The Mean (not really), Green Machine Debuts! Kiwi (Debut) vs Black Swan!

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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The Mean (not really), Green Machine Debuts! Kiwi (Debut) vs Black Swan!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

"Daaaaaaaaaaaamn, I am looking GOOD tonight!" Came a lone voice from the LAW arena's locker room, dripping with pride and just a little bit of vanity, though not without good reason! As anyone who recognized it would realize that the voice belonged to none other than one of LAW's many resident sexy luchadora's, the lewd masked wrestler Black Swan, who was currently in the middle of checking herself out in the mirror, admiring her recently updated wrestling gear!
Still, she didn't have that much time to fall in love with her reflection, as she had much more important things to take care of currently! That being, she had a match with a debut wrestler scheduled to begin any second now!

With a quick last twirl in the mirror, Swan would hustle out of the locker room and make her way through the backstage area of the LAW arena quick as she could, heading to the entrance ramp to make it just in time for when her music started to play! And as it did so, Swan waited one more tiny second just to build anticipation, loving to tease the crowd, before bursting through the curtain with quite the flourish, the crowd letting out a cheer as the fan favorite luchadora made her entrance!

"Hellooooooo LAW! Who's ready for a show tonight?" Swan cried out to the fans as she strutted down the ramp, cocking her head to the side as if to listen better to the cheers she got in response, a sly smile on her face! The luchadora would nod in approval from the reaction she got, quickly hopping up onto the apron before bending down to slip between the middle and top ropes, giving her rear end a little wiggle in the crowd's direction to really work them up, before slipping the rest of the way inside!

"Let's take a little poll! Who here wants to see me lewd up the new girl the way that only I can?" Swan cried out, to more thunderous cheers, a smirk on her face as she took her position in her corner! Playing to the crowd was fun and all, but now, Swan's attention would turn to the ramp, watching it closely to see who her opponent would be!

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Re: The Mean (not really), Green Machine Debuts! Kiwi (Debut) vs Black Swan!

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Similarly to her opponent only moments ago, the debuting fighter Kiwi was giving herself one last once over in the mirror before she made her entrance out onto the ramp! Her costume was FAR more complicated than most others in it's design, so she had to make sure that everything was perfect before she allowed the audience to see her for the very first time!
"Come on Kiwi! You're the monster in the ring! You're not the one who is supposed to be scared!" The tall girl spoke aloud to herself, trying to hype herself up and banish any doubts with plagued her thoughts before she headed out from behind stage for the very first time!

Standing just behind the curtain to the ramp while waiting for her opponents introduction to finish Kiwi just did her best to remain calm and take deep breaths, getting the opportunity to listen to what her would be opponent was saying. "Did she just say lewd? As in... She wants to..?" The masked monster started to question to herself, not getting as much time as she'd like to think things over as her own theme began to blast through the vast arena speakers!

Abruptly leaping out onto the ramp with all of her confidence behind her Kiwi did her best to show that she was unafraid by the challenge ahead by offering the newly met crowd plenty of waves and blow kisses! Upon jumping up onto the ringside she would take a moment to pull down her mask and reveal her teeth, balancing against the ropes and pointing out to the crowd! Eventually pulling her face based attire back up and vaulting into the ring!

"Try not to take this too personally friend! Obviously it's my first match so I've got to make sure that the audience understands that I'm no joke!" The fruit named fighter did declare with a battle ready pose and point at her foe, showing that she wasn't mean but also wasn't about to just roll over!
Last edited by MonsterInGreen on Tue Sep 03, 2019 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Mean (not really), Green Machine Debuts! Kiwi (Debut) vs Black Swan!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Leaning against the corner with a sly smile on her face, Black Swan watched with a fair amount of interest as she waited for her opponent to appear at the top of the ramp, dying to see the newest addition to LAW, and the newest girl she'd be having some fun with! And finally, she would have to wait no longer, as soon after, Kiwi would burst through from the backstage area and out onto the ramp, showing off in a fashion similar to Swan and causing the luchadora to raise both eyebrows, liking what she saw!

The first thing she noticed was just how tall Kiwi was, the green clad girl standing seemingly a whole head above the luchadora, Swan realizing with a slight gulp that she was without a doubt the smaller dog in this fight! But while serious thoughts were on Kiwi's size advantage, Swan's attention quickly turned from that, to the girl's quite busty figure, Swan's eyes drifting over Kiwi's chest and along her hips down to her thighs!

