Amazon Queen Vs Cal

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Amazon Queen Vs Cal

Unread post by AmazonWrestler »

((First off this match was dune over discord in my discord page where I do random matchs and test out characters. I want to say thank you to Cyber for the amazing match. I will be trying to post at list 10 or so posts worthy a day or every 2 days. cause there alot and I put alot into this. And I'm great full to cyber for helping me test out my new girl.. lastly thank you for taking the time to come read our match..Now on to the first of 10 or so..))
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Re: Amazon Queen Vs Cal

Unread post by AmazonWrestler »

Standing at 6'6" in the ring wearing a very revealing top, thong, barbarian like boots and gloves. She wasnt alone she was talking to the owner of discord heavens blade group, jeremy and they seam be argueing...


From the camera view it was a heated argument. The Amazon woman grabbed his face and kisses him deeply. Jeremy did struggle at first but then gave in kissing her back deeply.


After a moment he broke the kiss and seam to give in..

Taking a mic jeremy gets ready to talk as the Amazon moves to a corner with a smile..

"Good day ladies and gentlemen.. to nights match is a open challage to any males.. submission, 10 count, or knock out.. hentia..." jeremy looked over at the Amazon and she nodded with a grin. "Hentia allowed. Now to Introduce this woman.. Standing at 6'6" She is the Amazon Queen...." he holds an hand out to her.

When jeremy holds out his hand she starts to flex. Making her muscles all pop. And then flexes her breasts making them move..

"How men.. who would come and face the Amazon Queen and be her first victim????"

Cal decided to take the girl up on the offer. A man in a tight green speedo walked down towards the ring.

"Hey there, sexy. Heard you wanted a fight, and, judging by that scrawny little cuck near you, a real man...well, no need to look anymore." Cal said, raising his arms to the boos and callouts from the women in the crowd.

Cal climbed past the ropes. "You're gonna get everything...a nice beating, and the best dick of your life..." He marched up to her.



Sasha smiled seeing Cal. Who looked like the type she liked to put down. Big, strong, and cocky.. she leaned her butt into the corner and licked her lips.

She got a little insulted when he made fun of her man but she bitten her lip. "Aaawww big strong man going to give this queen a real cock? Oo so cocky.. maybe after the fight I'll have you down and taking a strap on to your ass while you call me queen." She giggled playfuly "my little bitch." Her grin turned evil..

Jeremy just stood there with a mic "ok you both know the rules. Now." He looked as Sasha "are you ready?"

Sasha nodded like she was ready to burst out of the corner..

Jeremy looked at Cal "Are you ready sir?"

At her words, he smirked. "You got a mouth on'd look better with my cock in it." Cal taunted. He went to a corner, eyeing her and wiggling his crotch at her, licking his lips. "You're mine."

"Yeah, yeah. Ring the bell, you fucking dork." He said, ready to have his way with this bitch.

Jeremy just smiled at Cal not letting his words get to him. Tho when he looked over at his wife. He could see her holding the corner ropes ready to bust loose. "OKAY FIGHTERS?" He backs up as the bell rang.

Like a shot sasha came out of the corner fast and jumped at cal. Using her weight, speed and force to take him down with her on top. She was no princess but a Amazon queen so when she sat on top of him started to swing hard punches to his face and chest. All the while evil shining in her eyes.

Cal got off the ropes, bouncing around before the bell rang. 'Oh, this'll be easy. We might have a bit of a tussle, but I can take her. I can take any woman in this league...' he thought.

Then the bell rang. He wasn't ready as Sasha pounced on him . His body crashed onto the mat, the Amazon on top of him. As she punched him, he groaned, but grabbed her hair, pulling back, just to smash his elbow into her jaw.

She continued to punch him. When he grabbed her hair and pulled it back she did stop just in case of an attack and caught his elbow "pulling hair? You little bitch"

She grabbed onto his wrists and using her knees she rolled so he was on top and moved her legs to clamp around his upper body. "Let's give thoses muscles a nice leg hug." She started to give his body a good slow crushing squeese.. "aawww come on baby you can do it." Her legs got tighter and tighter around him.

