Claire's body was forced to relax once more as Sheena boob smothered the fight right back out of her!

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Re: Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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Releasing Claire's head once more from her body and getting up off her body Sheena would take a look around and sigh softly seeing the crowd was largely satisfied with that but it was hard to tell how much longer they would wait until they could see more. Turning her focus to the timer Sheena saw it was ticking down further and further, to the point that her victory was all but assured at this point, with likely only one more fall left depending on how long it took for Claire to get up.

"Sigh... May as well send the fans home happy." Sheena said to herself, a small blush crossing her face at the thought that passed through her before nodding to herself, deciding on it already as she merely waited for Claire to get back up.

The moment that she would Sheena would approach and flash the ref a look to say 'Can I?' And should they yes than she'd approach Claire and stand over her... Before pulling her shorts down slightly, exposing her bare ass to the crowd which got a rather raucous response.. Before sheena jumped up and dropped down, intending on smushing Claire's face under her rear end with a final big booty smother!

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Re: Match of a 1000 smothers: Wisteria Khan vs Claire McAllister

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Having thought that she was doing well after getting a fall over Sheena and sending her opponent to dreamland, Claire had found that the rest of the match ended up being a rather thorough wake up call for the cowgirl, ironic as she kept getting put to sleep! And once more she found herself waking up from a smother that had yet again put her flat on her back, letting out a low groan as she slowly focused on the lights overhead, reaching up a hand to rub the side of her blonde noggin, still waking herself up! And yet, something was off about this, as before she was fully awake she started to realize that the lights above her were getting slowly blocked out, and she found herself in a shadow...

"Uuugh... five more minutes please... wh-what?! Miss Wisteria?!" Claire suddenly gasped, as her vision cleared up enough to see what was blocking the light, that being the purple haired woman who was her opponent! And not only that, but Claire caught Sheena in the middle of gripping her bottoms, slowly lowering them and exposing her thick, pale buttcheeks to the entire crowd, and especially to the woman beneath her!

"W-wait just a second now- MMMPH!" Claire cried out, but she was unable to stop Sheena before the curvy middleweight would come crashing down right on her face, burying Claire's pretty features in her naked buttcrack! Sheena's thick ass completely covered the lightweight's mug, and Claire groaned and squirmed under her foe, as she was subjected to a bare ass facesit to really send the fans home happy!

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