Attire:school girl outfits
Neptune was sitting on her bed waiting for Erika to show up, she was rather happy that the match type she proposed was accepted and that she could compete in it, maybe she would thinking about making a belt for it, maybe even give it to herself, of course being the creator of the match type it would probably be somewhat bias to give the belt to yourself, after a bit she heard a knock on the door of her room that LAW gave her
”oh uh, coming!”
Neptune said as she got up from her bed and ran to the door, opening it to see Erika, Neptune smiles and greeted her
”hello, I was wondering what took you, I hope you didn’t mind having to dress up like a school girl, they said I had to give some kind of attire and that was the only one I could think of”
Neptune said with a cute giggle
Neptune’s current appearance: