Basic Informations
Name: Marc Karlsen
Age: 25
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 170 cm / ~5.6 feet
Weight: 66,7 kg / ~147,05 lbs
Alignment: Tweener
Nationality: German
Wrestling Informations
Entrance Music:
Having a total lack of knowledge when it comes to wrestling or fighting in general, Marc will try to outmaneuver his opponents. His Endurance is not bad so he tries to use this to his own advantage. Then he will try to strike his opponents down with pure force.
Finishing Move:
He is a complete newbie in the world of law and so he does not have a finishing move yet.
Other Moves:
He is a complete newbie in the world of law and so he does not have a good variety of moves.
Preferred Matches:
Attitude towards Hentai:"I am always ready to get down with some cute woman. Sorry for ever Male here but you can't touch this."
None yet
None yet
Physical Stats
Endurance: 4/5 - He is quite fit and even when his body is about to give up he can still go for a few minutes.
Strength: 4,5/5 - Strength is his best stat mostly because he trained and worked out a long time and won most compatitions because he was the
strongest. So to not lean or depend on any good techniques he rather powers through everything.
Speed: 3/5 - As a result of his strength training he gained a pretty good amount of speed. It is not super special but still above average.
Defense: 1,5/5 - This is not something that is in Marcs vocabulary. Or to be precise if this word is in his vocabulary it is more like a footnote. Though
he can endure most things thrown at him, he still can't defend himself against special moves.
Technique: 1/5 - Marc was or rather kinda still is to lazy to learn proper form to his techniques and rather uses his raw strength to overpower his
Combat Stats
Strikes: 3/5 - Marc aint much of a brawler, however, he did learn how to throw basic punches
Submissions: 2/5 - He only can make others submit with his strength. Once that fails he has a problem.
Powerhouse: 4/5 - Marc possesses a good amount of strength, which he uses to dish out moves, that utilise his raw power
Aerial: 1/5 - Marc prefers to stay on the ground, because he does not possess enough courage to perform air based moves.
Counter: 1/5 - He only got his strength, making him an easy target for opponents who can play around that.
Casual Appaerance




Marcs origin lays in Germany. He grew up there and spend most of his life there until he was 14. At that age he moved to the UK becasue their parents found better work. He was not very happy about it to leave all his friends behind but with the help of the modern days, especially the internet, he knew that staying in contact with his friends wouldn't be such a drag. However, talking via messages is nothing compared to talking in person with someone, Marc decided that he should also try to find new friends. A task easily done thanks to his liking of swimming and training in general.
A few weeks later when he entered school he managed it to find a good group of friends and her future tag team partner Annika Garnbret. He had no idea how to approach her perfectly. He thought that the best way would be through studying. The problem with that was that he was a below average student and came through school mostly via cheer luck. So he did his best to study hard and get the attention of his crush. It even worked and they both connected via a rivalry. They kept this up and often did some other compatitions like who can swim faster, run faster, etc.
This continued until the day of their graduation. He was unsure if his and Annikas ways could be one, but Annika had a solution for him. By joining LAW and having her as a tag partner they could stay good friends and even do more together. Also they could continue their ongoing rivalry, whioch hasn't gone down a bit. And so they both joined LAW. Only problem for him is that he has no idea what to expect from the people their so he said to himself to try and learn cool moves to not let Annika hanging. To do this taks Marc is going in the gym at the night by himself.
Marc is a nice person to those people he likes. That doesn't mean he is mean to anyone else he just cares a lot less about them and also tries to avoid talking with others if possible, unless its a cute girl. Even though other people are not that interesting to him he still tries to help whenever he can. Unless he is bored. This often happens mainly when he is not interested in a certain work.
Friends: Annika Garnbret
Allies: Annika Garnbret
Crushes: Annika Garnbret
Rivals: Annika Garnbret
- Swimming
- Lifting
- Butts
- Annika
- People who flirt with his best friend
- Running
- Spiders
He can swim 50m almost at an olympic level
Marc joined LAW at first only to be together with Annika but later he stayed also because of the woman in LAW
Marc is a huge pervert but he hides it most of the time
Even when at a disadvantage Marc tries to sound tough and very confident even thogh he sometimes would rather like to hide.
Marc is also a masochist which can sometimes shine through when he is getting dominated in a fight.