Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Scheduled for One Fall, To Be Won by Submission Only!


The masked wrestler known as Kamen Moon took deep, measured breaths as she readied herself to step onstage. The young woman had never made her way into a wrestling ring in front of a loud, live crowd before, so there was a lot riding on her performance tonight. Tonight, she would step out there and try to prove herself the heroine that she desperately wanted the fans to believe she was- The one she wanted to believe she was.

When her music hit the loudspeakers, Kamen Moon exploded onto the ramp. Standing stock straight, chest held proudly forward, neck and head straight upright, Kamen Moon greeted the fans with one hand behind her back and another clutching a shining sabre. She pulled the blade up toward her face, holding it in a salute before slashing the air down at an angle. The crowd accepted the pretty young woman's salute with a cheer, as she took long and confident looking strides toward the ring.

Kamen Moon smiled as she looked around the crowded arena. "This is it," she muttered to herself, "the big debut. World, meet Kamen Moon!" Reaching the ring, Moon placed the (dulled, of course) sabre down on the ring steps, walked up to the apron, and wiped her boots before stepping into the ring.

Taking her place at the center of the ring, Kamen Moon stood once again before tucking one foot behind herself. Ducking low, the young wrestler took a very low bow, extending her arms gracefully as she balanced on one foot. She smiled warmly, happy with how she was presenting herself to the world for the very first time. Poised, dignified, and warm. All of the things she wanted "Kamen Moon" to be. But, what was a heroine without a villain to fight?

Standing back upright, Kamen Moon looked up the ramp for her opponent. She couldn't help but shiver, just once, in anticipation. Surely, the managers of LAW were going to throw no meager challenge at the brand new lightweight. She could only guess at what kind of threat awaited her, on the other end of that entrance ramp!
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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Sitting in the locker room, Clara couldn't help but get extremely excited about the potential match. Any match where her character took centre stage was (in her mind) going to be awesome. In addition, today's match was a Submissions only affair. Although she didn't like to brag, but the Shadow Lord put her pride into her mat wrestling skills. And hopefully, today, they will help her out big time in trying to make her today's opponent, the heroine Kamen Moon, submit.

5 minutes later, shortly after Kamen Moon made her entrance into the arena, a dark fog descended onto the entrance ramp, the lighting dimmed, and a small Shadow-y figure appeared in the mist. And a second later, her smiley faced mask appeared, confirming to the audience beyond a shadow of the doubt that THE Shadow Lord was making her way into the ring. She would go down, at first, quietly looking at the people in the arena, before stopping, letting out a loud, mad scientist like, laughter, before continuing on her way to the ringside, holding a microphone in her hand.

There, the Ominous One would stop a short distance close to the ring, catching the attention of Moon's sabre. She glanced at the Hero of Moon, before turning towards her weapon, taking it, and throwing it away, up on the entrance ramp, to ensure that the heroine wouldn't resort to her seemingly powerful swordsmanship skills, even if it was unlikely for a valiant hero like her to resort to attacking an unarmed foe with a sword (though making sure to throw it up the entrance ramp, and not into the crowd, so that the weapon wasn't completely lost, and carried away by the ring crew to the outside (and Clara herself hoping that her opponent wouldn't get too mad about the physical taunt before the match))

Once she rolled inside the ring the Shadow Lord would press the microphone to her mask where her mouth would be, and spoke:

"Well, well, well. Now we have a Hero of Moon in this dimension! No, matter. Even with your sabre, it would be easier than an Earthly (or in fact, a Moonly!) pie to make you submit, Hero of Moon! And after I do so, you'll have no choice but to admit your inferiority and weakness before the mighty Shadow Lord GASTER! MWAHAHAHAHA!"

Upon finishing her promo, she would stay still, looking at Kamen Moon, waiting for the girl's response before heeding ref's call to go to her respective corner.
Last edited by Vc0m on Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:40 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Kamen Moon was bouncing on her heels, trying to keep her body limber and ready for her opponent's approach. When the lights went out, Kamen Moon's eyes went wide. The shock was visible on Kamen's face, as she watched the fantastic stage display usher in her opponent for the evening.

"Coooool," Kamen Moon muttered, before shaking her head. "No! Evil can never be 'cool,' a heroine can't compromise on this!" Still, it was a hell of an entrance. And Kamen Moon couldn't stop herself from flinching from the sheer force of GASTER's wicked laugh!

"H-hey!" Moon cried out, as she watched Gaster kick her sword off to the side. Moon bit her lip, "There's no need to be so disrespectful!" Kamen Moon took in the full sight of GASTER, the young woman's costume giving her quite the impression. Kamen chewed her lip, hoping she was ready for this.

Kamen Moon backed off, and listened to her opponent's ranting. GASTER had a lot of presence, and it was too easy for Moon to let herself get intmidated. Moon shook her head, letting a couple strands of hair fall over her masked eyes. She motioned for a microphone of her own, from the ringside crew.

