Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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One fall hentai match: The victor will be the first wrestler to make her rival cum.

It was always a promising night when a wrestler made their debut at LAW. The thrill and curiosity of getting to know some new contender was a powerful enough draw to get a fair amount of people gathering on the stands of the LAW arena, and that amount just increased when we talk about a hentai debut instead of a standard one. New blood was coming to the league and those instants before getting to know someone of not knowing what to expect were powerful, fueling people’s excitement. But no matter how people could be filling the arena, how everyone wondered about that new wrestler making her debut that night, there wasn’t a single person that was as excited or nervous as the woman changing in the lockers room at the moment.

“Well, all set.” The woman was alone but still spoke. It was an old habit of her, hearing her own voice to reassure herself in moments of nervousness. As Haruka Sakurai stood up her thoughts raced. She couldn’t believe she was there. For some time she had been obsessed with LAW, since the very moment she learnt about the part of the league that mixed the wrestling with sensual affairs. In some way she felt like she belonged there, all her feelings of inadequacy fading as she thought that might be her place. It wasn’t easy but in the end she was there. She managed to get a spot on LAW’s roster and now it was her time to debut. She gave herself a final look at the mirror, wondered at how amazing the outfit she requested to the LAW staff fit her and made her look. Feeling a little less nervous about her upcoming debut Haruka began some warmup exercises, testing the feeling of the leotard and thighs while in movement. It wouldn’t be so long until she had to walk backstage so she took her time to properly warmup and be ready.

Once waiting backstage for her moment to make an entrance, Haruka looked at the bustling arena. The thought of having so many people waiting for her was still pressuring, but she pushed that feeling of unease aside. After all, she was where she wanted to be and was going to do that what she had craved for so long, so there was no point in feeling bad about it. She also wondered about her rival. Since she had been following the LAW scenario for some time she knew some of the most prominent figures in the hentai wrestling scenario and her mind raced thinking about the matchup posibilities. The only thing she knew from her manager was that she was going to face a bigger, heavier oponent. No matter what, Haruka was determined to give her all and have some fun above all things.
The announcer made their introduction and that was Haruka’s cue to walk down the ramp. The crowd reacted with the usual excitement towards a rookie, not fully invested since she was still unknown but with enough push to drive her forwards. At first the feeling of everyone’s gaze upon her was a little too much, but as she took each step Haruka started feeling how it became less and less difficult. People cheered for her while making remarks about how cute she looked, and that kind of interactions pushed her out of her comfort zone, just as she wanted. With a modest smile she gave some high fives and reacted to some of the closest fans, finally breaking out of her shell if only a little.

Upon stepping on the canvas Haruka put her Stargazer hat aside out of the ring and then she adopted a cute and respectful pose crossing her hands over her lap before bowing towards every corner of the arena, walking towards her corner to make some stretches while waiting for her rival. She was still a little bit nervous, but seeing everyone’s excitement and enthusiasm had helped her a lot. Only the question about her rival lingered on her mind, but she was at ease now. After all her time of preparation she had made it. It was Haruka’s time to shine.

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Re: Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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Artemis hummed softly as she stood backstage preparing herself for a new match. Tonight she had been scheduled against a rookie making her debut, something that frankly Artemis nearly turned her nose up at. After all in the blonde's mind she felt she was above such dribble, she should be facing the top contenders of the hentai division, not some newbie! But that was just it, this match was at least scheduled as a proper hentai bout, something that had managed to convince Artemis to agree to the bout. After all there were scarcely better ways to make a statement than to dominate and control someone sexually and physically. It would be better if it was someone with some reputation, but a plucky new comber having their wings clipped before they even had the chance to get started brought its own benefits.

