Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

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Re: Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Kafka took complete control of the match as she manhandled Lucy to the muddy floor, trapping her arms with her hand, and shoving her body into Lucy’s. The smaller woman would try to resist her foe’s advances, trying to push her hand away and get away from underneath her, but all was fruitless as she blushed, staring at Kafka’s face with lust filled eyes.

Kafka herself would continue her dominance of the pinkette, grabbing at her boob as, with a harsh motion, she pulled her top down, exposing her breasts!

”Mggggh! Damnit! Not this soon!”, Lucy complained as her blush deepened in color. She wasn’t too conscious about her breasts being exposed, but more so losing the control of the match this early on…

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Re: Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

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This was all going well for the purplenette so far, a little too well, in fact. Kafka continued her dominany display of the cocky streamer, getting her top off and revealing her perky breasts. Not only that, but it seemed that her charm was paying dividends too, seeing the blush and her opponents eyes be filled with arousal, which lead her to initially believe that Lucy was weak willed.

"Come on kiddo, at least put up a fight. I like my opponents to bite as well as bark" Kafka remarked, half to taunt and get into Lucy's mind, but also as a word of encouragement. As much as she liked being dominant, she also liked it when she had to fight for the dominance, something that Lucy was failing to do, at least, for now.

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Re: Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

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Lucy was taken too aback by Kafka's advances, unable to properly fight back as she grounded her, and took her top off. Maybe it was due to losing the upper hand discouraging her early on, maybe because of her foe's actions, but Lucy was failing to fight back to a point where Kafka was calling her out on it!

"Grrrrgh...I'll show you...", Lucy would practically growl each word, finally exerting her strength, as she tried to overpower Kafka holding both her hands to the muddy floor, attempting to topple the beautiful woman and mount her in order to switch positions between them!

" wanted to expose my boobs, and for that, you deserve a prize!"

The prize in question being Lucy's boobs coming down right on top of Kafka's face, trying to smother the purplenette to weaken her!

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Re: Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

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Kafka was known in LAW for being a tormentor and a mental fighter, as much as a physical one, if not more so. The purplenette glared at Lucy as Kafka took control, chuckling as her opponents boobs were now exposed to her. "A suitably pathetic pair for a pathetic person like you." She mocked, before Lucy fought back. Feeling her opponent slam her hands to the muddy floor below, their bodies shook and quivered, as they struggled for dominance. Soon enough, Lucy managed to slip free, making Kafka slide through the mud, unable to get any friction on their slick bodies.

"Much better! Maybe now I actually have to try and beat y..mmpphh!!" She said before getting interrupted by a faceful of Lucy's chest,. making the pruplenette mumble into her opponent's chest. She clenched her right fist and tried to slam it into her opponent's face, trying to release herself from her milky prison!

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Re: Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

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”What does that make you then, you jerk?! This pathetic pair will leave gasping for breath! There is no way you are winning tonight, you purple ass—MGGGGH!!!”

The smother, as well as Lucy’s rant, would be broken by Kafka’s fist socking the pinkette in the face! Lucy would get back up, rubbing the sore spot on her face as Kafka likely tried to get back to her feet.

Lucy would get to the taller woman, grabbing her by her hair as she forced her back up to her feet!

”You won’t get to beat me!”, Lucy would tell her rival, serious look in her eyes, as she wrapped her arm around her head, and grabbed her bikini bottom, lifting her up into the air…and driving her back first into the mud with a suplex!
Last edited by Vc0m on Thu Oct 24, 2024 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

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This match had been cranked up a few gears quickly, with both Lucy and Kafka kicking things up a notch, now starting to take each other seriously. Though Kafka managed to worm herself free of Lucy's chest, she was far from out of the muddy woods yet, as the pinkette had more plans yet!

As Kafka arose to her foe once more, this time with a more annoyed look on her face, Lucy grabbed a hold of Kafka's bikini bottom and clutch her head, before slamming her into the floor, sending mud flying everywhere. Kafka was getting rather pissed now, so she was going to play dirty. With her back wracked with pain, she instictively kicked her right leg up, hoping to hit Lucy either in the stomach with her knee, or her vitals with her thigh. If this worked, she would then use this brief moment to flip the two women over, and give Lucy a barrage of punches to her boobs as a reward.

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Re: Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

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Despite being lost in her libido just a few short moments ago, Lucy was wide awake and ready to fight now! Kafka made a mistake taunting the pinkette, as she fired up with renewed vigor to defeat the purplenette, lifting her up into the air and into the mud below!

"Talk trash to me again, I dare you! Get the hell u-MGHHHH!!!"

As Lucy tried to talk trash to Kafka, the taller woman would use her shapely legs to kick Lucy away, forcing the pinkette backwards as she held her hurting stomach, stepping away from Kafka as she unwillingly gave her rival space...

Which she would use to her full advantage. Rising up, she would drive her fists straight into Lucy's boobs!

"GHHKH! MGHH!!!" Lucy would let out, trying to cover her chest from punishment...before trying to launch her arm in between punches, aiming her nails at Kafka's chest to drag them down across her boobs, aiming to drive her away with pain, and rip her top off of her!

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Re: Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

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It was clear now that, if either women had any sense of dignity left, it was long gone, as they only got more aggressive with each moment that passed! With Kafka focusing all her efforts into brutalising Lucy's chest, she neglected her own defenses, which came back to bite her as Lucy lurched forwards, grabbing her boobs and digging her nails in, which made the purplenette squeal suddenly.

"GYAAAH, YOU BITCH!!" She said reactively as her top was effortlessly removed, before tearing her opponent away, with both women now in just their bikini bottons, their battered breasts caked in mud. She panted and rubbed her bare chest briefly, before lunging forwards herself, with the hope of tackling Lucy to the mud, before using her own nails on her boobs in retaliation!

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Re: Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Things swiftly turned from passionate for the two women in the chamber to catty. There was something about Starship’s match types that encouraged both violence and pleasure. This was true for Outmatched in Oil and no different for this Mud Chamber.

Both women were incredibly hot and bothered, but at the same time, with red streaks and spots all across their breasts, standing dirty with mud, and still ready to tear one another apart!

”Hah…what was that about pathetic boobs you—AAAAGH!”

Kafka would jump the gun first, tackling Lucy to the ground with outstretched hands, trying to dig her nails into the pinkette’s breasts!

“Mgggh! Aaaagh! You suck!” Lucy would cry foul, trying to wrestle Kafka’s hands away from her chest to little success!
Last edited by Vc0m on Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lucy Lincoln vs Kafka - Mud Chamber POW match!

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Things were on a knife edge already in this match, as both muddied and topless women were ready to go at it once more, with the same target seemingly in mind, with their battered breasts on full display. Kafka knew that she couldn't let this pink haired bitch go for her chest, as she felt like she had previous with being catty on another woman's boobs. Thus she started to attack Lucy's chest first.

"With her deceptively sharp nails digging into Lucy's tit flesh, she scowled at Lucy with a harsh glare. "Yeah, your boobs are pathetic and weak! You can't even take this!" She mocked, making sure Lucy felt maximum pain, though her own chest was exposed, leaving Lucy the chance to give Kafka a taste of her own medicine if she so wished!

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