Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne (Completed)

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Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne (Completed)

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Sitting on her couch at home, Ember washed the buttons on her Playstation furiously but the telltale sounds of her character dying soon sounded from her television. "UGH!! Stupid Malenia!" she fumed. "How's a girl supposed to become Elden Lord at this rate?"

It was a quiet night at home for the thicc shorty named Ember Sykes. With no matches scheduled, a rest day from the gym and no streams to perform, Ember resigned herself to a relaxing night without interruption! Being the hard worker that she was, the purple-haired gal rarely had any free time to herself so she took her moments of rest when she could get them. So when she had gotten home to her modest sized apartment she had kicked off her shoes, ordered in a pizza, spun up her PS5 and settled in for night of gaming with a title she had been meaning to complete! All and all it had been a great way to unwind. Until she met Malenia Goddess of fucking Rot!
Dressed in her casual, stay-at-home clothing consisting of tank top and short shorts, Ember glanced over at the clock and was shocked to see how late it had gotten! "Yikes, time flies," she mumbled to herself. Knowing she had a full day ahead of her tomorrow, Ember turned off her game console and started the ritual of tiding up her mess. Like the empty pizza box that had once contained a delicious pepperoni and pineapple pizza before Ember had the whole thing down over the course of the night!

After a few minutes of dutiful cleaning that Ember came to be satisfied with, she decided it was time for her usual shower before bed. WIth that in mind, the shorty would begin to strip herself down by first pulling her tank top over her head. Not having bothered with a bra tonight, she slipped her boy shorts down her thick legs next, revealing she had not bothered with underwear either! Smiling and now standing nude in her apartment, Ember would gather up her clothes and toss them into a nearby laundry basket before she would head for the shower; closing the door behind her. With that, Ember Sykes started the process of winding down her evening.

Little did she know that her night was only just beginning...
Last edited by Darius 2.0 on Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

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Ember Sykes seemed to be having quite the relaxing night, at least as relaxing as one could have while facing off against Malenia, but it was completely unbeknownst to her that her night of video game and pizza enjoyment was not one that was for her and her alone, as someone else lurked nearby, spying in on her from very, very close! Ember might have been a bit too distracted with her gaming, but if she had bothered to look out at her balcony, she might have noticed an odd piece of metal hooked over the railing of her balcony, and if she had looked a little bit closer, a pair of eyes peeking just over the floor of said balcony, intensely focused on the purple haired shorty!

Said eyes were also witness to when Ember had wrapped up her gaming session and cleaned up her apartment, before she would tug her tank top over her head, stripping herself of her top and revealing that she had no bra on, her round, large breasts completely naked! The same thing happened when she stripped off her short shorts, revealing her thick legs, and her massive, round, quite famous ass! The pair of eyes peeking over her balcony took a fair amount of interest in this, but not for Ember's large, jiggly rear end... and more for the lack of underwear that adorned her hippy frame!

Once the stacked LAW star had exited the main room into the shower, the eyes on her balcony would wait a few seconds, gauging whether or not Ember would be coming back out. And when the coast was decidedly clear, Arianne Luppen would pull herself up into full view, clambering over the railing and onto Ember's balcony, briefly collapsing onto her back, the panty thief having arrived in quite the unorthodox fashion!
"Hoo... hah... I thought she'd never leave... Just summon help next time, for fucks sake..." Arianne groaned, her arms feeling quite sore from holding herself up on the balcony, but after some shaking her tired limbs, the masked woman would push herself back up and gather her thoughts, standing up and opening the door, chuckling to herself as it slid open.

"Of course, nobody ever locks the balcony door. After all, why would you..." Arianne snickered to herself, letting herself into Ember's apartment and taking a look around. It was neat and homely, but Arianne couldn't have cared less about the living conditions, she was on the lookout. And after a brief scan over the room, she would find what it was that she was looking for, a large dresser that no doubt housed all of Ember's clothes! Arianne made her way over to it, quickly opening each one of the drawers to examine the types of items inside. Shirts, pants, socks, bra's, but finally, Arianne had found what she was looking for, and upon opening the drawer that contained multiple pairs of underwaer, Arianne's eyes lighting up as she examined them!

