Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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Maria gave a sigh, leaning forward with one arm hooking both legs as Aika had eaten yet another pin. TO be honest, taking on a house made up almost exclusively of jobbers was hard enough. Trying to help them overcome the barrier was just another mountain she had to climb. Sitting back on her legs, now in a kneeling position, the luchadora reached down to pull the heroine up to sit across from her, "You are focusing too much on just punching. It works all well and good in boxing, but when your opponent can kick you or choke you, you fall to pieces."

Aika visibly sagged, already crestfallen from her loss to Alexia and the sudden loss to the Hitwoman from a few weeks ago. Maria gave the heroine a soft smile, patting her on the back to reassure her even as her gaze went to Tracer, who was busy stretching beside the ring. Medical tape was still wrapped snug around her torso, a chilling side effect from the multiple attacks by OCB, Raven, and the Tokyo brawl. The latter put the poor Brit on the shelf for nearly 3 months! Still, she had to give the young woman credit. No one else could have the guts to work through the pain like Lena did.

To be frank, even Maria was surprised when both students cornered her and begged her to train them in the gym. Place was nearly deserted by this point. It had to be, with Raven and her new crew hunting them down at every opportunity.

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Re: Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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Tigressa would watch from the side watching Maria tell her student what she was doing wrong. Tigressa saw as Aika sagged down, she was in a funk that she needed to climb herself out of and if she didn't work hard in changing her fighting style or working on improving it she would find herself being a loser's championship contender some day. Tigressa sighs as she was going over Maria hitting Kiss of the Reaper on Aika. Though she is a wrestler she saw Aika passout from the impact alone. That Mountain is high up and she didn't need her mind keeping down at the bottom.

Tigressa would soon walk in and enters the ring behind Maria and says, "You should listen to the senorita. If you focus on your punches to much, you will be toyed with by submission specialists. Its like a pure boxer joining MMA, once you are ground you become turtle unable to get off of your back. I would suggest working on your take downs and submission escapes. If you don't you will be finding yourself taping out or passing out." Tigressa would then wraps her arms around Maria's waist pulling her in close and saying, "It has been a while La Parca," She then plants a passionate kiss on La Parca's lips in front of her two students. Tigressa has missed her once close love, she hasn't seen her since the incident that should have ended her career.

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Re: Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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The words made the Luchadora's spine shiver, but not in an unpleasant way, as those familiar arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her against TIgressa and putting their lips together! Years apart had done nothing to diminish the flame that burned for her love in Mexico, and Maria wrapped her arms around her lover's neck and kissed back, pulling away enough to utter a reply, " Raquel!? What on earth are you doing here?"

Tracer and Aika exchanged glances suddenly feeling very awkward in the presence of the couple.

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Re: Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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Tigressa smirks but when Maria said her civilian name Tigressa gave Maria a little bop on the head as she looks at her sternly and shakes her head as she says, "It's Tigressa Maria. When we are out in public you gotta call me Tigressa or has it been that long already?" Tigressa smiles at Maria and kisses her forehead as she looks to her two students and waves. Tigressa looks back to Maria and smiles. "I have come to LAW to help with the development of younger talent. I am sure you have heard of the Young Lioness program? Well I am one of the head trainers there." Tigressa said while looking Maria up and down and then nods. Seeing Maria up and running made her happy, she remembers when Maria could barely walk and how worried she was that it was possible she wouldn't be allowed to wrestle anymore.

"Plus I see your students could use a bit of motivation and instruction." She walks over to Aika and soon her smile turned into a stern look as she nods looking her over. "So….How is your ground game? Are you like that of a turtle on its back or do you have some defense?"

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Re: Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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Maria rubbed her skull, inwardly cursing herself for the slip up. She was so used to being referred to by her given name, she had a lapse in judgement. But the knowledge that her old flame was training the young lionesses did come as quite the shock to her!
"I was reached out to teach as well. They are still deciding which students to have me train...."

Aika jumped a little when Tigressa's hard gaze turned on her, iij instantly snapping straight to attention, "I do! I'm...just...more of a striker than a technician...."

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Re: Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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Tigressa would nod to Maria and smirk to her. "Before becoming a trainer there one of my students from my school actually got signed here. She is about to make her debut. Her name is Bahiti, and she is a technical wrestling genius. Honestly I cannot wait to see how well she will do here." Tigressa said with a big smile but kept her focus on Aika continuing to keep her gaze on Aika.

Tigressa nods to her response and then shakes her head. "You can't go into a match thinking just because you have a good punch senorita. You'll leave yourself open to tacticians in the ring. A true submission specialist would learn how you throw punches and force you into their traps." Tigressa let's out a sigh and then turns around and away from Aika. "Go ahead and come at me. I will not even look at you. And I want you to come full force with any strike you want. From just watching you spar I already know how you move. So come on. Try to strike me!"
Last edited by kite2014 on Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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Maria arched an eyebrow, "Oh? You are teaching here too Tigressa? How wonderful!"

To have one of her best rivals/flames here in the same promotion, let alone as a rival trainer in addition to wrestler, was giving the veteran a massive case of deja vu. But she kept herself silent while Tigressa kept on her assessment of Aika. The heroine in training looked to her teacher, but Maria only gestured toward her old friend, "She knows what she is talking about....give it a try..."

Gulping, Aika, dashed forward, looking for a solid swing right for the small of the back!

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Re: Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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Tigressa would nod towards Maria with a smirk, knowing Maria was training some students as well made things much easier for her to come in. When someone takes the risk of leaving their own country to start a new chapter in their life it could be pretty devastating.

Tigressa would smile at Aika who was a bit nervous needed Maria to inform her everything is okay. With her back turned to Aika Tigressa waited for the strike. When Aika threw her fist towards Tigressa, Tigressa would reach up and take ahold of Aika's wrist. Quickly Tigressa would pull Aika through and down using the girl's own force against her to send her to the mat. Tigressa would then quickly lock in an armbar on the trainee and waits for Aika to tap. But as soon as she would Tigressa would release the hold.

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Re: Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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It all happened so fast that only Maria was able to follow it with how fast Tigressa was going. Within moments, Aika's arm was roughly twisted back and forced into a hellacious armbar, with her face slamming into the canvas! It didn't take long for the Luchadora to wrench the arm back and force a quick tap out from the shocked self proclaimed 'hero'!

Maria gave an impressed nod, clapping lightly for her old friend, "I see time has not dulled your edge Tigressa." she complimented, kneeling down to help the young rookie to her feet, patting Aika on the back and sending her to get some ice from Lena.

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Re: Masked Reunion! La Parca meets La Tigressa

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Tigressa lets go of Aika's arm after she had forced her to tap out so quickly. She pats the self proclaimed hero on the head and says, "Thats why you have to be smart about how you handle yourself in the ring. If you work on how you are being obvious your ring work will improve." She smirks as as she looks at Maria.

Tigressea points to Maria and chuckles as she says, "That because I haven't stopped since the last time I met you. But even then I was whooping your behind. Making you look like a rookie." Tigressa then spanks Maria's butt with a smile before going back to the center of the ring. "Go change into your gear Maria. I want to show your students just how intense things were between the two of us in the past."

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