Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

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Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Ayana did some stretches backstage as she waited to enter the ring. Ayana's mother had gotten her debut, now it was her turn. Ayana stood in her bikini awaiting the mud match
Ayana heard her theme blast and began to run out to the ring, flipping off the audience members cat calling her, while she waited for whatever slut she was gonna beat.
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Re: Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

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Harmonia Edelstein, Top Girl of the Austrian Eagles sighed.
She liked mud matches, especially against sexy girls but it seemed to her that she had to leave such things and go for "real" matches. Of course this was a real match in every sense of the word and Harmonia would even help a fellow fighter debut but still she was thinking about it.
The blonde Ex-Model decided to make the best out of it and roll around in the mud with a hot chick!

Her theme started play as she entered the arena to thunderous cheers of her beloved fans!
She walked down the ramp, gave high fives, stopped for selfies and was all in all in a good mood.
She still wore a expensive looking bathrobe as she entered the ring to face her opponent for the evening.
She clicked her tongue and could'nt believe her luck.
A 10/10 so to speak.
She walked to the mud that covered the whole ring and took of her robe getting a strong reaction from the crowd.
"Thanks Schatziiis!",she said while showing off her nice cleavage.
Harmonia had become a fan favourite, this much was clear.
"Well, Guten Tag! I am Harmonia Edelstein. Lets have a good match,ja?",she said approaching Ayana in the middle of the ring.

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Re: Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

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Ayana rolled her eyes for all the crowd pleasing Harmonia was doing. Ayana had no care for such things. All that mattered was the fight. "A good fight? All this will be is a good ass-kicking for you, you blonde bimbo." Ayana insulted, her foul attitude on full display. Ayana stepped forward submerging her thighs in thick mud, raising her hands.
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Re: Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

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Harmonia shook her head.
"Oooh this is how we play...",she answered and interlocked her fingers with Ayanas.
"Then let this bimbo show you how we do things here at LAW!",she said and started a test of strength with the rude newcomer.
Bicepses bulged and Muscles strained as the women pushed against one another.
And Ayana was in for a surprise, as was many of Harmpniad opponents as they witnessed the true strength of the blonde Ex-Model, showing of muscles that her delicate form hid very well.
Their breasts pressed together as they tried to push each other down with Harmonia slowly getting the upper hand...

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Re: Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

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The blondes locked their hands together and struggled in a test of strength. Ayana pushed forward best she could but had begun to get pushed back. Until Ayana fell back on top of her into the mud.

"Cunt! I'll show you how I do things!" Ayana yelled out. Trying to grab at the ex model's hair
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Re: Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

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"Ow, hey! What are you doing' I thought you were a wrestler and no catfight bimbo but fine with me bitch!",the austrian woman snarled as she grabbed for Ayanas hair, both women on the ground now covered in mud.
And now the match was truly underway as their legs entangled and they started to roll around the ring, getting themselves covered completly in mud as their catball brought them from side to side while they were pulling on each others hair.
"Ah! Let my hair go you idiot!"

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Re: Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

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The match had kicked off with a bang as Ayana began to roll around in a catball with her fellow blonde, becoming completely covered in mud. "Make me fatass!" Ayana yelled in response to Harmonia's demand.
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Re: Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

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The sexy blonde vixens rolled around from side to side, always topping on another before losing the position again while the catball continued.
Finally Harmonia managed to get a stable position on her knees, having Ayana between them as she raised her arms and axehandled Ayana straight into the gut!
"This should be enough to shut you up for a little!"

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Re: Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

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Ayana and Harmonia rolled around wildly until Harmonia secured a position ontop of Ayana and landed an axe handle on her. "AH YOU BITCH!" Ayana screamed in rage.
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Re: Debut covered in mud. Ayana vs Harmonia

Unread post by RedShinigami »

What was this? She was fucking going to become legit and still she rolled around in the mud?
Ugh, it was time to prove herself and even if this was just a mudmatch, she might as well could show what she had learned in this year at LAW.
Harmonia grabbed for Ayanas hair and lifted her up before her.
"Well, how about we start to wrestle, huh?", she asked and if everything went well she would hook Ayanas leg and bring her down facefirst in a russisan legsweep!

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