Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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Re: Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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"HahaHAAAAA! That's just the hard truth of reality, kiddo!" Linda laughs wickedly as she stumbles and sways, sleazily over Miranda's body... The former criminal looks around at the fans around her before reaching down and grabbing the hair of her opponent, sloooowly raising her up and tossing her under the bottom rope and into the ring...

She then slides in, laying over Miranda and hooking the leg, with an arrogant smile... She plans to pin her RIGHT HERE!

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Re: Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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Stunned and left completely floored by the girls move Miranda could barely comprehend what had happened for a few seconds after the move. Trying to get pick herself off the pavement Linda mocked her for her actions as she pulled her up and tossed her into the ring to continue her beatdown. Or at least that's what she thought before she was laid on for a pin.


Mira wasnt moving for a second, blinking her eyes as she felt her situation before her. Thankfully starting to become aware she heard the count of two come before she frantically screamed and kicked out. Stopping the pin before the match ended.

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Re: Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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Linda looks around before huffing and standing up. She examines the area around her before looking down to her downed opponent... At this point, she had taken full control, with her vicious strategy. She reaches down and grabs the girl by both wrists, pulling her up just a few inches, holding her in place before beginning to STOMP and KICK into her head, with stiff kicks from her right foot, all while keeping her arms trapped! That is... if this connects and all.

Needed to describe the move and all so...

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Re: Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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Stuck on the floor and still a bit out of it after the move Miranda had no means of defending herself from Linda in her current state, the most she could muster was a feeble slap as the green haired fighter grabbed her wrists and tried to pull her up enough that she had the opening she was looking for. Slamming her boots down on her face as she tried to stomp her face into the matt without any remorse Mira was willing to show Linda not too long ago.

"Annggh!" Miranda was being crushed by the girls offense as she tried to fight her hands free but still couldn't quite get free as her face was being stomped in. So instead she simply tried to shake her body and kick at something of Linda's as she whimpered and struggled in her current poor position.

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Re: Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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Linda laughs wickedly as she stomps over and over, before suddenly dropping the arms of Miranda, and jumping up in the air, letting out a raspy "HAHA!" as her feet come together, aiming right down at the sternum of her opponent. She leaps a couple of feet up in the air, and sends her weight crashing down toward the girl below, attempting a Double Foot Stomp!

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Re: Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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Linda was having too much fun at her expense keeping her steady as she laughed it up and continued to stomp all over her. this time jumping up in the air which kinda forced Miranda do to the same as she was still being held by the girls grip before her feet came crashing down into Mira's stomach, crushing her from the weight.

"Ouuugh!" The brunette groaned and gagged as the weight made it hard to breathe and compose herself, shaking her head as she sought o get out of her current predicament.

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Re: Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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Linda then decides to do something unorthodox... She crosses both of Miranda's arms over her chest, laying on her and hooking Miranda's right leg with her right leg. This would mean that not only does she have the leverage of hooking a leg, but it would be harder to kick out with the arms crossed underneath Linda. This was a very strange pin.

One...Two... Time is passing by, in this pinning predicament.

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Re: Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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Miranda was hurt, that much was clear. She was hurt and she felt like she was ready to pass out after the brutal stomp but for some reason she didnt give out just yet. Even as Linda put her in such a bizarre pinning predicament she tried to shake off the cobwebs while the ref counted towards her defeat. Her leg was being held but thankfully she still had one free one and promptly tried to kick.

At the count of two Mira knew it was now or never. Kicking at something while trying to bridge and turn her body so desperately that she could get her shoulder blade up and off the ground for a second. Pushing to one side to make it clear to the ref she was up ad breaking the pin before Linda could officially put her down.

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Re: Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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"OH HOW THE HELL?!" Linda just looks confused and angry. She tilts her head and stands up slowly, before running to the ropes and jumping up onto the second rope, kicking off and doing a backflip! She's aiming for a moonsault, a high risk move, trying to flatten her opponent!

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Re: Linda Debut Open Challenge: Linda vs Miranda Tomi

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Mira kicked out of the move and Linda was already screaming after she had done it, which must mean she had done a good enough job to break the pin as the newbie took off somewhere. Meanwhile all Miranda could do was try and recuperate from the stomps before Linda attacked her again. Which was coming very soon as her vision cleared up and she finally noticed the girl looming on the ropes before jumping.

She was in no state to move out of the way, her bod still hurting way too much to twist but she went for the next best thing and brought her knees up. Letting the girl come down on those instead would hopefully help Miranda turn the tide.

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