Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

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Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
Sheila could hardly believe her luck. Once again, she had been picked out of the Young Lioness class of trainees to face off against a main roster member on tonight's show! She'd been in a few such matches already, and while she'd never managed to win any, she must have been doing something right if the promoters had kept hiring her back. As far as she was concerned, that meant she was on her way up, and if so she was going to keep doing what she was doing!

"Coming first to the ring, from Cooktown, Queensland, at 5'6 and 130 pounds! SHEILA CHIHARA!!"
"HAAAAH!!!" As soon as her name was called, Sheila eagerly came running down the entrance ramp, her hands thrown in the air. She excitedly slapped high-fives with a few of the fans over the barricades before she reached the ring, where she threw herself forward to dive between the ropes. After a short tumble into the corner, Sheila popped back to her feet, turning to face the ramp with a grin and raising her fists as she prepared herself for her opponent to arrive. She...admittedly had no idea who she was up against, but she'd do her best all the same!
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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Meanwhile, Ren is seen hopping around in the backstage, waiting for her turn to make her appearance, as she saw her opponent, she made made a ohhhh noise as she watch with a smile, another match, and more fun to be had, she can hardly wait as she ready herself, as her theme start to play, she would make her way out and toward the ring

“Coming Next to the ring, from Florida, USA, at 5’8 and weight at 124 pounds, we have the CHAOS FIGHTER, REN XIAOFAN”
“YoYoYo~” she said with a smile as she hop toward the ring while waving at her fans, have a smile on her face as she hop and slide into the ring before did a teasing spin in her new outfit, her smile under her mask as her did another spin and face toward Sheila “Sup” she simply said
Last edited by Void-Effect on Sun Oct 10, 2021 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

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Sheila watched the entrance ramp on the edge of her proverbial seat, her body trembling with anticipation. She had no idea who would come through the curtain next, but whoever it was, it could only mean she was ascending to new heights in her career with every main roster member she took on. Whether she won or lost, she would still prove that she had what it took to be a true wrestler. And, whether she won or lost, she was at least going to have a lot of fun!

When Ren came to the ring, Sheila's grin only grew wider as she leaned in closer to the Chaotic Fighter. She definitely looked imposing with the skull mask over her face, but Sheila wasn't afraid of anything. With a smile, she offered a hand to the girl. "Hi hi!! I'm Sheila!" she cheered. "I hope we have a good match tonight!"
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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Ren being the girl that she is, would hop few steps forward with a smirk as she accepted the handshake "Thanks thanks~ Just call me Ren, Anyway, don't worry about the mask, it's just something I found cool" She would giggles a bit as she understand her mask can be a bit...imposing, she want both of them have a good time, that's why she explain it

As she heard the bell ring, she would smile and hop backward few steps, and ready herself "Come at me" She said, half encouragement and half challenging as she then hop to the middle of the ring and bring her arms up, challenge her to a test of strength

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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

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Hearing Ren describe her mask, Sheila only giggled. Those who knew Sheila knew that she was difficult to shake, whether that was from her stubbornness or if she was simply too ignorant of any danger she was in to care. She wouldn't have thought twice about Ren's mask, but she didn't mind hearing her explanation anyway. As she gave a firm shake to Ren's hand, Sheila used her other hand to signal a thumbs-up. "It is cool! Let's both do our best out there, mmkay?"

Soon, they broke away from each other, and Sheila lowered herself into a stance, raising her hands to meet her opponent head-on. She saw the pink-haired girl offer a test of strength, and she closed in to match her, grabbing her hands as she looked up at her with a nod. As soon as they had made contact, Sheila sucked in a breath and grit her teeth, shoving forward at Ren with all her might!
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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Surprisingly, Ren can be seen standing her ground with a smile as she face Sheila, slide few feet backward, she would quickly return that by also pushing Sheila backward as the two girl pushing against each other with a smile, well...Ren is smiling, but it's cover by mask, but then again, it does seems to be a bit intimidated as she push back

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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

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Sheila clenched her teeth and narrowed her eyes in focus, leaning in against Ren and bringing her weight up against her opponent with all the strength she could muster. Her fingers squeezed at Ren's with a white-knuckled grip, and she concentrated every effort on steering the pink-haired girl backward. Yet, as hard as Sheila tried, she couldn't exert much sway on Ren. She might have been steered back a few short feet, but she was just as quick to shove at the Australian girl, evening out the force between them.

Groaning under her breath as she went back, Sheila nonetheless leaned in closer to Ren, bending over slightly at the waist. No matter what happened, she wasn't going to back down! She would attempt to take control of this lockup, swinging her body around to the side to circle around Ren as she tried to pull on her arm to bring her closer with an arm drag. If she could bring Ren up against her body, she would throw an arm around her head to apply a headlock, pulling her in closer!
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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Ren at the same time is...Unfocused....what did they expect from her, she doesn't do anything serious as she simply smile on her as she remain standing while pushing with the same force against Sheila, doesn't try to fight back, then again, she doesn't need to as Sheila failed to send her backward before she would saw Sheila redouble her effect

She saw Sheila attempt to get close as she simply smirk as she bring her knees up, having the lady's gut's move into her knees as she slam it into her, before she bring her head backward and give her a simply headbutt

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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

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Sheila thought she would be able to outwit her opponent, breaking her hold on Ren's hands enough to sweep herself around and get a good grip on her. But Ren was ready for that, too - and the moment Sheila took a step closer, the pink-haired girl was ready! Sheila hardly knew that she was leading herself into a trap, up until it was too late - when she stepped forward, Ren swung out a knee that hammered her right in the gut!

"OOOFF-!!" At once, Sheila doubled over, her ponytail whipping behind her with the sharp motion of her body as she bent at the waist and clutched at her wounded stomach. She gasped and panted to try and drag the air back into her lungs, her knees knocking together beneath her as she teetered on uneasy footing. But Sheila had made herself the perfect target for Ren's next attack. Now that she was doubled over, she was well within range for Ren to swing her head downward, where it smacked against Sheila's skull!

The sound of a loud crack rang out through the arena, and Sheila was left reeling from the strike. Her footing gave out from under her and she fell forward with a thud, ending up flat on her stomach as she lay groaning!
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Re: Sheila Chihara vs. Ren Xiaofan

Unread post by Void-Effect »

With Sheila double over, Ren would giggles as she proceed to give the other girl a simple yet effective headbutt, cause a loud crack sound head as Ren watch with a smile as the other girl fall face first onto the mat with a thud, cause Ren smile as she stand back up before bring her legs up, doing a perfect I leg pose before slam her leg down, aiming at her head as she look down at her

Of course, while the slam wouldn't hurt that much, the way that it slam down with the momentum is gonna make it work, even more that it is aiming at her head, if Sheila does not find someway to evade it, it might be a early KO for the poor girl! but then again, Ren does want the little game of theirs going longer, so she wouldn't mind if Sheild dodge it

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