The art of slamming

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Re: The art of slamming

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Karin would notice that Peggy was moving away from her. was she no longer interested in sparing together? would Karin wonder for a moment when she suddenly saw how her opponent was starting to climb up the ropes of the corner. Karin would not want to be squashed below the irish woman coming down. So after peggy jumped up Karin would start to roll out of the way and leave only the empty mat for Peggy to crash onto, in a rough and way more painful fashion for the irish fighter. Karin would try to jump back to her feet meanwhile. 

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Re: The art of slamming

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Peggy was feeling proud of herself as she was continuing to squash Karin, although that all went away quickly as Karin was nowhere to be found as Peggy painfully splashed against the mat! "Oomph!" Peggy groaned as she struggled and cradled her abdomen, making it to her knees before stopping. Her body jolted with pain and she managed to knock the wind out of herself looking on in horror as Karin was making it back to her feet!

"" Peggy muttered to herself as she cradled her abdomen in her arms.

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Re: The art of slamming

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Karin would try not waste any time, she would do one powerful pushup and tried to jump back up to her feet in front of her opponent. With a huge grin on her face she jumped forwards at her opponent trying to use the stunned and painful state peggy was in for her advantage. Karin would again try to lift her opponent upwards into the air spin her around and throw her back down for a big slam. This was the game the two were palying and Karin was hard set on beating Peggy by slamming her more and harder.

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Re: The art of slamming

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Peggy moaned in shock as she was lift up and when she was in the air she crashed hard to the mat crying out in pain! The ring ropes shook from the impact and Peggy was again weakly kicking at the mat in pain as she was absolutely laid out by the surprise power of Karin! Lauren watched and shook her head, knowing the feeling of being thrown around by the smaller but more fit Karin. She kept clapping and trying to urge Peggy on from the apron, standing with her hands on the ropes, leaning in as she urged Peggy back into action.

Peggy unfortunately was in such pain that she could only meekly kick the mat in pain.

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Re: The art of slamming

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“I have worked this new slam out with a friend of mine” would Karin say refereeing to Tina. “I really love it and actually think about using this as my new finisher!” would Karin say before she reached down to grab the arm of her opponent again, to once again put Peggy abck to her feet. Karin would try to bend down and grab the leg of Peggy and put her butt onto the shoulder of Karin. With that Karin would scream out loudly trying to lift her opponent up into the air, as high as she could. She would keep her opponent on her shoulder for a moment before she suddenly threw herself backwards as hard as she could for a teardrop suplex trying to smash her opponent down into the mat as hard as she could. Karin would roll onto her trainings partner after that and tired to lift one leg of her upwards into the air.

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Re: The art of slamming

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Peggy moaned as she was again lift up high by the smaller woman, in shock at her power. The loud impact echoed as Peggy screamed in pain, flopping limply to the mat. Her arms and free leg weakly kicked the mat as Lauren crawled into the ring to start a count.

"ONE!" Lauren said as she slapped the mat, raising her arm up a little bit slowly! She looked over for a second before her hand slapped the mat a second time, her count noticeably slow! "TWO!"

Peggy's weak struggles continued, but it was clear she wasn't going to be kicking out. Her head and neck hurt so much she had tears down her cheeks and her moans sounded like stifled crying. "Come on Peggy kick out damn it!" Lauren shouted as she raised her hand up keeping it there. After what was essentially another count and a half by itself Lauren slapped the mat a third time. "THREE!"

Peggy moaned and kept struggling, failing to kick out after a five count that was masked as a three count. "G...get off me.." Peggy muttered weakly from underneath Karin.

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Re: The art of slamming

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After the three count and the agry muttering below her karin would slowly get up to her hands and knees before going back up to her feet. She would look down to Peggy. “you’re a tough one!” would karin say reaching out with her hand offering it to her opponent to help her back to her feet. Karin would look at her opponent with a huge smile. “let me help you up!” would karin say.

The body of the small girl was feeling heavy and sore. Her back was hurting like hellfrom all the slamming she just got. peggy really knew how to throw down... But karin tried to overplay the exhaustin with a smile and not show how much pain she was suffering right now.
Last edited by xalex on Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The art of slamming

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Peggy accepted the help up and while Karin was being nice Peggy couldn't help but feel humiliated. Like Lauren she was just beaten at her own game by a woman a good bit smaller. The two old school wrestlers glanced at each other. Lauren shrugged as Peggy shook her head. "Lauren what the hell do we have to do!? We throw move after move at these women n' they just break us down quick with half the offense! Like.... how do we win and show everyone can are more than just flabby jobbers that get laughed at?" Peggy said sounding exasperated.

"I wish I knew... I put everything I have into every move. Women like Karin just get crushed and come back while we can't seem to do that. She cut right through me the way she did you just now." Lauren said, sounding just as lost for explanation as Peggy.

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Re: The art of slamming

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“Oh come on you did great!” was Karin say. She would rub the back of her head looking a little bit shy. “since I joined law I went through hell… I was crushed beaten and slammed since I debuted, by monsters I could never beat in my whole like. Karen Staring she almost broke my body in one of my first matches, and it only went downhill from there. Lose after lose, beating after beating… Then I became loser belt champion and things got worse… I got bullied backstage and my boyfriend dropped me because he didn´t want to be together with a loser…!” the young woman would stop for a moment. Then she would smirk. “But during that time I learned something… how to get back up after a beating… so now It really takes a bus of something to keep me down!”
Karin would look at lauren. She smiled happily into the face of the big woman. “do you want to try me next? Or should we all train together?”

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Re: The art of slamming

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Peggy rolled out of the ring underneath the bottom rope, reaching up to hold the bottom rope as she laid on the apron listening to Karin speak. As bad as the two had it they were never the Losers Champion, something Karin had been stuck with. Peggy was listening to Karin but she was so hurt and worn out that all she could do was lay there gasping for breath.

Lauren looked Karin over. She wanted to prove herself. Karin though was just through a spar while Lauren was fresh. She did want to see if she could at least take a tired out Karin. "Okay, lets do it. You and I." Lauren said as she stood tall and readied herself for Karin. Lauren was circling and waiting for Karin to make the first move, it was the least she could do as she was fresh.

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