Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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Re: Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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The cool queen was still irritated over the way in which she had victory snatched from her grasp, and certainly didn't appreciate being looked over by both the other wrestlers. Alex feeling that the currently her rematch should be the more relevant issue since their match was still fresh, and she didn't like the idea of just sitting back and letting her long time rival and newest hated competitor ignore her existence and plan a match.

" Hey! Don't treat me like a background character, I'm right here! " Alex would yell after Aoi and Gaster were complete with their match making.

" You two can have whatever match you want, but what the hell?! Discuss it backstage later, I've still got steam to blow off with this blue haired pervert. Plus I could lift both of you overhead at the same time, now shoo, you can talk to her later! " Alex would say before doing the most taboo thing imaginable in her unstable state. Grabing the mask of Gaster and snatching it clean from the shadow Lord's face before launching it towards the ramp, Alex at least making sure that it didn't land anywhere near the crowd.
Last edited by RJD on Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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Aoi looked at GASTER as the shadow lord spoke but before she could say anything alex cut her off and started to talk about how they should discuss backstage. "you know what miss Queen how about this so you'll be happy Triple threat match me you and fakey shadow lord face off in "WE ARE LAW" Cause i will prove to you both im am the better of us since a warrior can defeat some shadow and a warrior sure as hell can beat a lazy Queen"

As she was talking it seem Alex was ignoring her and would throw the shadow lords mask Aoi getting a glance of the lords real face. " I know your mad about some lame kiss but you don't have to throw a mask." Aoi said glaring at Alex her helping the weak nature kicking in as she got infront of GASTER and shoved Alex. the crowd would boo Alex, " Just shows how a Queen acts to others." Aoi said as she was ready to throw down again if Alex felt up to it but she was still very exhausted so she didn't know how long she could keep up a fight.

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Re: Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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"Grrrrrrr...You weren't usually this annoying, Lord of Cool. I told you, you'll face myself and the warrior...!", puffing her cheeks in anger as she explained to Alex that they haven't forgotten about her, and that both the fellow blunette and the raven-haired chuunis would face the Cool Queen at a later date...

...before Alex would grab a hold of the Shadow Lord's mask, and throw it up the entrance ramp, completely exposing the Shadow-y Lord's face for the world to see:

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! HOW... HOW COULD YOU?!", Clara shouted at her friendly rival, who was slowly crossing the line into becoming her sworn nemesis by the heinous act of yanking her mask off of her.

She quickly covered her face, only Aoi being close enough to take a clear look at her face (who, thankfully, had already seen the Shadow Lord's real face another time), camera's not activating their zoom quick enough to get the best picture of her tear-y eyed face, as she rolled outside the ring to grab her mask, quickly putting it back on her face. The crowd booed, whether because of Alex's crime against the multiverse, or GASTER hiding her identity from the world, the raven-haired Brit didn't care.

She glanced at Aoi and Alex in the middle of the ring, a few tears escaping from underneath her mask, as she pointed her finger at Aoi and Alex:

"Wh-what you did, Lord of Cool...nay, Lord of not-Cool, is equivalent to starting a war, not just between multiple words, but multiple dimensions! You want to be so utterly crushed, completely decimated, destroyed beyond a shadow of a doubt, until not even a speck of protons, neutrons and electrons that make up your not-Cool being remains, you got your wish! I will face both you, and the Blue Warrior in a 3-sided war at We Are LAW!"

"And you, Blue Warrior. We may have slightly reconstructed the bridge of our relationships both in and out of wars, but I haven't forgotten the humiliation you subjected me to the last time we waged battle! Heed my word, I will make you pay for what you've done, exposing my Shadow-y grace! Like Lord of Not-Cool, I will wipe you out from Space and Time alike as your punishment! Hmph..."

Finishing her word, the crowd could tell the Shadow Lord was upset as she left up the entrance ramp. And sure enough, Clara had conflicting thoughts in her mind. Sure, it was wrong interjecting into an argument between her 2 rivals to challenge Aoi to a match, but what she did crossed all the lines. Despite feeling that she became more friendly with Alex, hurting her pride by yanking her mask off in front of the audience crossed all the lines. She was upset at the person she considered her friend doing this to her. But it was ok, she thought. She would get her payback, against Alex and Aoi, who beat her in a Bra and Panties match, alike at We Are LAW, proving that she is the superior superior being in LAW...

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Re: Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Winner by pinfall Aoi

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