
With a quick last twirl in the mirror, Swan would hustle out of the locker room and make her way through the backstage area of the LAW arena quick as she could, heading to the entrance ramp to make it just in time for when her music started to play! And as it did so, Swan waited one more tiny second just to build anticipation, loving to tease the crowd, before bursting through the curtain with quite the flourish, the crowd letting out a cheer as the fan favorite luchadora made her entrance!
"Hellooooooo LAW! Who's ready for a show tonight?" Swan cried out to the fans as she strutted down the ramp, cocking her head to the side as if to listen better to the cheers she got in response, a sly smile on her face! The luchadora would nod in approval from the reaction she got, quickly hopping up onto the apron before bending down to slip between the middle and top ropes, giving her rear end a little wiggle in the crowd's direction to really work them up, before slipping the rest of the way inside!
"Let's take a little poll! Who here wants to see me lewd up the new girl the way that only I can?" Swan cried out, to more thunderous cheers, a smirk on her face as she took her position in her corner! Playing to the crowd was fun and all, but now, Swan's attention would turn to the ramp, watching it closely to see who her opponent would be!