She licked her lips knowing Cal was going to be a slow and enjoy man to beat. Tho agest his chest her thong like bottoms was getting damp from this already started battle.

Cal was surprised at her catch, and soon had his arms pinned down. "Urghh....fuck you, bitch!" He grunted out, then felt her legs crushing his stomach. Cal let out a long grunt of pain.

Cal would being to use his strength to wrestle an arm free. He grunted, their arms pushing against each other.

She moaned feeling Cals struggle. His muscles agest hers as her legs just got tighter "oo this feels good." She leans her face down to kiss and forcefully kisses his lips ramming her tongue into his mouth as her hands held his like they where even.

Her crotch rubbing agest his chest making it damp. She was going to show the wimp his place in both wrestling and sex.

Jeremy just shook his head and watched "shes in wild mode. I feel bad for him."

Cal moaned, not denying she could please him. However, he would not allow himself to be beaten by a woman. He tried to roll around so he was on top, grunting as he moved. Meanwhile, his tongue and hers wrestled for dominance. This was getting Cal's cock fully erect, and begging to break free from it's tight green prison.

His struggling was just making her wetter. She growls in the kiss and when his tongue goes into her mouth she bites it and tugs on it before braking the kiss "mmmm" then she quickly head butts him hard..

She let go of his hands and body. Moving off of him she licks her lips like a tiger as she gets up and stands over him. Looking him over "aawww someone wants to play?" She reaches down and slaps his bulge. "Get up a fight like a woman bitch." She backs up as her muscles flex and she kepts her eyes on him.

Cal winced as she bit his tongue and tugged it. The kiss was soon broken but followed by a headbutt. He nose bled slightly. "Grrr...cunt..." Cal wiped it away.

She was off him, but she soon taunted him and gave his erection a hard slap. The crowd groaned and Cal did too. He was furious. "Ok, want it?" As he rose he gave the Amazon a hard low blow, punching her pussy hard.

She was loving how it seam he was just getting mader. "Aawww baby I'm not a cunt. I'm your queen." She giggles like she was a school girl but that moment she closed both her eyes she felt pure cheap pain. Her eyes open to see and feel Cals fist agest her barely covered pussy.. she didnt believes he did something so dirty.. she stepped back as one hand reaches down to hold and cover her cunt while she try to work thru the pain.

Cal smirked. "Oh baby, I love seeing you bent over..." He said, grabbing her butt and pulling down her bottoms. Cal would then bearhug her from behind, lifting her off the ground and spinning as he squeezed, showing her pussy to the crowd.
Last edited by AmazonWrestler on Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Amazon Queen Vs Cal

Unread post by AmazonWrestler »

At that moment she couldn't stop him from pulling down her bottoms. Her eyes starter to burn red. Feeling his arms wrap around her in a behind bear hug. She did struggle but only to get her bottoms off "gggrrr let me go you wimp." Once her bottoms drop she sang her foot back hard trying to get the heel of her foot to hit him beween the legs.


He laughed. "Nope...and wimp? You're gonna be calling me Daddy by the time this night is over..." He grunted at the hit, but grabbed her head, slamming her face right into a turnbuckle.

Her face hits the turnbuckle but that was a momentary stun. She swang her foot back again but with better aim. Going for his gut before she turns around fast swinging her elbow at his head. Her eyes burning with fiery battle lust. Before she grabs his head and swings both her knees up as she pulls his head down to meet her knees

He is stunned this time, backing off, but is grabbed and kneed in the head. "UGH!" He stumbles back, falling against the opposite turnbuckle. His forehead was bleeding a bit.

She walked over to him. "Come here lover." She grabbed him by the hair and pulled him from the corner grabbing his butt while still holding his hair. Bends him over and swings him hard back into the corner so he goses beween the ropes so his shoulder hits the post... as she grins evily.


He grunted as she womanhandled him. As much as he hated this, the domination was getting him rock hard. She could easily notice his boner as he weakly pushed at her.

