(Cancelled) The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

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(Cancelled) The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Rules and stipulations:both girls are can only flirt with each other, physical attacks aren’t allowed, any attempts of physical attacks will result in a dq, sensual attacks however are encouraged but aren’t necessary to win, the match will only end when one of the girls says the other is more adorable than herself
Attire:school girl outfits

Neptune was sitting on her bed waiting for Erika to show up, she was rather happy that the match type she proposed was accepted and that she could compete in it, maybe she would thinking about making a belt for it, maybe even give it to herself, of course being the creator of the match type it would probably be somewhat bias to give the belt to yourself, after a bit she heard a knock on the door of her room that LAW gave her

”oh uh, coming!”

Neptune said as she got up from her bed and ran to the door, opening it to see Erika, Neptune smiles and greeted her

”hello, I was wondering what took you, I hope you didn’t mind having to dress up like a school girl, they said I had to give some kind of attire and that was the only one I could think of”

Neptune said with a cute giggle

Neptune’s current appearance:

Last edited by DarknessMaster on Fri May 05, 2023 7:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

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Erika smiled as she looked at the cute little girl in her uniform. To say that she as not cute would be a lie, but Erika believed that she was by far the cutest. After her debut match being of a style she had not approved of, she was relieved to find out that this one was not only more erotic, but required next to no physical strength whatsoever. Of course, this did not mean the match was going to be easy, as her opponent already seemed like a cuteness challenge, just by her first impressions alone.

"Yes, I am very sorry my sweetie-pie, I got a tad lost and, well, missed the appointment time by a smidge. But no matter, we are here now. Should we get ready to start?" Erika said with a slightly childish voice, softly rubbing the purple haired girls cheek slightly before removing her plimsolls and moving over to the double bed, the 'arena' for their contest.

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Re: The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

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Neptune smiles and sat on their bed, bouncing a bit

”oh don’t worry, I’m ready when you are! Of course they also gave me a rule card, that I read, so no cheating, and just in case, I taped it to the wall”

Neptune pointed to the wall with a cute smile, attached to said wall was the rule card with duct tape from the looks of it

”okay so “turn on supplied camera when ready” are you ready Erika?”

Neptune asked in a soft, sickeningly sweet voice, bouncing on their “arena” a bit
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Re: The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

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Erika smiled and looked at the card on the wall before nodding cutely and shuffling a little on the bed as her opponent met her on the bed. She checked her nearby cameras, which were indeed rolling, before moving up to Neptune, putting her hand on her cheek softly, rubbing it once, then nodding.

"Yes dear, lets start this!" Erika said sweetly, before moving in and giving the little cutie a peck on the cheek that she just rubbed, before bringing her close, for a cuddle.

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Re: The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

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Neptune let out a cute little giggle and snuggles up with Erika, she seemed nice, but she also wanted to win, so she snuggled with her opponent, sitting on her lap and kissing her lips softly, blushing a bit and giving a cute giggle

”you know, you smell kinda nice, I mean I know that’s kinda obvious considering your name but, I just thought you would like to be told~”

Neptune said with a cute giggle, snuggling up with Erika a bit, with her face being a bit red, she was really cute, cuddling up in Erika’s arms like a younger sibling would do

”so umm, do you wanna give me some headpats too?”

Neptune asked with a cute smile, eagerly waiting for Erika to pet her head
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Re: The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

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Erika softly smiled and looked at Neptune, nodding slowly and patting her on the head like a little puppy, before softly moving a hand around her back and squeezing her ass.

"Hehe, I will say you look nice, but there is still plenty of time my dear. You will be loving me before long."

And with that, she picked up Neptune and turned her to face her, before smooching her softly.

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Re: The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Neptune softly moaned and kissed Erika back, closing her eyes and hugging her softly, trying to push her opponent onto her back, softly feeling all over Erika’s body

”you know, I don’t even know why I went with school girl outfits when it came to this, I could’ve easily have gone with our normal clothes, hmm”

Neptune shrugged as she almost lost herself in thought, cuddling up with Erika some more

”also you’re like, really soft, and like really REALLY cuddly”

Neptune said with a giggle as she continued cuddling up with Erika some more, a mix of “trying to look adorable” and “goddess this feels good” was going through her head
Last edited by DarknessMaster on Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Erika moaned as she kissed with the smaller girl, closing her eyes and cuddling back, as they looked like lesbian schoolgirls making out with each other at the end of class.

"I agree. Heck, we could have come in lingerie or even naked. Would not have made a difference, except possibly made it more erotic from the get-go" Erika replied as she pulled Neptune closer, and kicked off her shoes, making them drop to the floor. It was clear Erika was settling in for the long haul.

"Hehe, thanks sweetie. So are you. I can see us having a really lovely time here" She said with a soft French accent that occasionally crept out from time to time. At this point, Erika decided to make the match more interesting by releasing the kiss and undoing the top 2 buttons of Neptune's blouse

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Re: The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Neptune softly kissed Erika and did something similar, taking off her shoes and simply moaning into their kiss

”maybe I wanted to start off with some cuddles first, maybe even teach me a bit about chemistry, senpai~”

Neptune said with an adorable voice, snuggling up Erika with a giggle, she was trying to sound like one of those anime girls that her and her older sister used to watch, they were cute, and they usually wore school outfits

”I’m already having a lovely time Miss.Fragrance~”

Neptune said before blushing as Erika under the top two buttons of her blazer, Neptune “retaliated” by undoing the top two buttons of Erika’s as well

” I see you wanna get to the erotic stuff don’t you Miss.Fragrance~?”

Neptune asked with a giggle
Last edited by DarknessMaster on Sun Mar 26, 2023 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The first ever cutest cuties match! Featuring Neptune “the Heroine” vs Erika “the Fragile Fragrance”

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Erika giggled along with Neptune, before shaking her head in denial. "Oh no dear, I just thought it might be a little hot in here, so you might need some air on you. I don't want you overheating now sweetie" She said with a motherly tone as she cuddled Neptune some more, their now slightly exposed breasts rubbing a little bit.

"Also, no need to call me Miss Fragrance. Just call me Erika" She said as she began to give Neptune some soft head pats, She knew that a lit of girls loved head patting, and she hoped this would make Nep at least think that Erika was being serious.

"Oh yes dear, I will teach you all you need to know, even if we have to get very erotic, hehe" She cutely giggled, before moving Neptune off her lap and getting onto her knees once again

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