Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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Re: Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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Having felt a vibrating sensation coming from Aella's arm, the blonde wondered if she managed to channel the hidden energies lying in awakened beings. She might never find that mystery due to attempting to escape the pin. Dawn would survive for at least another minute while seeking flight once again.

If she actually witnessed the veteran's mesmerising actions with her own eyes, she might have been caught hypnotised immediately with even more blank stare. However Dawn's ears would experience a call more soothing than any other songbird. Was this just a mere flirt or Aella genuinely interested? Conflicting thoughts flooded the blonde's mind while cheeks became pink as a peach. "Oh...I won't I leave...promise..." Her crawling abruptly brought to a halt. She wouldn't mind being taken to the lion's den later that is, so the moonchild yelped trying to scramble her way out of Aella's grasp despite both legs being secured.

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Re: Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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As she approached the retreating blonde Aella couldn’t help but notice the blush that had spread across the girl’s cheek and smiled in repsonse. ‘It appears someone has a crush on me’ she thought to herself with a grin as she grabbed the girl’s legs and began dragging her to the middle. So far Dawn had certainly impressed her, and Aella would be sure to see exactly how deep the dephs of Dawn’s attraction for her went.. but first they had a match to do. Pulling the struggling girl’s legs up Aella would suddenly fling them over the girl’s body to hopefully force her onto her hands and knees. However in the same moment she would throw a leg up in the air before bringing it down, attempting an axe kick square to Dawn’s back! If it successfully connected than arlla would keep her foot on the girl’s back, literally stepping on the girl as she waved to the crowd, olaying it up a bit

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Re: Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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Even if she couldn't control her blush, Dawn wasn't exactly playing subtle due to constantly attempting to swing her body around like an orangutan, aiming to slip out of the older woman's grasp. However Aella wasn't dancing around the topic either. "Well yes...erm I meant to affirm...." Despite her usual cool nature and aiming to be this symbol of wisdom, even the concept of intimate relationships messed up her mindset, now that she was in a place of acceptance, almost a bit too overwhelming.

Her attempts at escape proved to be futile having been caught in Aella's web. Before she could react to being forced to a kneel, the middleweight shown her claws by striking Dawn's back with a sharp axe kick. The resulting blow was accompanied by a loud yelp and Dawn to sinking onto her stomach, body spread around. "...Oh...impressive...urgh..." She whispered while laying under her opponent's overwhelming might, vulnerable to a followup. Was she just a ball of yarn to play with.

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Re: Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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Aella smirked down at Dawn’s body from her position on top, literally so as her boot held the girl flat on her stomach. ”Ara ara, it’s so cute to see you flustered my dear. Don’t worry a crush on someone like me is perfectly natural.” She said in a flirtacious tone as she suddenly dropped down onto the girl’s back facing her blonde head. Scooting forward a bit Aella would smirk softly as she extended her legs and grabbed the girl’s arms, pulling them back over her legs.

She would then lean down and and wrap her hands around Dawn’s chin before pulling up into a camel clutch! “Mhmmm such a flexible body, I’m curious on what else you’re lovely form has to offer.” Aella said with a grin as her hands would suddenly slink down to Dawn’s breasts, gripping them tightly as she pulled back up, performing the camel clutch from Dawn’s breasts as opposed to her chin!

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Re: Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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Dawn laid flat as a flounder unable to escape from the depths thanks to the increasing pressure. Yet for reasons not fully explained, she felt a little gratified by the treatment. The blonde didn't obviously see herself as a masochist, but in other circumstances she wished more of this position. "Ara? So you must be special urghhhh..." Unable to understand the first word but everything else was clear enough. Having been left winded by the axe kick, her arms were forcibly draped.

A classic hold was used by the more experienced fighter, putting Dawn's flexible body to the test. Noises sounding more like a hummingbird as the blonde didn't wish to scream despite the intense strain on her back. For some reason Aella let her chin drop freely, but the animal lover would be left breathless soon after. "OHHHHHH HOOOOOOOOO! So....good" She cooed while cheeks turning a shade of crimson as a result of her body being felt up. Of all days to make a less revealing attire. Her mind in disarray thanks to this sensual assault. Desire to fight or become Aella's personal pet. Unknown if it was sexual urges and instinct coming into play, Dawn kicked back her legs possibly striking the MILF from behind.

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Re: Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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A giggle escaped the veteran’s lips as she wrenched back on Dawn’s torso, her hands squishing and playing with the blonde’s breasts in the process. The sudden and downright elated yelp of pleasure released by the girl as a result of the more sensual hold definitely played a role in her amusement. After all it was clear from everything about the girl’s physicality that she was extremely turned on by Aella and her actions.

But the girl, for all her arousal towards the Queen, was still in this match. Thus it was with little surprise that she found herself taking several kicks to the back. ”Ugh, agh!” Aella moaned out with each kick that made contact with her back a wince gradually forming on her face. But despite the pain forming in her back she was far from giving up her top position. Thus Aella walked backwards, tightening her grip on Dawn’s breasts as she did so, pulling the blonde up with her into a standing position. If she was successful in doing this than she would throw herself back to try and lnd a boobplex on Dawn!

