Face me, if you dare.

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Face me, if you dare.

Unread post by Jman2113 »

We see a gothic sort of room. There's a throne, and upon it is Dusk. She's wearing a fishnet unitard, and surrounding her throne are several busty nearly nude women.

"Welcome to the Countess' lair. As you can see, I find ways to keep myself entertained...but I find myself missing the thrill of the fight. It seems this league fears me, as no one has stepped forth to wrestle me. I'd tell you I don't bite, but...well, who are we kidding? Anyone who steps into the ring is my prey." She said, one of the women cuddling against her. The blonde snaked a hand into her bottoms, the woman moaning. "You can bash me for the OnlyFans, but all I'm hearing is talk from you lowly prudes. Wouldn't you want to beat me and show me my place in the league?" The woman says, pleasuring her servant greatly, until she orgasms.

Dusk removes her hand from her bottoms, tasting her fingers. "We can fight in the ring, session wrestle, or you can agree to a filmed unscripted apartment fight with me. The winner gets the rights to all the proceeds. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's almost time for our orgy..."

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