She grabbed his ass hard "mmm someone likes this." She grabbed the top of his bottoms and pulled them down. Showing off his butt. "My my such a bad little boy." She slaps one of his butt checks hard and then the other. Her hand reaches down and rubs his balls "mmm Beg momma." She moved her other hand to his butt. Then looks to the camera. Grining as she squeezes his balls and pushes 2 fingers into his ass hard. She moves her body so her hips where agest her hand that as 2 fingers in his ass and starts to move her hips like she was fucking his ass but using her thrusts agest her hand to finger fuck him.. her finger nails scratching the inside of him


He winced at her butt grab. He was spanked like a stripper, then his balls were rubbed. "This bad little boy is gonna have ya calling him Daddy, you bitch..." Soon, he was getting vicously fucked in the ass by her fingers. "AH! BITCH!" He struggled, trying not to nut. "YOU'RE JUST SCARED TO FUCK ME HEAD ON BECAUSE YOU KNOW I'LL MAKE YA CUM!"

She squeezes his balls harder and moves her hand from ass to his hair again "aaaww big words from a guy hard from a finger fuck." She let go of his balls and pulled him from the corner and then jumped up onto his back and pulls him back so shes on her back with him on top going for the queens lock finisher (( cross face chickenwing with body scissor )) her feet slap around his cock and rubs it beween her feet.

He groaned from the ball squeeze. "Fuck..." Call would try to get away, but he was pulled by his hair like a maiden by a rapey barbarian. He was put in a lock, and could feel her feet jerking hin off. Soon, there was a damp spot in his Speedos, as he came hard.

She kept rubbing her feet around his bulge as she put more pressure from her knees around him and pulled harder on the chickenwing. "Mmm I feel something damp." She grins rubbing her feet harder as she was trying to make it clear she was giving him both pain and pleasure. "Mmmm I think I want your spot wetter." She laughts not holding back.


He grunted in pain. Cal formed a claw with with his hand, going for her face. Cum ran down his leg as he raked her face, trying to break free. His cock was about to burst from her foot job.


When she saw his hand coming to claw her face. She spread out her legs and then slammed her feet hard around his cock just to feel him shoot out an other load.

She rolled so he face face down to the mat as she sat up on his back. Moving an arm under his neck and moving her other hand to grab the arm around his neck she started to squeeze his neck. When the ref started to come close she looked up at him and growls "He dosent submit. Even if he does you dont see anything wimp." Shs growled making the ref back away


Jizz shot out so hard it splattered out, covering his thighs and dripping through his trunks. "Ahhhh!!!" He yelled out.

He soon found himself trapped in a chokehold. He fought hard, his butt rubbing against her bare pussy.
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Re: Amazon Queen Vs Cal

Unread post by AmazonWrestler »

She laughed and squeezed harder. When he rubbed his butt agest her hips she started to thrust her hips like she was fucking his ass. "Mm.. ya baby when you lose I'll milk and fuck your pussy ass." After a fue mins she just let him go and stood up..

Looking down at him she gives him a hard kick to his ribs. "Get up where not dune fighting." She backs up to give him space


Cal grunted as she grinded roughly. After a bit, she stopped. He tried to get up, suffering a kick to the ribs.

When he got up, he breathed hard. "Don't care what you did...when my dick fucks that pussy, you'll be mine..." He took his Speedos off, revealing his long cock. "Let's have a sex fight. Unless you're too scared I'll make you cry like a schoolgirl..."

SHe cocks her eye to the side and looks over the naked Cal "oooo little man. The only reason you want to change this game to a sex fight is cause." She rubs her hands down her body. Then slowly backs up rubing her breasts

"Mmmm is cause your not man enough to handle the rules in play now. There's nothing stopping you from trying to fuck me... nor for me. It's just I'm soooooo much woman you cant." She giggled and then drops down to the mat and rolls out.. "but baby here's a little treat." She slowly starts to remove her cloths.. she could see the sexual hunger in his eyes..

Once she was naked . She slowly climbed back into the ring on all forces..eyeing him like a cat as he crawled into the ring.