"Alright... where is it... Where are you?" Arianne mumbled to herself, digging through them, until she finally spied what she was looking for! All other thoughts were cast aside, as Arianne reached down and very gently plucked out one particular pair of underwear, a tiny thong that she had spotted out of the rest! Eagle eyed fans might have been able to take a guess what was so special about this pair of underwear, but Arianne was a step above, already knowing that this was the iconic thong that Ember Sykes wore to her matches in LAW, the straps always hanging above the waistband of her pants! The full thing could rarely be seen, as it was most commonly buried between Ember's cheeks, but Arianne now held it in her hands, able to examine it in all of it's glory!

"Yes... yes... absolutely wonderful..." Arianne mumbled to herself, closely inspecting the underwear in her hands, tilting it and taking a very close look! And as if that weren't enough, the notorious panty thief would bring the fabric up to her face, pressing it against her cheek as she felt the fabric, before turning and pushing it against her nose, a deep inhale coming from her as she took her time to admire her take, all while Ember obliviously showered in the other room!

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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

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Unaware what was happening just on the other side of her bathroom door, Ember continued her preparations for her shower in blissful ignorance. Taking out all of her hair clips and placing them on the sink, Ember looked at herself in the bathroom mirror with an uncertain expression. From the looks of it she'd need to do a fresh dye job to her hair after her shower. The purple in her hair didn't look awful the way it did now but there was always room for improvement! She envied those other women in the league who somehow managed to have naturally purple hair........somehow.

WIth all her preparations complete, Ember was just about to step into the shower, when suddenly she remembered something! She had wanted to put a cream mask on before she jumped into the shower! In her hours long post-gaming haze she had almost completely forgotten!

Sighing, Ember stpped back out of the shower again. Grabbing herself a nearby towel, the shorty would wrap it around herself in order to cover her modesty. Though she was home alone, she didn't want to search around her apartment for her cleanser completely in the nude. For all she knew, someone might be peeking in from her balcony window! The last thing she wanted was to give some perv a free show, so for the sake of caution Ember covered herself up by wrapping the towel firm around her chest. Satisfied, Ember would swing open her bathroom door and step back out into her living room in order to find her product and get on with her shower!

However, her evening would take a drastically different turn when her blue eyes fell upon the scene before her!

Standing in her living room, going through her drawers, was a strangely dressed raven-haired woman! The sight of another person in her apartment froze Ember in place, her eyes going wide in shock. A thousand thoughts ran through Ember's head. Who was this woman? Where did she come from? How did she get in here? "I-I...w-what...?" Ember stammered, unable to process the situation before her! Unable to, at least, until she saw what this woman had in her hands.....and just what she was doing with it!

Ember's blue eyes narrowed with rage. Her fists clenched tightly at her sides. Her teeth were bared in a nasty snarl as she screamed at the stranger, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing with my UNDERWEAR!?!?"

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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

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After scaling up the side of Ember's apartment complex and breaking into the shorty's place of residence, there was very few doubts in her mind that the hardest part of her night was behind her, as her cat burglary had been the only thing putting her in any real danger! And now, as the shower audibly ran from inside the bathroom, she was fairly confident that she had at least a few precious minutes to grab what she had come here for and get out, with Ember being none the wiser to her presence, until she eventually discovered the missing undies a few days later! However, it seemed that even that small window that she deemed as more than enough time would not end up being quite as much as she needed, as after rifling through Ember's drawers and drawing out that signature tiny thong that adorned the middleweight in all of her matches, Ember suddenly stepped back through the bathroom door, now having just a towel wrapped around her otherwise naked body, finding the panty thief midway through sniffing those undies!

