Scheduled for One Fall, To Be Won by Submission Only!


The masked wrestler known as Kamen Moon took deep, measured breaths as she readied herself to step onstage. The young woman had never made her way into a wrestling ring in front of a loud, live crowd before, so there was a lot riding on her performance tonight. Tonight, she would step out there and try to prove herself the heroine that she desperately wanted the fans to believe she was- The one she wanted to believe she was.
When her music hit the loudspeakers, Kamen Moon exploded onto the ramp. Standing stock straight, chest held proudly forward, neck and head straight upright, Kamen Moon greeted the fans with one hand behind her back and another clutching a shining sabre. She pulled the blade up toward her face, holding it in a salute before slashing the air down at an angle. The crowd accepted the pretty young woman's salute with a cheer, as she took long and confident looking strides toward the ring.
Kamen Moon smiled as she looked around the crowded arena. "This is it," she muttered to herself, "the big debut. World, meet Kamen Moon!" Reaching the ring, Moon placed the (dulled, of course) sabre down on the ring steps, walked up to the apron, and wiped her boots before stepping into the ring.
Taking her place at the center of the ring, Kamen Moon stood once again before tucking one foot behind herself. Ducking low, the young wrestler took a very low bow, extending her arms gracefully as she balanced on one foot. She smiled warmly, happy with how she was presenting herself to the world for the very first time. Poised, dignified, and warm. All of the things she wanted "Kamen Moon" to be. But, what was a heroine without a villain to fight?
Standing back upright, Kamen Moon looked up the ramp for her opponent. She couldn't help but shiver, just once, in anticipation. Surely, the managers of LAW were going to throw no meager challenge at the brand new lightweight. She could only guess at what kind of threat awaited her, on the other end of that entrance ramp!