"Hubba hubba..." Swan whispered to herself, a sly grin on her face as she watched Kiwi turn around on the apron and play to the crowd, Swan's eyes dipping low and scanning Kiwi's thick rear end, already thinking lewd thoughts! And as the green clad girl hopped into the ring, Swan would meet her with a smile, watching Kiwi pose as she declared to Swan that she was gunning for the win!

"Heh, sure thing cutie! Just as long as there's no hard feelings in return when I beat ya in your debut!" The luchadora said with a teasing smile and a wink!

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Re: The Mean (not really), Green Machine Debuts! Kiwi (Debut) vs Black Swan!

Unread post by MonsterInGreen »

Having now had a better look at her opponent Kiwi would also find that she was rather impressed with the woman who was being presented to her! Obviously she was shorter than the girl in green, but very rarely did the fruity female find herself up against anybody taller than her, but that shortness didn't take away from Black Swan's overall appeal! In fact, in the eyes of somebody who was as big as Kiwi, it only added to it!

Unfortunately for all parties involved in this fight Kiwi didn't really have the time to drop everything and gush over her opponent too much! As attractive as the shorter fighter might have been this was still a debut match for the vertically superior competitor, this was the first impression the audience would get of her skills and she had to make the most of it!

"Well, I certainly won't hold it against you, but no promises that I won't come after you and get revenge!" Kiwi sang happily with that same warm smile, only half joking about what she had said, though she didn't mean the comment as a threat. Soon enough the referee would call for the bell to ring, giving the two competitors the all clear to clash! The audience struck with anticipation as they waited on baited breath for the sparks to start flying!

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Re: The Mean (not really), Green Machine Debuts! Kiwi (Debut) vs Black Swan!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

With a quick exchange of playful words, Kiwi and Black Swan would set the tone for the upcoming match as they threw a few playful insults back and forth at one another, both of them clearly excited to get things underway in this match! And soon enough, the bell would ring, signaling to both women that they were good to begin their match, Kiwi's debut match against the peppy luchadora now officially underway!

"Alright, try not to hurt me too bad, cutie pie..." Swan called out with a giggle, stepping towards Kiwi and raising her hands up as if looking for a lockup, a smile on her face as she did so!

"But before then... let's see how fast you are!" Swan said with a grin, suddenly taking off into a quick run, aiming to close the distance between Kiwi and herself as quickly as possible, before leaping up and spinning around in the middle of the air! Her plan was simple, and it was to launch herself at Kiwi aiming to leap up and throw her rear end at the girl to see if she could surprise the larger woman, hoping that she'd get the first shot of the match in should it connect!

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Re: The Mean (not really), Green Machine Debuts! Kiwi (Debut) vs Black Swan!

Unread post by MonsterInGreen »

Truth be told Kiwi was rather relived that she had gotten to face somebody like Black Swan for her first ever match in L.A.W! There were quite a few other wrestlers which would have never dreamed about being as polite nor as upbeat! So the taller fruity fighter was relived that she wouldn't be going up against somebody which had much more malicious intent in mind!

"Don't worry! A quick one two three and it'll be over before you know it!" Kiwi replied with an equally upbeat chuckle, preparing to accept her opponents offered lockup, of the belief that she could easily overpower this smaller fighter!

Little did she know that Black Swan actually had other plans, Kiwi reeling back somewhat as her opponent switched up her intentions on the fly! "Hey wait!" The taller woman yelped in confusion, not nearly as fast as the other woman and soon receiving a butt to the face for her failings! The force of the impact being plenty to send her stumbling backwards a short distance, using the ropes as a way to stop herself from toppling!

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Re: The Mean (not really), Green Machine Debuts! Kiwi (Debut) vs Black Swan!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

With teasing words exchanged, Black Swan and Kiwi would both now finally get down to business as the match began, kicking things off with Swan rushing forwards and leaping up to turn and slam Kiwi with a hip attack right to the face! And Swan seemed to catch her foe off guard as well, the luchadora managing to spin midair and slam her plump ass right into Kiwi's face, sending the taller girl stumbling backwards after she was hit with the strike, Swan landing in front of her!

"Heh, you like that?" Swan teased with a smile, spanking herself a few times in Kiwi's direction, causing her rear end to jiggle as she looked over her shoulder with a smile on her face!

Still, the luchadora wasn't going to just taunt her foe, and despite stopping for a moment, she didn't want Kiwi to get too comfortable, so soon after, Swan would turn and step over to her before reaching to grab her wrist! From there, Swan would attempt to yank the larger girl out of the corner quite quickly, whipping her foe towards the opposite corner to try and send her crashing into the turnbuckle!

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