Sentenced to Smothering: The Jailbirds vs Valentina Nieto (for Scorn)

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Re: Sentenced to Smothering: The Jailbirds vs Valentina Nieto (for Scorn)

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

As Jayden landed she felt Valentina's face plant between her large breasts. She stepped back and saw the Spanish girl hanging back on the ropes. It was a harsher move than she needed as Valentina was never going to put up much of a fight on account of the girls love of smothers, which the Jailbirds were only too happy to oblige. The Jailbird would approach and reach down to grab the girls legs, giving them a yank so that Valentina would slide down to her own rather cushioned behind. Once in position, Jayden would twist and slap her round cheeks. There was one place they were going, right in Valentina's face again

If she managed to make contact, Jayden would hump her hips like she was doing a latin dance. The Jailbird would also look over her shoulder and let out a comment to tease the Spanish girl.

"You remember how we smushed you in the hug earlier? Guess what, next time you are gonna pass out with a mother of all crushes!"
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Re: Sentenced to Smothering: The Jailbirds vs Valentina Nieto (for Scorn)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Forced to her butt in the mother of all bad-states, Valentina could but gasp out, free of flesh save for that brief slap across her cheeks, but not free in any other way. Holding her cheeks as if to test the heat of them, Valentina would let loose a extremely lengthy exhale, with her head looking down a moment as she recalled whether the situation she had gotten in was worth it. The answer, to someone as perverse as the Spaniard, was somewhat greatly obvious.

Smiling to herself before looking up with innocent eyes, the young beauty opted to simply play docile in the corner, with Jayden gaining easy access to the rest of her frame without so much as a slap back from the Spaniard.

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Re: Sentenced to Smothering: The Jailbirds vs Valentina Nieto (for Scorn)

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

Jayden released the stinkface smother and stepped away to look at Valentina. The Jailbird literally had to peel her sweaty cheeks away from the Spanish wrestlers face much to the crowds delight. As Jayden plotted more punishment, the call came from the Jailbirds corner

"Jayden, be a dear and being that girl here, she is about to get her face sat on!"

Roxy's smooth tone indicating to Valentina that her fate was about to get a lot more serious. Jayden nodded and grabbed the girl around the back of the head to lead her from the corner to the middle of the ring.

With no ref girl, the Jailbirds didn't need to obey any "rules" not that they did very much anyway. If Valentina laid down middle ring as the Jailbirds intended then it would be Roxy who came to play. She would step over the girls face and look down with a raised eyebrow.

"I think you are enjoying this far to much!"

With that she dropped to her knees and straddled the girls face in a front facesit, her big breasts bouncing as she dropped. Roxy would squirm and let out a gasp as she felt Valentina's features under her, right up against her wet bikini bottoms. Roxy looked down and saw Val's eyes uncovered as she got comfortable.

"Take a deep breath, and feel free to show your gratitude"

Roxy let her tongue run over her top lip indicating how Val should comply. Meanwhile the other two Jailbirds got into position. First Jayden stepped over Val's body just behind Roxy. She proceeded to not sit on Val's body as the crowd expected, but straddled Roxy's shoulders to add her weight to the smother!

Jayden sat comfortably on Roxy's broad shoulders, as the bottom Jailbird gasped, if it was heavy for her, Valentina must be face deep in Roxy's wetness. However the birds were not done there. Charlotte appeared stood in front of Valentina's head so the girl would see. Between Jayden and Roxy, she was hoisted up to sit astride Jayden's shoulders also.

The Jailbirds smothered Valentina with their combined 475lbs in what can only be described as a "Totem Pole Facesit" all stacked atop each others shoulders on Val's face. To make matters worse. Charlotte cockily began to count the pin

"Haha she looks crushed, so that's ONE!"

The birds had no intention of pinning Valentina, it was just psychological to add to the physical punishment
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sentenced to Smothering: The Jailbirds vs Valentina Nieto (for Scorn)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The definition of a mess, Valentina again could only offer her hands to the wind, slapping at targets with next to no power or accuracy. Such a reaction, much like the Jailbirds actual pin of the girl, was only for the sight however. Valentina's own immense sexual lust was still topping each and every painful act put atop her, even the crushing body presses!

Once more flat to the canvas, her arms wide and body jerking, Valentina could but wheeze as each figure took itself atop her frame. Arms coming to life only as Jayden took her posture, the Spaniard found herself howling as near five hundred pounds of sexy pressure was now pressed atop her upper frame. For those in the audience, the Spaniard's upper body simply was not visible. Screams meeting hefty butt cheeks, her body agony as she felt her skull turn a little flatter, Valentina's eyes began to roll with the sheer pressure of the move. Her pants becoming more strained, the Spaniard's body began to cover itself in yet another layer of sweat, given the warm, and crushing, pressure atop of her!