Arianne couldn't help but freeze up as the door swung back open, and for a moment, she simply stayed stock still, her face pressed up against Ember's unmentionables as the shorty stood there in disbelief, as if the thief was trying to simply turn invisible and fade from memory through her stillness! Of course, she couldn't, and so for a very brief moment, the world's most awkward standoff would ensue, before Ember noticed what Ember had in her hands and near her face, and the shorty's surprise would quickly shift to anger, and said anger seemed to snap Arianne out of her stunned silence!

"Ahem..." Arianne cleared her throat, before straightening up and thrusting her cane outwards towards Ember, brandishing it much light a sword, whilst her other hand would be raised up in order to flash Ember's undies in front of her!

"You were SUPPOSED to be taking a shower young lady... but now that you're here, I might as well tell you that my name is Arianne Luppen, and I am the world's greatest... panty thief!" Arianne exclaimed with a grin, clearly taking quite a bit of pride in her title, before continuing! "And these underwear... I've had my eye on these for sometime. You wear these to the ring every match, if I'm not mistaken. They're so tiny, they don't hide that huge ass of yours... but still, an iconic pair of undies like this? I just had to steal them! So if you've got a problem with that, short stack... do something about it."

Arianne delivered her final statement with a smug grin, before taking Ember's undies, and in very plain view, quickly tucking them into her cleavage, storing them in a girl's best hiding spot, flashing Ember a wink as she did so, as if daring the shorty to make the first move!

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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

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The woman standing in Ember's living room was literally dressed up like a supervillain! Complete with a cane and a mask that hid her identity! Obviously, this meant Ember had no idea who the stranger actually was or what her intentions might have been! Who was she? How did she get in here? What did she want? These were all questions that raced through Ember's head in that moment! Until she saw just what the dark haired woman had in her hands. Shockingly, the masked woman was stuffing her underwear in her face, inhaling the scent of her black thong!

The initial shock of finding this woman in her apartment was quickly replaced by a growing anger! The audacity of someone breaking into her home was bad enough, but to see them stuffing her face with her underwear infuriated Ember well beyond any concerns she might have had! In that moment, who the woman was didn't matter. The only thing Ember wanted to do was rip her to shreds!

As it turned out, the woman was all too happy to disclose who she was! Though she had been just as shocked to see Ember emerge from the shower, she collected herself quickly to declare herself Arianne Luppen: world's greatest panty thief! As if the title wasn't clue enough, Arianne openly declared she had come to pilfer Ember's thong, having seen her wearing it in multiple matches! Declaring the tiny piece of clothing as iconic, Arianne swore to make the panties hers, even daring Ember to stop her!

If possible, Ember became even more furious! This ridiculous woman had been caught in the act and yet she still wouldn't give herself up! She was either very confident that Ember wouldn't be able to stop her or felt she had the advantage with that cane of hers. Or maybe it was the fact that Ember looked pretty vulnerable standing there in just a towel. Either way, Ember was too angry to care! Gritting her teeth, she steeled herself for what she was about to do, which was to break into a run straight at Arianne with the intention of tackling her hard around the waist to bring her to the floor!

What she didn't intend for, however, was her towel to slip off halfway into her run, leaving her charging at the thief completely in the nude!

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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

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Standing across from Ember with her cane leveled at the purple haired woman, Arianne and the victim of her panty thievery were engaged in something of a staredown, as Arianne boldly proclaimed that she would be taking that thong of Ember's with her, a smirk on her face as she placed it within her cleavage, a smug smirk on her face as she did so! There was little chance that things would end peacefully here, as Arianne's plans for stealth had gone completely out the window, but with her cane held out to make it clear that she meant business, Arianne was still confident in her ability to walk away from this situation with her prize and little resistance from Ember!

Of course, that was an idealized version of events, and so when Ember slowly grit her teeth, her body tensing, Arianne would raise her cane up ever so slightly, prepping herself for anything that her target was about to do!