"Heres your treat I'm on my knees." She leaned up so she was on her knees. "Handle cap for now. Princess." She giggles and waves her hand at him "come on cow boy. Time to get milked and beaten. " she was trying to tease him but was laughing inside on how much of a wimp he was. "Here?" She moved to face away and moved on all fores like she was a cat leans her ass up giving him a good view of her pussy as she shakes her ass slowly and teasely

"You're talking a big game..." He said, then gave her butt a hard slap, then got in position. "But I know you'll go mad for my dick...." He thrusted into her pussy from behind, taking her in a doggy style position. "Mmmm..." He moaned, loving the inside of her pussy.

She shook her head as she let him mount her from behind. Feeling his cock in her she did moan. Then his thrusting did make her breast shake. "Mmmm that it big daddy fuck my pussy." She pressed her hands down to the mat.. her pussy squeezing hard around his cock. "Mmmm hold on. This may make it easy for you."

She trys to move her legs so he has to hold her up as her legs wrap around his hips. "Mmm enjoy this." She grinned and clamped her pussy as hard as she could around his cock. Then pushing to the side she forced him to roll with her. So he was on his belly. His cock still in her as her legs locked around him. She moved her arms to hold his legs as grinned siting up as she squeezes his body with her legs and his cock with her pussy as hard as she could. "Oooo baby getting squeezed and milked..." she grins trying to crush him and his manhood.


"Yeah that?" Cal said, giving her a spank. "Bet you wanna leave that loser and jump in bed with me..." He moaned out. Cal let out a grunt as he felt her pussy muscles squeeze his dick.

"You think you can win a fuck fight with me? You really are stupid." Then he found himself being forced into a new position. It ended up with his cock painfully bent inside her pussy. Before he could crawl away, he felt her legs clamp down on his powerful waist . He could feel her pussy muscles working on his cock and her legs working on his waist. "! I'm not gonna cum!" It was hard to not notice Cal's ass as he struggled.

She held his legs under her arm. Her pussy squeezing his cock like it was in a vice, her strong legs wrapped tightly around him. She was grining "aaawww babys butt looks cute."

Her hands were close enough that she could hold his legs and teases his ass. She rubbed one of her finger nails over his ass hole. "Knock knock." She rammed her finger deep into his ass as all the parts she was holding of him was squeezing as hard as they could. She slowly moved her finger in and out of him.

"Aaawww baby getting ass fingered. Let's see if you can take 2." Slow as she moved one finger out she moved 2 down back into him and started to move her fingers around as she pumped them in and out "bitch."


"Ahhh!!! Stop crushing my waist you thot!" He yelled, before she started talking about his ass. Then he felt those fingers. He couldn't help but squirt a bit in her pussy.

He tried to crawl to the ropes as she began to finger his butt. "No!" He could feel his cock ready to burst.

She was giggling as he was struggling "ooo I feel someone squirting a little. Here let me help." She fingers his ass faster. As her legs loosen and squeen hard again. She kept up loosening and the squeeseing hard as if she was trying to milk his cock and crush his body.

When she saw him going for the ropes she let him go with her legs and let go of his legs but her pussy clamped tightly around his cock so when she twisted her body to move away her pussy twisted and pulled his cock..

She let him go and got up. Reaching down to her pussy and opens her pussy lips letting cum drip out of her pussy "aaww someone came alot and it wasnt the real orgasm" she grins looking down at him like she was ready to end this. "Come on man step up. You cant beat a real woman."

Her legs were like a vice. He managed to get to the ropes, then screamed as she twisted his erection. "Ahhh!!!" She got off him and his dick had cum leaking down the side.

"Fucking slut.* He said, getting up. "No bitch has ever beaten me, and you aren't going to be the first." He got up.

She laughted "okay baby boy. I guess your pride is high enough." She backs up so he has room... "I'll knock you out and show you your place under my foot."

She was grining already having a evil way to put him out and to break his pride. Licking her lips she waves him to come at him.. if he fell for it and came at her she would move at him and try to close line him..

"Dumb thot...I'm a conqueror..." Cal took the bait, charging at her. He was then clotheslined, landing on her ass. His boner poked against his trunks, begging to be grabbed.