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Re: Sentenced to Smothering: The Jailbirds vs Valentina Nieto (for Scorn)

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

The jailbirds maintained their punishing and impressive smother totem pole pin as they counted TWO. However with a barked command from Roxy, who was at the base of the pile, the other two jailbirds decided to disband.

Charlotte jumped from Jayden landing on her feet, and Jayden in turn stepped off Roxy. The big silver haired dominatrix of the group shuffled back to let Valentina breathe.

"Hmm you are quite excited I see, well if you want to be our little bitch, we can make sure you cum hard!"

The other Jailbirds knew what was coming and positioned themselves at the rear of Roxy. The big Jailbird spun around and hovered her immense bottom over Valentina's face. She would bend forward and try to pull the Spanish girls legs up, splitting them wide open. It was more of a controlling hold as opposed to causing pain.

"Now you'll do Hard Time!"

Roxy announced much to the enjoyment of Charlotte and Jayden who laughed loudly. Roxy would sit back to smother Valentina in her massive cheeks whilst holding Val's legs open.

Charlotte and Hayden approached with a grip of Val's bottoms tearing them clean off her. Hungrily the pair lay down to take it in turns to lick and nuzzle at Valentina's wet sex, their tongues probing, lapping. teasing her centre in a erotic display
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Re: Sentenced to Smothering: The Jailbirds vs Valentina Nieto (for Scorn)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Her frame near flat from the excessive weight upon her, Valentina's eyes both rolled out of sheer pain, and pleasure, as the jailbirds showed no signs of stopping. The count only a hindrance to their sexual torture momentarily, the Spaniard found her frame heaving out as if emerging from deep water the moment all three abandoned the hold upon her. Unable to offer any resistance as her legs were split, and eventually somewhat uncovered, the blonde beauty's hand would but tickle upon the canvas, her mind racing a mile a second as Roxy took yet another seat upon her.

This time with lips meeting hefty flesh with somewhat silence, Valentina found her frame humming quietly into something of a sleep, as her body admitted that even with the pleasure, the sheer exhausting experience of fighting all three beauties at the same time was simply too much. Right before of course, the two currently not atop her face began to tend to her!

Muffling loudly into the cheeks above her face, body jerking and spasming as if just induced with low electricity, Valentina's hindered moans could be heard in the nosebleeds, as the blondes body writhed in pleasure!

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Re: Sentenced to Smothering: The Jailbirds vs Valentina Nieto (for Scorn)

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

The Jailbirds had Valentina where they wanted her, about to put the Spanish girl out of the match with a healthy dose of ecstasy which would leave her a sweaty exhausted mess. Usually the criminal trio reserved this sort of punishment for the rivals they hated, looking to humiliate them, however, Roxy had taken a shine to Val, and wanted to give her a memory.

The large jailbird sat her large plump rear on Valentina's face lifting every so often to allow the girl some vital air, at least until the inevitable climax. Charlotte and Jayden meanwhile lay between the girls spread legs licking and nuzzling. Their tongues and fingers tag teaming Valentina's sex with speed and skill. The pair could sense Val was close to melting, literally and would increase their efforts to push her over the edge.

"I demand you cum now!"

Roxy added now confident she could let go of the girls legs. The jailbird sat on Val's face would slide her hands to the Spaniards big breasts and squeeze them to add to the assault
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Re: Sentenced to Smothering: The Jailbirds vs Valentina Nieto (for Scorn)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

To a woman trying to prolong what would now be deemed the inevitable, this posture was in a way, hell to Valentina. Allowed to breathe in a somewhat sadistic fashion, her frame long past the point of actively resisting, Valentina could but howl and moan into those massive cheeks as her body began to betray her. Exhaustion and the sexuality of the moment tightly setting in, Valentina's pathetic yelps for air became somewhat cute, as her legs began to shake and vibrate with every touch to her sensitive sex.

The addition of a grope to her massive assets would practically be the trigger, as the Spaniard set out a heavy release; full frame jostling as she came beneath Roxy, head pivoting side to side as she practically motor-boated that hefty ass in amidst her orgasm!


Her figure falling flat immediately after, leaving both Valentina a broken sweaty mess, and victory in the hands of the jailbirds!

Winner By KO: The Jailbirds
Last edited by Devilish53 on Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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