"Careful there Ember... don't do anything stupid..." Arianne warned, almost like she was talking to an animal, but before she could say even another word, the towel-clad woman would suddenly break out in a run, darting straight towards the thief! Arianne raised her cane up above her head, aiming it right at her foe... until Ember's towel would suddenly fell off of her body, unable to cling to her curvy frame as she broke into a full sprint, suddenly falling off and revealing her completely nude body!

"I warned... warned... good lord... I mean, I warned you!" Arianne began, her sentence stalled as she looked down to see Ember's naked, busty body, before she would attempt to break herself out of it her haze! She swung her cane down towards the charging middleweight, but her brief hesitation at the sight of her foe's naked frame might have made all the difference, depending on how Ember reacted!

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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

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Ember's towel landed softly on the floor behind her after having flown off her body! Her mad dash at the would-be thief in her apartment had the unintended effect of having the loose-fitting garment slipping off her thicc frame, leaving her still slightly wet body fully in the nude! This development was lost on Ember though, for all she saw was red! The shorty was far too enraged to worry about small things like decency, wanting nothing more than to pounce on Arianne and prevent her from making off with her underwear!

Unfortunately, her adversary was armed with a rather thick looking cane and looked more than ready to use it against the purple-haired wrester! But while Ember didn't initially notice her own nakedness, Arianne appeared very much aware of it! To Ember, it looked like the thief suddenly hesitated for some reason, looking like a caught deer in the headlights when Ember started rushing at her! It was a good thing she did, because Ember had a feeling that cane would have been used to great effect against her otherwise!

But whatever spell Arianne was under didn't last long, because soon the oddly dressed woman was swinging the cane right at Ember in an attempt to smack her in the head! Unfortunately for Arianne, Ember's nudity had proven enough of a distraction that she was able to get close enough to the thief to duck under the attack, letting it whiz over her head, narrowly avoiding a stunning blow!

Growling angrily at the gall of this intruder, Ember would launch herself at Arianne now that she had left herself wide open! The shorter gal would attempt to get in close and wrap her powerful arms around the thief's waist, locking them together at the small of the woman's back! Pressing her naked body close against Arianne, practically sticking her face between the woman's breasts, Ember would grit her teeth before attempting to lift the thief clear off her feet and into the air so she could start squeezing her hard in a move not often used by Ember; a mighty bearhug!

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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

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With her plans for a stealthy crime having been thrown right out the window, Arianne was left now to take the panties with Ember having discovered her plot, and the short but very stacked purple haired beauty was none too happy with her iconic thong being tucked away by Arianne for safe keeping it would seem! The pair of short, busty women faced off with one another, but it was Ember who would finally make the first move, snapping and angrily charging towards the panty thief who had taunted her into action, with Arianne raising her cane up high in order to prep a strike that would surely knock Ember silly, a heinous maneuver from the thief... or it would have been, if it connected!

Instead, rather embarrassingly, Arianne would be momentarily distracted as Ember's towel fell off of her body, and the panty thief was left staring at the naked curves of her target as she charged at her, causing her to delay her swing! And as such, when she eventually tried to bring her cane down right on Ember's head, she was just shy of her target, with Ember crashing into her midsection, wrapping her arms around Arianne and pushing her backwards!

"Aaargh! G-get off me you little pervert! What are you trying to pull?!" Arianne cried out incredulously, her cane flying out of her hands as Ember slammed into her, leaving the panty thief without a weapon, and now very much in trouble! Her comment of Ember being a pervert also served to work two ways, as in addition to her charge that left her naked, the purple haired woman's short stature and reckless dive had thrust her face directly into Arianne's chest, with Ember's pretty features buried between Arianne's hefty boobs!

And what was more, Ember's position allowed her to easily heft the panty thief up, off of her feet entirely, and into a crushing bearhug, squeezing hard and bending Arianne's back from the force of her grip, while pushing all the air out of her lungs!