"A true heroine never gives up, you beast! A fact that you're going to have to learn the hard way! You come out here, with your fog and your laughter, trying to scare these poor people and strike fear into your opponents, but I'm not letting it work on me! Tonight, when I make you tap out, you're going to learn the price of your wicked ways!"

Kamen handed the mic back, and fixed Gaster with a glare. It was spooky, not knowing if her words had any effect on the Shadow Lord, but she couldn't let an insult like GASTER's go unanswered. Nodding back to the referee, Kamen Moon respectfully backed off to her corner. There, she grabbed the top ropes, ducked down, and tried to stretch her toned legs for the upcoming contest!
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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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GASTER kept close look on Kamen Moon as she said her piece. Clara had to admit, Moon looked like honest-to-goodness, real life heroine. She couldn't help but admire that in her opponent tonight. Whether she would truly leave up to her status as the heroine and defeat the evil Shadow Lord tonight was still to be seen, but the Shadow Lord knew that she was going to enjoy tonight's affair.

And Moon herself seemed to be impressed with GASTER as well, visibly flinching and seemingly intimidated of her foe for just a moment, before shaking her fear off, and boldly proclaiming that she will defeat the Shadow Lord tonight!

"Ha...MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Do you actually believe you could make ME surrender?! By the time this is over, you will weep at the thought of the thought that you could do such thing, Hero of Moon! And once I win, I will continue striking fear in the heart of all men, women, children and things alike until this world, nay, this entire dimension, is MINE!"

Finishing her piece, GASTER would leave the microphone at the edge of the ring to be collected by the ring crew, before going to her corner, removing her hoodie to reveal her yellow sports bra, and doing a few stretches for 5 seconds. As ref would check with her whether she was ready, GASTER would affirmatively nod in response. Once Moon did the same, the ref called for the bell!


With the ring of the bell, the Shadow Lord and the Hero of Moon circled the centre of the ring, before the Shadow Lord came up forward, outstretching her hands, challenging Kamen Moon to a test of strength!

"Let's see if you are strong enough to fight me in the first place, Hero of Moon!"

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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Kamen Moon was feeling good about herself, as she sank back into her corner. She gripped the top ropes and pressed her back into the corner post. GASTER had come out swinging (so to speak), and certainly sounded like she could back up her grandiose entrance. But Kamen Moon didn't back down, she didn't relent. She felt the weight of the mask on her face and smiled. Tonight, she told herself, the fans in this arena were going to see the debut of a real heroine!

Kamen still couldn't help but wince again, though, as GASTER got in her parting shots. The heroine's shoulders bunched up around her neck. "I would never!" she told herself, when GASTER taunted her with the idea of her own submission.

Kamen Moon had one last recourse. She'd given up the mic, and it was too late for words. She wasn't sure she could outdo the boisterous GASTER on the mic, anyway. Instead, while the masked woman stripped down to her ring gear, Kamen Moon decided to show pride the best way she could: dramatic posing!

Stepping onto the middle rope, Kamen Moon tucked her left fist against her hip. Then, with her back arched forward and her head held high, the young heroine raised a hand up into the sky, making a "V" with her fingers. Then, she placed that "V" over her eye, and gave the fans a confident wink. The young woman squared her shoulders, trying hard to squash any feelings of fear and go into the match whole-heartedly!

Hopping down, Kamen Moon nodded to the ref that she was, indeed, ready. Kamen Moon looked to GASTER after the opening bell, and saw the test of strength she offered. Kamen Moon was all too eager to answer the call, stepping in and reaching out her hands to lock fingers with the Shadow Lord. Kamen Moon would interlace fingers, clench down hard, and then start pushing back against GASTER with all her might!
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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Once ref asked Moon whether she was ready, she would, at first, get a silent "not yet", as Moon saw it as her mission to not be outdone by the Shadow Lord, even in terms of the theatrics. But, rather than taking to the mic again, and attempting to defeat the Lord of Shadows in a battle of words, she would instead turn towards the audience. Showing off her confidence, Moon would throw a confident V sign, to showcase that she would definitely defeat the Shadow Lord in the ring. The dramatic (and, by GASTER's standards, admittedly cool) pose from the heroine would garner a massive cheer from the crowd, before she climbed down, ready to start the match, with GASTER now even more excited to fight the Heroine in the Battle between Good and Evil!!!

With the match starting, Moon had accepted GASTER's test of strength challenge, their palms meeting, their fingers locking their arms in place, as they started pushing against each other, trying to assert early dominance in this match!

But their strength was quite equal. For the first 10 seconds, both the heroine and the villain gave it their all in the contest of strength, but neither could overpower one another...

...until GASTER decided to push forward with her frame!

Their arms going to their sides as the contest between them continued, the Shadow Lord's torso would meet her opponent's (blush creeping in to her cheeks as she could feel Moon's chest against her's), as she tried to take her opponent by surprise, and finally push back against her opponent!

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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Kamen Moon was feeling good about herself as she locked up with the Shadow Lord. She pushed forward, tentatively at first, trying to guage where the fearsomely-masked young woman would try to meet her on strength. GASTER was holding her own quite well, much to Kamen Moon's frustration, her hopes for a quick advantage dashed against the rocks.

