To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

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To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

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Standard Match
Win via Pinfall, Knockout, or Submission

"... ... ..." Amano was nervous about this match, more than she thought she'd be really. It wasn't too different from her fight with Eirina, another bout against a Middleweight wrestler she was on good terms with. And while that fight as more a company stunt than an actual challenge, this coming fight with Skylar was... well, more normal. Trading serious blows with a friend wasn't really much of a worry, nor was getting in Skylar's face and trying to taunt her as Amano's strategy usual involved. No, the demon's main concern was of the woman herself. She didn't know how to handle her. Not so much her fighting style as... Skylar as a person. The woman was a very different person that what Amano expected. A bit of a scatterbrain and blunt with her words, but Amano dealt with those types both within her inner circle of friends and with dealing with people at the shop. But... something about Skylar's online presence and how she carried herself there had the demon's mind a haze.

This would be a fight for the books, for sure.

"Representing Maizono Textiles and the Taishuya School of Martial Arts! Standing at 157 centimeters! The Rascal Demon, Amanoooooo! Jaaaaakuuu!"

And with her announcement made, Amano walked out onto the stage, a puff of black smoke blowing out behind her as her eye flashed beyond them. The fans were in their usual mix of cheers and jeers for her arrive, but this time around she didn't do much of her usually strut. She paid little mind to the crowd as usual, though instead of out of feigned contempt and blatant teasing, she was focused as she moved toward the ring. No panty flashing, no taunting the crowd, no showing off of her body. Just a straightforward walk to the ring, hopping into the ring and taking a short breath as she moved to her corner. "Okay..." She pivoted on her heel, turning to face the stage and wait for her friend's arrival with focused eyes. I can do this.


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Re: To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Skylar Jones was getting ready in the locker room, tying her sneakers tight. She was pretty excited for this match. Her opponent was someone she'd made friends with a few weeks earlier, and the brunette had been curious as to what a match with her would be like. Wanting to get a little practice in, she throws a round house kick at the locker, creating a large dent!

Skylar chuckles nervously, thankful there are no security cameras in the locker rooms.
Entrance Music
The brunette enters the stadium all smiles, blowing kisses at the audience as she makes her way down the ramp. Climbing through the ropes, she greets Amano with a teasing smile. "Ready~?"
Skylar Jones
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Sat Feb 12, 2022 5:28 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

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"... ..." There were a lot of things Amano was expecting when Skylar came down the ramp. She hadn't watched many of the woman's matches, but she did know the woman was a bit of a wildcard within the company. A confident march, a punk-ish attitude, or even just something simple. But... grinning like a cheeky school girl and blowing kisses in a more lighthearted matter was not something Amano was ready for. Again, Skylar's behavior and Amano's perception were miles apart, and seeing her greet the Demon warmly sparked a bit of confusion for both Amano and the crowd.

"Hnn..." It only made the Demon all the more nervous. Okay... just calm down. This is just a match like any other. She took a breath, moving toward the center of the ring to meet Skylar. "Yeah," She said, running a hand through her kimono's obi, her yellow eyes focused on her opponent with hard expression. "I'm ready,"

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Re: To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

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Skylar smiles. Amano seemed odd in a way. Sky had seen clips of the demon's matches, and she always seemed so vibrant and wild. Not like the girl standing in front of her. She almost seemed nervous. Whatever, Sky thought. She couldn't drop her guard with an opponent like this.


As the bell rang, Skylar put her hands in front of her, challenging her rival to a test of strength.

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Re: To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

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Amano watched Skylar with cautious eyes, noting her wanting to lock up. "... ..." It was... pretty standard all things considered, the typical way to start a match and feel an opponent out. But Amano knew better. She wouldn't dare to try and match strength with a middleweight, and being fair and predictable wasn't her style.

No, instead of accepting Skylar's lockup she'd tried something she had been testing in the gym. She rushed forward, reaching out her hands to grab Skylar by the neck and drag her down for a painful DDT with both hands.

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Re: To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

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Skylar challenged Amano to a test of strength, wanting to start the match simple. The demon had other plans however, throwing her arms around Skylar's neck and bringing her into a hard DDT, driving the brunette face first into the canvas! Pain shoots through Skylar's head, completely blind sided. If someone didn't want a test of strength, she expected a punch to the gut or even the groin, but not this! A low growling could be heard, her lips curved into an evil grin. She hated being caught off guard.

"YOUUU LITTLE BITCH!" Skylar roared, getting to her feet. It should be noted she didn't mean half the things she said in the ring, but she was pissed. She rushes towards Amano, aiming a hard punch toward her nose!

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Re: To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

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The crash might as well had rocked the whole canvas with how hard Amano sent Skylar down. It was almost a surprise that actually worked. Her first attempt at a wrestling move proper and it worked to almost devastating effect. And the crowd was just as shocked, silent for a moment before a small mixed hum of jeers and cheers followed. Nothing too surprising there, but... her eyes went to Skylar as she started to stir again.

And boy was she pissed.

"Nyyeeeh~" Amano only stuck her tongue at the woman. "Graah!"" And then immediately took a punch right to the face, hitting the mat hard as a small trail of blood followed. "Egh..." She sat up fast, wiping a bit of the blood running from her nose before looking at Skylar with a blank stare. "... ... ..."

"I guess I'd come at you as hard as you're coming at me."

The Demon smirked, sticking her tongue out again. "Nyeeeh~ That all you got, Fushidarana-chaaan?" She rolled back to her feet, hands up and ready to catch an attack. "Gimme' another, I barely felt that one!"

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Re: To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

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Skylar had her fists in front of her, listening to Amano's taunts. Her lips were curved into a smile, though she grit her teeth under her lips. She wasn't typically easily upset by surprise attacks, but that DDT hurt like a BITCH! "Y'know, people 'ave been callin' me that since I got to Japan." Sky shrugs, still in a stance. "Honestly, I got no idea what it means!"

The brunette steps forward, and swings a sloppy haymaker at Amano, with enough force to knock someone the fuck out!

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Re: To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

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"Oh?" Amano canted her head, a curious expression on her face. She didn't know what was more surprising, Skylar's lacking Japanese or her twisted smile. Maybe she was the type that liked a hard fight like Amano, but... it was hard to tell with this Skylar, the woman was a real mystery in her own right.

But... what wasn't a mystery was that obvious haymaker she threw out. It got the Demon grinning as Skylar rushed forward. Gotcha~ That was a punch just begging to be countered, and Amano would answer that plea as only the Aiki Demon could. "Hyaaah!" Rather than take the punch, Amano weaved out of the way, attempting to grab Skylar's arm just as she threw it out and guide her body to slam headfirst into the nearest turnbuckle!

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Re: To the Limit! (Amano vs. Skylar)

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Skylar swung her haymaker with all her strength, hoping to knock the little demon out with one blow. That thought was only wishful thinking, however, as Amano not only avoided the hit, but grabbed the brunette's arm to swing her around! However, being the heavier of the two, Skylar is easily able to stop herself from hitting the turn buckle.

As Amano is still holding her right arm, her left throws another hard punch at Amano's face! If the blow sends Amano stumbling back, Sky'll rush in for a punch to the groin!

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