When she knocked him down she did turn and look down at him. Jumping at him driving her knees down into his chest. She would move to sit on him trapping his arms as she sat on his chest.. she reaches down and starts to slap his cock hard "bad bad boy..." she grins and after a fue slaps she swings her othet hand into a fist and down on his balls "aawww did I hit your reset button?'

He would groan as her knees smashed into his chest. "Get the fuck off me!" He growled, struggling. He soon felt several hard slaps to his cock. "Ugh....stop..." He even squirted a bit into her hand. Cal woiuld feel immense pain as she punched his balls. "UGH!!!!"


"SHUT UP and let me have my fun or else I'll finish you off now and leave you to the birds. Maybe they would enjoy that worm of a cock" she looked over him thinking 'what to do? What to do? Hes not that strong and his dick well hes making his boring...'

An evil grin shows on her face as she backs up her butt so she could sit on his face. Her hand grabs his cock and pulls it. So she could pull his body up. Moving his legs under her armpits. Making sure his cock was beween her breasts she wraps her arms around his hips and starts to give him a hip bear hug. While squeezing his hips. Her breasts clap around his cock like a vice. She leans her head down and softy nibbles on his balls.

Her ass shakes while she sits on his face..


Cal squirmed as she sat on him. Some precum came out, running down the shaft and onto her hand. He soon found himself in a humiliating submission. He moaned as she began to tit job him and nibble his sac.

She would rub her tongue over his balls and suck one of them into her mouth. Her breasts flexing around his cock as I'd milking him. She grinds down hard on his face. She was going to make the wimp.pass out with an orgasm. She wanted her prize. She was going to put a strap on and fuck this wimp in fount of the camera and show all the boys in law her rule.


Cal couldn't help it. This amazon was giving the best sex of his life. His dick sprayed cum, as he licked her ass and pussy. The orgasm weakened him.
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Re: Amazon Queen Vs Cal

Unread post by Jman2113 »

Her hand on his ass slowly slides a finger into his ass as she growls while one of his balls in her mouth. She grinds her ass down trying to smother him as she finger fucks his ass.. she could feel his cock cum beween her breasts as she continues to flex her chest so her breasts continue to milk his cock...she would look at the camera that was recording the match and with her other hand hold out her arm and flex her muscle.

He could barely breathe, but refused to tap on her thigh, his cock getting milked yet again. Cal groaned and moaned as she finger fucked his ass again.

She was grining as she flexes her breasts around his cock as her finger moves in and out of his ass faster. She starts to grind down her ass down harder and a ref slides in and starts to slap the mat starting the 10 count.

1...... she starts lick his balls.....2 she grinds her finger deeper into his ass

"You fucking...cunt..." He came a bit, cum squirting onto the amazons chin. He began licking her asshole, hoping to get her to ease off.

When he called her cunt she bites his balls then sucks one ball onto her mouth so its trapped behind her teeth as she grinds harder down on his tongue. Her breasts squeezing his cock harder beween them..

The ref had counted 3....4....5..

Her finger in his ass she moves her finger around using her nail to scratch the inside

He writhed as she bit his balls, kicking his legs pathetically. A torrent of jizz squirted out of his cock, running down her belly. Cal yelled as he nails began to scratch the inside of his ass.

Feeling he yell as her pussy smothers him makes her moans agest the ball in her mouth. Rubing her tounge over it. Making sure her teeth held it in place.. she pulls her finger out of his ass and starts to spank his ass hard trying to make him feel helpless.

The ref counted ...6.....7.....8..

She could feel her breasts had milked out a load form his cock but that didnt stop her form squeezing the relaxing her breasts using them to milk him dry

Cal moaned helplessly for a moment, but heard the coutning, struggling hard, managing to kick out. He rolled away, getting into a crouched position. "I'm really gonna make ya pay for that!"

The ref got to 9 when he kicked out.. sasha was surprised by the power he just shot out.. that she fell on to her butt and growls. But as he got onto a crouched position she was already up and was at him. Senting a hard super kick to his head... she wasnt going to let the pray she had been working on get any edge..