"Nnnnngh! Aaagh! Gghh... let me go..." Arianne hissed, her hands shifting to Ember's shoulders to push against the, but the bearhug was locked in tight, and Arianne was finding herself getting properly crushed! Ember's face was buried in her hefty chest, and the panty thief's back cried out in agony as she was squeezed, forced into a humiliating position as the short naked woman held her close and crushed her!

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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

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What had started as a quiet evening at home had quickly become something that Ember never would have imagined could happen to her! A thief breaking into her apartment was not impossible, but one that did so while she was still at home? In an actual burglar getup? For the sole purpose of stealing her underwear? The shorty might have found it comical had her privacy not been so unjustly invaded! The anger she felt more than outweighed her initial shock, causing Ember to rush at Arianne unabashedly in the nude, something that would end up working in her favor as the thief was too stunned to mount a proper attack! It left her foe vulnerable to Ember snatching her up off her feet and into a powerful bearhug, with the stacked shorty pulling Arianne tight against her naked body!

Having stuffed her face between the generous bosom of the intruder, Ember couldn't see much of what was going on, but that didn't stop her from squeezing Arianne's waist with all the strength she could muster! Though bearhugs weren't a move Ember often used, it didn't mean she was any less proficient at them! Gritting her teeth, Ember would put her powerful arms to work, compressing the thief's midsection to force the air out of her very lungs! Though short and curvy, Ember had a rather fit physique to go with her thicc body, a fact that became more apparent now it was on full display for Arianne to see!

From within the confines of Arianne's chest, Ember felt the woman try to push against her shoulders in an attempt to break free of the hug! Of course, with Ember hugging Arianne so tight, the thief would find that easier said than done! Plus, with Ember face deep in Arianne's cleavage, her head was protected from any punching or scratching the thief might have entailed for her!

Ember would continue the bearhug Arianne until she felt the woman begin to weaken in her grip, figuring a good few minutes of squeezing should do the trick! Assuming that happened, Ember would use her grip on Arianne's waist to suddenly throw the woman backwards, sending them both flying through the air! Ember would aim a belly-to-belly suplex on the intruder with the intent of sending her crashing back-first into the hard floor of her apartment!

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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

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Arianne hated when her targets became aware of her presence, as if she had it her way, her crimes would be silent and left with no way for the victim to get any sort of recourse against her, which was much preferable to the current situation that Arianne found herself in, as she scrambled against Ember to fight off her naked aggressor! The short and thick target of her crime had rushed her in a fit of rage, and while Arianne had prepared to strike, Ember's towel flying off and the woman's completely nude body had stopped her in her tracks, and that let the purple haired beauty rush in and wrap her arms tight around Arianne's waist, trapping her in a bearhug, squeezing on the curvy body of her intruder!

"Uuuuuuh! Let... go... of me!" Arianne hissed, Ember's face buried between the panty thief's hefty breasts, her boobs no doubt squishing Ember's face, but that was surely not as bad as the crushing that Arianne's body was being subjected to! The panty thief's back was bent as Ember's squeezing forced Arianne to arch backwards, head tilting upwards as she let out a loud groan towards the ceiling, unable to even strike at her foe with Ember's face nestled firmly between her breasts as well!

But as Arianne fought for air, desperately thinking of ways to fight back, Ember would suddenly forgo her hug entirely, as she suddenly swung Arianne backwards, up and over completely as she suplexed her onto the hard floor of her apartment with a belly-to-belly suplex!

"Waaaaah! AAUGH!" Arianne yelped as her feet suddenly left the round completely, soaring through the air in what seemed like slow motion, before slamming down hard on the ground, hard enough that Ember's downstairs neighbors would surely have some questions! Not that it mattered to Arianne at this time, as she would roll a few times along the ground before eventually coming to a rest, hissing as her hand moved to rub her own spine, completely at a loss of air and shocked at just how strong her target was! All the while being left on the ground as Ember was still well in control!

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