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Re: Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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While Dawn could partially understand people by feeling a hand, Aella seemed to discern everything about the blonde by playing with her breasts. This sensation wasn't completely blissful due to behaving like a regular camel catch, meaning strain on her back may result in Dawn degrading and devolving. "Oooohhh you are unique too!" That still stop her from paying any respect as well as attempt renewing their chase.

"Mmmmm...yes...." Having thrown enough kicks to make Aella retreat backwards, the nature lover would also be taken on this journey, gently cooing as a result of feeling the mother's warm hands coming into play. Arms not longer draped meant that Dawn could return the favour in some manner, so while being massaged she reached back in a bid to stroke her senior's neck gently. Such a rich texture.

She also wished to impress Aella in the intended manner. Just as they were both standing, Dawn slightly swayed to the side, attempting to pull the fellow wrestler onto her shoulder. A risky manoeuvre was about to unfold, as the moment Aella would try throwing her lighter opponent for the strange suplex, the blonde used the added height to make performing a backflip easier. Provide this pulls through, the jump would result in Dawn standing right behind her opponent, still holding onto the neck area but said flip would transition into a brief inverted facelock, forcing Aella to bow back temporarily. Either way the lightweight would release further purrs due to the brushing of fingers at play. This sneak attack would conclude with the moonchild dropping down for an attempted reverse DDT.

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Re: Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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Aella smirked in a lewd way as she backed up to a standing position, her hands still pawing at and groping the innocent Moonchild’s breasts. They were oh so soft and enticing, just like Dawn’s moans of pleasure and pain, a sound that was like music to the veterans’s ears. The girl really was a interesting one, someone Aella would certainly keep an eye out for after this, regardless of how the match went, but for now she would kudt enjoy playing with the girl as it were... at least before going for the boobplex to further cement her lead.

Hearing the girl moan yes, along with a soft, warm hand on her neck prompted Aella to lean right into her ear, and bite her ear lobe seductively, like a dominant animal marking their mate. ”Mhmmm it’s so adorable how much you like this. Come with me backstage and I’ll be sure to show you other things you’ll enjoy.” she said in a seductive tone, genuinely extending an invitation to the girl, her interest in the blonde coming full force through her words. But even so it wouldn’t stop Aella from throwing herself back for the suplex!

But much to her shock something went wrong as instead if a satisfactory impact and ber head near the mat they stopped halfway, leavung Aella in a arching bent over position. Beofre she knew it the previous gentle grip on her neck turned into a vice grip as she was pulled up slightly in a brief inverted face lock. Raising one leg up slightly to test her grounding Aella was helpless and in slight awe at the creative reversal dawn had managed to pull off. But it wasn’t completed just yet. Before she could do anything else Aella found herself brought down, colliding head first with the mat in a resounding impact that made her body jiggle upwards from the shock as her legs shook out before landing spread out on the mat, with Aella wincing in pain and vulnerable.

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Re: Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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Being flat chested as she was didn't necessarily mean that Dawn was barren. Her verbal response confirmed she enjoyed being in Aella's cradle, singing even if meant her throat would receive further restrain. Returning the affection led to the blonde earning more in return, an affectionate bite resulting in Dawn to cower even further. As for her invitation? A feast for the eyes, bewitching demeanour, impressive physical prowess...A gift from Mother Earth herself but

"I...I...sorry" Genuinely feeling remorse and barely having the willpower to perform a backflip behind her attractive opponent. Face still pink as a peach and eyes still squinting as the inverted facelock was applied. In one swift motion, she perfected the counter by landing the modified DDT, sitting adjacent to where Aella lied, somehow being the breathless one was well. After how she treated her older opponent, Dawn knew that this wrong had to be corrected. Rolling onto her knees and crawling towards the other wrestler's prone body, straddling Aella's belly.

"I apologise for being please let me accept your offer and in return you shall be granted natural beauty" Every word was pronounced in a tone intending to be soft and comforting, at the same time she reached out to gently stroke the mother's left cheek. Afterwards the moonchild's head lowered, gifting Aella in the form of a soft peck on the lips. Desiring to make this procedure painless, she ensured La Pantera's shoulders were held down with one arm while a pinfall began. "1....

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Re: Hunter or Hunted: Dawn Wilder vs Aella Midori

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Aella had been caught in total surprise by Dawn’s creative and skillful counter. Taken from behind and bent backwards by her younger ooponet Aella would soon cry out in pain as her head hit the mat making her body shake from the impact. ”Ugh...” Aella groaned as she sat up slightly enough to see the blonde beauty she was up against crawling towards her.

‘Thats hot.’ Aella thought to herself as the girl slowly sat on her stomach in the most sensual way possible. As she did Aella... had a premonition. She saw Dawn, or another version of her at least, on top of her, dominating and making love to her. Making her mewl like a cat in heat. Snapping abck to reality she saw Dawn lean down just in time to feel her lips press against her own.

“Mhmmm.” Aella would moan into the kiss, admitted enjoying it, after all how could she not? But she wasn’t so into the kiss she was ignorant to everything around her. Hearing the first one count made and the single arm holding her down, Aella would suddenly snap her arms up, one going to the back of Dawn’s head, the other pushing against the mat in a bid too roll them over! If the bid was successful than Aella would press her head forward, deepening the kiss between her and Dawn while burying Dawn’s breasts under her own while her hands held the blonde down by her shoulders!


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