So yes. Artemis was excited for the bout. Not for the reason a more experienced wrestler should be when facing a rookie but excited none the less. After all if nothing else Artemis hoped it would at least be a nice, good romp that can work out some frustrations she's been having lately. Adjusting her crimson attire using a mirror she would hum softly, making sure that the red leather that contained her luscious body was nice and secure, before moving onto something much more important... her hair. Double checking and adjusting it slightly she would smirk as she nodded to herself. "Beautiful as always." She said to herself while exiting her dressing room.
Strutting to the gorilla position she wouldn't even wait for the signal from the worker before strutting out, her music starting just in time for the woman to make her appearance. Stepping out to the sounds of her song Artemis would hold her arms out at her sides, basking in the overwhelming boos and jeers and sexy wolf whistles from the crowd. She knew how infamous she was and she basked in every single second of it. Enjoying the reaction she got as she made her way down the ramp to the ring with a sensual strut to her legs and hips as she did so.
Approaching the ring Artemis would climb up the steel steps, walking across the outside of the apron to the center. Lowering herself while holding the top rope Artemis would stand back up while leaning back, sensually rubbing her hand over thigh and up her stomach as she leaned back all the way, supporting her weight on the middle rope while raising her leg straight up the air as she did so. Leveling it to just above the middle rope Artemis would swing her way inside the ring where she would do another slow turn for the audience who continued to either boo or wolf whistle her or something in between.

Ending up in the center of the ring she would look over her shoulder at her opponent, silently inspecting the smaller woman before shrugging her shoulders. 'Least she's cute.' Artemis thought to herself while strutting from the middle of the ring to her corner... swaying her hips seductively as she did so. Making it to the corner Artemis would turn around and lean against the corner, finally acknowledging her opponent with a full on stare... while casually lifting her leg up and draping it over the middle rope, spreading her legs as she began to gyrate her hips, clearly both as a means of enticing and mocking her opponent. Something Artemis showed with a small, mocking grin on her face.

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Re: Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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What happened from the very moment Haruka rested against her corner in wait for her rival looked like something out of the woman’s dreams. Artemis made her appearance by strutting down the ramp while music danced around the arena. It was an amazing show of confidence and character how Artemis made her walk to the ring showing off her body and personality despite the jeers and boos coming from the crowd. That beauty just walked by as if every mocking yell from the crowd just slipped past her, her presence too strong to be affected by them. Not only she had the attitude but she was beautiful: those curves barely contained by a tight red leather attire, tanned skin and flowy hair. Haruka was captivated by that woman in lots of ways, the Stargazer finding difficult to even blink since she didn’t want to miss any detail of that entrance.

It wasn’t until Artemis made it inside the ring and walked to her corner that Haruka blinked twice in a row as if snapping out of a dreamy state and she realized she was actually going to face her in a hentai match. Suddenly it all felt too real for the Stargazer: she was a part of LAW and putting a good show up was going to be her responsibility!

When Artemis rested against the turnbuckle, entangling one of her legs with the ropes in a challenging and teasing move Haruka had to do something. She wasn’t a spectator anymore! Artemis had her character and acted following it, but what kind of hentai wrestler was she going to be? Maybe a modest and flirty or cocky and defiant like Artemis? Everything was suddenly so real and when Artemis made her challenge Haruka found herself unable to do much more than lightly blushing and looking other way. In her haste to enjoy the LAW experience the Stargazer forgot to properly set her mind to do so as a participant and not a spectator!

Still feeling a little like a fish out of the water, overwhelmed by the situation, Haruka walked to the center of the ring as a signal of her readiness, waiting for her rival to join her so the match could start, if only a little dazzled by being so close to a big, strong-looking and hot wrestler like that.

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Re: Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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As she rested against her corner, leg raised up and hips moving enticingly, mockingly even she watched her opponent with a cunning eye and and predatory expression as she analyzed her opponent. In virtually every way possible that Artemis could tell the two were total opposites from one another. Artemis was a heavyweight, tanned, blonde confident, and not to mention dripping with sexual energy and charisma. Haruka however? She was barely a lightweight, small and frail looking, dark hair that admittedly looked lovely with a cute face, but otherwise looked more fit for one of Rose Gold's Midas Touch segments than for a hentai debut against her.