He grabbed her leg, then gave her swift cunt punch! He then would twist her leg,driving his knee into it.

Her super kick missed and she felt him cunt punch her woman hood. Anyone geting hit there be man or woman would be in pain.. and drop. As she was holding her cunt as he got her on her belly and then drop his knees into her legs. Doing some damage as she pushed up and growls in pain

"Enjoy that, bitch?" He said, then straddled her.

She growled "you will pay." She didnt notice him straddling and when he did her hands moved to push agest him ",get off me you peon. " his cunt punch still had her weak..unable to fully use her strength

"Nope..." He pinched her nose, then smothered her with his sweaty balls. "Lick em, whore!" He laughed, rubbing his sack against her face.

She growled and for now the male had control. Taking his balls into her mouth she started to suck and tug on them. Rubing her tounge over each ball as she growled

"OH YEAH! WORSHIP 'EM, YOU BITCH!" He moaned loudly, rubbing her breasts, playing with her nipples.

His man was pushing his luck with her. How dare he.. so she moved her hands to his abs and rubs his sides. She tugged on his balls waiting to see if he would be detracted. Then using her muscles. She spread her legs and sat up fast and hard slaming him down. With his balls in her mouth she bites hard. Growling like she would rip them off.

Cal grunted from the slam, then started screaming as she bit his sack. "AHHHH!!!! FUCKING CUNT LETGO!" He tried to get away from her, punching her in the head.

As he tried to punch her she would lean back pulling his balls hard as she leans back from each punch. Her legs move to wrap around his chest. Then she starts to squeeze him hard. Shuffling around his balls in her mouth but making sure his balls feel how sharp her teeth are.. she holds his hips with one hand as the other grabs his cock and points it at him and rubs it hard and fast like she was trying to rip the skin off his cock.

He was in massive pain as she bit his balls hard. Her legs tightened around his chest. Worst of it was the humiliation of his cock being aimed at himself while she roughly jerked him off. Some pre cum shot onto Cal's abs. "AH! BITCH!"

She enjoyed he was calling her a bitch. She just jacked him off harder aiming his cock at his face. She growls biting his balls harder "scream bitch." She tugs his balls hard with her teeth.

"AHHHH!!!!" Cum sprayed from his cock, hitting his face. His sac bled a bit. "I GIVE! NOW JUST STOP!"

She let go of balls with her teeth as she still Jack's him off. Even after he cam. She was going to milk the wimp dry. "What was that wimp? I didnt hear you." She grins going to act she didnt hear him. She moved her other hand to his ass hole and rams 2 finger into it. "Aaaww baby wimp maded a mess." She teases going to humiliate the wimp.

"I said, I GIVE!" He said, then felt two fingers enter his ass. "Ohh...." He let off a bit more pre cum, squirting onto his chin and upper chest.

She laughted and laughted jacking him harder and harder as she rammed her fingers in and out of his ass "What? I can hear you bitch.. I wonder how meny helpless weak women you maded into crying piles of trash. Well wimp I'm going to kept going in till your scared to play hard.." she grins evily..

Jeremy who was watching shook his head and yelled "DEAR! He gave up.... you dont want the others to get scared."

She looked at her husband with mean eyes and jeremy just held up his hands and backed away watching. Jeremy did feel bad for Cal. But better him then jeremy himself...

"Now Cal.. seams my husband as pitty on you. But I dont." She laughts evily. Enjoying making him suffer

Cal squirmed, trying to escape, but her fingers were still in his ass. He came hard on the mat. "Fuck!"

She laughted seeing him cum again "come on Cal... your a big strong guy yet your cumming like a bitch." She stopped and let him go.

She pushed him away as she got up, looking at her husband Jeremy.. "Sorry dear but macho man here needs a punishment then I'll be nice." She smiled and giggled a little like a school girl showing tho she was a powerful woman with the right people she wasnt just a mean amazon.

