First Fall: Collar Match
Second Fall: Bra and Panties Match
3 Fall: Spanking Match
4. Fall: Kiss Ass Match
5. Fall: Smother KO Match
Harmonia Edelstein, Topgirl of the Austrian Eagles Roster. that was currently on the rise, smiled when she put her horns on her head as final touch to her "Sexy Krampus" Costume.
She checked her outfit and decided that everything was neatly in place, so she got up and went to the entrance of the LAW Arena.
She was in a good mood, Christmas was on of her favourite holidays and as Krampus was essential part of the traditions of her Home Country, Austria, she was all to keen to base her outfit on the demonic Partner of Santa Claus.

The austrian woman was totally relaxed as she knew who would be her opponent, non other then her good friend Gil!
After their first encounter they became good friends and Harmonia was eager to get into the ring with her again.
Doing it in such a nice and wholesome setting made the sexy blonde smile even wider.
She carried a small rod made out of little branches from a birch tree, which was the Krampus traditional tool to punish naughty children that whipped around in her wind, ready to give Gil some good spankings, naughty or not!
The sexy Austrian walked up to the ring that was decorated as cute as was the rest of the arena, fake snow on the floor, the turnbuckles now candy canes, it was honestly quite creative and everyone who knew Harmonia knew that she loved cute and creative stuff, so this was perfect.
She bowed to the crowd when entering the ring, showing of her skimpy panties under her short, red dress and smiled inncocently, before jumping the ropes, showing the crowd some of her goods before settling back on the canvas, walking to her corner and waited what Gil would present to their interesting little bout!