'Heh even our outfits are opposites.' Artemis thought to herself, looking at Haruka's skin tight, but more conservative blue one piece and leggings versus Artemis's own more revealing red leather attire. 'Does make her tits look great though.' Artemis admitted as she lifted her leg off the rope and set it back on the mat, standing to her full height as she saw her opponent waltz to the center of the ring. So far Haruka looked more like a fan that had wandered in than a wrestler, but she supposed that probably wasn't too far off the mark considering how new the girl was. Still she looked like a deer caught in a headlights from Artemis's display, and Artemis was going to be sure to take advantage of the seemingly starstruck girl in front of her.

So as she marched forward to the center of the ring Artemis would look down on her shorter opponent and give a soft, flirtatious smirk. "My oh my, you certainly look impressed. Are you sure you're here for a match and not a autograph?" Artemis asked, ignoring the bell as it rung, officially starting the bout, but before she took on Haruka physically, Artemis was intent on worming her way into the rookie's head psychologically. Besides... Artemis wouldn't lie when she said there was a certain charm to the girl's mousey, nervous look, and an appeal to her supple, well proportioned body.

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Re: Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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It still took some seconds for Haruka to realize what was going on. Everything was too real all of a sudden and it was a lot to process. She was in LAW! For a lot of time the young debutant had pictured on her mind how her first appearance on that dreamed league would be, but now that she was actually there all her thoroughly thought plans about how to craft her wrestling persona from the first moment crumbled as they were replaced with the sounds of excitement coming from the stands, the feeling of the canvas under her feet, the defiant look on her rival, the pressure…

For some instants it was all too much for Haruka to process and she spent those instants in wonder of her current situation. Artemis, though, looked primed and ready to go. Not only that, but the stunningly hot blonde would launch some kind of tease towards Haruka, implying that the debutant was too aloof and maybe more suited for the stands among the crowd than the center of the ring. In some part she was right since Haruka was falling short on her first appearance on stage, but she had some pride in her and it felt like her rival was deeming her unworthy. Feeling the pressure building inside her, the woman reddened, embarrassed from her rival’s remarks as she grimaced at Artemis with her hands on her hips. “Wh-what? D- don’t make fun of me! You will see if I’m ready just soon enough!”, she stuttered in a retort that looked cuter than threatening.

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Re: Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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Standing in the center of the ring Artemis continued to inspect her opponent. Noting idly that the girl flushed at her words, meaning she was that ashamed of the comparison she made... or probably more accurately that the comparison had a degree of truth to it. That meant this girl really was likely just a fan that somehow managed to get signed. 'Heh this may be more fun than I initially expected.' Artemis thought to herself while licking her lips at the girl, her attempt at rebutting the blonde only making Artemis all the more excited to start breaking the dark haired cutie down.

Ding Ding

Cracking her knuckles as the bell rang that was all Artemis needed as she squatted slightly, raising her hand up and giving a 'come at me' gesture to the girl across from her. "If that's the case come show me why you belong here petite fille/little girl." Dipping into her native french Artemis's challenge was clear. She was giving Haruka a chance, a chance loaded as a opportunity to humiliate the girl but a chance none the less. Show the older woman why she belonged here, why Artemis shouldn't count the smaller girl out. Whether or not she would capitalize or not remained to be seen, but not acting would be more telling than if the girl did react. But Artemis wanted to see what the girl would do, how she would attack if at all, what flirtations or teases she'd opt for. At least... before Artemis herself really let loose herself, because once she did she was confident Haruka would not have any other chances to show her skill.

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Re: Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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Now that Haruka was getting more focused into the match at hand she could take a proper look at her rival, look beyond Artemis’ grace and sexiness and notice something even more evident than that. The woman was big, way bigger than Haruka, and a cold sweat ran around Haruka’s face, sending grim thoughts to her mind now that she had realized for the first time that she actually had to fight that powerful looking woman. For an instance Haruka’s resolution seemed to falter, her knees shaking a bit at the thought of the challenge, but something happened that made her eat it up and look a little more decent, a little less like a frightened rookie.

