Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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Re: Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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Alyssa's first missed it's mark as Julia managed to duck in under her swift punch, what came to follow was then the tackle or rather spear right to the taut abs of the British girl, who was taken off of her feet and forced down onto the mat on her back. She gasped out loudly in pain as air escaped out of her mouth. The blonde would shake her head and groan out as Julia started to scramble on top of her, grunting out and even growling a little as she was not to happy with the current predicament.

The blonde was quick to try and throw a punch up from her downed position, trying to smack Julia in her solar plexus while she scrambled on top of her. If she was able to stun Julia with that blow, Alyssa would quickly try and send a devastating punch right up into Julia's left tit and then try to grab at Julia's hips. Trying to roll the two of them over and attempt to get on top of the blue haired girl instead, as she'd try and reverse their positions essentially!

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Re: Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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Julia was happy with the immediate results of her plan. She managed to knock Alyssa down and quickly get on top of her. She hoped now she could focus on bending her opponent backwards and not on dodging punches. She was a lot less proficient at the latter after all. "Gotcha! Now what to do with you." The gymnast teased from her position atop her foe. She tried to scoot forward a few inches so that she was sitting on Alyssa's chest. She then leaned down slightly in an attempt to grab the woman's arms and pin them down.

The gymnast was met with an unpleasant surprise. "Haaah! Oww!" The bluenette yelped as she was hit with the first punch. Already distracted, Julia barely saw the second punch coming. She groaned as she was punched in the chest. At least there the blow was softened though. Soon he realized she had bigger problems to worry about, mainly that she was getting rolled over on to her side. " way!" She yelled. Before she was rolled completely over the gymnast would try to wrap her legs around Alyssa's waist. From there she could try to squeeze as well as stop the woman from making too much progress once she was inevitably rolled onto her back.
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Re: Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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Alyssa was able to turn the fight around by rolling Julia over onto her back and getting on top of her, but before she was able to straddle the blue haired gymnast the blonde was trapped by those strong legs of hers. Feeling her waist being squeezed by strong legs as Julia had managed to stop her attempt to turn things in her favor.

The Brit was not someone who gave up easily though, as she quickly tried to bring her right hand out to grab at Julia by her blue ponytail, getting a firm hold of that hair as she would proceed to try and hammer Julia's side and ribs with her left arm. Trying to make this position work in her favor anyways, as best as she could. " Y-yes way..!"

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Re: Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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Trying to make the best of a bad position, Julia used her strong legs to squeeze her opponent's waist. She was hoping to punish Alyssa for getting close and really crush her for a bit. For a moment she seemed to have some success at keeping Alyssa from pressing her advantage. That wouldn't last for long as it seemed Alyssa was not one to be stopped so easily.

"L...let go of my hair!" The gymnast yelled as she felt her head being yanked forward by her ponytail. She immediately moved her hands to her opponent's arms to try and pry her fingers away. That turned out to be a mistake though. Leaving the rest of her body open the bluenette would gasp as she was hit in the ribs. Each hit elicited a yelp from the woman. Almost immediately Julia released Alyssa from her legs. She would opt to focus on defense, now trying to throw a quick punch towards Alyssa's abs and shove her opponent off and to the side before she was all bruised up.
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Re: Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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Alyssa was able to punch down on the blue haired girl as she had been able to pull on that hair to get the opening she needed. The Brit was not going to let Julia get off Scot-Free, as she would soon be freed from those legs, yet as she was the blue haired girl threw up a swift punch up to Alyssa's chest, then tried to push the blonde away! Alyssa would fight against the shove, grabbing at the showing hand and attempt to push it away so she could try and climb up on top of the blue haired girl.

She'd attempt to seat herself down on Julia's stomach. She'd try and rear her right hand back again and fire it off like a canon aimed straight for Julia's generous rack. Trying to drive her fist into that left tit of the woman and try and take some air and fight out of the more curvaceous woman.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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"Nnnng...this isn't working." Julia mumbled to herself as she was having a hard time pushing Alyssa off of her. She managed to get in a quick jab but the impact seemed minimal. The bluenette was now stuck under her smaller opponent who was comfortably seated on her stomach. The gymnast looked up at her foe, clearly annoyed by the situation. She was still trying to buck her off until she received a swift punch to the chest. "Gaaah!" Julia yelped as the impact sent her breasts bouncing.

For a moment Julia was left a bit stunned. Soon though she would attempt to sit up slightly and wrap her arms around Alyssa's body and pull the woman in close. From there she was hoping it would be a bit harder for her foe to land any punches and it might be easier to roll the pair over. Either way the bluenette knew she had to find a way to just stop getting punched, even if her chest was softening the blow a bit.
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Re: Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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Alyssa hammered her fist right into that generous rack of the slightly larger opponent of hers, she watched that tit bounce and smirked, if she could punish that rack for mocking her like it did, then all the better. The blonde would then feel Julia sit up and wrap those arms around her, pulling the two of them in close, almost into an embrace of some sort.

The British brute would pull her right arm back and try to start and swing around punches towards Julia's side, trying to keep swinging away at the blue haired woman in order to try and bruise the pretty blue haired woman to the point where she'd turn her opponent to mush.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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"Haaah...shoot!" Julia yelped as she was hit in the side again. The gymnast only hoped that there wouldn't be any bruises in the morning. Still though she kept a tight grip on her opponent, refusing to let go now. For the gymnast it was either pull something off, or get pounded into pulp. From how she reacted to each new punch with a yelp or groan, it was fairly obvious that she was very against the latter option.

With all of her might Julia would make an effort to roll over, taking her foe with her since she was holding on to her. If she could get on top of Alyssa she would immediately try to snake her legs around the woman's. Her plan was to cause some pain by spreading Alyssa's legs far apart in a test to see how far the woman could stretch. She wasn't one to throw many punches like the blonde but the bluenette had her own way of doing damage and was eager to show off her moves.
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Re: Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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After that punch to Julia's side where Alyssa drove her fist through the woman, she got to feel Julia spring into action. The blue haired girl taking things up a notch by pushing and rolling the two of them over so that the bustier of the two was on top. Those legs of hers slid down and entwined with the British girl's legs. " Hah?..." Alyssa let out in confusion as then the pain came.

The spreading of her legs as the flexible gymnast was taking the flexibility of Alyssa to the limit. The blonde was quite flexible herself, but it seemed as if she didn't match the gymnasts limber limbs in that regard. " Rkgh..." Alyssa growled out as she glared up at Julia's face, she would try and throw another punch up against Julia's side, her other hand moving up to the blue pony tail of Julia's to yank and pull on it, trying to pain and discomfort the gymnast enough to get her to want to retreat from the MMA fighter.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe VS Julia Hiroshi - Steel Cage Match

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Julia managed to roll the two wrestlers over and end up right on top of her opponent. For the moment she got a much needed break from being repeatedly punched in the side. The gymnast quickly went to work and started spreading her foe's legs as far as they could go. Alyssa might have been able to manage for a bit but it became increasingly clear that she couldn't keep up with the bluenette's flexibility. "You really should do more stretches you know." Julia teased now that she felt she was in a more comfortable position.

Juia's break didn't last nearly as long as she wanted. She soon felt another punch to her side and gasped. "Hnnng! Stop that!" She whined, now starting to get sore from the repeated hits. While Alyssa might have hoped to deter Julia, it only spurred her on and motivated her to stretch her foe out more. As the MMA fighter began to yank on her hair though it became a bit much for Julia to handle. She would unwind her legs and focus on trying to pull away. One hand ended up pushing up against Alyssa's chest while the other one went to deal with trying to get her hair free of Alyssa's grasp.
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