She walked to Cals legs and grabs them. Fliping him onto his back.. she speaded his legs apart.. "aaaa still hard? Well I did take meds before the match and a fue other protection.. so enjoy this." She slowly moved down. Wrapping an arm around one of his legs so she could grab his cock and move it so when she came down she took him into her slowly. "Mmmmm maybe your cock is the only thing man about you." She slides all.the way down so he was fully in her. Her womanhood squeezing like a fist as she starts to fuck him in the Amazon position. "Come on wimp. Moan for me." She leads one him so her breasts covered his face. Wrapping her arms around his head and starts to thrust hard and fast. Pressing his face to her chest. She was going to fuck him knock out. "COME ON WIMP... GIVE ME A SEX FIGHT." She growls going harder as she smothers him.

Cal was dazed after cumming, and was easily flipped onto his back. He was spent, but knew his fearsome rival didn't care. She rode him like the savage amazon she was. He moaned and panted, her kegal muscles squeezing his cock as she rode him. "Ohhh....this pussy is so good!" He moaned out, weakly trying to thrust back. However, he soon found himself smothered by her big breasts. "MRRRPHHH!!!" He was about to cum!

Her arms around his head pulled him deeper into her cleavage that his nose and mouth where to her chest with her breasts around his head. Her thrusting got harder and faster as she pulled up pulling his hips off the ground before slaming down slaming his cock deeper in her and his ass to the mat.

"COME ON CAL." She growls "your so post to be a big man? But your just a big pussy. My husband fucks harder and can take what I got. And hes got problems. What's your excuse?" She growls shaking him as she grinds down hard to his hips. "Come on give me what little load you got. Time for me to put you to sleep." She growls using her pussy muscles to squeese his cock has hard as she could as she grinds down on him. She put all she had into it to knock him and force him to blow what ever little load he had left in him out.

At her words, he tried to thrust faster, but he felt so tired... his cock burst inside her, cumming wildy. He was about to drift into sleep.

She could feel he was almost broken. His stuggles had almost stopped. With and evil grin she started painfully thrust her hips. Fucking his weak cock while holding his face beween her breasts.

A camera guy moves in close and she looks at the camera. "Listion up all you boys in law. See this wimp? Your next but dont worry I'm not dune with him. Your going to love what I do and get on your knees for your queen." She giggles as her hard muscles flex. Her pussy muscles crushing his cock with all she had.

He creams hard, groaning as she milked his cock for every last drop. Cal passed out after. When she would get off him, the crowd would see his jizz covered limp dick.

She wasnt stoping. Her pussy muscles squessing as her hips pulled his hips up by his cock. An evil grin as she kept this up showing cal and everyone watching the sexual rule a Amazon as over the weaker sex male. Tho in cals case he wasnt much challage or fuck.

Her husband Jeremy knew she was trying to make a mark in her first match but even still this was geting too much.

He could see cal wasnt moving so as he got close Sasha she shook her head as if warning him not to get close cause she wasnt dune with the muscled wimp.

Kepting up the hard forced sex of Cal. She grins enjoying making him hurt. She didnt care if he was out..

As the ref Jeremy could see he was out so moving closer even to the dismay of Sasha. He grabes Cals hand and arm and brought it up. Leting it go and it hit the mat. He did this again, once again hiting the mat.. as he held Cals arm up for the last time he looked at Sasha who gave a nod and he let Cals hand and arm go.

Cals arm hitting the mat for the third time was taken as a knock out...

Slowly as if enjoy the beaten man under her she got up slowly. Her pussy pulling his hips up by his cock in till she let her pussy let go of his now limp and pic of trash cock.

Standing over him she moved so her pussy was over his face and reached down to open her pussy lips so Cals cum dripped down onto his own face. "Wimp your cum isnt worth kepting." Leting it drip down on cals face she brought up her right arm up flexed it. "Boys of L.A.W. the Amazon Queen is here. Know your place and bow down." She moved her foot and slammed it down on Cals chest before throwing her arms back, leaning back and giving an Amazon War cry. Before she moved her foot off Cal and headed out of the ring going in back to change.

Jeremy stood there as a camera moved in on him."Winner of the match Sasha the Amazon Queen. To everyone who watched this match I hope you enjoyed it and we look forward to seeing you here again for more amazing matchs. Good night."

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