the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

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Re: the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

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Valentine could see how Ella seemed to be in a little trouble, noticing then that Ella for a moment shifted her gaze to see her panties, something that for the moment Valentine didn't care about, just pressing harder and harder, knowing that thanks to the kind of fight she was in, Ella could only end it if she gave up, and knowing how girls like her are, pride wouldn't allow it.
letting up a little, Valentine would approach and ask Ella in a sweet voice, as if a nurse was looking after her
So, do you think you can beat me? or do you want to give up?
and after saying that, she would laugh a little bit.

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Re: the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

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Ella had tears dropping from her face as she desperately attempts to escape and breath, this bitch is psychotic but she's still gonna win this, she has to. She was relieved as the Good Doctor removed her foot from her throat allowing her to breath. She heard the question and scowled at the slutty-looking nurse and yelled out, still recovering her air "Bitch! You have any idea who you're talking to?!" before going for a sneaky kick to her cunt

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Re: the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

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Valentine seeing Ella seemed in tears to be willing to keep fighting, would have her laugh a little, before she was kicked in her crotch, causing her to fall to the ground and moan a little, basically being defenseless against whatever Ella had planned

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Re: the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

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As soon as Valentine released her neck and fell to her knees, Ella took a deep breath, needing to recover fro the choking she had just recieved, but soon, those breaths of recovery would turn into laughter as she looked at the Medical Mistress in pain. She quickly took advantage of her opponent's vunerable position, turning around while lifting her skirt up only to plant her soft and very revealed ass on Valentine's face while tightly grasping her hands to pull her in deeper "Wow, you look way better as my throne, better start kissing me, it's a royale pleasure~"

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Re: the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

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Valentine being on the ground, suffering from that blow, would only wish to beat Ella up, but when she tried to get up, she would have Ella's butt on her, being in trouble, Valentine would try to get up, although at that moment, she could only move her legs to try to get to the ropes and try to do a Rope Break.

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Re: the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

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Ella chuckles like the rich brat she is at Valentine's struggles of trying to reach the ropes, unfortunetely, she didn't know what Rope Break was and was about to make a very VERY stupid decision, "Awwww sweetie, do you want my ass to go deeper on your face as I crush you between me and the turnbuckle, I like your style~" she grabs Valentine by the hair and shoves her face into her ass deep before dragging her into the corner and shoves her in it to turn it into a full-on stinkface

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Re: the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

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Valentine had managed to touch the ropes, but when he noticed that Ella did not know or simply ignored the rope break, he would know that now he could not go joking, when Valentine could barely breathe a little, she would end up with her face under Ella's ass, being a complete Stinkyface, at that moment, Valentine would know it was time to start the operation, so stopping looking to get free, Valentine would try his hands against Ella's crotch, looking to squeeze hard that part, Valentine would not seek to excite Ella, only cause pain
Valentine had managed to touch the ropes, but when he noticed that Ella did not know or simply ignored the rope break, he would know that now he could not go joking, when Valentine could barely breathe a little, she would end up with her face under Ella's ass, being a complete Stinkyface, at that moment, Valentine would know it was time to start the operation, so stopping looking to get free, Valentine would try his hands against Ella's crotch, looking to squeeze hard that part, Valentine would not seek to excite Ella, only cause pain

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Re: the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

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Ella laughed some more as Valentine struggled under her thick ass, wiggling it and giving herself a light wedgie so Valentine could get a nice whiff "Ha, stupid slut thinks she could beat royalty like myself, how pathetic~" she laughed some more before being interupted by the feeling of her crotch being touched "Oh~, has the nurse finally realised who the better fighter is?~ That's right slut, please mEEEEEEECK!!!" her sentence would be cut off as she felt her pussy get crushed in her hands

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Re: the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

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Valentine would feel how Ella wouldn't stop, teasing her more, but the moment she managed to aggressively attack the crotch, Valentine would know it was finally time, so he would start squeezing harder and harder, trying to move to force Ella to let go or else Valentine would squeeze harder.

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Re: the first patient! Valentine (D) vs Ella "Pretty Princess" Kingston (D)

Unread post by FanOfFan123 »

Ella has gone from the dominant heel to the squealing bitch as she tries taking Valentine's hand off "Fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuck!!! Let go you stupid whore!!! she yells out while trying to kick Valentine in her crotch in return, grinding her foot into her pussy

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