Still, for every second that passed in reality, Kamen Moon felt like long, dramatic moments were being drawn out for the eager fans. She could hear a few already cheering her on. It seemed as though Moon's attempts at impressing the fans with her dashing heroics were working!

Still, she was frustrated- GASTER wasn't giving up easily! Kamen Moon blushed a bright red as her ample chest was smooshed against Gaster's perky frame, soft skin grinding against the Shadow Lord's body!

"H-hey!" Kamen Moon said, her determined expression slipping for just a moment. The worst moment possible it seemed, as GASTER surged forward! The distraction was critical, Kamen Moon's body buckling under the Shadow Lord and pushing her back!

Moon's toned bottom quivered, as her thighs began to falter. "N-nnooo~!" Kamen Moon moaned, as GASTER pushed down on her. Her arms began to tremble, but the heroine wouldn't allow her boots to back away from the travel. Instead, her body trembled and quivered against GASTER, until Kamen Moon buckled and fell to her knees! "N-no! You won't win!" Kamen Moon tightened her grip on GASTER's fingers, squeezing for all she was worth, putting all of her strength into keeping her body upright. Kamen Moon took a few deep breaths, her chest swelling, as she tried to push back and keep herself from falling to the mat!
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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Despite the crowd firmly being on Kamen Moon's side, GASTER pushed on, attempting to overpower the heroine with her Shadow-y evil powers, pressing against her frame to try and push her opponent into the ropes, refusing to give up to her opponent's powers of good...

And her sudden rush to push Moon down with her body was seemingly working, as the slightly taller Shadow Lord managed to push her opponent back a step!

"Grrrrrrrhhh...ha...ha! Your powers...of bright Moon...are nothing against the power", with her opponent being driven back, and her back being arched closer and closer to the mat, GASTER would confidently taunt the girl, knowing that even if she didn't get her to the ropes, at the very least, she would have the pleasure of the first pin attempt of the match!

That is, until Moon dug her heels deeper into the mat, and pushed back against the Shadow Lord! Firstly, she got up to a normal stand. Next, she made GASTER take a step back with her strength, bringing the contest to the earlier stalemate....

...and then, despite exerting all her strength on Moon's smaller frame, the heroine would force her to take another step back, showcasing that she was indeed on par, if not stronger than her opponent!

"N-nooo...won't...let you...", she said back to Moon, but sadly, couldn't follow up on her words as Kamen Moon, with the complete support of the crowd was managing to push back against GASTER, as her opponent was forced to take one more step back to her strength!

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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Kamen Moon's face scrunched up in frustration as she struggled back against her opponent. Her thick legs trembled with the effort, but as she struggled, she started to gain ground. Kamen's arms were shaking, but her lower body let her keep moving forward. Her lower body, and sheer force of will!

"Ha!" GASTER's taunts had burned in Kamen Moon's ears while she was getting put down to her back, but now those same words were giving her encouragement. "Y-you're ... not prepared ... for the power ... of moon!" Kamen flexed her arms, clenching her fingers tighter around GASTER's, and kept pushing with all her might.

The cheers of the fans were behind Kamen Moon now, as she started to push back against GASTER. The Shadow Lord seemed to be faltering, and every cheer was driving Kamen Moon forward in the contest.

"W-won't let me ... what?" Kamen Moon taunted, as she tried to drive the Shadow Lord back toward the ropes. Her confidence was soaring now, chest swelling with pride as she got the upper hand on the Shadow Lord GASTER. Kamen Moon pushed forward, her toned legs surging with every wide step as she tried to force the lock up back toward the ropes.

Kamen would push back as hard as she could, trying to force GASTER's body into the ropes. She grunted and groaned with the effort, but hoped that the added momentum of her effort and the fans' support would help her trap the Shadow Lord against the ropes. It was a display of power, hopefully enough to impress the Shadow Lord and the fans alike, and Kamen Moon put everything she had into making it happen!
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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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The audience cheers grew more and more, as the debutting heroine was managing to push the Shadow Lord further and further back. The Ominous GASTER was shocked, she wasn't able to overpower her just a moment ago...up until the crowd came to her aid. It seemed like the light of moon wasn't Kamen Moon's only source of power.

This information, sadly, wasn't of any use to the Shadow Lord right now, as she took another step back under Kamen Moon's heroic strength, with her turning GASTER's taunts against the villain!

A second and a step later, and just a single large step was separating the Shadow Lord's back and the ropes from connecting, which would allow Moon to seize the advantage there as a result. GASTER had to admit to have lost in the contest she herself proposed...

...but that didn't mean she was prepared to simply give up to Moon. Rather than pushing forward, the Shadow Lord would pull her Shadow-y frame away from her opponent's before attempting to nail her right foot at the two girls' interlocking arms to separate them, both of her arms focusing on Kamen's left arm, trapping it in a wristlock, before quickly attempting to get it behind her back for a hammerlock!

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