Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout
This was a big night for Sheila, and backstage, the girl could hardly contain her excitement. With a grin on her face, she fidgeted anxiously in her seat, counting down the moments for her name to be called up. But that anxiety was hardly coming from a place of fear. Sheila was just excited to be here, and to have so much promised to her! She'd already learned a lot from her classes and her sparring sessions with her fellow Young Lionesses, going from a young, hopeful backyard wrestler with more enthusiasm than common sense to someone who was ready to show the world what she was capable of. And now, after returning from some time in the indies, Sheila was ready to make her first appearance in the LAW ring, facing off against a main roster member! This was her chance to prove what she could do, and she was excited for it; she wasn't going to waste an opportunity like this!

"Coming first to the ring, from Cooktown, Queensland! At 5'6 and 130 lbs., coming to us from LAW's Young Lioness program, everyone welcome SHEILA CHIHARA!"
"Thaaat's me!" Sheila cheered to herself, hopping up from her seat with a grin. She came running down the ramp, looking out in both directions into the stands and waving her hands to the crowd. "Hiiiii! Hi everyone!" She slapped a few high-fives, making her way to the ring, where she would climb to the top rope. Mounting the turnbuckle, Sheila faced the crowd and waved her hand again before she did a backflip off the post to touch down on the mat below.

When the match was over, Sheila's superiors would admonish her for getting so enthusiastic in her entrance and stealing the spotlight from those who had actually joined the main roster. After all, she was here to learn more than anything else, not to hog the attention. But such concerns were hardly on Sheila's mind right now. All she wanted to do was to make a splash!
Last edited by CaptainL on Sun Nov 29, 2020 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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Ashley did some last minute checks on her attire as she waited for her turn to enter the ring, hearing her opponents entrance from behind the gorilla position. Prior to this match Ashley had done the same thing she did before every match and looked into this woman's background, only to find that there wasn't much to find. She knew Sheila's name, her face and that she was a part of the Young Lioness program, but other than that she knew nothing. It seemed like this girl had very little wrestling experience prior to now, if she even had any at all. So Ashley was being used to test out a promising rookie's potential? Well if that was the case Ashley would make sure to give this girl a good test.

Once Sheila's entrance was done it was time for Ashley to make her appearance. The blonde would stroll out on to the top of the ramp, earning applause from the audience as she emerged. Ashley smiled to herself, she wasn't a rookie who no one cheered for anymore; now she was getting applauded by her fans, even after the absolute disaster that was her last match. Ashley stopped for a moment and pulled her signature pose where she pointed into the air with the back of her hand facing forward while spreading her legs. After holding that pose for a few seconds Ashley would start making her way down the ramp towards the ring.

After climbing in through the ropes Ashley would take a good look at Sheila in person for the first time, she wasn't all that big but she seemed to be quite athletic all the same, and she seemed very eager to go. Ashley walked forward and beckoned for Sheila to do the same, assuming she did so Ashley would smile at her soon-to-be adversary "Hey, I'm Ashley. Let's have a good match, alright?" she would say, extending a hand. She was curious as to how Sheila would react to the handshake, but she seemed like the friendly type to Ashley so there was probably nothing to worry about.
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Re: Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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Just watching Ashley make her way into the ring was enough to get the adrenaline pumping through Sheila's veins. Her eyes went wide, and she leaned in closer, her heart pounding in her chest. Sheila already knew she would be making her main roster debut, and she was already excited for such an honor. But all that excitement was reawakened in her just a moment later, as she watched Ashley make her appearance to the sound of cheering. That was what reminded Sheila of the fact that she was here, right now, in the ring, prepared to make herself known to the viewers of LAW. It was the moment she'd been dreaming of for a long time, and now it was finally here.

Even Sheila had to applaud at Ashley's display. Her entrance exuded confidence and poise, and the strong stance she took was one of a proud wrestler who was sure in what she was doing! Sheila could only imagine that might be her some day, and her eyes were practically sparkling. "!" she muttered to herself.

But Sheila wasn't here to stand here and fangirl. She had a match to attend to, and she had a name to make for herself! Grinning wider, she met Ashley's offer with a firm and vigorous shake, perhaps so vigorous the blonde would feel herself shaken by it. Nevertheless, Sheila kept up her eager attitude, not thinking twice about her enthusiasm. "Hi, Ashley! I'm Sheila! You bet I'm gonna give it my all out there!"


And with the bell, that was Sheila's cue! She hopped down into a stance, raising her hands as she leaned in to join hands with Ashley for a lockup. The match was on!
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Re: Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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As it would turn out Ashley was right in thinking that she didn't have to worry about Sheila rejecting the handshake, in fact she accepted it so vigorously that Ashley herself was taken off guard by the girl's energy "Haha, uh yeah... I bet..." she said, not quite knowing what to say in the face of such enthusiasm. Even so, this Sheila girl didn't seem like a bad person, Ashley was quite looking forward to seeing what she could do. With that thought in mind Ashley would walk forward with a smile as the bell rang, grabbing Sheila's hands to initiate a lockup. Ashley would push forward, hoping to push Sheila back and overwhelm her with brute force to get a good early advantage over her dark haired opponent.
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Re: Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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As the match began to get underway, the wide, gleaming grin across Sheila's face didn't fade for a moment, remaining as vibrant as it always had. How could it not? This was a big night for Sheila, being able to prove herself in front of a bigger audience than ever before! She didn't know why her opponent seemed so hesitant at meeting her - was she not as enthused? But Sheila didn't ask her about that. She was here to wrestle, after all, and she was eager to throw herself headlong into the match!