What happened to spring Haruka’s resolution into action was Artemis defiantly challenging her, making some remarks in a haughty French tone as she made some gestures towards the debutant. No matter how new or inexperienced she could be, Haruka couldn’t allow anyone to look down on her! Feeling her determination rekindling like fire she would get a run towards Artemis, trying to get a hold on the woman’s thighs and bucking with all her strength to get a double leg takedown going. Of course given their size difference it would be quite the ordeal, but Haruka gave her all with a battlecry of exertion. “R-raaaargh!”

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Re: Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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Artemis smirked cockily at the girl across from her. It was obvious to the woman that the rookie was intimidated and even scared. 'She should be.' Artemis thought to herself while licking her lips, knowing and enjoying the authority and dominance she was exerting over her opponent without even doing anything yet, just by the fear of reputation. But the girl across from her finally seemed to react to her challenging tone and resolved herself to compete against Artemis by readying herself and taking a stance.

'Heh maybe I'll humor and play with her a bit.' Artemis thought to herself seeing the look on Haruka's face, but unfortunately for the smaller girl she was far from intimidating. But despite her usual attitude towards opponents, Artemis would admit that she found the girl somewhat endearing and innocent, perfect for her to break and manipulate to her will.

So as the bell rang and Haruka charged forward, going for the blonde's legs the bigger woman would chuckle. 'She must be joking.' Artemis thought to herself with a chuckle, but she was serious at least about playing along. So as Haruka pulled on Artemis's legs she would allow herself to fall backwards and land on her ass, just to see what her opponent would do with the advantage.

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Re: Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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Haruka was pretty taken aback by her debut on LAW and her rival being so big, strong-looking and… straightforwards about what was going to happen that night made a dent in her resolution. Even if her heart was in the right place it was her mind what she should worry about. But despite all her worries it looked like Haruka was off to a good start. After rushiung towards Artemis and using all the strength she could muster to try and take that woman down the Stargazer noticed her rival going down on her back. “I-I did it!”, thought the debutant with an exultant look on her face.

The crowd’s chanting popped Haruka out of her daydreaming as for some instants the woman just remained there, standing while holding her downed rival’s legs. “Oh, right!” Quickly Haruka released Artemis’ legs and went down to straddle her. Haruka had seen lots of LAW matches before her debut so she really knew what she needed to do, but seeing things from home was so different that the real deal, and even if she had some superiority directly facing the hot and resolved-looking Artemis was too much, so Haruka avoided eye contact as she got the woman’s arms against the mat above her head to render her unable to move. It was somehow ironical that Haruka avoided to look Artemis in the eye when that would be the less lewd thing happening as her next step would be slipping her free hand below the red leather to have some feel at Artemis’ breasts. For some seconds Haruka would remain caressing and gently squeezing both of Artemis’ orbs while her face was so red it was more like she was the one being groped!

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Re: Artemis Luxure vs Haruka Sakurai (D) - The lewd excitement of debut

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Artemis had allowed herself to be taken down to the mat by Haruka and her rather basic takedown attempt. Really for no other reason than to see what the debuting young woman had to show given she certainly had a degree... of interest about her. Besides the blonde was fully confident that she would be able to break out of whatever hold or move the brunette would try to do on her, so she wasn't at all worried in the long run of what would happen in this match.

So as she was brought down to the mat Artemis would just look up at Haruka, watching the girl in her somewhat stunned state at managing to pull her down. "Heh." Chuckling softly as she looked up at the clearly stunned girl Artemis couldn't help but find the girl's befuddled expression rather amusing as it seemingly took the girl a moment to decide what she wanted to do. Evidently she seemingly decided on it as Haruka dropped down onto Artemis's waist, grabbing at her wrists and pinning her hands above her head. "Oh?" Artemis asked curiously as the girl moved her hands down to Artemis's breasts, sliding them under her top and starting to squeeze her breasts. "Mhmmmm." She purred out in response to this as as she looked up at Haruka, her own hands coming to rest over Haruka's wrists. "My oh my. You look more flustered about this than I'm supposed to be young lady, is this really all you can think of?" Artemis asked sarcastically to the girl, noting how flustered and nervous she seemed at groping her.

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