She fidgeted with anixous energy in those seconds before the bell rang, counting down each passing moment. But soon, the match had officially begun - and Sheila was ready for it! She closed in to latch onto her opponent, meeting her in a lockup, and Ashley had much the same in mind. The two girls linked hands, and Sheila leaned in closer, gritting her teeth and narrowing her eyes in focus. She could feel the weight and force Ashley was meeting her with, and she wanted to match it with that of her own!

This struggle went on for a few seconds with the two trying to overtake one another. While it looked even at first, Sheila soon began to bend backward, unable to hold up against Ashley's strength. One foot landed behind her, then the other, as she was being backed toward the ropes. At the thought of losing control, Sheila gulped - but she wasn't going to let that slip so easily! She and Ashley were still face to face, after all - and she could take advantage of that!

Suddenly, the Australian lunged forward, drawing her head back before flinging it straight into Ashley's face! While her hands might have been tied, no one said anything about headbutts - and she hoped that would be enough to break the lockup!
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Re: Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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As the two of them locked up Ashley would push against Sheila in the hopes of overpowering the dark haired girl and gaining an early advantage in the match. For the moment the two of them were rather evenly matched, but little by little Ashley started to push Sheilah back until eventually the girl's back was almost to the ropes. With a grin on her face Ashley hatched a plan of attack that would really let Sheilah have it, she only needed to press her back into the ropes to get it started. That grin would quickly vanish when Ashley saw Sheilah lunge forward and smack her head right into the blonde's face "Ahhh!!!"

Ashley stumbled back and threw her hands up to protect her face, she didn't actually want to but it was a natural reaction to having your face attacked so her body moved on its own. Her eyes watered slightly because her nose had been struck, blurring the blonde's vision. Ashley started quickly stepping back to make some distance between herself and Sheila, knowing that for the next few seconds she was very vulnerable to whatever Sheila intended to throw her way to follow up.
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Re: Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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Sheila was hard-headed in more ways than one. She was stubborn and refused to be contained, and when she began to feel herself being steered back toward the ropes, she knew she was going to have to do something about it. And, for that matter, her head was literally quite hard. She wasn't afraid to use it, and as Ashley slowly but surely was backing Sheila away, the dark-haired girl lashed out with a slam of her forehead straight into Ashley's nose! No one could have seen it coming, but that was how Sheila rolled. She liked to keep her opponents guessing.

Ashley had been taken back by the momentum of the collision, and she went staggering back, clutching her aching head. She let go of Sheila in the process, giving the Australian free reign to do as she wished. That was a privilege Sheila would take note of - as soon as she was free, she would follow up on that headbutt, rushing in toward Ashley and throwing her arm up to hit her with an incoming clothesline! Ashley was stunned, but Sheila wanted to take her to the ground!
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Re: Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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Sheila's headbutt to Ashley's face really threw the blonde for a loop, forcing her to stumble back while clutching her face. Clearly not one to let an opening pass her by Sheila would take advantage of Ashley's lowered guard to smack her in the chest with a clothesline, Ashley cried out as she was taken off her feet and hit the mat with a thud. This rookie sure was unpredictable, that was for sure, and at least so far she had been the one making Ashley look bad rather than the other way round. Ashley knew that an attack was likely coming soon, so she would watch Sheila closely and prepare herself for it.
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Re: Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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That was two for two, Sheila thought. She was laying into Ashley with a couple of well-placed blows one after another, using one move to stun her opponent long enough to go for the next. The headbutt had sent her staggering long enough to stand in the path of Sheila's clothesline, and now that move had brought her to the floor. Sheila grinned for a moment, thinking of the advantage that would afford her - but she wouldn't stop at that. She couldn't lose sight of her goal!

While Ashley toppled to the mat, Sheila ran on ahead, coming to the ropes at the other side of the ring. Grabbing a hold of them, she swung herself up onto the middle rope, where she flung herself back at the prone Ashley, looking to crash down on top of her in a senton! "Haaah-!!"
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Re: Sheila Chihara [D] vs. Ashley Lucas

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After stunning Ashley with her headbutt and knocking her down with a clothesline Sheila was on a roll, she had gained quite an advantage over her more experienced adversary and was looking to keep it going even further. Ashley looked up as Sheila ran on ahead and bounced off of the ropes, flinging her body right at Ashley looking to crash on top of her. Such a move would likely be devastating if it hit, which was why Ashley would roll to the side to avoid it, causing Sheila to crash down on the mat rather than on Ashley.

To punish Sheila for this mistake Ashley would reach forward to try and take a hold of one of Sheila's arms, if she was successful she would wrap her legs around it and apply a cross armbar, wrenching on the arm and putting pressure on her shoulder and elbow "Take this!" Even if all went to plan Ashley wasn't seriously expecting a submission this early, rather she wanted to weaken the arm and inflict some damage to Sheila to make up for Ashley's poor start.
Last edited by pikazard on Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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